I'm in a phase of my life in which I need to decide what do I want to do for the rest of my life, which profession to choose.. I finished high school and need to go to college(faculty) next. I am interested in psychology(or atleast was) and so I thought that that would be the best decison to go for: to become a psychologist. So in order to sign up for my local faculty of psychology I need to pass the exam about psychology of course (contains all stuff you learn about psychology in high school) When I was studying for that exam my new beliefs about life and reality inspired by Law of Attraction, channeled information, stuff we talk about here etc., got in the way! For example: one theory of psychology says that if and grown up individual is really aggressive and abusive toward his "loved ones" that's a sign of a suppressed childhood trauma.... BUT new enlightened "Truth" says that individual is only aggressive if we percieve and think that he is aggressive! ---> for the pass year and more I was training myself to adopt those kinds of enlightened beliefs about reality because they resonate with me deeply and because I experienced the power of focused thoughts and Law of Attraction so I know (or want to know) they are really real/true. So when I thought about it a little more I came to the conclusion that actually a big part of psychology as a science looked from the perspective of my new beliefs is actually false!! All that we percieve and experience is our manifestation, right? If we want to experience something (OR SOMEONE) differently we only need to change ourselves. Or am I totally and uttery wrong ? And all of this is just one example. I experience a lot of situations in my life in which my new beliefs don't agree with society's way of thinking and looking at things, reality and the world in general Please help, this is very, very important to me Thank you very much |

I don't see a problem, as long as you are prepared to see things from the differing perspectives and not necessarily buy into the view presented by your professors. If you are able to marry the two you could help many people especially those who seek psychological help but are not necessarily at a point to take on board everything about law of attraction etc. The more people who can build bridges rather than defend their separate camps the better. |
It's all about perspectives. Science is a process that develops models that are intended to predict how the world works. The Law of Attraction is really not all that different, in that regard. Each model has its own unique viewpoint, language, culture and predictive capabilities.
If you view the Law of Attraction from the viewpoint of each of these fields, you will get different answers. The sociologists would probably tell you that the LOA is the embodiment of "network effects," putting your wish out there for people to act on, consciously or unconsciously. Psychologists would turn to things like the id and the superego, and attempt to explain the phenomenon that way. Biologists would say that the way you think affects the way your body operates. Chemists would say the same thing, but describe it at a molecular level. And so on. These perspectives are all correct, within the constraints of each conceptual framework. If you are a scientist, that is, if you believe in the power of rational thought to create order out of disorder, then you already know that many ordinary beliefs people have are wrong. It's tempting to think that the Law of Attraction is merely more wishful thinking. But the Law of Attraction is not a magic wand; mostly it is a reminder that there is a higher order, that things happen in their own time and unfold the way they should, that your thinking does matter, and that this life is temporary, so you ought to make the best of it. vesuvius, and they hold as better conception until more outlyers are seen
(11 Sep '14, 19:29)
@Vesuvius - loved the way you summarised the law of attraction "a reminder that there is a higher order, that things happen in their own time and unfold the way they should, that your thinking does matter, and that this life is temporary, so you ought to make the best of it." And for sure there are laws working over and above the law of attraction that we don't as yet understand. We live in a world of continual discovery and to think that we now know it all would be an error.
(25 Sep '14, 08:52)
Inner Beauty
I don't see psychology as a science at all. I think psychology is an entrance into an arena dedicated to the study of the mind which fits perfect into LOA and other metaphysical constructs. I think your interest in psychology and LOA go perfectly with each other unless you end up just nodding your head and dispensing medication. |
Ah, I wish I had started reading up on this stuff when I finished school. Good for you! :) I think both the psychological theory and the LOA theory can be true, since we are co-creating this reality with others. That person may be aggressive due to childhood trauma, but then also, your likelihood of experiencing that person being aggressive would depend on how your beliefs have shaped your life. So if you have a strong belief that people are inherently aggressive, you would experience a version of this person that is much more aggressive than they usually are. If you have a strong belief that people are inherently peaceful, you would experience less of this. The person may still be aggressive generally, but around you, they would mellow out. If they weren't capable of being peaceful at all, then they would clatter out of your reality. I can't really address the other beliefs since you haven't mentioned them, but I think there's a way to look at most of them without negating LOA. After all, psychological theories are based on years of research, so there is a grain of truth to them, although sometimes you might have to twist them around a bit to fit the LOA paradigm, which in itself can be a lot of fun :) Being a psychologist who knows about LOA would be great! "Being a psychologist who knows about LOA would be great!" that's what I thought too :) I came to the conclusion that science in general is objective, but LOA is totally subjective(it all comes down to each individual and his reality)! So how can I spend 5-6 years learning about solid facts for which I "know" they aren't actually that solid! That would be madness for me
(11 Sep '14, 06:00)
I'm not an expert on LOA or anything but I can give my perspective on this. The other person could really have a childhood trauma that causes him to act in a negative way. However, if you assume that any interaction with this person will only have a positive effect in your life - that's how it will be. The other person still might try to act in negative ways, but you don't have to be a part of it. The reason why this person has this trauma might be that it's a challenge he must learn from in this life in order to grow spiritually. On a "spirit-level" He might've chosen this challenge before coming to this life (if you can believe this kind of stuff.. i do). Yes that's true but psychology is a science!.. I think my whole problem lies in the comment I made on @cassiopeia 's answer above, please take a look Thank you
(11 Sep '14, 06:50)
[SHORT ANSWER: "By switching to a REALITY more compatible with YOUR WAY of thinking" ] The seeming objective reality you are experiencing TODAY is actually created from YESTERDAYS subjective beliefs. Hence, by responding to what you see BEFORE YOU in the present, you are chasing a tail that doesn't appear to be YOURS.. but IS. This dynamic exists due to the time illusion present in 3D Earthly incarnation. (so manifesting takes some "time".. vs happening instantaneously... thus.. it is not clearly apparent due to this time-lag that you CREATE the external world.) This "secret" contradicts the DEFAULT/PREVAILING belief-set instilled within you by parents, nearly all cultures, education, and media. Life is INSIDE-OUT.. not EXTERNAL_REALITY-IN. However, this perspective is a fundamental part of the most advanced ancient psychology.. known as Alchemy. (which is NOT about chemical transmutations.. but MENTAL). That is your "hint", Marin. Good Luck! ;) |
Your new beliefs need to connect to society in some way. If two people are speaking two different languages, they can't communicate, at least some words need to be similar, or they will have to learn some words from each others languages. Morality is the best way to communicate with society. If all Morality has its roots in Compassion, then that is the best language to use for peace with others even if you don't agree on anything else. |
My answer would be: Don't become part of the establishment and then expect the establishment to agree with you. If you really told your fellow psychatrists/psychologists about how the universe works, you'd be barred before you finish saying "law of attraction". Find a way of making a living that is neurtal as far as your belief in LOA is concerned, e.g. mathematics, IT, language training, market research, construction.... Then you can be a spiritual teacher once you are advanced enough. |

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