So all I have to do is feel good, stop thinking about problems, appreciate what is. Okay, I can make myself feel good and shut off the voice inside my head telling me of all the things that are wrong in my life and just appreciate what is happening in the moment. I don't have any sort of "sex is evil!", "porn is evil!" beliefs so it's for all intents and purposes, a "pure" pleasure, I don't feel "guilty" about it. I feel I'm wasting my time but not like I'm doing anything "bad". But since I don't have any "practical" stuff to do that would actually make any real difference in relation to what I actually want out of life (and in that way make me feel relief/joyful expectation), how about this plan/technique for releasing resistance/getting in the vortex/manifesting:

  • Watch porn
  • Eat (if hungry)
  • Sleep (if tired)
  • If I start feeling bad about life, remember there is nothing I have to do and just watch more porn
  • Notice how everything starts falling into place

Just for the heck of it, I can create an email account for "God" and send him a list of things I want dealt with (the manifesting box).

My mind obviously says "that's absurdly stupid", "are you serious?" and all that sort of stuff. Is there anything wrong, metaphysically with this plan? Because I pretty much have no hope of finding a practical, self-driven, down to earth solution to my life. Can I let the universe take care of things while I just focus on feeling pleasure? Yes, I am serious. Yes, I want an answer.

The heart of what I am asking is simply this:

Does feeling good/not feeling bad have some sort of "magical" effect on our lives or is it just a kind of self-help trick to improve our "performance" in life (become more friendly, more willing to take risks, more creative, etc), and therefore only works within certain frameworks? Can I literally use anything to feel better and in so doing move closer to my ideal life, or would certain things merely act as distractions that take the place of that ideal life?

asked 18 Jan '13, 20:28

flowsurfer's gravatar image


edited 19 Jan '13, 02:21


+1 Sounds like a good plan to me. Perhaps you'll benefit by getting over your own mind before engaging in these activities though... Oh, btw, IMHO you're never wasting your time :)

(18 Jan '13, 21:34) Eddie

Getting over my own mind? Do you mean let go of the idea that it's stupid/a waste of time?

(18 Jan '13, 21:37) flowsurfer

Yes. Also, you'll discover for yourself that once your mind relaxes and you partake in whatever brings you joy, you'll be happier and will find more things to be joyful about. One good feeling leads to another and so on... :)

(18 Jan '13, 21:43) Eddie

@flowsurfer - Yes! Do whatever the hell you feel like doing. Look at @Stingray's answer here: His optimal plan for the day looks just like yours! Lol! You got it!!! :)

(18 Jan '13, 22:30) Grace

Please explain here why you downvoted: This is, IMHO, a question asked more for effect than for any real answer.

(18 Jan '13, 22:51) Jaianniah

No Jaianniah, it is not. I'm completely serious.

(18 Jan '13, 22:54) flowsurfer

Please explain here why you downvoted

The Inward Quest should never be associated with "porn" now it is linked through Google to porn! Not at all what you wanted "INWARD QUEST" to mean! It is like defiling a sacred temple.

(18 Jan '13, 22:55) Wade Casaldi

I'm pretty sure google knows the difference between a discussion which involves this and the actual thing. For one, no explicit words were used. What do you have against sex? Most religious temples involved sexual rituals.

(18 Jan '13, 22:57) flowsurfer

and what is porn @flowsurfer but the creative activity through literature, fims, pictures that are judged obscene or indecent, and what is more pornographic than war where soldiers and civilians can have their bodies explode and torn to pieces

(17 Aug '15, 06:02) jaz
showing 1 of 9 show 8 more comments

If this course of action truly feels good to you then go for it. Just bear in mind, usually with Inspired action you just know without doubt that this is the action you must take and it feels good.

If your asking the question though, it means you have some doubt about this method. In my experience all addictions no matter what they are, are all just ways of sedating the emotional charges we pick up, usually in childhood. Its just a way of masking the pain instead of feeling it fully and therefore releasing it. This sedation never works in the long run. The only way out is through.

Emotional charges are caused by painful events or situations in the past where we have suppressed feelings that we didn't want to feel or deal with. These unresolved feelings unfortunately get stored in the body.

