I have become more confused than usual, I am finding it hard to understand Bashar's teaching that we literally become a new person in a new reality with their own respective past and future. If that is the case how is it that I can remember the past of my "old self" and the things in physical reality around me do not change to match. Would I not be able to remember the past of the new me instead and not be able to recall the old past? this question stems from his addiction breaking technique where I posted this as a reply to Grace's question http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/77354/would-you-share-your-personal-insights-on-using-bashars-method-for-breaking-addictions ... But I can remember the "old me's" history and memories so I do not understand how this works, even though it is working and has helped me this flaw is itching at me. Also all my friends remember the times I have smoked with them, which leads to more obvious flaws in this method. I understand that time is an illusion and it is all really now but that doesnt seem logical when I and everyone who knows me still know what my past is. If it was all now I wouldnt be able to remember all the things I remember, I can see a distinction between things I am remembering and imagining such as my actual past and my imaginary past I am pretending to have had in order to be the new me that doesn't smoke. A picture of me smoking doesn't magically change to me in a different situation does it. Can anyone explain? If everything was here and now, rather than being everywhere and linear how is it possible that Everyone has their own histories. Wouldn't it all just be one big memory of every possible experience? |
I think the unhelpful premise/belief here is that your experienced memories are more worth or more real than your imagined ones. But this can only be perceived this way when your imagined memories don't feel real...when they have no (or not enough) emotional value to you. When you truly accept the premise that all things exist now, it doesn't matter whether something is imagined or experienced in the past. So you allow yourself to feel the realness of anything you want. And think about it, are some memories really that real or more real than others? They are not "real" anyway or at least not more real than anything else you can create. You can think of a scenario in your past and recall a birthday party and all people that were there. Yes, you feel like the things you remember were real when you think about that memory, but you are not there now. You are here right now reading this. This is real. You can't even remember everything in great detail from that memory. Do you remember the colors of your clothes on that day? Maybe. Do you remember the colors of other people's clothes from that birthday party? Probably not. But you create the colors in your mind when you recall the memory... and it feels real to you like it was on that day. So what are memories anyway? They are pictures, sounds and most importantly... feelings. If you have a belief that says that some memories are more real than others, then you won't allow yourself to feel that all memories (created thoughts) are equally real. And in fact you can even decide which memories matter more to you. You can decide which ones you want to experience as being more real. It's really just a decision. You can decide weather your friend's (created) memory or your (created) memory matters more to you. Yes, you are really that powerful.
Again, remembering is creating things (see birthday party example above) in the now. You create everything now "second to second to second"... It doesn't matter what you create "in this momment, and in this moment...and in this moment, and now and now and now and now" as Bashar would say. All memories are equal in the now. Some memories are just so trained in many now moments that they have become active beliefs (belief = thoughts you keep thinking regularly). And they have become self perpetuating systems (as explained in this answer). Do this...think of a pink dog and place frankenstein's head where the head of the dog's head is. And imagine this Franken-dog talking to you and saying nice things like "You are great! I love you! You are a powerful being!" Congratulations! Now you've created a memory that's equally real to all other memories that you have in your now-mind. You are allowed to decide that this memory is yours from now on and that you want to experience it as something really happened in your life. I don't have any copyright claims :). This definitely helps, So because I have "remembered" these moments often they have grounded themselves as belief systems, where in reality they are actually no more real than anything I can imagine instead of? That leads me to thinking that a new moment imagined is still not as real as my "memories" because I have not physically lived through it only mentally. I am finding it hard to grasp this, I am sorry if I'm missing something obvious.
(19 Jun '13, 08:12)
@lastplacefavourite "So because I have remembered these moments often they have grounded themselves as belief systems, where in reality they are actually no more real than anything I can imagine instead of?" Yes, exactly. And you don't remember everything that you have experienced in your life, right? So this must mean that you chose to keep re-remembering some experiences/memories often and on a regular basis. And this way they became beliefs.
(19 Jun '13, 08:46)
But they are still illusions (or equally real) in the now as they were the day you first created them. "imagined is still not as real as my memories because I have not physically lived through it only mentally" Keep practicing this new memory and it will feel more and more real. You might find yourself soon not knowing whether you have truly experienced it or not. So practice and transforming your new image into a self-perpetuating system is key.
(19 Jun '13, 08:46)
This is why I referred to "method acting" in the other answer. You can make everything feel real by experiencing it often in many nows. You can make every creation a self-perpetuating system. But the belief that everything is equally real is also key to this method. I would recommend to not try so hard if you can't make it work. Try something else instead.
