Regarding this question: There are a number of techniques available for ridding yourself of bad mental habits or behaviors. NLP and EFT come to mind. But while NLP is based (loosely) on a metaphor of mental conditioning (which has a strong scientific basis), EFT is based on ideas which are no more effective than a sugar pill. It might be different if EFT advertised itself as a mental discipline. But EFT claims an actual physical element to its processes (the tapping of meridian points on the body), an effect that apparently cannot be duplicated in a laboratory setting. My question is, does this matter? Can you exchange a faulty belief with another faulty belief, and be better off? I have a philosophical problem with techniques that claim some physical mechanism that isn't actually there. EFT apparently doesn't work because of meridian points and energy flow,. Instead, the effect is simply a consequence of changing the person's belief. Don't get me wrong; it's a real effect. The problem I have with it is that it's mental trickery. Wouldn't it be better (albeit less profitable) to just show people how to master their own mental processes, instead of resorting to pulling rabbits out of hats? |
From a metaphysical perspective, every process for change that exists is only the excuse you give yourself to allow that change within yourself. Every process is just a permission slip, as Bashar so eloquently puts it. So whether your permission slip for change is based upon some "scientific basis" or whether it is based upon the holy teachings of Alien Commander Zuflu Margathon from the Planet Sheeshflux, it really doesn't matter ultimately. We're all deluding ourselves to some extent with every process (and, indeed, every belief) so to judge some delusions as more worthy than others is rather a moot point :) If a process makes someone feel better, it's a valid process for them and that's all that really matters in my view. Alien Commander Zuflu Margathon...Isn't that Bashar's brother? :)
(04 May '10, 20:14)
Actually, all of us on Sheeshflux are Bashar's's a long story ;)
(04 May '10, 21:20)
Stingray, are you sure you're not related to Dr Seuss?
(05 May '10, 00:52)
@Michaela, I guess there could be a connection... The Cat In The Hat-Shaped Alien Space Cruiser is one of my favorite books :)
(05 May '10, 06:04)
Sorry, Stingray I'm lost. Are you saying you are an Alien?
(06 May '10, 12:26)
@MUHD - No, don't worry...I'm not planning to take over Planet Earth just yet :) It's just my odd (some would say twisted ) sense of humor at work
(06 May '10, 17:14)
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