I going to recommend a process to you. This 10 week programme helps you to become more present and will release some of those emotional charges for you, most times without you even having to look at them directly. The process really worked for me. Just be warned you could be in for a bumpy ride for a while. The old saying "things usually get worse before they get better" has some truth to it. The process is called The Presence Process.

Since you joined this site I have seen some improvement in your vibration and some willingness to accept new beliefs. It's great to see that. Everyone has it in their power to feel good and that includes you FlowSurfer. If I can do it, you can certainly do it.


answered 19 Jan '13, 05:54

Satori's gravatar image


edited 19 Jan '13, 06:33

@Satori This is a much better answer than mine. Well done.

(19 Jan '13, 07:02) Catherine

@Catherine- Thank you for the kind words. Its just a matter of perspective though, so some people will more benefit from your answer and won't know what the hell I'm on about lol.It's all good Catherine:)

(19 Jan '13, 07:17) Satori

@Satori, great answer. explained nicely without any judgement, in an attempt to help. Thanks for great insight. a question regarding The Presence Process, can I undertake it in conjunction of other aligning methods such as ME2 and ME5? Thanks for the link.

(19 Jan '13, 10:32) dreamersmiles

This isn't "inspired action". Yes, it is meant as a sedative, a way to get my mind off the perception of lack and pain. I have been repeatedly told that this is what I have to do because those are the only things keeping me from what I want. I don't know what you are talking about as far as "emotional charges", what you are describing does not sound like my experience. Looking at the process you linked, I don't feel there is any value in it for me.

(19 Jan '13, 10:59) flowsurfer

Looking back, I can say that when I held a state of excitement through sexual arousal at night before falling asleep I had some of the most interesting and vivid "dream" experiences I've had (and I don't mean I had sex dreams).

(19 Jan '13, 11:06) flowsurfer

@Dreamersmiles- Thank you very much. To be honest I don't think you need to. The Presence Process is really a complete process on its own. I thought about adding to the process when undertaking it but when I looked into why I was doing it I found it was because I felt the process was not enough on its own. So already I wasn't trusting the process. It's better to leave thinking out of this one. I hope that helps:)

(19 Jan '13, 14:31) Satori

@Flowsurfer - Where have you been told to suppress uncomfortable feelings to get what you want? This is just another form of unacceptance and creates more pain. In my experience you've got to accept how you truly feel first before you can feel better.

I will try to explain emotional charges better. We are naturally conditioned to resist pain. So a lot these experiences we have throughout our life that create a strong emotional response from us never fully process....

(19 Jan '13, 15:07) Satori

@Flowsurfer - We accumulate and archive a lot of these incompletions ( incomplete experiences as the author Tom Stone refers to them) in the mind and body. The problem is they have been with us so long we don't realise we're feeling them, so they just manifest as maybe a vague sense of unease or heaviness.

I wish I could have been more help here Flowsurfer. I hope you find the answer your looking for.

(19 Jan '13, 15:08) Satori

@Satori I have been told to stop focusing on uncomfortable feelings to get what I want. The word "suppress" was not used. I do not understand what "accept how you feel" is supposed to mean. In what sense are the things that block me from for example, growing taller, emotional charges? I get it when it is something like fear of a particular course of action (example: a social phobia) which blocks you from taking appropriate action. I don't think that is my problem.

(19 Jan '13, 16:19) flowsurfer

@Satori I have nothing inherently against the idea of focusing on bad emotions and feeling them fully; except I don't see the relation between doing that and actually being the person I want to be. It just sounds like a way to become more nihilistic. If the relation exists, please help me see it. I am only interested in a process if it is a path towards living in the way I want to live, not just coping with the way things are. I'm not seeking "emotional enlightenment" or anything of the sort.

(19 Jan '13, 16:26) flowsurfer

@flowsurfer it is not about focusing on bad emotion but meditating just be aware what bother you will come of it self. then just observe it and learn the truth about it. example:you know about fear what do you fear? for what reason? is it logical to fear that? does it serve you to fear? if you fear because it is a signal to protect your self it is good. but if you fear for no good reason does it serve you? it might seams intellectual like that but when you meditate you just stay aware and

(19 Jan '13, 16:37) white tiger

observe and solve your duality by learning the truth.

