So this past weekend I took an adderall before going to a baseball game and hanging out with friends. The results were an amazing time! I mean everything was clicking. I felt great, I had no fear or social anxiety. I was able to walk up to and have a conversation with anyone. Now keep in mind that I was drinking but the one other time I took an adderall I felt the same way. Super confident, living in the moment, not shy, and full of energy.

I know there are people that live on this sort of high without taking drugs. Any advice? Also keep in mind that I don't want to take adderall on a regular basis but I would like this feeling to be the daily norm. Any advice would be appreciated.


asked 08 May '13, 14:01

Chris%202's gravatar image

Chris 2

edited 09 May '13, 01:10

ursixx's gravatar image


To give a reference point what do you think your experience would have been with out the drug? @Chris 2

(09 May '13, 01:17) ursixx
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i would recommend you to check out the Audio book "the law of Success" by Paramahansa Yogananda.... its amazing.. i have used it. I do insanity workouts and do some dancing... and my energies have exploded. ... i feel like i am on drugs or steroid on some days natural high.

But basically you are what you are everyday. And you want to cultivate that everyday focus and everyday mental edge.

I am also tennis fan and love Rafael Nadal. He has a book "Rafa". You can check that out too. Its everyday training no matter what or things to that extent.

Add to that -

1) drop your expectation and let things come to you.

2) Divine will has infinite power. So back Divine will behind your own will. You do that by adhering to the Cosmic laws. which are to be loving, dont worry or brood over anything, be grateful and see Divinity in everything in life.

3) Take one thing you have not done before and stick to it till death comes :-) Actually Paramahansa says pursue that goal even after death in the next life.. lol Love that!! Also dont have egos around it, and do it so it so its for your good and greater good. Don try to better than someone else in an egoic manner or try one-up someone. But even in competition do it lovingly. Of course in all manner use competition to get better than someone in healthy ways that benefit both of you etc...

These are covered in the audio book and i highly recommend that. It builds great character and self value. if you stick to this in a matter of small time you will be on Steriods like energy!!


answered 08 May '13, 14:13

abrahamloa's gravatar image


edited 08 May '13, 14:18

Excellent question.

An important point about this: Part of the reason people appreciate this and other drugs so much is because they create a stark contrast, a jump from one extreme state to another. If you take a shower and jump straight into hot water it will be considerably more noticeable than if you start at 'warm' and slowly work up the temperature as you become more comfortable.

So keep in mind when you do start to regularly be the same alert, clear, energetic you, you're not going to experience that same 'rush'. You'll feel great, you'll get to be more energetic and active on the same levels as you get from the substance, but it will be gradual as you improve your health to that point. Good news, you still feel awesome, but it does require treating your emotional and mental health as well.

Physical health, be more active, regulate sleep (I know, I hate it so much myself but you have to not over sleep. Generally when you wake up the first time (unless it's less than 5-7 hours of sleep depending on you) you should get up. Barring sleep interrupting events your body usually knows how much sleep you need, and when you get up it's time to get up.

Diet adjustments. It is my personal (and very strongly objected to by any diet group you find, as they all encourage very specific regiments usually excluding or including specific nutrients) belief moderation and balance are the keys to life. I do think it is good to put your body through times where it has limited access to certain types of nutrients for endurance purposes, but most of the time you need to make sure you're getting a few specific components in ample quantities.

First, B class of vitamins: Vitamin B1,2,3,5,6,7,9,12. There are vitamin B complexes covering all of these, I'd suggest foods to eat but I haven't researched personally.

Omegas are the other major point, these two alone will produce major results for most people unless you already have a very balanced diet. Keep in mind you'll want Omega 3's and 9's, but the average diet already includes enough 6 as it is. Supplements are available for this of course, and I know the food suggestion too! Fish. Gross. I don't like most fish. This is why God invented supplements! Either way, they're healthy and very often lacking in typical diets.

There are a plethora of other supplements available ranging from 'supposedly' to 'definitely' improve your cardiovascular and metabolic health. CoenzymeQ10 is one example, countless herbs I don't know are another. You should also look into memory and alertness supplements and herbs (be wary, there's lots of misinformation out there), not something I can budget at the moment so I haven't researched it.

Emotional health would be a dozen posts and still not glaze the surface, and there's already countless questions and answers on the topic to be found here so I'm going to leave this one to you.

Mental exercises every day are critical. You don't need to use or pay for anything like Luminosity (though their demo games are very fun and useful to play with and are free), and even if you do you should also do some exercises in your active everyday as well. Work your memory, learn something new, do some thinking and computing (oh frack maffs!). You should try to do all of the multiple 'ways' (audio,visual & kinesthetic) as much and often as possible. Writing in a journal can aid both learning and memory building exercises, which is funny because as you improve you end writing it down so you don't have to read it again, and then end up not needing the journal at all. For memory purposes including a date & timestamp is important. Try meeting new people and purposely remembering their names. Read and remember street names and road layouts.

Anything you do to exercise your brain is useful, just like any and every part of your being. If you can't visualize images, drawing can be very helpful for you (even if you're bad at it). Start by doing simple stuff just in your head, no need to draw. I personally used the suits of a deck. Just visualize them and cycle through back and forth. Then start visualizing them and drawing them on paper. Starting with simplicity helps your drawing ability improve as your visualization ability improves. Do the mental only portion of this exercise as often as you can remember, including when not drawing. Look at a building or object and close your eyes and try to recreate the image again. This is much more advanced and you may not have much success with it early on, but it helps with improving. Doing this via memory later without the actual object in sight is another step up the ladder.

