This question is about The Manifesting Box Method (Manifesting Experiment 1)

So I don't feel secure with my private thoughts in a box that anyone can break open. Instead I have been using a password-protected Word document. This one document has all my hundreds of wishes, details and needed-by dates.

The problem with the Word document is that every time I want to add a wish, I am effectively looking (even if only glancing) at the old wishes - something I really don't want to do. I just don't want to look at the other wishes - ever.

Any ideas how I can do it? Is there any software that acts like a password-protected bucket, so that I can create a wish and drop it into the bucket and it just stays there as 'Wish no. 23', and further details would only be shown if I deliberately open that wish (which I wouldn't)?

Those of you who use physical boxes, I assume you never remove wishes even after they have manifested? Because taking out wishes would mean searching through a lot of them to locate the one you want to get rid of. What do you do when the box gets full?


asked 17 Aug '14, 15:50

cod2's gravatar image


edited 17 Aug '14, 17:10

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦


Please could someone comment on this bit of the original question?

"Those of you who use physical boxes, I assume you never remove wishes even after they have manifested? Because taking out wishes would mean searching through a lot of them to locate the one you want to get rid of. What do you do when the box gets full?"


(11 Sep '14, 03:14) cod2

@cod2 Use a big box or write small notes ;-)

(11 Sep '14, 03:51) ursixx

You could use a flash drive and save each as single files you would never open again. If you want you could name each file a meaningless name like wish, desire, manifestation, thank you, 123etc. or random letters and numbers. Every wish as one file, you could fit billions on a flash drive since each would only be a few worlds or sentences.

(11 Sep '14, 14:55) Wade Casaldi

Drop them into the recycle bin?

(11 Sep '14, 15:07) Vesuvius
showing 0 of 4 show 4 more comments

I use a separate Word document for each one and just name the documents with GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) as titles so I don't know what's in them.

For example, instead of calling a Word document Rule World.docx, it would get called something like 399eb1d0-2826-4519-9c1f-ff085e90e41e.docx and then in a separate spreadsheet, I have a list of the GUIDs next to the list of requests they refer case I ever need to find the request again.

If you are really keen to never even see any document title again (even in the spreadsheet), just dump the GUID-to-Request-Name mapping into some database system where you can create a new entry easily without seeing existing entries. I would use something like Evernote.

So you would just create a new note that says something like...

Rule World = 399eb1d0-2826-4519-9c1f-ff085e90e41e

...and then forget about it knowing you can still find the original document again if you ever need to amend the request for some reason.

Using GUIDs ensures you'll (theoretically) never generate the same title twice.

Here's an online GUID generator:

EDIT - Sep 13, 2014

Those of you who use physical boxes, I assume you never remove wishes even after they have manifested? Because taking out wishes would mean searching through a lot of them to locate the one you want to get rid of. What do you do when the box gets full?

Just print the GUID in small characters in the top right corner of each page before you put it in the box. Then you only have to flick through the top corners of each page looking for the right GUID to remove the request you want, and don't have to look at any request details.

If you are really paranoid about seeing any existing requests (because you may still see the top one with this method, unless you use a blank top sheet), print/write the GUID (even just the last few characters of it should be enough for uniqueness) on the back of each request and put the requests face downwards in your box. You'll never see any of them again :)


answered 18 Aug '14, 02:20

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 13 Sep '14, 08:30

Hi, the first thing that came to my mind is that you can hide your documents:

  1. right click on the document
  2. click on "properties"
  3. then under "attributes" you can choose "hidden"
  4. then click "ok"

This way no one will see your stuff not even you. They won't even appear in the search results if you search for them. Although they will still occupy space on your hard disk but that won't be a problem I think because Word documents don't take up much space generally.

With time, you will forget about all of your hidden files I guarantee it :)


answered 17 Aug '14, 18:38

Marin's gravatar image


I think this is a great opportunity for me to share how I orchestrate Manifesting Experiment 1 in my life.

If you are someone who simply writes a request once in a while and tosses into a box, this won't be super helpful. However, if you have hundreds of released requests and you have tens of requests that are open and actively being edited, this will increase your productivity manifold.

The software I use to handle this all is Evernote.

I have 2 notebooks, one named Requests and another named Released.

Whenever I wish to write a new request, I create a new Note in my Requests notebook and give it a short title related to my request.