(19 Jan '13, 16:40) white tiger

@Flowsurfer - Our desires exist on a higher vibration. We're only a vibrational match to them for a split second we launch them. Then we usually drop out of that vibration. Emotional charges can get in the way of us maintaining that higher vibration where our desires are. We exist within one energy field so when we raise our vibration those painful energies also get roused and usually manifest as obstacles to us feeling good.....

(19 Jan '13, 16:45) Satori

@Flowsurfer - I think your on the right track here. Keep focusing on whatever feels good to you. Follow the path of positive emotion and whatever is getting in the way will show itself. I hope this helps :)

(19 Jan '13, 16:46) Satori

@white tiger I fear wasting time and growing old without having the experiences of youth I want to have. Because I have wasted time and grown old and lost experiences of youth I wanted to have. It is logical to fear this, with the evidence that I have available. It serves me because it is a signal to protect me (I just don't quite know how to respond to the signal). That is the core fear I have (and I imagine everyone else too), the fear of permanent loss.

(19 Jan '13, 17:00) flowsurfer

@white tiger That feeling and thought, that God does not love me and I am unsafe and unsupported in the universe is the root of all my negative emotions.

(19 Jan '13, 17:16) flowsurfer
(20 Jan '13, 09:52) ursixx
showing 2 of 17 show 15 more comments

This is actually a really good question Flowsurfer.

The question you need to ask yourself is am I feeling joyful when I watch this or am I just over stimulated?

I was first shown porn at the age of 9 or 10. For the record, I wasn't being groomed - it was just another kid at school who had an older brother who shared it with him. It looked like the women I saw were just meat and that is still how it makes me feel now all these years later. It is without a doubt making life more challenging for teenage girls ... I sense I am on my own here but my gut feeling is that something that is integrative and positive would make everyone feel good.


answered 19 Jan '13, 05:04

Catherine's gravatar image


edited 20 Jan '13, 16:18

Such as what?

(19 Jan '13, 09:48) flowsurfer

@flowsurfer Actually I've misled you there a little bit - what I should have said is "something that is integrative and positive wouldn't harm anyone else or make them feel bad".

(19 Jan '13, 10:44) Catherine

And what is integrative and positive?

(19 Jan '13, 10:50) flowsurfer

@flowsurfer For me, that would be a walk in nature. The point is that what makes a person feel good is really an indicator of who/where they are. Answer honestly to yourself - does this make my heart sing? Does this feel like love to me? About 80% of porn is verbally and/or physically aggressive, usually towards women. Everything is OKay because there really is no right or wrong but as a broad-based guideline - no action which causes harm or hurt to another leads to rapid evolution.

(19 Jan '13, 11:12) Catherine

A walk in nature does not make my heart sing. There are different types of porn which are more or less attractive to me at different times. A lot of the time I'm just drawn to what is called "erotic nudes", which just showcase the beauty of the female body and have more close ups of the woman's smile than of genitals. I mostly dislike "hardcore" stuff. However, light aggression can be fun sometimes.

(19 Jan '13, 11:16) flowsurfer

Men probably suffer more pain from women than women do from men. Think about this for a moment. A man is told he has to be sensitive; then when he is sensitive he is rejected for being too soft. Can you imagine the confusion most boys go through? Most men are afraid of approaching an attractive women; this is a literal, gut-level feeling, not just "doubt"; they need an excuse to interact with her. Women in general may fear rejection but they don't have the same kind and intensity of fear. Why?

(19 Jan '13, 11:23) flowsurfer

I'm not saying this as a "complaint". I'm merely trying to point out that the degree of male aggression and female submission shown in porn movies is just one (very widespread) fetish/preference. Some women like it. Some women feel hurt by it. But if people stopped having preferences just because others felt hurt by them, women would have to treat men very differently.

(19 Jan '13, 11:44) flowsurfer

@flowsurfer The above is only my opinion - no one has to take it on board. In answer to your question of course I can imagine the confusion that young men feel - I suppose IMO porn isn't the answer to that confusion, that rejection - it just creates more disconnection, more isolation. Ultimately we are all genderless spirit beings anyway - I'm not in any rush to put men down. I don't consider them so very different - I was raised in a house of boys!

