This question stems from Michaela's question here. In this question, she asks:
Absolute, relative- isn't the Truth the Truth? Isn't there an Absolute Truth which all can agree upon? And if the Truth can indeed be relative, then how can we ever trust anyone else? So Lies sort of seem to become necessary "placeholders" until we are ready for the Absolute Truth...or have I got that wrong? And if we all agree on those lies, then what is Truth and what is Fiction, anyway? Lies do serve a purpose in everyday life. They are often fragile realities that are usually blown to bits at some point, but when two people subtly agree to lie, then what is "Their Truth"? I sure hope I am making sense here...this question has been hanging around without anyone really looking at the reasons we lie to each other....Sometimes, lies can be when we tell our children there are no monsters when we know that our next-door neighbor is suspicious and seems likely to eat our children if we are not careful. (And then we come to the reason for Fairy Tales, which is to introduce to kids the Fact that the World is not always safe, as Red-Riding Hood found out!).... So, if people prefer to be lied to, why? How can this behavior make sense? Lovingly, Jai
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Because we all agree upon something Jai doesn't make it's just an agreement. Something can only be True to each of us individually depending on our individual level of awareness and where each of us are at on our journey. Confusion arises when we mistake a belief for the Truth. When we open to growth our mind begins to expand and we are open to seeing other possibilities and our beliefs change accordingly and continue to change as the mind continues to open. Quite often at times, as humans, we do prefer to be lied to because we're simply afraid or not ready yet to hear the Truth, so we cling to our fixed beliefs and the lies we've been told, or even more importantly the lies we've told ourselves, to protect our little sense of self. In the end it's futile because we just keep going round in circles and not feeling good about it because the soul within will not give up it's quest for growth. The greatest favor we can do for ourselves is to be willing to look at our own self delusions, which means humbling ourselves in the process, admitting what isn't working for us, giving up the need to be right and opening to a whole new realm of possibilities. To admit that we don't know the Absolute Truth brings us much closer to that which is Real. Or as I said in my comment to Traveller...when we know that we don't know, we're much more closer to actually knowing :-) 2
I know that I don't know, I believe that I live in a world of belief lol what's happening in my life depends on my internal imagery, science is yet another belief system
(11 May '15, 00:33)
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if the self is not known but is it not funny that the truth comes out of the person that lies. what was said:Lies do serve a purpose in everyday life. They are often fragile realities that are usually blown to bits at some point, but when two people subtly agree to lie, then what is "Their Truth"? that makes both of them liar. if they prefer lies to truth it is their problem. before trying to find a speak of dust in the eyes of someone else they should remove the beams from their own eyes. if not they lie about them self-
(11 May '15, 20:23)
white tiger
and other and what they accuse other about is what is really important to them that they will make a division about out of their own darkness and selfishness. even if someone seek to help them see they see only the beam in their own eyes. every one that accuse me or judge me their is one that as already accuse them or judge them. he that as ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 11:15 is there a need to quarrel or argue in the street?-
(11 May '15, 20:28)
white tiger
there is light in a person of light and it shines on the whole world if not it is dark. Let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy.
(11 May '15, 20:43)
white tiger
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@Jai I think the last 2 paragraphs would have made a good ? had you not linked it to @Michaela 's ?. I think the confusion lies in your definition of "truth". You see the truth as Mr. Webster's definition & not the spiritual definition. Here's another way to define "truth".
@ele- Hmmm...Good points to ponder! Thank you, ele.