I have only just discovered the word, let alone the concept, so my question may be a bit dim, if so I apologise. An Internet search is turning up an awful lot of sites wanting to sell me things, and even the definition of the word seems to be open to interpretation. Why? Also, it seems that Merkaba is often linked to angels, but why? There is a terrific thread here about this subject, but it doesn't answer my question. Is there a connection or experience I can summon? I would love to know. I found the question in searching out information about angels. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Thank you so much. I want to talk to angels.
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The Merkaba is the term Drunvalo Melchizedek uses to describe a 20-foot disk-shaped personal energy field that can be created by following the meditation instructions found in his book, Flower of Life Volume II. According to Drunvalo, these instructions were revealed to him by a series of angels- translucent beings who communicated with him verbally and through pure thought, and held classes with him, challenging him to figure out certain aspects of their teachings by himself, many of them involving 3D versions of what are known as platonic solids. This means the Merkaba isn't inherently angelic- it's just your own energy field, trained to charge itself according to a specific and clear set of instructions. It's your energy, shaped by thought, just like any other regularly practiced visualization. It's not some kind of initiation by a force outside of you- it's you, transmuted by knowledge and practice, just like with any other spiritual practice you could be using for your development. However, Drunvalo's descriptions make it very credible, from my viewpoint, that they were directly taught to Drunvalo by highly evolved benevolent nonphysical entities, which he calls angels, just like he says they are. Therefore, the "angelic origin" of the teachings can give you a good idea of the effects the teachings may have on you. And that's exactly how it was for me- practicing the teachings and generating my merkaba made me feel wonderfully light-hearted and strongly present. They also had some rather nasty side effects that, to the defense of the material, are perfectly normal when you rapidly charge your energy field to a previously unknown height of frequency: I got issues. Or, more precisely, my issues came to the surface rapidly causing a curious mixture of otherwordly elation and very egotistical and authoritarian nasty moods. Perhaps this state of consciousness sounds familiar to those who have some experience with most angelic teachings or seminars, or were hanging around esoteric shops a lot for a while. It's really, really wonderful- but also somehow too otherwordly to be all that practical- in my personal experience. I am guessing the angels think that all they need to do to give us a hand is raise our energy, and everything will be fine- presumably because they are very friendly but also a little bit too far off the human experience to read the fine print. In other words, yes, their teachings absolutely raise energy- but they give no tools to deal with the consequences of that energy rise. I have abandoned practicing the Drunvalo teachings in favor of Huna, a traditional earthbound set of teachings, that keeps intact and parallels that basic overall structure of Drunvalo's angelic meditation instruction, but also contains a huge amount of common sense tools in order to deal with everyday life on earth. Also, Drunvalo's stuff is extremely fine tuned- all the way down to specific counts of breaths- and is geared at a rather rubbery goal of "surviving the three nights of darkness within earth's rise into the fifth dimension"- which I fully believe has happened just as prescribed- however I haven't the faintest what it actually means or when it occurred. This was a prophecy for the 2012 events, and there were no visible 3 nights of darkness, and I wasn't wearing my Merkaba, yet here I am. So the whole apocalyptic aspects of the teachings are completely lost on me, and seem to be stretching the boundaries of there relevance to us everyday humans quite a bit. I'd rather know more about how to eat pizza and stay lean, thank you very much, because the dang universe is going to keep evolving no matter what I do, so it's just none of my business, and I've got enough highly enjoyable spiritual life distractions on YouTube as it is. I don't mean to know the teachings at all- I believe they are good, sincere, and of the highest quality- but they may or may not align with your own personal goals, and they certainly do not advocate any kind of individualism in goals- they just tell you to do the meditation in order to ascend and that's that. Here is a small table of Drunvalo's teachings and the equivalent Huna concept. The main difference is that the former is extremely specific (and brittle) in how to do them, and geared at the fixed goal of ascention, while the latter are very simple, leave it to you to fill out the details, and especially leave it to you to mess around with energy until you get an idea what your own purpose in life might be, no hand-holding included. Mer-Ka-Ba teaching: Visualize an upwards tetrahedron while inhaling, a downwards one while exhaling, and let the base of the downwards one pull all your negative energy into the earth center