(19 Jun '13, 08:47)
@releaser99 - great answer!
(19 Jun '13, 10:05)
@releaser99- What a professional answer. I was looking for something in my life and your answer has been the manifestation (answer). What I picked up, "When you truly accept the premise that all things exist now...So you allow yourself to feel the realness of anything you want" This really assists encouraging me to not beat the drum of my past unwanted realities, when it comes to certain topics.
(19 Jun '13, 10:34)
@lozenge123 Thank you! @Nikulas "This really assists encouraging me to not beat the drum of my past unwanted realities" I'm glad you found value in it Nikulas! And thanks for your response! :)
(19 Jun '13, 11:42)
Thank you so much @releaser99 I have been surrounded by temptation all day and just arrived at home and have seen your second part of the answer, I am so glad I did not give in and waited at least to read the rest. I am encouraged to keep my change in place and even if becoming a new person doesn't work, the motivation I have received from a few supportive friends and your answer will keep me going! Thank you once again. Peace.
(19 Jun '13, 19:37)
@lastplacefavourite You are very welcome and I'm glad it helped in some way :).
(20 Jun '13, 07:52)
@releaser99, this has totally blown my mind. Thanks for your explanations here (and in the breaking-addiction threads). It's like a lightbulb went off in my head: I don't have to keep massaging old memories to feel better about them so I can change my current vibration. I can just pick a different memory entirely and vibrate THAT. Amazing!!!
(28 Jun '13, 03:43)
@corduroypower You are welcome :). "I don't have to keep massaging old memories to feel better about them so I can change my current vibration" And here is the Abraham version of this idea. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnhe_Xyl2Jc#t=8m32s
(28 Jun '13, 07:38)
@releaser99 cheers for the abraham link :)
(28 Jun '13, 12:46)
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@lastplacefavourite - Great job getting your question into words, sometimes I think that's half the battle. :) You got excellent advice from our @releaser99, who is a pro at this stuff. I hope it helps you - I am still working with these ideas too, trying to get them to take hold in my head, and his answers are helping me. For me, the concept that everything is happening Now is perfectly reasonable, once our Wise Ones break it down for me (over and over again, I'm still trying to get it to stick in my head), but what to do with that understanding has been another matter. The one thing that has helped me understand more than any other single component, has been to develop a healthy mistrust of the "reality" of my memories; indeed of "reality" in general. That had to come first, before anything else would work. @releaser99 gave a great example of how easy it is to create a new, impossible memory. Have you ever found something you wrote a while back, and read about feelings and experiences you had that you have no memory of? Or that you remembered entirely differently? Our memories really are just stories we tell ourselves, so it follows that you can tell a different story. I used to feel that truth was an absolute. I now believe that absolutely nothing could be further from the truth. ;) You mentioned that your imagined memories are still not as real for you because they had not been lived through physically, only mentally... I have learned here at IQ that we are creating ourselves anew constantly, so you are literally not the same person you were. You have been following your accustomed pattern of self-creation, moment to moment, using your usual vibrational set and accompanying belief system. It is all very flexible and malleable, because you can choose to change that pattern, at any moment. That is why the "past" physically cannot hold us back. You can remember what you want to remember, and do it authentically. As far as your friends go, if you ask each of them in a few year's time what your present day was like, I think you will receive as many different answers, because each of them is creating their own reality too. It's why it really does not matter what other people think. Whatever they think, what you think is just as "real", therefore the only "truth" that matters at all. :) Of tremendous help to me is to remember that what I had considered real memories, have not been physically lived through either. I can choose what to take with Me, and what to leave happily behind. I realise I'm simply reiterating what so many others here have said on the subject, but this is the way it is working it's way into my own mind, so I thought I'd share, hoping it may help you. I have no doubt we will both soon understand perfectly, and be able to make good use of the knowledge. Good luck! :) "I used to feel that truth was an absolute. I now believe that absolutely nothing could be further from the truth. ;)" Absolutely True! There seems to be nearly as many truths as people. Now, if I could only attract people who can tell the truth. Mercy.. Good answer @Grace Don't worry about being repetitive - repeat & repeat till you get it & like a great book, you always learn something new when you read it again.. Funny, truth was my word for the day... the word has popped up everywhere.
(23 Jun '13, 01:18)
Thank you @Grace it is helpful for me to read the same concepts from different perspectives so you going over what was previously discussed is greatly appreciated :) I too am sure we will soon be making great use of this knowledge. Everything will come together.
(23 Jun '13, 06:17)

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