After using vibrational processes to raise my vibration on certain topics in my life I've seen some success.

However I've noticed that the thing that throws me out of the vortex most often is money.

After speaking with a friend and noticing how not having money can totally drain me. I realized that I would much rather have the feeling that I get when I look at my financial reality to leave then to just have money shower on me.

is this a good approach to have when doing, let's say focus blocks? or any other process.

To help relieve my vibration of the negative emotions is it best to do as many focus blocks as possible, everyday if need be? Is that effective or is that doing "too much"?

Thanks in advance.

asked 21 Sep '10, 16:36

Chris%202's gravatar image

Chris 2

edited 21 Sep '10, 17:17

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

Not only is seeking relief, rather than the manifestation, a good approach, I would say it's the only approach :)

Every transformational process has an emotional component whether it is openly acknowledged or not.

Even just taking physical action to get what you want has an emotional component to it because it makes you feel better to take the action (for what you want).

This is what Manifesting Experiment 3 - Vibrational Goal Getting will be about...when I actually manage to find the time to finish writing the software to go with it :)

In fact, there isn't a single thing that anyone wants for any other reason than to feel better or, to put it another way, seek relief from a less-good-feeling emotion.

So the physical manifestations that so many are chasing are really only things for them to observe in their reality and then feel better anyway. It's easier to just feel better first, don't you think? :)

If you can make your manifesting efforts purely about the better-feeling emotion and not the physical end-result, you've got it absolutely nailed

... because that constant attention to the lack of the physical manifestation is what keeps the lack of the physical manifestation in your experience.

By leaving the physical manifestation out of it, you by-pass that problem completely. It's exactly what I do and it is highly effective.

As for how often to do Focus Blocks (or any other manifesting method), do them as often as you feel you need to, to keep yourself generally feeling good in your life.

Some kind of vibrational work on a daily basis (meditation at a minimum) is ideal because your Vortex is in a constant state of expansion.

Trying to stand still vibrationally is equivalent to going backwards...expansion is the nature of physical (and non-physical) life.

A rule of thumb that I have been experimenting with is to deliberately tune yourself into the Vortex once a day (preferably first thing in the morning) and then let life unfold however it unfolds...just enjoy the ride :)


Just an extra little tip to anyone that might be thinking of trying the morning Vortex tune-up...

The vibrational state you are in when you wake-up follows on exactly from the state you were in when you fell asleep.

So you can actually start your vibrational tune-up the night before (even as you are lying in bed, perhaps thinking appreciative thoughts) and then just continue it the next morning to finally tune yourself up into the Vortex for the day ahead.

Saves a bit of time if you are in a rush :)


answered 22 Sep '10, 06:56

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 15 Oct '10, 03:53

Vesuvius's gravatar image


Quite agree and quite looking forward to Vibrational Goal Getting! Namaste

(22 Sep '10, 07:44) daniele

So the physical manifestations that so many are chasing are really only things for them to observe in their reality and then feel better anyway. It's easier to just feel better first, don't you think? -- Sure, if all you want to accomplish is to feel better. I agree that feeling better is the goal of most people, but if your desire is to make an impact in the physical world (one that can be experienced physically by other people), is feeling better in your own internal mental construction sufficient, or is the taking of physical action also required?

(22 Sep '10, 17:12) Vesuvius

It's exactly what I do and it is highly effective. -- Highly effective at what? Making you feel better, or producing physical manifestations?

(22 Sep '10, 17:21) Vesuvius

@Vesuvius - it's simply not possible to feel better about something and not eventually receive physical manifestations of that improved feeling, so the goal of feeling better is also the goal of making a physical impact. Regarding Highly Effective, I mean both feeling better and producing physical manifestations...for the reason mentioned earlier in this comment

(22 Sep '10, 20:45) Stingray

Stingray with regard to above comment to Vesuvius , "it's simply not possible to feel better about something and not eventually receive physical manifestations of that improved feeling " Does the feeling have to be a "good feeling" related to a specific desire to manifest that specific thing, or are all good feelings the working fuel :-) Thanks in advance

(07 Apr '13, 22:22) Starlight

@Starlight - Sorry, only just noticed your comment. I don't seem to get notified for questions/answers from 2009-2011 unless I post something to them

(07 May '15, 04:28) Stingray

@Starlight - "are all good feelings the working fuel" - All good feelings are good but targeted good feelings are even better :) ...because you are "softening" your resistance specifically in the direction of what you want. See What should we imagine, visualize or believe?

(07 May '15, 04:32) Stingray
showing 2 of 7 show 5 more comments

A few thoughts:

  1. You don't need a lot of money to feel financially secure, but you may have to change some of your negative beliefs about money and financial prosperity.

  2. Once you change some of your negative beliefs about money and financial prosperity, your emotional guidance system may inspire you to take positive actions to improve your financial situation.

  3. Once you take those positive actions, your financial situation will improve, which will in turn make you feel better about your financial situation. It is a positive upward spiral.

  4. You may not be rich by other people's standards, but you don't have to be.


answered 21 Sep '10, 17:38

Vesuvius's gravatar image


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