Hi, Stingray,

I just finished my first Manifesting Experiment 4 session and it was fantastic. Thank you!

Just for your files (not sure if you're keeping track of issues people are having, but if you are, here's my data), I had the same issues as Jim 1 in this post, in the sense that (1) it took me around three hours because it was a huge issue I was working on and (2) I had to take a break. Not sure if taking a break was ideal but I had to go get some lunch.

My questions are these:

  1. In your example, it seems that List 1 = action/behavior and List 2 = feeling about the action/behavior. However, I have free floating feelings that aren't associated with an action or behavior, so I know I have problem because I feel fear. Do I type in "fear" to List 2 without an associated behavior in List 1? Or do I type in "fear" to List 1, and then look at how I feel about the fear in List 2?
  2. I couldn't figure out what to do for my first question, so I started to use a mindmap just to write stuff down. Is this okay, or would you recommend really going through the steps in order? There may be a reason I'm not seeing.
  3. I'm tuckered out. I can feel that there is some 10% - 20% of a bite left to most of the statements, and some don't have any, but I'm exhausted. Is it critical for the statements I've reached neutral point for that I push and pick at least a few Touchstones/Positive Aspects? Like, if I go to bed, will the crazy weed that is this issue manage to reconnect and reinfect all these different parts again as I sleep? Or will my vibration really be "as I left it" for things that I've cleared? I will probably go to bed now, but I'd like to know best practices for next time :)

Thank you so much once more. I've just cleared out problems I've had for years. The relief is tremendous.

UPDATE - Change to last question and one more

3...b? So, I took a nap. When I got back up to pick up where I left off I didn't know where to start. Now I realize it has to be done all in one sitting. What to do if you're really tired, however? How does one pick up and get going again after the tiredness?

4.I did another ME4, and it seemed clear when I was home, so I closed on the book on that issue. However, something happened at work that brought it back in full roaring force. Yet when I returned home to look at the sheet of statements, it feels clear again. What happened? Did I do something wrong/mess up?

Sorry there are so many questions! Thank you again :)

asked 04 Jan '13, 11:21

searcher's gravatar image


edited 05 Jan '13, 06:25

@searcher, I've switched off the autocorrect for single capitalized words within question titles

(04 Jan '13, 11:33) Barry Allen ♦♦

Thank you, @Barry Allen! :)

(05 Jan '13, 06:19) searcher
showing 1 of 2 show 1 more comments

In your example, it seems that List 1 = action/behavior and List 2 = feeling about the action/behavior. However, I have free floating feelings that aren't associated with an action or behavior, so I know I have problem because I feel fear.

If a "free floating" negative emotion seems to pop up from somewhere during the process, I don't spend any time trying to figure out where it came from - I just clear it anyway.

Ultimately this method is about neutralizing those "imprisoning" vibrational states which are indicated by those negative emotions that come up. So if such an emotion pops up "for free" during the process, that just saves the effort of having to uncover it :)

Do I type in "fear" to List 2 without an associated behavior in List 1? Or do I type in "fear" to List 1, and then look at how I feel about the fear in List 2?

As for which list you put it on, I don't think it matters that much because your goal is to ultimately feel no negative emotion about anything on any list. So regardless of where you put it, you are going to be doing a check to make sure it is neutralized.

One thing to bear in mind is that you are not just after conjuring up a general word like "fear", you are trying to reactivate the precise body-feeling that the fear causes within you, such as (for example) "a pulsing wide feeling in the upper back", "a throbbing sensation at the base of the neck".

Though even then, you don't actually even need to describe the feelings in words as long as you are experiencing a "taste" of them at the moment of the clean-up. You need to "taste" the uncomfortable feeling in order to lock into it and shift it up the emotional scale permanently. So if the word "fear" in that moment conjures up that body-feeling for you, you can get away without analyzing it further.

I couldn't figure out what to do for my first question, so I started to use a mindmap just to write stuff down. Is this okay, or would you recommend really going through the steps in order?

Mind-mapping is fine. Like you, if I don't know where to start with something I usually create a mind-map just to get some idea of how my thoughts are flowing around a subject.