(19 Jan '13, 13:02) Catherine

@flowsurfer i understand what you mean when men talk with a women often the women will complain you see that often in business men try to avoid interacting with women to not have harassement charge against them or a bad reputation,with out them knowing about it or knowing about it and loose their never know if the women is a professionnal victim.also if the men is good is rejected and if he is bad he is accepted so what does men learn is that women do not know what they want-

(19 Jan '13, 13:24) white tiger

and prefer the exact opposite from what they say and they foul them self and do some bad stuff to men because they are not able to be honest with them self and with men.

(19 Jan '13, 13:27) white tiger

I'm not saying that when women hurt men they are doing something bad. They have their values and preferences just like men do. These should be respected. Men often like to feel dominant and women often like to feel dominated. This is a generalization, obviously, and there are degrees and contexts involved. When there is a disconnect between context and degree, the other side gets hurt. Porn movies have to compress, to convey these things and more, in a relatively short scene.

(19 Jan '13, 14:13) flowsurfer

well porn movie is sometime good. but most of the time it is more about mecanic sex (going at it for 2 hours) fake robotic humen with fake dick, fake boobs with no feeling, then a nice movie with good actor that can act show real feeling with a genuine good story to put the porn in context and make you believe that you are there. often you will find erotic movie better even if there is less sex and less body part.

(19 Jan '13, 14:39) white tiger

@Catherine - Sensing you're on your own here, (though truly you are not), but going with your gut anyway and trying to help by sharing your own feelings and deep fears. Your courage is beautiful. This is an amazing post. And your answer was better than mine.

(20 Jan '13, 03:31) Grace

@Grace Thank you Grace.

(20 Jan '13, 05:09) Catherine

Men (most of them anyway) do not view porn in that sense of women as "meat". It's actually the idea of the woman being turned on and enjoying herself that makes porn attractive to most men so there isn't really a need to fear it. It is the acceptance and enjoyment of men's sexuality by women that men seek in porn (that and good looks). Men find the idea of women not enjoying sex repulsive; do women not know this?

(20 Jan '13, 05:29) flowsurfer

@flowsurfer I'm not sure I can say anything more than I've already said on this topic. I sense you are trying desperately to feel good - all I'm saying is that this isn't the way to go but many others would disagree with me! Satori has given you some good advice - even reading The Presence Process would give you some insights.

(20 Jan '13, 13:29) Catherine

@Catherine You are not alone. (sorry I'm late) I have absolutely no sexual inhibitions, no hang-ups what-so-ever, always been on the experimental side & I do NOT like porn. Hard porn is a total mood killer. I've never understood why; perhaps @ursixx 's brain on porn explains it. I don't care what anyone else does & I have nothing against porn; it's just not for me. As for your daughters - yes, child porn does kill & you are right to be concerned.

(22 Jan '13, 02:10) ele
showing 2 of 17 show 15 more comments

As bashar says, the only thing you need to do is do the thing that excites you the most from moment to moment, taking it as far as you can with zero expectation that it must lead to any specific result or outcome.

You need to discern the difference between excitement & anxiety. All your actions/behaviors/thoughts & feelings result from your beliefs & thus for any action/behavior you can get in touch with your beliefs for taking that action & see if that belief is harmoniously aligned with your true natural self or not & change it if you wish.

You can use this belief template to discern the difference between a positive & negative belief : .

This posting has been edited by the moderators to remove material subject to a Copyright Claim by Bashar Communications


"Circumstances don't matter only state of being matters".

Being harmoniously aligned with our true natural self is a state of joy & happiness but feelings(emotions) being a result of your beliefs, you can define anything in a way so as to feel good about it even if at the same time it's not harmonious with your true natural self. For example, some people can feel good about hurting others even when they are hurting themselves as well.


answered 19 Jan '13, 09:50

Gumnaam's gravatar image


edited 24 Mar '15, 09:37

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦


@Gumnaam, good answer.

(19 Jan '13, 10:30) dreamersmiles

None of this made any sense to me.

