Quote from Stingray in a question titled "Is the Inner voice the one to trust ( http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/10968/is-the-inner-voice-the-one-to-trust ) "If you can't trust yourself, who is there left to trust?"

I regularly don't trust my own thoughts, in fact more often than not. Whether you relate or directly do not, I ask this question in hopes of perhaps gaining insight on my own circumstance (explained below, not necessary for answering the question or sharing your own experience on the topic).

Since youth my thoughts have regularly not coincided with who I am or what I stand for. Impulses and thoughts that would make me uncomfortable, and look at myself and think 'Where are these thoughts even coming from?' At one of the darker points in my experience my thoughts were completely consumed by 'Kill yourself. Hurt yourself. Hurt everything around you, everything you can get your hands on.'

Since then I've more or less come to disregard many of my thoughts and impulses. I don't know how to articulate the difference between an impulse I feel truly comes from me and for example an impulse to harm, which directly goes against everything I've believed in since as long as I can remember.

It's seemed to become an easy and somewhat automated task ignoring these negative impulses, while still comfortably following the fun / free / adventurous impulses which often land me in those chance circumstances that could only have unfolded by being exactly where I was at a specific moment after following an extremely unlikely path.

While I'm perfectly capable of operating like this and I've even become [as] 'comfortable' [as one can be] with dealing with these, I'd much prefer to rid myself of them if I could which is why it is a common theme in the questions I ask.

asked 03 May '13, 03:16

Snow's gravatar image


There's no mysterious place or "someone" else having these thoughts. All you think, negative or positive, is but a consequence of a some cause. It is inability to recognize this causes that makes you wonder "where are these thoughts coming from".

People go around in circles, because they answer "why" in the future event at some point of trying to discover the cause. Which eventually leads them astray and denies them finding the reason from which their current behavior sprung. ...

(03 May '13, 04:39) CalonLan

...always look for preceding because, not the following because and you'll easily discover all roots of all your behavior/state of being at any given moment.

E.g. if you wanna punch something right now. And ask yourself why, you have to work it backwards. If you say "because I want to feel happy" that is future event, the consequence, not the cause. But perhaps loud noise was the cause. Well it may get confusing since cause is at the same time consequence, but look for cause to your current

(03 May '13, 04:41) CalonLan

situation, not the consequence of it.

(03 May '13, 04:42) CalonLan
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You are much more than your thoughts. Remember that thinking is just something you do, it's not who you are. Don't take thoughts too seriously, especially the ones that don't feel good and they will lose their power over you.

The better feeling thoughts you have are closer to the truth of who you are because they resonate with your Higher Self.

You might benefit from taking regular breaks from thinking. I use this short meditation regularly. One-Moment Meditation


answered 03 May '13, 05:24

Satori's gravatar image


edited 03 May '13, 06:42


Great tip @Satori. I myself had severe panic attacks for years. And they are the final stage of the belief "I can't trust my own thoughts". I believe that one MUST come to an understanding that we have the ability to control our thoughts. Otherwise we can't build up self-confidence, therefore we can't trust others and we can't be happy. And this leads to depression, nihilism, panic attacks... So meditation is an excellent way to realize that we are the masters of our thoughts.

(03 May '13, 06:31) releaser99

@Releaser99- Thank you. I agree meditation is a powerful tool.

If we get stressed etc we have a tendency stay in that state and intend to deal with it later.

Thats what I like about one moment meditation, is that you can use it anywhere and any-when. You don't have to put your life on hold with a long meditation.

(03 May '13, 06:41) Satori

@Satori- One of your best posts of all time. I found this of tremendous value; "I take breaks from thoughts"- I LOVE IT

(03 May '13, 08:54) Nikulas

@Nikulas - Thank you Nikulas. I'm glad this helped:)

(03 May '13, 09:25) Satori
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"Have you ever felt you cannot trust" is the same thing as saying "have you ever felt doubt", so this question is really all about feeling doubt.

