This is a Law Of Attraction Question, which is somewhat of a conundrum within LOA, at least from my current perspective and understanding. I have, however, come to realize and accept that no answer to questions of this sort can really be complete until they are considered from a non-physical perspective in addition to the somewhat limited perspective available to us as incarnate beings.

As I understand LOA, I alone attract and manifest both events and objects into my life experience. If it happens or is in my possession, it is the result of law of attraction. There are no exceptions; so I am told. Both Abraham and Bashar offer advice and specific instructions on how to manifest our desires, what we are wanting to occur and obtain. For example, let's say I want to manifest a 2015 Chevy Corvette. I begin by expressing a desire. During this first phase of manifesting, I can use visualization; try to see the object as clearly and in as much detail as possible. I need to concentrate, focus on this thing. Some will suggest using aids to accomplish this feat, such as a focus box or photo. I must have a belief, faith that if I follow this process with strong intent and without expectation as to how or when this car will manifest itself, it will. This event occurs when a vibrational match occurs between the physical and nonphysical elements of my wanting.

That aspect of manifesting however is not my concern. I have put it into my vortex and now I must forget about this desire. An effective way of doing that is to believe and behave as if I already have the car. Since, in my mind, I already have it, I can let go of the wanting and expectation factors and allow source energy make it happen. My skill and ability in applying all aspects of this process, I assume, are supposed to make the actual manifestation happen faster. Of course, I am constantly albeit unconsciously applying this process on a daily basis as seen by the events that occur, and objects that come into my possession each day. It is those special items like the Corvette that require a concentrated and conscious effort, I suppose.

Now here is the conundrum that I find a bit perplexing. Let's say, for this second example I am a 20 something and have just come into an inheritance of a billion dollars. I have a desire. I am wanting one each of every 2014 make and model vehicle available at every dealership in the city. The process I will use to manifest this desire is slightly different. First of all, I have no clue of what all the vehicles are much less what they look like, so for me, no visualization, focusing or concentration is necessary. My process will begin early in the morning on any given day. I will simply gather a list of all the biggest dealers for each manufacturer, call them on the phone, tell them what I want, wire transfer payment in full, and make it clear that I "expect" my desire to be manifested on my very large front lawn before the sun goes down. Shortly after completing my calls, and continuing throughout the day, the autos I want will be manifesting on my front lawn.

Therefore, can we assume that all billionaires are Law of attraction savants? Does great wealth allow one to overrule and find a way around LOA giving them the ability to load up their vortex on a whim, a moments notice, able to match vibrations to objects they cannot even describe or even know that exist. I assume there is a valid explanation for this. However, give me a billion dollars and I will master the art of manifesting in 30 minutes or less. Maybe a Law of Attraction loophole?

asked 05 Aug '14, 16:13

i4cim2b's gravatar image


available to us as incarnate beings.

We're both "incarnate" beings AND the non-physical beings at the same time, so we can have both perspectives. The question is only, which one at which moment is coming through.

As I understand LOA, I alone attract and manifest both events and objects into my life experience.

I wouldn't say that about objects - I'd say, the physical reality expresses your vibration to you, in the meaning that the objects you get/possess, feel to you the same as your vibration does. It may seem the same, but it isn't.

Both Abraham and Bashar offer advice and specific instructions on how to manifest our desires, what we are wanting to occur and obtain.

Again, to say it more precisely, they teach you not "to manifest", they teach you to BE the vibration you choose to be, the physical manifestations then come as a bonus.

For example, let's say I want to manifest a 2015 Chevy Corvette. I begin by expressing a desire.

not necessarily. You can just feel good. Sometimes it is gained by not expressing it.

During this first phase of manifesting, I can use visualization; try to see the object as clearly and in as much detail as possible.

Again, only if it makes you feel good.

I must have a belief, faith that if I follow this process with strong intent and without expectation as to how or when this car will manifest itself, it will.

Again, only if it feels good.

This event occurs when a vibrational match occurs between the physical and nonphysical elements of my wanting.

This event occurs, when a vibrational match occurs between you and your Source, and not just occurs, but also gains some momentum.

An effective way of doing that is to believe and behave as if I already have the car.

Only if it feels good. This is the point of all processes, the "driving engine", the condition, everything.

Now here is the conundrum that I find a bit perplexing. Let's say, for this second example I am a 20 something and have just come into an inheritance of a billion dollars. I have a desire. I am wanting one each of every 2014 make and model vehicle available at every dealership in the city. The process I will use to manifest this desire is slightly different. First of all, I have no clue of what all the vehicles are much less what they look like, so for me, no visualization, focusing or concentration is necessary.

It never is necessary - the necessary only is that you feel good, whatever you do in this stream.

My process will begin early in the morning on any given day. I will simply gather a list of all the biggest dealers for each manufacturer, call them on the phone, tell them what I want, wire transfer payment in full, and make it clear that I "expect" my desire to be manifested on my very large front lawn before the sun goes down. Shortly after completing my calls, and continuing throughout the day, the autos I want will be manifesting on my front lawn.