between breaths. Repeat six times for six different hand positions. Equivalent huna teaching: Visualize a large black-colored energy field that hovers over you and forcefully attracts and absorbs all negative energy. Mer-Ka-Ba teaching: Visualize energy coming upwards from the point of the lower tetrahedron and downwards from the point of the upper, meeting at the navel, and merging to a ball of light, which gets larger inhaling and brighter exhaling within 6 breaths, and turns yellow at the second. Equivalent huna teaching: Surround yourself with light. Imagine light from the stars, from earth, from all the plants in the world, from the zero point field, or whatever represents unlimited power to you, surrounding, interpenetrating, flowing through you, raining down on you as droplets, soaking you, shining on you as light, in any color that represents the effect you want to you, for any length of time that is appropriate to the situation at hand, with our without deep breathing. One common way is to have energy from the stars and the center of the earth meet at the navel and expand while inhaling and intensify while exhaling. It's common- but whatever works whill do. Mer-Ka-Ba teaching: Drag the meeting point for the ball of light upwards towards the chest. Equivalent huna teaching: Discouraged- huna recommends to keep the center at the navel and that's that, lest an overreliance on emotion degenerate into sentimentality and diminish effectiveness. In a way, this may be about keeping the energy just low enough as to remain functional in the world, in order to avoid disconnect too much from common human experience and losing the ability to deal with it property. My experience exactly. Mer-Ka-Ba teaching: Breathe out forcefully, and explode the ball of light outwardly. Equivalent huna teaching: Use any supporting physical gesture and impressive looking energy fireworks to increase energy. Mer-Ka-Ba teaching: Spin an emotional and mental set of double tetrahedrons into opposing directions- 1/3 of light speed, to be precise, while doing the forceful breath. Repeat 3 times up to 90% light speed. At the third time, imagine the 21 foot energy disk bursting outwards. Pronto! Mer-Ka-Ba. Equivalent huna teaching: Imagine anything specific, dynamic and impressive to increase energy flow- for example all the energy of the stars beaming down on you, yourself zipping around in a container of light, or simply imagine a large energetic donut that is filled with positive energy, moving in whatever way that energy most would like to and is best for you, purely on inspiration. I hope I was able to show the difference- and I am assuming many other law of attraction teachings like Seth and Abe and Bashar are also more along the lines of Huna than of the angelic ones, because we just don't care so much about the specifics, or in getting all the details right- we just practice them at a simple, dumb level that is easy to do and is plenty good enough for where we are- instead of making a hypercharge attempt at something that we won't be able to follow through with anyway for lack of worldly goals and worldly perfection. I hope I was able to shed some light with this highly personal, opinionated interpretation of my experiences with both angelic and more wordly energetic schools of thought. @cmc - Thank you very much, I appreciate your personal interpretation and the background story you've provided very much. I recognize that experience of "all hell breaking loose" in spiritual progress, and I came to a similar conclusion; I take things more slowly and carefully these days. It does only turn up what's already inside, so it's all needful, but I prefer a more gentle path. Easy to say I guess, now that the worst is over! Looking back, I would not change a thing, all hell and all. :)
(12 Jun '17, 11:29)
@Grace Great that this was helpful to you, I've been meaning to put write this out in some way for years, and this was a wonderful opportunity.
(13 Jun '17, 06:06)
@Grace You also said you want to talk to angels- Drunvalo specifically said that for him it came after "liberating the inner child"- he allowed himself to become a bit of a hermit, and his inner guidance taught him how to live off the land with about 1h of work per day. The rest of his time, he did whatever he wanted to-play the guitar, walk around, meditate, study religions. It was within this happiness that the angels appeared to him.
(13 Jun '17, 06:07)
@Grace You can, however, simply imagine angels and talk to them. That process will also help purify your energy to the point that their communication will become clearer and clearer, and they might also have hints for you on how to create circumstances that allow for more everyday joy, which also leads to more talking to angels.
(13 Jun '17, 06:08)
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Sounds like it has to do with that choice each human being makes each day: ascend or descend? Get in touch with your inner angel, be the light! Apologies if this answer sounds glib, but you see my own name means Angel in Swahili, so I think about how I can live up to the name and make the world a better place. a song for you experience and enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OFZqQgIIT8
(03 Oct '12, 19:39)
white tiger
@white tiger - enjoyed the song. Looks like some of the audience got their kundalini up so high they passed out from sheer joy.
