This question is marked "community wiki".

As @Stingray says: "A year from now, you'll wish you had started today."

Well, it has been a year, and I am so glad I did start my journey here. I have not arrived yet, but I am so much happier than I used to be. As I mentioned here once before, a year ago I used to cry myself to sleep most nights, now I am much more apt to be lying awake giggling over the fun and funny things that have happened during the day. I intend to keep on learning and growing in this wonderful place. :)

I have made some very special friends here, who have taught me so much. You know who you are and how much I love you. @Stingray, I will never be able to thank you enough for leading me to this way of life. I may not be the shiniest penny in the pocket, but I have come a long way, yes? :)

I just wanted to mark this day and say thank you to you all, and to marvel at what amazing changes can be wrought in a life in a single year.

I still have my ups and downs as you know, but most of my life now is more happy and more fun than I ever imagined it could be. I generally live in a degree of happiness and satisfaction now that I literally did not believe was possible one year ago today.

So thank you. And I love you. And I'm looking forward to more amazing years at this beautiful place.

Love, Grace


asked 28 May '13, 15:24

Grace's gravatar image


edited 28 May '13, 17:31

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦


@Grace- Great to hear that Grace. Yes you have come a long way indeed and it will only get better. Can't believe your on here a year already. Time flys when your having fun. Happy anniversary:)

(28 May '13, 16:55) Satori

@Satori - It does fly! Wow, what a ride! Thank you my friend. Great first year. :)

(28 May '13, 21:38) Grace

Congrats, Grace! Seems like more than a year....that obviously means you fit right in here and it seems like you have been here all along....So glad you feel positive changes!

(28 May '13, 22:05) LeeAnn 1

@Grace HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GRACE .... you've always been here since I joined so I can't imagine IQ without you to be honest. I have thoroughly enjoyed our interactions ... here's to many more and thanks for being part of my journey.

(29 May '13, 07:27) Catherine

I am glad you joined. I am glad I joined. I too have changed so much since starting here.

(29 May '13, 08:53) Fairy Princess

@Grace- It's a real pleasure having you aboard this train and witnessing your self empowerment first hand. Have to repeat what everyone else is saying when I mention, yes, time flows very quick because i feel like youve been with me on IQ since I joined.

You've only been on here for 1 year...In 4 years Stingray will be asking you the questions hahaha

(29 May '13, 10:13) Nikulas

@LeeAnn 1 - Fitting in with the likes of you all is really something. I will try to remember that I carry that distinction. :) Thank you.

(29 May '13, 16:36) Grace

@Catherine - Me too, lady. :) You are a rock, and I don't know what I'd do without you, don't want to find out! Thank you.

(29 May '13, 16:37) Grace

@Fairy Princess - Thank you, I'm glad you are here too. It has been quite an experience so many of us have come through, and we're none of us done yet!

(29 May '13, 16:40) Grace

@Nikulas - Hahahahaha oh, that'll be the day! :) I can't really remember how my head worked before - sometimes it does seem like I've always been here. It's always been a real pleasure for me, too. Thank you.

(29 May '13, 16:43) Grace

I'd like to celebrate a 1 years friendship with @Grace!

(29 May '13, 17:41) ursixx

Congrats Grace! thats really awesome.. i kind of went through something like that too.. and life has never been better than now !! so yay!!

(29 May '13, 18:25) abrahamloa

@Grace Lets have Cake!

(29 May '13, 18:42) ursixx

@ursixx - Yay!!! And, Yummm!!! Thanks for showing me there's always a way to have fun, sunshine... Ima go get me a green burrito in your honor! :D

(29 May '13, 20:57) Grace

@abrahamloa - Thanks! And I'm happy to hear life is better than ever for you too! Yay! :)

(29 May '13, 20:58) Grace

Congrats @Grace... The journey you shared here at IQ will surely inspire others...

(29 May '13, 21:01) Romel

@Romel - Thank you. :) Oh I hope so. If there is anything folks can get from following my journey so far, I hope it would be this one thing: If I can change my life for the better by following the advice and practices taught here, anybody can.

(30 May '13, 18:08) Grace

@Grace we haven't interacted too often; but when I see (read) or think of you, it feels like 'home' (very comfy) or like a good ol' neighbor you can always count on... I'm glad you're here... Much appreciation...

(30 May '13, 22:49) ele

Thank you, @ele. I have learned a lot from reading your posts, and I really appreciate what you have taught me.

(31 May '13, 00:30) Grace

Thanks @Grace That's means a lot coming from you & you're " timing" is perfect (as usual). Just remember this - many of my comments are only me being silly..

(31 May '13, 03:07) ele
showing 0 of 20 show 20 more comments

The question has been closed for the following reason "No longer relevant" by IQ Moderator 30 Dec '13, 14:43

As @Stingray says: "A year from now, you'll wish you had started today."

Hmmm...maybe I should change that phrase to something more hypnotic and financially lucrative like...

"A year from now, you'll give me all your money"

...and then retire to some island paradise in May 2014 :)

Thanks for crediting me with part of your journey to being who you really are welcome, of course.


Anyone who's been on IQ for any length of time will have noticed something about my postings...

  • 2009 postings - @Stingray churns out the same old stuff using different words
  • 2010 postings - @Stingray churns out the same old stuff using different words
  • 2011 postings - @Stingray churns out the same old stuff using different words
  • 2012 postings - @Stingray churns out the same old stuff using different words
  • 2013 postings - @Stingray churns out the same old stuff using different words

Possibly, if you look really hard, you may see a pattern developing :)

So if I'm just churning out the same old stuff year-after-year then what must have changed over the past year is You giving Yourself the gift of hearing the message of self-empowerment that me (and many others here) have been putting out.