Do deep breathing exercises, in through the nose starting from your lower abdomen all the way up till you feel it in the base of your spine. Exhale evenly from all areas out of the mouth. Try to practice expanding your lungs in 360 degrees all the way up. For practice do fluid movements of breathing in rotations and circles, back and forth. Some people have completely undeveloped obliques so this will be an interesting exercise for you activating muscles you may have not used your whole life.

I strongly encourage stretching every day as well, being sure to use full range of motion in every area as much as you can. Circles are fantastic. All stretching should be gentle and controlled. Extend as you inhale until you softly reach the reach limit in a direction, then exhale as you relax the muscle while staying IN that position. Just doing this a couple times should immediately increase your flexibility with any given muscle on the spot, right now.

Try testing with your fingers, you'll notice results instantly. Especially with the fingers, wrists, feet.. well, with every part of your body you need to be particularly aware to work in full range of motion, front AND back. You'll start out being limited in reverse directions, especially if you worked out in a gym only doing static exercises such as lifting a dumbbell only up and down with no rotation or movement. It is harder for someone who exercised and lifted weights in constricted movements to expand their flexibility than someone who simply wasn't very physically active.

And this one gets a paragraph of its own: Open up your core. This area is always ignored. Rotate your hips, lean back, turn, etc. Can't stress how extremely important this is. If you have a workout bar having it on your shoulders or held down in front/back of your hips with arms spread while doing reaches and rotations can be extremely helpful. If you don't, hold something in your hands while doing reaching stretches and keep your head up. A stick, a club, ornamental swords are a favorite of mine if you happen to have one around. Point is anything to keep your arms elevated and holding something rather than down or hanging. This doesn't only engage your arms, but your core as well to support them.

I advise against weight training before working on flexibility, and then incorporating weights into your stretching routines as you become much more flexible.

I personally also like Tai Chi. Or at least impromptu Tai Chi with little to no understanding of 'proper' practice, just a simple explanation of the general idea. I believe it exercises your visualization and focus skills, (especially your focus skills) as well as gives you a chance to stretch, goes well with the above. Reach out your arms in front of you and cup your hands like you're holding a bowling ball in your hands. In your mind visualize the ball being held by a single string running through the center reaching both of your palms. Step outwards and move your hands, following the ball with your eyes with it centering itself as you move between your hands. Step smoothly in all directions, try to be precise with your movements keeping balance. As you advance you incorporate more advanced movement to be improvised in increased complexity as you improve.

To put it simply, challenge yourself every day, physically, mentally, spiritually, and even socially. Do something new. Keep yourself engaged.


answered 09 May '13, 02:54

Snow's gravatar image


Excellent answer - great advice @Snow !

(09 May '13, 05:07) ele

Where do you get this? Is this a health food supplement, vitamin or herb? Or is it some over the counter thing like Tylenol or Tums?

I never heard of this before but it sounds like it makes it easier to deal with the world.

If this is some kind of antidepressant and you are looking for an herb substitute.

There are Sam-E and Saint John's Wort.


answered 08 May '13, 22:07

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

@Wade- It's a prescription drug, widely used most commonly by college students in America- designed to to counter-act the symptoms of ADD and ADHD, though it can be used by anyone who just wants more mental focus. It's not in use here in Australia, but my friend was very keen on getting some to combat his anxiety months ago. Never heard of its mention again until right now on this question.

(09 May '13, 00:04) Nikulas

It's an amphetamine, it's identical to methamphetamine without the 'methyl' portion, which is simply a potentiatior that increases bio-availability (potency).

I'm sure you know what meth is, so you can extrapolate the effects it has. It's a stimulant, basically like drinking high quantities of caffeine but the adverse mood effects can be stronger and addictive properties can be stronger. There are also much higher risks of adverse side effects from improper usage, such as psychosis and ~~

(09 May '13, 00:23) Snow

~ other unpleasant things assuming someone doesn't make sure they're getting broad spectrum nutrients as well as adequate sleep.

I wrote a long answer about this in another question featuring more details. It's potentially a very useful substance but very dangerous, I've seen many people go down bad roads because they were incapable of taking care of themselves while on the substances. Must be approached with CAUTION!

(09 May '13, 00:25) Snow

@Wade I thought Jai had ADHD & I recall her saying how much better she could focus now. Adderall is similar to Ritalin

(09 May '13, 01:23) ele

People with ADHD are high activity brains not getting enough exercise (and/or focus). Picking up a creative activity is a good idea. Drawing is an easy example. Computation and thought activities are also handy, anything to tire the brain and imagination so they don't begin to become unruly and start to rebel.

(09 May '13, 03:13) Snow

Thanks @Snow & @ele Yes we were both on Ritalin at one point. It helped her but me it was too much and made me too passive.

I was only in grade school then when my doctor put me on that. My mom took me to see him, I sat in his chair, (probably rocking or swiviling or both!) he came in and said your kid is Hyperactive! That was the end of that, next thing I was put on Ritilan.

Something natural is called Neu Becalmd, I heard this is a good natural supplement.

(09 May '13, 11:59) Wade Casaldi
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