We (and most of the creatures we share this planet with) only have visual access to a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Why this particular tiny part of it? What's so special about our visual range?

asked 13 Oct '09, 20:31

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 02 Nov '11, 09:08

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

Although visible light only represents a small portion of the possible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, it is the visible light portion of that spectrum that represents the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is emitted by our sun at the greatest intensity.

In other words, there is more light available in those wavelengths, so it is those wavelengths that our eyes have evolved to see.


answered 13 Oct '09, 20:42

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 13 Oct '09, 21:00

so vesuvius you say that quantity is better then quality? or do you say that that our eyes have not finish to evolve to see all the spectrum?

(03 Nov '11, 23:44) white tiger

I am saying that EMS emissions are most plentiful at the wavelengths with which we see.

(04 Nov '11, 03:33) Vesuvius

Part of the study of quantum physics is that we see only that which we are programmed to see, but we can train ourselves to see and experience other dimensions. We have all the gifts as animals have and more we just do not know how to access them and use them effectively.


answered 17 Oct '09, 04:49

Eli%201's gravatar image

Eli 1

WHAT WE SEE -- James Ph. Kotsybar

It seems our sight is parsimonious. No matter how hard our naked eyes look, radio is invisible to us, as are the microwaves we use to cook. The X-rays zip through our orbs unsighted, and highly energetic gamma rays leave retinal pigments unexcited, so most of the spectrum escapes our gaze. However, our vision is tactical. What we know as “visible frequency” turns out to be extremely practical, to show us the things we most need to see, assisting survival upon the Earth and providing color, for what it’s worth.


answered 20 May '11, 19:31

James%20Ph.%20Kotsybar's gravatar image

James Ph. Kotsybar

well james if you would comtemplate you might see more. or you could believe that you can't see anything else that other human see and stop it there. its your choice. you do not believe me? look at the asphalt in the summer on hot and sunny day. what do you see? do you see little red wave line going up? what do you think those are?

(02 Nov '11, 23:06) white tiger

Infrared (IR) light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength longer than that of visible light, measured from the nominal edge of visible red light at 0.74 micrometres ( µm), and extending conventionally to 300 µm. These wavelengths correspond to a frequency range of approximately 1 to 400 THz,[1] and include most of the thermal radiation emitted by objects near room temperature. Microscopically, IR light is typically emitted or absorbed by molecules when they change their rotational-vibrational movements.

Sunlight at zenith provides an irradiance of just over 1 kilowatt per square

(02 Nov '11, 23:06) white tiger

meter at sea level. Of this energy, 527 watts is infrared radiation, 445 watts is visible light, and 32 watts is ultraviolet radiation.[2]

(02 Nov '11, 23:06) white tiger
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

Here is a document on the electromagnetic spectrum based on the research work carried out by Chaumery and de Belizal ;

http://www.orgoneaustralia.com.au/Theory_P1.html external link (opens in new window)

It shows that the electromagnetic spectrum that we can see is accompanied by a whole range of finer and finer subtle energies linking us with finer energies ... the world that we perceive as real can be considered as being pathways towards these finer energies ... in other words by refining our senses we can evolve towards higher planes .

Barbara Ann Brennan in her excellent book 'Hands of Light' explains in detail how to develop HSP- higher sense perception ... in particular she has developed what she describes as x-ray vision.


answered 02 Nov '11, 17:01

blubird%20two's gravatar image

blubird two

edited 03 Nov '11, 08:19

Good answer Vesuvius! Remember that some animals see more of the spectrum than humans do, some see UV for example. It would be interesting to know what else they may be able to see that we can't :>)


answered 14 Oct '09, 00:34

Rebecca's gravatar image


They see spirits and other entities. They also see the auras of people because sometimes a rather mild manner dog just want stop barking at a certain person and the owner will say I don't understand he doesn't usually do this. They can also since danger oof storms and earth quakes and other natural disasters.

(14 Oct '09, 02:42) flowingwater

that is funny flowing water someone was telling me that each time we communicated together her dog was coming in front of her and doing a whoof and usely her dog never does that.

(03 Nov '11, 23:48) white tiger

well stingray what size of the cake do you want? a small pieces or to see it all? and if you see it all will you be capable to fonction with others that did not see it yet? do you need to know how all the energy look and interact in this world? then you could say to some one did you see those red waves and those purple wave fonction together etc.? what would you think the other person that does not see those things would think or say? experience and enjoy


answered 03 Nov '11, 23:40

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

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