I start my note off from a ready-made template that is separated into two parts. The beginning of the note is a 4 row table, followed by the request itself.

  1. In the first row of the table, I insert the date I started this request.
  2. In the second row, I insert the date I released this request.
  3. In the third row, I insert the date the request manifested (this is completely optional, and I often never bother filling this out).
  4. Vibrational Matches

After the table I have the actual note...

Dear Universe,

Give me a lot of money. Thank you!

Love, Me

Once I'm ready to release a request, this is what I do...

  1. Insert the date in the second row of the table (Evernote has a keyboard shortcut to insert Today's date for you)
  2. Encrypt the text of my request with any password (you can do this right inside Evernote!)
  3. Move the request to the Released notebook.

This way, you never see the text of your request (if you want to, you can decrypt the text with your chosen password), but you keep important details of your request accessible (date, title etc.). You can encrypt all your requests with the same password, so no need to keep track of those :)

I find this a lot quicker than jumbling around with multiple MS Word files, and I rarely ever look at the note titles in my released notebook because I never open that notebook (I only ever move notes into it). Also your notes rarely show up in Evernote search since the majority of the text is encrypted, AND if you decide to keep vibrational matches for a request, you can do so from within a request, or you can keep an external note dedicated to vibrational matches (which is similar to what I do, and I simply link to that note from within my request if I ever want to trace it back from the request itself).

Not to mention all the other benefits and features Evernote comes with. As a matter of fact, this is just one piece of a very big picture... I have emulated the entire Focus Blocks Spreadsheet from within Evernote. When used properly, you can extend it to support your own favorite processes while still moving through everything very quickly. The part I like best is that Evernote stores huge amounts of information about your activity forever... so you can look back at your entire vibrational history in great detail.

Manifesting down to a science :)


answered 18 Sep '14, 21:01

WeRadiateBeauty's gravatar image


edited 18 Sep '14, 21:02

@WeRadiateBeauty - "I have emulated the entire Focus Blocks Spreadsheet from within Evernote" - Just noticed this. How did you achieve the randomness effect from within Evernote?

(28 Sep '14, 06:34) Stingray

@Stingray - Using the "side list view" you get a view of 40 or so notes that you can randomly click on whenever you want to jump to a random note. You can also occasionally scroll the "window" of 40 or so notes up and down to change the sample you randomly select from. Also, I find that changing the order of the notes being displayed (between Title, Date Created & Date Updated) every week or so prevents any notes from being ignored completely..

(28 Sep '14, 15:30) WeRadiateBeauty

... It's a bit hard to explain in words, but here is a peek at my Evernote: (The part towards the center-left is your "sample", which can be limited to notes of a single type i.e. Positive Aspects, or to a combination, i.e. P.A. + Touchstones). I also considered writing a short script to do the random choosing for me, but I found that this plan I devised works very well :)

(28 Sep '14, 15:35) WeRadiateBeauty

@WeRadiateBeauty - Interesting. Thank you :)

(29 Sep '14, 05:18) Stingray

@Stingray - No problem :) I'll be eager to bounce any other thoughts around this w/you if you wish, for I'm greatly indebted to you for the knowledge you've shared on this site.

(29 Sep '14, 22:41) WeRadiateBeauty
showing 2 of 5 show 3 more comments

Hi - what I do is send an email to myself, create a folder for my letters to the Universe (you can call it anything you like) and set a rule to have those emails go directly to that folder.

That way you'll know there's mail in the folder but you don't have to open it because it won't be in your main inbox.

Hope this helps.


answered 16 Sep '14, 13:37

MoonWillow's gravatar image


Consider writting about your private thoughts in a fictional story and put them out for the world to see on facebook. It is said if you want to hide the truth deep burry it in plain sight. The beauty of this method you can fine tune your fiction to suit your most private thoughts and you solve two riddles at once. The story can help others and most importantly with feed back you get recripricioty. To manifest something we have to make what we want to manifest public. We must put life into what we want to manifest.The word anthromorphic is about bringing what you want to life. So in order to do that you have to give life to those thoughts. If they are just your thoughts they die a slow painful death. The minute you make them public in a clever way:Mask the private thoughts by a fictional poem or other clever way they live. Just find a way to do it.


answered 28 Sep '14, 17:46

deonclintmoore's gravatar image


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