Outside of my list-based vibrational spreadsheet, I use mind-mapping quite a lot generally but I don't tend to refer to it much in the processes on IQ because I then have to complicate things further by explaining to people what mind-mapping is and how to use it :)

With all the masses of (often misleading) information about manifesting being sold on the internet, a huge complicated process (even if it works and is totally free) is just going to put people off. So writing a process for public use is a trade-off between providing enough information to readers so they can see why it's going to work for them while still making it simple enough that they will actually try it.

I'm tuckered out. I can feel that there is some 10% - 20% of a bite left to most of the statements, and some don't have any, but I'm exhausted. Is it critical for the statements I've reached neutral point for that I push and pick at least a few Touchstones/Positive Aspects?

No, it's not critical to push into Touchstones/Positive Aspects. But it is very helpful to solidify the change. The more time you spend in a "new" vibrational state, the more it will start to become habitual for you.

So Touchstones, Positive Aspects, even Rampages of Appreciation, are all really just processes that distract you with things to do to cause you to spend more time with your good-feeling states. Your natural habit-creation process does the rest of the work in creating habits of thought ("beliefs") that make that state more permanent for you.

Like, if I go to bed, will the crazy weed that is this issue manage to reconnect and reinfect all these different parts again as I sleep? Or will my vibration really be "as I left it" for things that I've cleared?

You don't need to worry - your vibration really will stay where you last left it.

One problem though with taking a break is that you might find it hard to conjure up the original bad-feelings again to the same level of intensity.

This is because when you reactivate the feelings, you are no longer activating them at their original levels but at their new improved feeling levels...because your vibration always stays where you last left it.

The advantage of doing it all in one session is that because you still clearly remember how bad you felt when you started, you can also clearly feel what the opposite of that strong bad feeling feels like. It's like stepping into a bright light after sitting in complete darkness for a while...the light feels brighter than if you had simply been sitting in a gentle shade.

It's still quite possible to continue your clean-up after a break but you just need to have a bit more emotional self-awareness i.e. you need to be fairly in touch with your feelings to discern the "subtleness" of a less bad starting point...for some people this will be easy, while others may struggle.

It's still not a problem though. If you take a break and really can't get emotionally tuned-into your issue enough to get started again, just drop the subject for now and treat it as though it is cleaned up.

If the subject is still active within your life, the remaining remnants of it will continue to attract (thanks to the Law of Attraction) and will make themselves known to you sooner or later if they are still big players in your vibrational mix.

As Abraham says cheekily: "Don't worry. It will get bigger" :)

So you may eventually find yourself experiencing strong negative feelings about the subject again. And that's no problem because now you know what to do about it :)

Once you have those strong negative feelings again, you can now easily clean them up because it will feel like stepping back into the bright light after complete darkness again.

The chances are anyway that you'll probably have tamed this uncomfortable subject enough that you no longer need to use an "industrial-strength" process like ME-4 and can just clean up the last bits with something like ME-2 - Focus Blocks...much quicker and easier to apply.

So your issue now might just become part of the regular vibrational "clean-ups" we all engage in just as part of the natural process of launching new desire and aligning with those desires.

So, I took a nap. When I got back up to pick up where I left off I didn't know where to start. Now I realize it has to be done all in one sitting. What to do if you're really tired, however? How does one pick up and get going again after the tiredness?

See above :)

I did another ME4, and it seemed clear when I was home, so I closed on the book on that issue. However, something happened at work that brought it back in full roaring force. Yet when I returned home to look at the sheet of statements, it feels clear again. What happened? Did I do something wrong/mess up?

If you've read through all your statements and everything feels clear yet you still have the negative feeling, it just means that something else that was supporting this subject has become activated. See the table-top analogy

Long-standing issues are often multi-layered and as you clear one layer, another underlying layer appears. Just clear up whatever appears in the same way either using ME-4 again if the bad feelings are very strong and dominant and seem out-of-control, or alternatively something like Focus Blocks/Wheels if the feelings are not that powerful.

Remember that all these changes you are making are permanent changes (if you test correctly that they've gone) so if something "new" does pop up later then it's something that was previously hidden before even though it relates to the same subject.

And because all of these changes are permanent, it's worth the extra time investment to clean up any underlying layers so you can be free of this issue for the rest of your life.

It might seem sometimes, especially for a major life issue, that there is no end to the layers but, trust me, there is definitely always an end and the sense of freedom and self-empowerment that comes from releasing that issue will be well worth the effort.