So if there's anyone to thank then it should be...You Thanking You :)

Anyway, Happy Anniversary @Grace :)


answered 28 May '13, 19:30

Stingray's gravatar image



Ya but it's the way you churn out that same old stuff... :) You rock @Stingray. And yes a whole lot of other Wise Ones here rock too, as well as the Wise-Ones-In-Training who are taking the journey along side me. And ya ok I rock a lil too. :D !!!

(28 May '13, 21:36) Grace

@Stingray- Beautiful :)

(28 May '13, 21:43) Nikulas

Didn't I already say that Stingray is a fraud? Now he even admits it. :)

(29 May '13, 14:58) releaser99
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

I have not arrived yet, but I am so much happier than I used to be.

I wouldn't put so much pressure on the "arrival" aspect of it since there really is no such thing as arriving. There is only a constant expanding through experience. Usually, once we arrive somewhere in our lives, we enjoy it in the moment and then start imagining where we can go next.

The happiness and enjoyment in the moment is all that matters anyway. That is what you should put your focus of appreciation on. Immerse yourself in your good feeling of happiness and forget about some imaginary destination where the other so-called "special people" have arrived. You will always be on the same level of deserving as everyone else at all times. You deserve to give yourself a whole lot more credit since you create every single person and situation that shows up in your life experience.

As soon as you allow where you are to be all right, you will be able to get where you want to be that much Faster.

As I mentioned here once before, a year ago I used to cry myself to sleep most nights, now I am much more apt to be lying awake giggling over the fun and funny things that have happened during the day.

I use a line from a recent popular super hero movie in situations where I feel the need to relax.

Why so serious? - Joker - The Dark Knight

It's a simple phrase that instantly puts me at ease.

When we learn to take everything that comes at us (or should I say through us) in life with a bit more playfulness and ease, life starts to eventually reflect those feelings back and everything gets much easier to deal with when we learn to not be so tense and serious in a habitual type of way.

I would like to thank you @Grace for some very thought provoking questions that have helped me look deeper into who I am as a person. I always seem to resonate with the questions that you share here.

You are appreciated, loved, and I thank you for being you. Happy 1st IQ Birthday!


answered 29 May '13, 14:11

Cory's gravatar image



@Cory "I use a line from a recent popular super hero movie in situations where I feel the need to relax." I do the exact same thing :). It changes my outlook/frame immediately.

(29 May '13, 14:56) releaser99

Thanks for the kind words, for the insight, and the terrific advice @Cory. "take everything that comes...with a bit more playfulness and ease, life starts to eventually reflect those feelings back" Good, good, good advice. I can do that, I know I can. I will. Thank you for being here, too.

(29 May '13, 16:48) Grace

@releaser99 - LOL That's cool! :)

(29 May '13, 16:49) Grace

i loved tht @cory..

(30 May '13, 09:37) supergirl

@releaser99 Wow...that Joke-shar picture truly is some Sirius stuff. I knew Heath Ledger had some alien influence in his greatest role ever!

(30 May '13, 19:10) Cory

@Grace Thank you and you are very welcome:-) @supergirl Much appreciation to you:-)

(30 May '13, 19:11) Cory
showing 2 of 6 show 4 more comments

Congratulations Grace! I never thought of it myself, for me in October it'll be four years.

It doesn't seem nearly four years gone by. But I have enjoyed every year here. :-)


answered 29 May '13, 00:13

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

Thanks, @Wade Casaldi! Four years! I think you had it together before you ever got here, though. I appreciate your answers so much. You have this neat way of expressing yourself, sort of a stream of consciousness, that is so disarming, and you have cracked me up so many times.... I like to read what you post, just to see what's going on in your head, and maybe get an update on how you and @Jai are faring. Thanks for being 1/2 of The Jai and Wade Phenomenon on IQ. :)

(29 May '13, 16:55) Grace

Thank you so much Grace, yes disarming, I like that. I do consider myself a peace maker.

I am glad you noticed I do write in a stream of consciousness. Sometimes that gets broke and I'll add something without it that probably makes the one that was coming through bang his head! LOL.

I am glad to be half of the "Wade and Jai phenomenon." :-)

(29 May '13, 22:40) Wade Casaldi

even..i l be completing my 1st IQ b'day this oct'..,bt it really seems as i wld hav strtd yesterday.., amazing feeling.., each n every min on IQ is so ineteresting..tht i hav no words to express tht :))

(30 May '13, 09:40) supergirl
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

hey darling..

hearty congratulations to u..

pretty girl ,,it feels awesome to be ur frnd..

i learnt a lot fm u n ur awesome posts on IQ..

i wanna congratulate u n also..., say "thank you fr being you fr all of us..on IQ.., "thank u dear darling.."..

yupee.... :)))) cheersss.. :))))

we all are gonna rock more n more with each other in these future years.. i am glad tht i am one of the piece of this beautifully beautiful cake of IQ..:))


supergirl :))


answered 30 May '13, 10:02

supergirl's gravatar image



Thank you, @supergirl! I learn a lot from you, too, and I am so glad we both found this special place. :)

(30 May '13, 18:13) Grace

my pleasure @grace..

(31 May '13, 03:42) supergirl
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