For reference, see the illustration below. I really don't feel excited about any of the 12 "reasons." Perhaps this is because I don't have any experience with "vibrational molding." Should I pick my own entries for the focus blocks that make me feel better? Or would that tie me to an ineffectual, material existence/strategy? Is my problem really one of education and belief, rather than emotional management? Or, to put it another way, how do I know I am not deluding myself? |
Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, you seem to be asking why those statements in that particular example Focus Block, mentioned in the Focus Blocks method, don't make you excited? Well, they wouldn't, because they were not your statements. They were my own statements in an actual previous Focus Block of mine - simply cut and pasted from my own Focus Blocks software. That particular block is just meant as an illustration of how the method works. It's doubtful that they would have any particular interest or excitement for you. While, occasionally, a statement in someone else's Focus Block may genuinely feel good to you as the next statement in your own block, that would probably just be a lucky "coincidence" since we are all in different vibrational places going in different vibrational directions. Abraham have written a book called The Astonishing Power of Emotions which does contain a number of general Focus Block/Focus Wheel statements intended to bring people to better feeling-places on a number of subjects. And while those statements are effective (because Abraham are masters of this method!), they are still not going to be anywhere nearly as powerful as writing your own statements. As for your statement about deluding yourself...well, the whole of physical reality is a delusion...a mirror of your personal (and mostly arbitrary) beliefs about it. Focus Blocks is a systematic method for molding those beliefs into ones that serve you rather than ones than hinder you. So pick whatever delusion you like :) Thanks, Stingray. I'll check out the book.
(30 Jun '10, 14:46)
I agree with Stingray. I just wanted to add that with a focus block, you must first identify the "feeling" that you are not happy with and try to come up with as many positive statements about the stituation that you can accept to be true until eventually you allow yourself to accept what you really want to feel. |
I've recently started using this Focus Blocks technique and it worked wonderfully for me (again, great job, Stingray :). I read the book The Astonishing Power of Emotions a long time ago, and at that time I could not get into it - I really didn't feel anything about those statements, so I ended up giving the book to a friend and never tried these exercises again. What I did, instead, was to write endless pages, discussing situations and beliefs, until I felt I could "safely" change them, without feeling I was lying. This was tremendously laborious work, took me days, weeks, sometimes. When I tried Focus Blocks I was amazed with the faster and better results. As I found it too complicated to use the computer to do Focus Blocks, I tried a simplified version by hand, just like the image above. It worked for me - and I kept doing them, until I felt my beliefs changing and my vibrations raising. I was reluctant to use the techniques when I joined IQ because of that previous experience with Abraham's exercises, when I felt I was just lying to myself. Things changed during one of my Focus Blocks sessions. I realized that the difference between "telling a different story" and "lying" is a matter of "point of view". I mean, I had changed beliefs before, but had never put things this way - "changing beliefs" seemed such hard work! However, when this expression occured to me, "changing points of view", I felt one of those A-ha! moments that we experience once or twice in a life time. That's what I want to talk about: when I tried to change a belief, I felt as if I was "attacking" the belief directly, and the belief would wrestle with me and fight for survival. Now, I quote from my own statements: "Changing a belief is not to deceive myself, it's to get to a new point of view"; "I can look at things from a different point of view and get to new conclusions"; "New conclusions are not 'lies', they are simply 'new beliefs' that I have to get used to'". So, there's a difference between writing what we would like to believe (and really can't) and try to change our point of view on something. The very fact that I was able to change my point of view on this subject is the example: instead of feeling I was trying to "deceive" myself, I decided that I was trying to look at things from another point of view, and that is a very acceptable thing for me, it feels completely different from lying. "is a matter of "point of view" ... looking at things from a different perspective(s) is a good thing ! "Changing a belief" I'm glad you are questioning and challenging old beliefs that no longer serve you (or never did). It's only a belief ... You can change a belief :) Remember ~ "Change is the only constant" ~ Heraclitus ... and change is a good thing ! A very good thing :)
(09 Feb '17, 10:17)

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