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How To Use Focus Statements

  • It's not about getting out there and beating the pavement, it's about finding the vortex, the specific vortex through which the money will flow
  • I am sure there are many wealthy people who at one time were standing financially about where I am right now, who broke through this and found a stream of abundance
  • There is abundance that is coming to me in so many ways in my life even if it is not through actual money right now
  • I am starting to understand that the universe is getting ready to give me the abundance of money, the abundance of being able to prove to myself that I am in alignment with all that I want and that is true that there is nothing that I cannot be or do or have
  • I must admit I have had times in my life when money has flowed to me unexpectedly so I know such a thing is possible
  • It's interesting to note that I'm having that sensation of feeling better about money right now even though what I have right now has not changed at all in this exact moment
  • The world is awash with money and all I have to do is allow a little trickle in my direction
  • Allowing money to flow into my life is just a matter of contouring my own vibration about it, not about physically earning it
  • I acknowledge that the subject of money is one I have negatively practiced for a while. That's okay - I've learned something about myself from doing that. Now I can practice that subject in a different way
  • I believe that I can change my thoughts about anything...and there is no reason that money can't be one of those things
  • I love the feeling of being calm and assured about money
  • I'm beginning to understand that financial prosperity is simply about molding my thoughts, not about forcing physical results
  • I believe that a prosperous attitude of mind will naturally lead to a prosperous life experience
  • It is impossible for me to feel better about money and not see that reflected back to me in my physical life in some way
  • There are many, many people in this world who have discovered ways to let money flow easily and effortlessly into their lives. So I know it can be done
  • All great businesses started with an idea...and having an idea is as non-physical as it gets. A great idea can come to anyone at any time - and that includes to me if I make myself ready to receive it
  • My only job is to be ready for what's ready to be given to me

asked 12 Aug '13, 17:33

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 13 Aug '13, 12:48

thank u so much stingray :)))

(14 Aug '13, 07:40) supergirl
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Hi @Stingray, this is taken from an answer you gave me a long time ago about a Rampage of appreciation.

There is some repetition of the above statements, but I have always loved this Rampage and thought some of it would be valuable and serve well here. :)

  • There are many people who at one time were standing financially about where I am, who broke through this and found a stream of abundance

  • And I can feel the stream of abundance approaching me because things that have never happened to me before are beginning to show up so I know my vibration about money is improving

  • And there is no end to what that improvement will be

  • And it's going to be fun for me over the next days to watch different
    evidences showing me that I'm really sniffing out the trail of abundance

  • Already new ideas and experiences are starting to show up in my experience which demonstrate how my financial vibration is changing

  • And I accept that 99% of every creation is complete before I see any physical evidence and so it's alright if it doesn't flow into my hands this red hot minute

  • I can be patient here a little bit. I've learned to settle in here and I'm alright in waiting for this

  • And I'm actually beginning to feel my impatience turning to a little bit of eagerness

  • It's going to be exciting to watch
    the way the universe displays to me
    in a way that is meaningful where I
    can consciously recognize that my
    energy is shifting

  • And I can feel that even in this
    conversation that I am having with
    myself that I'm moving systematically into that stream of money that I am

  • And I'm not asking for it to come all at once, although it can, I'm asking for it to come through my crack of least resistance which I'm working on right now

  • And it's exciting to me to anticipate the adventure and the surprises and
    the way that it will flow

  • And I'm appreciating already my
    knowledge about my own guidance

  • And I'm appreciating my understanding of the Law of Attraction

  • And I'm appreciating the people that are showing in a demonstrating way
    that abundance can flow into their

  • And I'm looking forward to meeting
    people who can tell me their stories about how they were in desperate
    straits not very long ago and then
    money began to flow

  • And I like hearing from them and
    especially the part where they say "I can't believe that it was always
    there for me" or "I had the sensation of, oh, where have you been all

  • In other words, it's an interesting
    thing to be on one side of the
    manifestation in one moment and the
    other side of the manifestation in
    the other moment

  • And I'm looking forward to breaking
    through that

  • But in the meantime, I'm happy to be on this side of the manifestation
    because I'm feeling better and better and better

