This question is inspired from Abrahamloa, thank you, for the inspiration as to this great question.

Through Karma and Reincarnation we pay or are rewarded in our next life for what we were like in our previous lives.

With this understanding it seems that if you get on a momentum upwards or downwards it would be difficult to break out of that cycle.

Let's say someone is born into a hard life because of Karma. Now the way out is to be happy, loving, kind and forgiving... But because of this person's Karma no one treated him/her with love, compassion, kindness etc. So this person needs to learn to be loving in an environment that love is alien to him/her. This person needs to learn compassion, in an environment lacking compassion for him/her. This seems to be more inclined towards falling deeper into negative Karma his/her next life. Then deeper the next and so-forth. When someone needs to learn to give something they never had that is a tough puzzle to learn to put together especially to those that don't know they can get out.

It seems that the lower you are the lower you go. Also the higher you are the higher you go. A clear example is someone goes to jail for a minor crime. When he/she comes out he/she is a worse person than when he/she went in. This person gets treated very poorly with no compassion and to survive learns to toughen up and get rid of what compassion he/she went in with. This person comes out a meaner hard hearted person ready to do worse crime then when he/she went in.

It seems Karma is like this, a person may treat others bad so in the next life be treated poor. Now because he/she is treated poor, he/she treats others as he/she has been treated therefore sinking deeper the next life. So the next the same person is treated worse and hence treats others worse.

This seems to be a spiral downwards. This person must to break this learn love, compassion and kindness being constantly put in an environment that lacks, compassion, love and kindness.

It seems if we learn by experience then this is not an advantageous system to those that fall.

I'm Christian so I'm trying to understand the logic here about Karma and reincarnation.

Please try to clarify and show me how this works to bring change that turns people around from their situations in life.

Being Christian to me it seems there is more to this. A missing piece that we have a duty to treat those hard hearted with love and compassion to help them turn around. This shows that there is a better way. The Pope is doing this helping the poor. So instead of finding the way out through Karma and being on our own, I think we are all in existence together.

asked 06 Dec '13, 08:13

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 07 Dec '13, 16:05


get the book The Eternal Truth by Paramahansa Yogananda. It answers pretty much every question under the sun.Or at least once you know the Truth you yourself will how to approach questions. Many things in life it will be hard to figure through pure analytical logic. Analytical logic has very powerful and has its place but not in spiritual matters and things beyond 5 senses. For those you need to get into the SuperConscious states like in our dream or the states you achieve with meditation etc..

(06 Dec '13, 20:44) abrahamloa

sorry the book is Man's Eternal Quest

(06 Dec '13, 20:51) abrahamloa

Thank you, I'll look for it. :-)

(06 Dec '13, 23:00) Wade Casaldi

@Wade Casildi it all depend where you want to go. as for @abrahamloa pure analytical logic is part of the package, if not how could you know the truth? keep in mind that logic is more then what you see on the outside. for example just look at what part of the light spectrum that man is able to see, or at what that scientific discover that the eyes cannot see.

(07 Dec '13, 20:24) white tiger
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@Wade Casildi to help you out with the prisoner, where is the cause that send him in prison? is it because something was wrong in him or outside of him that made him do the choice that made the effect to send him in prison? if he is in prison he can use the time imparted to him wisely to better him self or worsen him self he as the choice, he can do what he like. if he does not like being in prison he will change him self or the way he interact with the outside. he is the one responsible of is own life and how he affect other. it is the same for everyone in this world. so as long as someone help him self and other, he does not fall even if sometime some will try to make you fall down and will fall down them self. is there a lesson in falling down? get up and pick up your mat.

let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy.


answered 06 Dec '13, 20:28

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white tiger

Prison is not a place where one can better himself. I remember a television special called, "Scared Straight" these kids that were in juvenile detention were taken away and forced to go to prison and talk with the inmates. The inmates intimidated them, threatened them, told then they couldn't wait until they ended up in prison with them.

(07 Dec '13, 16:28) Wade Casaldi
showing 1 of 2 show 1 more comments

Karma is a "game feature".. it's unfortunately got tainted with human belief systems..

The idea of the game feature which is now optional.. (has been for about 100 years) but the idea was.. you give someone a bloody nose.. you get to experience what that's like.. it's as simple as that..

While you can simply opt-out of karma if you choose.. one such method is the karmic board who meets about this time of the year..

"It seems Karma is like this, a person may treat others bad so in the next life be treated poor. Now because he/she is treated poor, he/she treats others as he/she has been treated therefore sinking deeper the next life. So the next the same person is treated worse and hence treats others worse.

This seems to be a spiral downwards. This person must to break this learn love, compassion and kindness being constantly put in an environment that lacks, compassion, love and kindness."

Yes as I said.. it's been tainted with a belief system.. nice example :)

We designed this game.. do you think we really our mean to ourselves?

"It seems if we learn by experience then this is not an advantageous system to those that fall.

I'm Christian so I'm trying to understand the logic here about Karma and reincarnation.

Please try to clarify and show me how this works to bring change that turns people around from their situations in life."

Since your a Christian.. are you sure your really trying to understand..?? about 90% of you are clueless for example who yeshua is.. or what he even said!

Karma is a genius game feature.. and I say "genius" if you killed someone.. who wouldn't want to experience that back..?? that's what it's all about.. learning/understanding.. that might not fit into your rational.. if you don't see reality as the designed "game" we created it to be :)

"Is Karma more advantageous toward ascension or descension?"

These days we don't have time for karma.. the shift is moving us so fast.. that game just no longer has value and is being put on the sideline.. so technically you could say "descension" but that word is a oxymoron.. were all learning/ascending.. :P


answered 07 Dec '13, 17:42

themaster's gravatar image


edited 07 Dec '13, 17:59

Good answer and good mp3! This Abraham/Hicks mp3 leads me to wonder about asking a new question. Is what we believe reality more perception or fact? Interesting, that would make an excellent question, if I could just think how to word it. Maybe it would do better if someone else asked, my questions usually bomb. LOL

(07 Dec '13, 20:18) Wade Casaldi

@the master when you came to this world you have falled many time and eventually you learned to walk. so the experience as served you well. you learned to have a better balance and you have better your self. each time you try something new you make mistake and learn from them to get better. if you refer to the human system that seek performance at any cost and make division between people, then I will agree with you that they can do better. when they shake of their wine they will drink water.

(07 Dec '13, 20:35) white tiger
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