In the following video Abraham Hicks says that doubt is a "self sabotaging thought in the opposite direction of what i'm wanting", and she goes on to describe how to deal with it.



answered 03 May '13, 04:44

ru%20bis's gravatar image

ru bis

Thoughts like you describe sound like they might be coming from something like schizophrenia. I have a friend who is always seeing things that aren't there, and like you, he's just learned to live with it, ignore it. I myself have been having occasional panic attacks for years and recently began to have generalized anxiety. I know the thoughts I have when in a panic or anxiety attack aren't valid, so I just ignore them too. This seems to be the best strategy, but recently, I've learned that some mental health symptoms might actually be caused by toxins produced by imbalanced gut bacteria. There's a diet that can turn this around, and it is being used with great success on people with autism, ADHD, and schizophrenia, as well as physical diseases such as Crohn's, auto-immune diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, etc. It's called the GAPS Protocol, and there's a book by Natasha Campbell-McBride, a doctor who has developed it and uses it in her practice. It takes possibly around two years to fix the gut, and then you can stop the protocol. I've been on it around eight months, and my CFS has improved. I'm doing a lot of other protocols, though, so I don't know which, if any, are helping. However, it might be interesting to see if such methods reduce or even eliminate your unwanted, uncharacteristic thoughts. You can check your gut bacteria with a stool test. (Mine was off the charts bad!)


answered 03 May '13, 14:27

Flurrywinde's gravatar image



VERY informative post. I like when people provide non metaphysical answers to questions like this, not all people want to take the same routes to solutions.

Also I read that vitamin B12 and folate can help with some side effects of schizophrenia. Coupled with proper diet in other areas it may even be treatable!

Thanks for sharing, and welcome to Inward Quest. =) Very glad to have you.

(03 May '13, 14:50) Snow

Thanks. I hadn't heard that about B12 and folate, but I happen to be taking them as well as part of one of the protocols for CFS. For both, it seems important to get the more bioavailable forms or even an injectable form in the base of B12. The protocol (called the Methylation Protocol) can help restart a faulty detox system (among other things), so it makes sense that it would help schizophrenia, assuming the theory that schizophrenia is caused by toxins is correct.

(03 May '13, 14:59) Flurrywinde

I once read a book about a woman with schizophrenia who got cured by getting a dialysis-type detoxification procedure done. Her psychiatrist said it almost never worked, but in her case it did. I think toxins (environmental, gut bacteria, etc.) have more of an impact on us than we realize.

I'm not sure, but I think the book was "Is There No Place on Earth for Me?" by Susan Sheehan.

(03 May '13, 15:09) Flurrywinde

Absolutely. The human body is already worlds beyond what we can understand, and the brain is extraordinarily complex when compared to even the most advanced functions we perform.

It's exhilarating to think there is so much more for humanity to discover about our lives and why and how we function the way we do. It makes me believe that humans have amazing potential, worlds beyond what we even imagine now, even beyond what we see in the 'unbelievable' feats shows like Guinness and the like.

(03 May '13, 15:54) Snow

Yes, very exhilarating!

(03 May '13, 16:36) Flurrywinde
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it would be our level
of discernment that excites
impulses to the brain to
be read and deciphered

do we trust our authority


answered 03 May '13, 21:15

fred's gravatar image


I doubt, since this is so far down the page, that anyone will bother to read this, but here goes:

I have an unusual situation going on in my brain. It is because of severe abuse when I was young. I have MPD, as many of you know, and the noise in my head is sometimes so bad I would like to take a hammer and beat in my skull. Everything I do is questioned by somebody in there, so I have to constantly ignore the noise, while occasionally hearing the right things in my thoughts.

So do I trust my own thoughts? Sometimes. I have learned to "think it through". I picture what would happen if I acted in this impulse of that, and then I have to calculate the outcome, the cost, the pros and cons. I think everybody does this to a degree- I just have to be more deliberate about it. So I guess, if pressed to the hard brick wall, I would have to say that, no, I do not trust my thoughts without a lot more thought. Does that make sense?

That's how my brain works, anyhoo.




answered 04 May '13, 01:15

Jaianniah's gravatar image



Your first sentence tells me I want to wish you a happy day and to feel better. Don't be like that. And you should know by now I (with few exceptions) try to take the time to read all answers posted to my questions. I wouldn't ask if I weren't interested in getting responses, especially from people who have participated in threads I enjoyed.

Thanks for sharing, and I hope some of the answers here help you like they have me.

(04 May '13, 08:59) Snow

Bless your britches, dear. I appreciate the kind words and all, more than you could know! Thanks. <3

(04 May '13, 11:23) Jaianniah

That's because, what people beLIEve to be their thoughts, are in fact, NOT theirs. A little research on ARCHONS will soon bear this in mind. They (archons) are best described as MIND PARASITES. That is why we are encouraged to meditate and try to have no thoughts.



answered 03 May '13, 11:34

crosby's gravatar image


This is exactly what I was talking about in my answer to the, " If it feels good is it automatically valid", question.

That movie I referred to "Impulse" is about this very subject. I think most people when they get angry think, "Oh man, you are pushing me, I ought to punch you in the nose!" But most have a check point that says, wait that is wrong don't do that!

