I have seen this picture of the emotional scale quite a bit here on InwardQuest... There are labels on the emotional scale such as "Your desire is about to manifest" for emotions higher up the scale. But from what I understand, this "about to manifest" level can be achieved as long as you are happy and your point of attraction for a particular subject is neutral. Why dooes having positive thoughts about the issue itself (as opposed to just neutral) have any effects on its manifestation (as implied by the image)? This is important for me because FasteEFT has become my primary way of releasing resistance. I'm also figuring out how to implement the Abraham Grid... and I would definitely consider using it more often (based on the response I get to this question) since it leaves your vibration in a positive, rather than neutral, place. If possible, I also want to tack on a related question (need a higher character count before I submit)... If I have negative thoughts about an issue, and I leave those thoughts as is and stay predominantly happy (and NEVER remember/activate the thoughts pertaining to the issue), will it manifest? |
The pipe analogy is a great one to explain this idea. Let's say you want to manifest something but you feel resistant about it. This feeling is like a blockage ("clog") in a pipe. Once you unclog the pipe with this thing called "snake", water can flow through the pipe again. The "snake" is Faster EFT in your case. So you use Faster EFT to unblock your pipe so the manifestation can flow into physical reality. However, why do positive thoughts have any effects on your manifestation? It's because positive thoughts increase energy flow. To stick to the pipe analogy, thinking positive thoughts about the subject is like now opening the water tap (in the picture above). So water builds up more pressure and if there is no blockade in the pipe, it can flow faster through it. And this means, you get what you want faster by thinking positive thoughts about the subject. Sometimes when we wanted something for a long time, the physical manifestation can occur really fast when we unblock the pipe only. Because there is already a lot of pressure because of that constant wanting and not allowing, wanting and not allowing, wanting and... So the more we want something without allowing it, the more pressure it builds up in the pipe. Once you allow the energy to flow through the pipe again, it feels great and manifestations follow.
So if you want to use FasterEFT as your primary tool, you can first neutralize your resistance (reach contentment on the emotional guidance scale) and then flow more energy through your manifestational pipe by thinking positive thoughts about your subject. This way manifestations can flow faster into physical reality.
Yes, this works too. Because by staying predominantly happy you lay a completely new pipe so to speak. Now everything you every wanted can flow through this new huge pipe without you having to fix all the little old blocked pipes. 1
are you cleaning the inside of the cup? would you drink the water from that sink knowing you have dirt water at the bottom mixing with your water? also if you do not solve your problem and put a new pipe it is a lot more of work and your issue is not solved. first remove your clog and purify this sink. do not strain your water for a nat and swallow a camel.
(07 Jan '14, 04:07)
white tiger
@white tiger "are you cleaning the inside of the cup?" These days my dishwasher does it for me. :)
(07 Jan '14, 04:16)
While meditating the other day, I remembered that I had just heard Abraham explain that you clear up your resistance and get in the Vortex, and then the manifestation will come to you through the crack of least resistance. An image flashed into my mind, like an anthill, hundreds of interconnecting tubes, and some of the tubes are blocked with resistance. Kind of like, you may clear up enough "general" resistance to get in the Vortex, but then your manifestation still can only come to you...
(07 Jan '14, 15:52)
...through the clear pipes (=your beliefs about how things can actually, "logically", come to you). And if you have a lot of clogs on a topic, it might still, even though you are fairly consistently on a high-flying disc about that topic, take quite a lot of time and effort for it to flow to you. Does that make sense? Example, if you want more money and get to a relaxed-feeling place about money, it can still only come to you in ways you are prepared to believe can happen...
(07 Jan '14, 15:53)
...so if you have money beliefs like "You have to work really hard to get money", even after you have relaxed about the topic in general, and gotten to a high, clear vibration about it, the crack of least resistance for you might still mean that it takes a lot of "effort" for money to manifest in your experience. I don't know - I felt like this was a big insight for me when I had it, but this is probably another one of my LOA 101 realizations, LOL!
(07 Jan '14, 15:55)
... speaking of dishwashers. Reminds of what DB said on Meta about what his old friends from the UK called mechanical dishwashers when they first came out.
(07 Jan '14, 16:19)
What about the fastest EFT, we got EFT, faster EFT, which automatically implies there's THE FASTEST EFT out there. Share it NAO! =) I ain't got time to waste with slow ones. I live in a fast lane you know. lol
(07 Jan '14, 16:49)
@releaser99 thinking positive thoughts about the subject is like now opening the water tap Does thinking positive thoughts about anything also turn on the tap? Or does it have to pertain to the subject at hand?
(07 Jan '14, 21:02)
@corduroypower "your manifestation still can only come to you through the clear pipes" I think to some degree that's true. However you may wonder how many clear pipes you have aka cracks of least resistance. So even if you have a belief like "I have to work hard to get money", the Universe must either bypass that by using other clear pipes in clever and astounding ways. Or it must show you ways to clear 1-2 pipes if necessary. But it never feels like effort when in the Vortex.
(08 Jan '14, 11:27)
I find myself working "hard" sometimes but it feels like fun, not like hard work when inspired by the Vortex. Others might then say by observing that it's just discipline and work ethics when it's really fun and joy. Of course they're just observing through their belief filters and not through my emotions.
(08 Jan '14, 11:28)
Also I really like what @Stingray says about that. The belief that kicks you out of the Vortex is the one that needs clearing. Your inner being doesn't want you to clean up everything, just a few of maybe thousand+ clogged pipes so you can stay Vortex aligned. So it shows you the most important pipes through your belief that kicked you out of the Vortex.
(08 Jan '14, 11:28)
@WeRadiateBeauty "Does thinking positive thoughts about anything also turn on the tap?" Yes, but the fastest way to allow specific manifestation is to feel very good about that specific subject. However, if you are looking for ways to manifest faster, you could find yourself running into a very common problem. Then you feel desperate and by feeling so you "mess up" your vibration (speaking only from my own experience here, might be differen for you). http://goo.gl/KHDNbb
(08 Jan '14, 11:35)
@CalonLan "What about the fastest EFT" Sorry, I'm very busy and have no time to speculate about that because I'm learning "Faster than the fastest of fastest EFT's" by Mr Speedy Gonzales :).
(08 Jan '14, 11:38)
@releaser99 Thanks so much for all your help! It is also worth noting that another benefit of thinking positive thoughts about the subject is that it makes it more difficult for your vibrations to dip back into the negative, whereas staying at the neutral point makes you susceptible to move back into negative if you find your mind wandering during the day (esp. if your trained vibration on the subject is already well into the negative).
(08 Jan '14, 17:26)
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If I have negative thoughts about an issue, and I leave those thoughts as is and stay predominantly happy (and NEVER remember/activate the thoughts pertaining to the issue), will it manifest? I believe your negative thoughts will keep the manifestation at bay, but thinking happy thoughts could help shift your negative thoughts to an ever more increasing positive state, and thus bring about eventual manifestation. In other words, if you maintain your negative thoughts about an issue, then no manifestation. If you allow your negative thoughts to change due to your predominantly happy thoughts, then that will undoubtedly have a net positive influence. You can't stay completely negative on any particular subject, thinking general positive thoughts. yes @Beach Baby both the positive and the negative are your energies, you can't just discard the negative ... it's by transforming the negative into positive that you weaken the negative and automatically strengthen the positive ... putting it otherwise negative and positive are on the same continuum, on the same sliding scale, just as hot and cold, the more hot you become the less cold you are and vice versa ... +1 points
(07 Jan '14, 06:31)

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