(31 May '13, 08:20)
Dollar Bill
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Angels are light beings and synonymous to humans which are also light beings, they are one and the same thing. When we speak of angels we're speaking of humans of a higher than most vibrational frequency. How do I know all this? Back in feb 2012 I answered the question (as blubird two at the time) "Is it possible to experience or activate a merkaba involuntarily?" and I said something along these lines; merkaba, shri yantra, torus, vortex, aura including human aura are all one and the same thing expressed in a different fashion, there're all bioelectromagnetic fields. It's a state of complete harmony with the energy bodies washed clear. The first time I reached this kind of real enlightenment was in 1997 and it was entirely spontaneous and now that I have experienced it, it's easy for me to imagine my way into that same vibration again. It's really very easy I place the center of my energy just above the crown of my head and hold it there. Whilst on the journey and for some time afterwards I experienced many strange phenomena, in my experience they were projections of energies that were not yet integrated into my individuality. Personally I prefer the vortex representation because it can be easily represented in graphic form and be used for practical exercises
and also looking at it profile as a human's vortex it's easy to see that humans live in the center of their vortex whether conscious of it or not. Moreover it shows also that the center of gravity of humans is the spot of complete emptiness itself coincides with the center of the vortex. So what is this "void" spot? It corresponds to pure awareness the wu chi in chinese, here's a text from this article http://www.ichingwisdom.com/intro.html explaining a bit about it; "From recent advances in biology we know that the basis of evolution is self organization. There is no outside force orchestrating evolution. There is no master plan. We do it ourselves. Conversely, evolution does not happen by random chance, by stupid mutations. God is not playing dice with the Universe, but we do make a good deal of it up as we go along. We do it. It does not happen to us. Self organization develops without predetermination. There is free will. Still, there are constraints. The self organization is structured and shaped by basic laws. As shown in the prior chapters it is shaped by the four dimensions and other numerical building blocks of nature. From this perspective self organization can be understood as the capacity to create information based on the Mandelbrot vector 0 -> : z -> z² + c considered as a continuous creative process. As we have seen the key to this process is spontaneous improvisation in the moment. This means returning to Zero, to pure awareness, and acting from there. This whole field of spontaneous creativity and returning to zero was thoroughly explored for millennia by Chinese thinkers. In Chinese, pure awareness is called Wu Chi. It is the infinite, formless place just before all meaning and form. The place from which all creativity springs. When you are connected with Wu Chi you are in the Tao. When you are in the Tao creativity naturally happens. WU CHI, emptiness, is symbolized by the empty circle, and TAI CHI, plenitude, is symbolized by the ancient Chinese yin/yang fractal:" 1
@jaz you like the zero and say that it is void or empty is that so? if you look at something that use gravity to find the balance or your center is it empty is it void? take a level for example the space in the center is it made of something? the bubble that give you the measure to see if you are on the flat or on a slope. is 0 only 0 or is 0 the center that gives meaning to all for you see many are like this () and need to find their center to become like this (>0<). until they do this they-
(14 Jul '15, 14:55)
white tiger
are divided with them self and other. they make division for them self and other. they cannot accept them self and other. they seek only their own desire to the detriment of them self and other making poor and rich making war and many other thing in this world that are out of balance. be merciful with them the children are still growing.
(14 Jul '15, 14:59)
white tiger
@white tiger the black disk the simplest magic mirror, symbol of the invisible and of the profound life that animates it. Regular magnetization of it is all that's required to get to know it's meaning :)
(15 Jul '15, 01:19)
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angel are messenger of god. merkaba is Jewish mysticism it is a practice to try to get vision of God. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkabah_mysticism they made a doctrine according to their understanding. like many in this world have done are doing and will do. many speak about what they do not know. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. according to each understanding it is limited by thy self so do not be surprise that it will change over time. This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. many are still in darkness but when you go in the desert for 40 days solve your duality(where the mind and the heart is trouble and seeking answer) and get lead by the spirit(the image) When you are in the light, what will you do? On the day that you were one, you made two.(self and the image) And when you are two, what will you do? will the two become one again?(the image in the place of the image or should I say:a likeness in place of a likeness) http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/gthlamb.html So you can go up above? and will you come down again and testify in truth that this statement is true. blessed are the pure of heart they shall see God. you see even Nicodemus was told about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbBmpaDBizA Did this day come to you as a thief in the night? Let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy. Thank you @white tiger. I am sorry I missed your answer for so long!
(12 Jun '17, 11:17)

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@Grace The merkaba is the energy field around a human being which when activated enables the body to ascend into a light body - I think that's right. It is two rotating pyramids, the top one upside down. I have no idea how that relates to angels though. I read The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life volume 1 (Drunvalo Marchiazedek) - talks about sacred geometry. Volume 2 gives a Merkaba activation meditation. Hopefully someone else here will be more of an expert!
@Catherine - At least now you've given me an idea of what I'm asking about! I'm totally ignorant on the subject, thanks for your help. :)
@Grace I know isn't it amazing how you can be on a spiritual quest for years and not really ever come across something and then once you do it is everywhere! The only other thing to say is that I think you do have to be careful about the rotation of these pyramids (assuming the activation meditation involves imagining rotating pyramids) - make sure you check out several sources and get a consensus. I believe it can be not great if you imagine the pyramids going in the wrong direction.
@Grace As I said I'm no expert but I do remember in volume one he talked about rotating the pyramid in the wrong way wasn't a good idea. Some light body meditations don't involve the pyramid idea though - I've no idea why ... I'll check it out and see what I can find out.
@Grace I hadn't forgotten about my promise to answer this question - I think given your interest in angels, Diana Cooper might be someone who could give you more insights. She is UK based I think but writes widely about angels and ascension and merkabas. Check out her books on Amazon. I've read one on 2012 which was highly interesting. She has specialised in all things angelic for some time so I'm sure one of her books would answer your questions.
Thanks, @Catherine. :) I think I have heard the name before, I will check it out. I'm not really sure what I think an angel may be, but I feel like I need to reach for something beyond what I'm seeing in front of me, if that makes any sense. I appreciate you!