  • I've improved my life in so many
    different ways

  • And I'm eager to begin to see the
    stream of money flowing into my

  • I know that I'm worthy of it, I know that's not what the question is

  • I know now that I've just been a
    little vibrationally out of whack

  • And I can feel that conversations
    that I'm having with myself like this are bringing me vibrationally into

  • I'm understanding that my work is
    this emotional journey

  • It's not about getting out there and beating the pavement, it's about
    finding the vortex, the specific
    vortex through which the money will

  • I don't want only one specific
    vortex, I want many vortexes to open

  • I want to be the focal point where
    enormous sums of money begin to flow into my experience

  • I have activated my imagination,
    there is no end to my ideas of what I will do with this stream of money

  • It's great fun. I love the idea of
    playing the game where I am spending the money

  • I love the sensation of the money
    being in my pocket

  • I love the sensation of expressing it out there into the universe

  • I love the economy that I benefit as I hire one more to do one more thing or as I buy one more thing and bring it home

  • But most of all I enjoy the sensation of freedom

  • And it's interesting to note that I'm having that sensation of freedom
    right now even though my dollars have not changed at all in this moment

  • I've broken through the emotional

  • I can feel that I've cleaned up my

  • I'm much closer, maybe 70% of that 99.99% is in place

  • I'm willing to play this game. Who
    wouldn't want to play this game? It's exhilarating to play this game

  • It's life-giving to play this game

  • I could play this game all day, every day...oh, wouldn't it be nice if I had that?...won't it be nice when I have that?...won't it be nice if I have

  • I feel such appreciation for the
    abundance that is flowing into my

  • There is abundance that is coming to me in so many ways

  • I have the abundance of clarity, the abundance of stamina

  • I have the abundance of health, I
    have the abundance of friends

  • I have the abundance of so many

  • And now the universe is getting ready to give me the abundance of money,
    the abundance of being able to prove to myself that I am in alignment with all that I want and that is true that there is nothing that I cannot be or do or have

  • That's what I want most of all, I say to the universe, I want personal
    acknowledgement that there is nothing that I cannot be or do or have - and money is part of it

  • Money might even be a big part of it

  • I can feel money on its way to me

  • And I'm grateful for it even as it
    begins to flow

  • And I am proud of myself for the work that I am doing

  • And I'm eager to improve where I am
    and I'm happy where I am

  • I'm doing very well. I've come so
    far. I'm proud of where I am

  • I know that the universe sees me as I am

  • I can get on these rampages anytime
    that I want to

  • I'm going to work on these rampages
    more and more because they just feel so darned good

  • In fact, in a rampage like this,
    whether the money comes right now or not this red hot minute is no big
    issue to me

  • I know that it's coming, I'm not even wondering if it's coming. I'm not
    hoping that it's coming, I'm not even believing that it's coming, I KNOW
    that it's coming

  • It's just a matter of's
    not even a matter of time, it's just a matter of my alignment with what I want

  • And it's alright that I want it.
    Time-space reality has given me the
    ability to discern it

  • I've launched rockets of desire and
    they are over there pulsing with me
    and source and inner being are in
    alignment with them saying "come this way, come this way, come this way,
    come this way, come this way"

  • And I can tell by the thoughts that
    I'm thinking right now that I have
    come that way

  • I'm there. I'm there vibrationally

  • And now, let the money roll in

  • And so be it

~Abraham-Hicks Alaska Cruise, 2000something


answered 24 Aug '13, 00:49

Grace's gravatar image


edited 01 May '15, 12:18


@Grace - I've been looking for a YouTube version of this for a few years and stumbled across it shortly after posting some of these statements so your answer is a nice place to dump the link :)

(24 Aug '13, 10:29) Stingray

@Stingray - Excellent, glad you found it! And.... Happy to be of service. :)

(24 Aug '13, 18:13) Grace

Perfect just perfect

(25 Aug '13, 09:21) Monty Riviera

@Grace Brilliant - missed this when you originally posted it. So much of this works for so many issues, not just money.

(12 Oct '13, 10:36) Catherine

@Grace- Thank you for editing this. I missed it. 2013 was an incredibly busy year for me. @Monty Riviera, @Catherine- Please come back! We miss you! ♥ ♫ ♥

(01 May '15, 13:50) Jaianniah
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