Bashar says everything is neutral, but what positive actually means is being inclusive, understanding that everything connects and is a part of The One (Source/The Creation). Bashar says since everything is neutral, we can choose to see everything in a positive light, we can see how even the things that we gave the definition of "bad" or "negative", actually benefits us in some way and appreciate/focus on that. So if I lose something, I can be thankful that someone else benefits from that - it is like a gift from me. I can be thankful that now I know to be more aware of what I'm doing, and so on...

Abraham on the other hand, gives two different teaches. On the one hand, Abraham says we can play a game called "my ten favorite things about that" and even if it is negative, we can focus on everything that is positive (we appreciate) about it. But then Abraham also gives another teaching, that what you think about grows, so we should ignore all things we find negative and give attention to all the things we find positive. Abraham says "If there are 10 things and 9 are going bad, just focus on that 1 good things and that will bring more good"

So should we focus on finding a reason to appreciate everything in our lives, or should we ignore the things we find to be negative?

Thank you for your responses.

asked 04 Aug '14, 21:25

arpgme's gravatar image


edited 04 Aug '14, 22:25

I don't think they really contradict each other. Bashar and Abraham are both essentially saying that the important idea is to maintain a stronger focus on the positive. Abraham's book of positive aspects, focus wheel, and ten favorite things processes all do that, as you mentioned, just like Bashar suggests.

The reason Abraham talks about ignoring the negative is (I think) because many people still aren't very good at changing how they feel related to a given subject area (especially in a broad audience like Abraham has been attracting). And since the idea of the Abraham "cork" being that if you just remove the things holding you down, that you'll by default pop back up to the surface of positive vibration, then sometimes it's just easier to throw the negative stuff out of your mind to achieve that positive vibration. They recommend the clearing-your-mind type of meditation for the same reason; sometimes it's just easier to get someone to clear their mind of all thoughts than to teach them how to think positively about what they consider negative thoughts.

At least that's the way I see it. I think they're completely compatible on this subject. Bashar says "Think about it in a positive way." Abraham says "Ditto, or try just not thinking about it at all."


answered 04 Aug '14, 23:33

Snorkledorf's gravatar image


I thought so but I wanted to make sure. Thank you a lot for the clarification. :)

(04 Aug '14, 23:53) arpgme

There really is no right answer to your question. It's all about preference and which piece of information resonates with you more.

Even though this is said over and over again here at IQ, all the techniques are simply trying to get you in a proper place of vibrational frequency (aka feeling good) that you prefer.

Sometimes it can be easy to ignore things in your day to day life, and sometimes things seem to be consistently "in your face" so to speak to a point where completely ignoring something may not be an option for certain people. This is where you decide which teaching is your own personal path of least resistance. A zig zaggy path may be less resistance than one that is straight as an arrow. In other words, two options are better than one in many situations.

In a way, both of these techniques could come in handy in certain scenarios. They both have for me. It's similar to using a hammer on a tool belt, but some tasks may be better taken care of with the saw.

Bashar is simply saying to redefine the definition aka find a way to feel better about it since everything is neutral and you can fill in the blanks and way you choose.

Abraham is simply saying if it doesn't feel good, just focus on the next best thing that makes you feel good.

So should we focus on finding a reason to appreciate everything in our lives, or should we ignore the things we find to be negative?

Every time that something comes up negative in you life just ask yourself a question.

Which process resonates best with me at this timing?

Both are valid in their own way. Make it as easy on yourself as you possibly can. Easier is always better:)


answered 05 Aug '14, 00:06

Cory's gravatar image


edited 05 Aug '14, 00:09


That's a good point. Sometimes you just can't ignore certain things you feel negative about, so it's good to have tools that allow you to process those things into a better-feeling place. It's not entirely a matter of one's skill/preference like I was thinking.

(05 Aug '14, 02:17) Snorkledorf

The teachings of Abraham and Bashar are fundamentally the same. Bashar a bit more complicated and gets a little more into the mechanics of things, but Abraham focuses on the underlying principles that drive the mechanics more than the mechanics.

In principle, nothing is neutral. Can you ever feel neutral? Even when we say we're "neutral" we're in a zone of comfort or some form of pleasure. When people feel they're neutral, they are still in the zone of comfort (: although they might not be ecstatic :) where they are undisturbed by pain. If you are not affected by negativity, then you are in positivity even if you aren't jumping for joy.

