Are those moments when everything seems out to perfection, and that everything is where it should, and even the seemingly bad things should happen ... where everything seems to flow with the pulse of the cosmos. Why those moments are so fleeting? Why we can not live in that state constantly? Has anyone had an experience like this? |
Yes, I had one of those "everything-is-exactly-as-it-should-be" moments once, but of course, the experience passed. It's a shame, but we allow our minds to be busied and preoccupied with all of the details of daily life, along with its worries, negative thoughts, prejudices, needs, to-do lists..... I think this crowds out seeing the perfection and living in the moment as often as we could. You are very lucky, not everyone has experienced something like this ..
(03 Jun '10, 12:54)
From "The Bridge Across Forever" by Richard Bach:
well maybe you are in it you just don't see it! |

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