A point I should add is don't go looking for issues to dredge up regarding anything left that might yet need cleaning, let those issues naturally bubble up in your daily life and make themselves known to you.

If you start looking for trouble, your focused intent combined with the Law of Attraction will make sure you find it :) The best way to live from now on is just to keep yourself feeling as good as possible on a daily basis and if something does suddenly knock you back into negativity, that's a clear indication from within of what to clean up next.

When you feel "tremendous" relief within yourself, as you've described happening, you can be sure that over the coming weeks and months, you'll find your life gradually (sometimes even dramatically) transforming regarding this particular issue because you are in a very different vibrational place about it.

Give it a few months then look back to what has happened in your life since the vibrational work you've done, and it will become very clear to you what effect the process has had :)


answered 05 Jan '13, 10:02

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 05 Jan '13, 10:16

@Stingray, thank you so much, seriously, for not just this amazing post but for all the others! Thank you also for pointing out not looking for bad things and let them bubble up naturally and to make sure the feelings are felt and not thought. I think I tend to look for problems and think about them. Product of being in school too long, I guess. :) Also, this is the best I've felt in my life. Like, ever. I actually have to Focus Block the fear of feeling good, because it's so strange. Thanks. :)

(08 Jan '13, 05:51) searcher

@searcher - "this is the best I've felt in my life" - That's good to hear. Well done on persevering with the method to the end. It's tough to do because it's going against the existing momentum of thought in a person's life at the moment of doing the method (because of the attractive power of LOA) so you need a "I've had enough of how things are" mentality to override that momentum. Congratulations, and keep it up :)

(10 Jan '13, 04:57) Stingray

@Stingray, thank you again for your kind comments and encouragement! It helps A LOT. I think things are moving so fast that I'm not really sure where on the emotional guidance scale I am anymore, esp after your post with the slide rule pic. I'm likely still on the lower states but hopefully moving up, as as you've said there is an "I'm done with this now." :) I'm still figuring out where I am. Should I post a question? It's strange, this new land of Feeling Good More Now Than Has Ever Been. :)

(16 Jan '13, 06:24) searcher

@searcher - It doesn't really matter where you are on the emotional guidance scale if you keep following the feeling of relief...because relief always points you in the right direction :) Is the feeling of relief an emotion?

(20 Jan '13, 13:20) Stingray

OMG, @Stingray! Sorry it took me so long to reply. I think I missed the e-mail saying you replied, and I think I had my first Bashar test, though I'm not sure if I passed it. After my last comment, work got crazy and things fell weirdly apart. I efforted and seemed to react negatively...then something happened with my student debts. I'm usually diligent about it but I missed a deadline in a big way. Usually that sends me into a panic, but this time, because I let so many things go, I'm not

(09 Feb '13, 09:00) searcher

entirely sure what I truly feel about it...if I'm in denial or what. If I had missed a deadline in the past (which I've only ever done once before with a credit card deadline, and I paid it in full the next day), I'd be in full panic mode, even after the issue had been resolved. This time, I'm okay. Weirdly. Things are fine. Am I suppressing panic? Not sure. But...it...seems okay. I've been trying to pick up the manifesting pieces back where I left them, which brings me to how timely your last

(09 Feb '13, 09:03) searcher

comment is. Not really knowing how I feel, and with free floating feelings not attached to an event, (how do I ME2/ME4 seemingly free floating feelings? I can post in another thread) looking for relief provided the focal point I needed. So simple, so awesome. Thank you SO much again for the ah-ha! moments; your timing is impeccable. :)

(09 Feb '13, 09:08) searcher

Whoops. I just read other posts where you answered my ME question above re: free floating emotions. Turns out I was already doing it, as written in this same post: Mind Mapping. Hurrah for solutions one was already doing without realizing it! Wow, today is a bunch of connect-the-(sometimes forgetful)-dots. :)

(09 Feb '13, 10:13) searcher

@searcher - "Hurrah for solutions one was already doing without realizing it!" - Indeed. We all know all the answers already within ourselves without anyone else needing to tell us. It's just that we often don't believe we know :) I'm glad it's all starting to fall into place for you

(10 Feb '13, 09:37) Stingray
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