If you're not a match to your Source in that stream, you will not get them. There will be endless "reasons", why you didn't get it.

Bashar said, the secret of those "secret groups" that "didn't let the secret out" is that "there is no secret" - meaning, everyone can access whatever is a vibrational match.

The matter is here, that when you have a billion dollars, you:

  1. must have been having a momentum in this energy;
  2. easily maintain the vibration of having whatever that billion dollars can buy. There will be much less doubt, that you can get it now - and the less doubt on your desire, the more you're in connection with your Source, the more you're a vibrational match to your desires.
However, give me a billion dollars and I will master the art of manifesting in 30 minutes or less.

Nope. The secret of "manifesting" is in being able to do it unconditionally. When you have a billion dollars, it's easier for you to align, but it is conditional. When people, who got used to being conditional, meet some challenge, where they have to be unconditional to rise and align, it can be not as easy..

Such is my opinion, and so I see no loophole here. :) You still do?


answered 06 Aug '14, 11:30

Olga%20Farber's gravatar image

Olga Farber

edited 06 Aug '14, 11:37


@Olga Farber Thank you Olga for confirming once again that the best answers are most often found with someone who can clearly understands the question. When this question first came up in a LOA discussion a few weeks back, I had to refrain from attempting to answer from my limited understanding of LOA's underlying principles. I do, however, know that there are no "loopholes", just missing pieces of the puzzle which you have been kind enough to share. They are much appreciated.

(06 Aug '14, 18:16) i4cim2b

@i4cim2b I'm glad my answer was helpful. I enjoyed answering :)

(07 Aug '14, 06:04) Olga Farber

Does great wealth allow one to overrule and find a way around LOA giving them the ability to load up their vortex on a whim, a moments notice, able to match vibrations to objects they cannot even describe or even know that exist?

No. You have to be a Law of Attraction expert already, in order to attract and keep the billion dollars in the first place.

The lotto doesn't count. There's a relatively high percentage of lotto winners who are broke again, 5 years after winning the lottery, because their existing mental framework cannot support such a high degree of attraction. Those who already understand money and how to use it properly are still millionaires long after they obtain their winnings.

Those who are "born into" a high degree of wealth can become LOA savants, if they learn how to discipline their thinking and use their wealth properly. Some of these people don't make it, because they never had to earn their wealth and so do not understand the LOA principles behind that wealth.

The ones that had to earn their wealth did so because they learned how to do it, based on LOA principles. Many of them went broke several times before they got it right and were able to maintain that wealth over a significant period of time.

Note that the LOA is not a magic wand; you don't just materialize things out of thin air. Alignment is not the same concept as materialization at all.

It turns out that I unwittingly employed Stingray's Manifesting Box method some years ago, and didn't even realize it. I sat down one day and wrote down in a book all of the things that I wanted. Some of those things were physical possessions, but many of them were personal characteristics: what kind of person did I want to be?

When you think about these things, and imagine the kind of person that you would be if you had these things, what happens is your mind becomes conditioned to think a certain way, and this mental attitude influences the thousands of little decisions you make every day, decisions that shape the overall direction in your life.

Over time, these decisions collectively add up to a life that is well lived, a character that is well-forged, and yes, the attaining of possessions that have personal meaning for you. I daresay that does not add up to one car of every model from a certain manufacturer, unless, of course, that is your personal obsession.

When I dug up that book, and looked years later at the list I had created, I found that many of the things on that list had come to pass.


answered 05 Aug '14, 18:16

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 05 Aug '14, 18:34


They say that manifesting a billion dollars is as easy as manifesting 5 dollars, one just must fully realize this

(06 Aug '14, 06:17) Marin

But really, why wouldn't it be so ? Five dollars and one billion dollars have the same value to the universe, the universe doesn't care. It is us how give it much more value and meaning. Only we are stopping ourselves from having what ever we want. We place barriers there where there are none

(06 Aug '14, 06:32) Marin

@Marin: It depends on what you mean by "easy." A person who enjoys their work and finds fulfillment in it doesn't consider that process difficult, only challenging.

(06 Aug '14, 12:49) Vesuvius

Ok, maybe then "smiple" is the right word. Something may be simple but not necesairrly easy, correct? I'm not a native english speaker, I'm sorry

(06 Aug '14, 12:58) Marin

@Vesuvius offtopic: "challenge" I love replacing to "adventure" :)

(07 Aug '14, 06:06) Olga Farber
showing 2 of 5 show 3 more comments

perhaps the macrocosm
of which we are a living
part holds standards for what
any one can influence

should all our choices notice
economy and do not
disrupt balance, the sky
would be our limit


answered 05 Aug '14, 21:17

fred's gravatar image


You must be a steak eater to ask that kind of question. So I will leave you to focus on your steak in case the waiter does not deliver it to you. you might need some aids to get the steak from the cow to your table. but since you have a billion dollar why not call the aids and have it deliver. are billionaires Law of attraction savants? nope they just are spending money to get stuff like every one is doing in this world. everything to go up must come down and everything that go down must come up why are you still looking for the loophole?


answered 06 Aug '14, 00:24

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

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