(19 Jan '13, 11:02) flowsurfer

@flowsurfer : Check out "Changing Core Beliefs" & "Bricks, Walls & Beliefs" - Bashar sessions.

(19 Jan '13, 11:34) Gumnaam

I'll revisit Bashar. What I found previously is that most of what Anka says makes little sense and a lot just sounds dishonest and cheap. You are supposed to have no expectation because his strategy doesn't lead you anywhere and his understanding is false. Expectation is a means of falsifying something. If you expect a result and get another, that means your understanding was flawed. When your understanding is clear, your expectations are always validated.

(19 Jan '13, 12:38) flowsurfer

Which is why I get a lot more relief from the ideas of Neville Goddard than these channeled "teachers". He explicitly tells people "Look, if this didn't work I wouldn't be teaching it; I live by it, despite by many flaws. Expect results. Expect specific results. If your expectation isn't met, persist until it is." His examples are not general "Feel good" stuff, they involve generating specific experiences to a Twilight Zone degree. Joy comes automatically.

(19 Jan '13, 12:44) flowsurfer

Bashar also lives by what he says. I would like to know if your expectations are fulfilled as you (physical mind) may expect them to be fulfilled. There's a difference between expectation & expectancy. I have my own experiences to know the truth of the info. given by bashar & you'd be missing his point without yours. All the best in your explorations. :)

(19 Jan '13, 13:22) Gumnaam

Some expectations are fulfilled as my physical mind expects them to be fulfilled. For example, when I push these buttons letters show up on the screen, as I expect them to. If I jump, I fall back down as I expect to. Human life would be impossible without expectations; and would be horribly confusing if most of those expectations were not fulfilled. The expectations that are not fulfilled are those that involve a large gap in my understanding. Tell me about your experiences.

(19 Jan '13, 14:23) flowsurfer

@flowsurfer, just keep whacking off. If you do it enough, you may be able to transcend Troll.

(19 Jan '13, 16:57) Bedazzled

@Gumnaam, thanks for posting this: "that's what I'm talking about." :)

(19 Jan '13, 21:32) Eddie

@Bedazzled, flowsurfer is not a troll! IMHO Anyone who's attracted to and beginning to understand Neville Goddard is well on their way to understanding Bashar. He is simply working his way through some negative beliefs...

(19 Jan '13, 21:35) Eddie

@flowsurfer, 15 years ago I dismissed Bashar as utter nonsense. These days I live my life by using many of the principles he teaches. Right now, every day I'm happy and feeling good and I love my self and my life absolutely and unconditionally.

I suggest that you study only those teachers who resonate with you and ignore the rest. Because by doing that any other teacher will naturally find their way to you and you to them. Neville Goddard kicks ass 8-)

(19 Jan '13, 21:40) Eddie

@Bedazzled It doesn't feel right; it's not who I want to be and it makes me feel bad. So I guess that plan failed.

(19 Jan '13, 22:15) flowsurfer
showing 2 of 12 show 10 more comments

We are not this body, but consciousness/spirit. This physical world has many pleasure but these physical pleasures can only be experienced through a physical body. Sex is good for both body and mind if utilize in accordance with the laws of nature, but when used purely for the pleasure of the body it creates (in my opinion) more inner emptiness. That is why once is not enough, it must be repeated and the pleasure you experience is fleeting. So happiness is a state of mind not body.


answered 03 Apr '15, 22:01

lrsnyder's gravatar image



" This physical world has many pleasure but these physical pleasures can only be experienced through a physical body. " That's a belief and you limit yourself by believing this. Anyone who knows about astral travel knows that Sex in The Spirit World is possible.

(17 Aug '15, 07:36) arpgme

@flowsurfer i have allready told you what you need to do know your self. jesus and buddha spent over 40 days meditating striving to be aware and know truth and facing their own inner darkness. until no darkness remain in them and all duality is solved in truth. they became born of water and spirit.with out fear took the final spirit out of the flesh and in jesus case know God directly,the pure of heart will know God.

here is a small video to help you out on your quest:


answered 18 Jan '13, 20:53

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

I'll check the video.

(18 Jan '13, 20:58) flowsurfer
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