About seeing things in a positive or negative frame is very important but it is also important to realize that positivity begets positive events i.e. breaking your leg is not entirely positive even if it prevents you being somewhere you might have been killed because you could have avoided being killed while still keeping your leg intact. So while it is true that if you have a negative frame you can feel unpleasant in situations where many would be delighted, but it is also true that holding that negative frame will proceed to manifest situations most people would dislike and a positive frame the opposite. The point I'm trying to make is that ALL EVENTS ARE CREATED AND GENERATED FROM WITHIN i.e. they aren't just happening on their own and then you just look at them from a preferred perspective. Sometimes this perspective thing makes people think that they are only able to control their response (: which is still victim mentality 100% :) but it's vital to understand that the event that you are responding to is also the result of you. However, once you have caused an event then you can only alter the response to it because attempting to alter the event (: which is an effect :) is futility because that's a result. You must alter the cause, and therefore you begin within by first altering your response to one that makes you feel better within and then gradually move up to feeling really good and specifying the type of experiences you'd like.


answered 05 Aug '14, 07:56

harsha's gravatar image


@Harsha you said:Sometimes this perspective thing makes people think that they are only able to control their response (: which is still victim mentality 100% :) Of course they can only control their own choice. I do not see it as victim mentality. your own choice will change the outside for you. who is the victim the one that do the right choice for himself and other? or is the victim the one that do the wrong choice for himself and other thinking that he is doing the right one? you see some-

(05 Aug '14, 23:55) white tiger

Bully might think that they are doing the right choice by doing bad stuff to other to get what they want to seek to control outside stuff to their liking to get praise from other. yet when a bigger bully does the same to that bully he will not accept it. or even if a so call victim put him in is place he will not accept it either. so you see the bully is blind to this and eventually another one will replace him or do the same to him. so the real victim is the bully he just don't know it yet.

(06 Aug '14, 00:01) white tiger

Not quite. There are no real victims as such there is only a victim Mentality which creates the illusion that one is a victim. EVERY SINGLE EVENT (: regardless of how "random" it seems :) IS ORCHESTRATED FROM WITHIN US, on both sides the so-called "bully" and the so-called "victim". Every body meets their reflection in circumstances. Once we have created something unpleasant the best way out of it is to respond in the most positive manner possible so that we can quickly move past it.

(06 Aug '14, 06:41) harsha

My emphasis is that not only must we respond appropriately to events we create (: should they be unpleasant :) but that we should also be aware that WE CREATE 100% OF THE EVENTS WE EXPERIENCE not just our interpretation of it. We must become fully aware that our circumstances reflect our inner state and seeds we have sown.

(06 Aug '14, 06:42) harsha
showing 2 of 4 show 2 more comments

Bashar is referring to events that have already occurred and how one can choose o respond to those events, even if they are perceived as negative. Abraham is referring to the mindset one can choose to have prior to events occurring. Both are suggesting the benefit of a positive attitude. Abraham > think positive > attract positive events (However, when Negative event occurs) > Bashar > Redefine to find something positive > think positive > attract positive events. Perspective before, perspective after.


answered 05 Aug '14, 14:02

i4cim2b's gravatar image


Spot on. Well said!

(05 Aug '14, 17:06) harsha

To answer this question is very simple. why live in ignorance when you can find the truth? if you ignore why you like or do not like something how can you make a proper choice? if you know why you do not like something you can change what you do not like or find a way to change it so you will like it. If you know what you like and why you like it you can find other place to reproduce what you like.

This is things from the outside that affect you. in the same way you will affect other by your own choice. one more reason to get to know your self. if you do not know your self how can you know other? only by judging on outside things that you even ignore why it is so? each things serve a perpace. and yes something that you might not like might be necessary for you and other. Also it is not because you do not like something that someone else will not. everyone is growing and learning stuff in this world and everyone makes error. So be merciful. So before you make a judgment on something learn why it is so, have some discernment.

Do not stay in ignorance solve the out and in and in and out. because if you are in darkness in ignorance, inside you are like a box that accumulate piece of puzzle but never get the complete image of that puzzle.

At the place of ignorance: Learn the truth it will set you free.

Did this help you solve your puzzle?

if I have been your helper so be it and let it be.

Let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy.


answered 05 Aug '14, 23:45

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

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