There are other people that just act on impulse and you see their name in the paper always or in and out of jail.

The depiction of this impulse vs conscious objection is there is a little devil dude on your left shoulder. On your right shoulder is a little angel dude.

The demonic influence is saying, "Go ahead punch him in the nose, he deserves it!"

alt text

The angel is fighting with the demon and saying, "No this would be morally wrong, you are better than that!"

So picture this angel is punching this demon out so he can't influence you negatively!

You are safe the angel beat the demon! Do the right thing. :-)


answered 03 May '13, 03:57

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 03 May '13, 15:29

So picture this angel is punching this demon out so he can't influence you negatively!...soooo, it's ok for angels to punch demons, but not OK for you to punch the other guy? And yet, despite angels violent nature he's preaching not to be violent? Sounds familiar...thy shall not kill, said the god, yet in the name of god millions died by hands of killers.

I think, there's more than just double standards everywhere.

(03 May '13, 04:49) CalonLan

Angels and demons are constantly at battle. It is their function. I thought I'd make it less violent with a punch rather than sword vs trident.

They are at war over your soul. Plus it is better to picture who really is the cause getting his than they guy that is influenced by the demon.

(03 May '13, 07:36) Wade Casaldi

My Guardian Angel is a strong powerful warrior and protector. Watch the movie Michel to understand. Angels battle demons for God's love of us.

(03 May '13, 08:20) Wade Casaldi

You could have just said, it's ok to punch the other guy for love of god.

(03 May '13, 08:35) CalonLan

You don't understand, Satan its trying to get to you through the guy that is upsetting you. That guy is really innocent, it is not his fault so punching him only makes Satan win, because he now has you both in a fight. Both angry, both hurting each other. Both miserable, the only one happy is Satan. There is this behind the scenes war of influence going on.

Until someone becomes a Christian it is not that persons battle, unaware that he is being used to try to turn you to violence & suffering.

(03 May '13, 12:22) Wade Casaldi

If someone is instigating you to harm them, like a bully for example, it almost always stems from some sort of inner turmoil in the person. There are cases where the person is simply interested in hurting others, but I believe this is extremely rare.

Sometimes these people need a gentle knock on the noggin followed by a "think about why you're acting this way", other times they just need a hug, but in either instance it's not 'punching someone in the name of God'. Life isn't so binary.

(03 May '13, 14:59) Snow

@Snow Thank you Snow you get what I was trying to say. It was an answer to you, so I am glad you see what I meant. :-)

(03 May '13, 15:08) Wade Casaldi
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I've been thinking about this question the past few days for some reason, and I've come up with another answer I want to share.

When I first saw this question, my initial reaction was that thoughts should be trustworthy, because we should trust ourselves. After all, if you can't trust yourself, who can you trust? No one is more motivated to have our own best interests in mind than ourselves, but then I realized that there actually are plenty of times when we actually should not trust our own thoughts! Even if we've done our work on self-love and do not generally self-sabotage or purposely work against our greater good, there might still be times when our thoughts are not trustworthy. I think even advanced spiritual people still have emotions, blind spots, and resistance, and though all may have good reason, the thoughts they create should be questioned.

I've seen time and again, in both myself and others, that when in the throes of powerful emotions, thoughts become quite skewed. People do or say things when angry they regret later. Depression makes us focus powerfully on the negative, often unable to even see the slightest positivity. Blind faith is the opposite and makes us overlook all flaws whatsoever. I've seen jealousy cause a person to lose the very thing they tried to hang onto so dearly. The list could go on and on, but emotion isn't the only thing that gives us reason to ponder the veracity of our own thoughts.

Emotion taken further can become things like OCD and other mental illnesses that alter our thoughts even further. Even if we aren't diagnosed with one per se, I believe that all of us have the tendencies, as mental illness is often a normal coping mechanism taken too far.

Blind spots and resistance also influence our thinking away from what is true, and finally, sometimes we may simply lack all the information or be operating from a false premise.

I think what we can trust, however, is our higher self. Intuition is often more accurate than our thoughts, but it too is occasionally wrong. The Japanese spiritual arts have a saying, "Sometimes even monkeys fall from trees," to illustrate this truth, but it's closer to something we can trust. Spiritual teachers say that our intuition or subconscious is connected to our higher self which is connected with universal mind. I am not advanced enough to know this for certain, but I'd think this, our true self, is the part of us that's completely trustworthy. Telling the difference, though! That's what spiritual work is for.


answered 05 May '13, 15:06

Flurrywinde's gravatar image


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