I think someone has seen my doppelganger. I've had two occurrences in the same day. I've read all the negative things about doppelgangers but do we really know what they are and why they appear? This happened at work. I was walking to the food court to get some lunch. A guy that I see occasionally in passing said something to me. I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was something to the fact that he had seen me alot that day, and that I must be taking an early lunch. I thought his statement was weird because I hadn't seen him all day, but I brushed it off. Later that afternoon, I was getting off the elevator and a woman looked at me at said something about us continuing to run into each other. I had not seen this woman before in my life and certainly not that day. I stashed both of these occurrences into the "whatever" file because I had some real money issues going on that I was dealing with. This happened about 3 weeks ago. It wasn't until this morning that I awoke, out of the blue, with the idea that maybe it was me that they saw. I'm not even sure why this thought revisited me as I came out of slumber, but it did. So, if this was my doppelganger, what the heck does it want? I just started reading about reality surfing around this time, but when it happened, I didn't find the relation. The fun reason would be that my future self time traveled, but why the heck would I go to my office job and walk around. So, I trashed that idea. Your thoughts?
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I tend not to be a fan of leaping to unusual explanations for incidents without fully investigating the incident. I went through a phase a few years ago of being mistaken for a television actor. It happened several times for no particular reason - even had strangers in public places coming up to me - and then it suddenly stopped...after I changed my hairstyle :) Notice that I'm not wearing my usual sunglasses in this picture... :) Was it my doppleganger from the future, or was it just that that particular television actor had a similar hairstyle to me in those days and, because he was on TV regularly, people had him on their minds? I tend to think it was more the second explanation than the first :) Projection of consciousness to appear to be in one place when you are physically in another is certainly possible. Maybe projection of consciousness to another time period is possible - I know less about that currently - but leaping to that explanation when there are other simpler ones yet unexplored is probably not justified without further evidence. (See Occam's Razor) If you truly want to get to the bottom of it, I would suggest talking again to those people who saw you and - perhaps discreetly if you wish to avoid sounding a bit strange :) - try to establish first of all if there is any possibility if they could have mistaken you for someone else at your workplace. |
I would not exclude the possibility that it was simply your twin. I heard stories about how people would find out they were adopted. I had a very brief encounter with someone else doppelganger. It seemed like that person was having they same idea about me at that moment. I think the experience was truly mind boggling and made me a bit more open minded. |
simple answer the guy saw you pass by many time and wanted to talk with you so he said that he saw you alot. you said: I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was something to the fact that he had seen me alot that day, and that I must be taking an early lunch. I thought his statement was weird because I hadn't seen him all day, but I brushed it off. Later that afternoon, I was getting off the elevator and a woman looked at me at said something about us continuing to run into each other. I had not seen this woman before in my life and certainly not that day. you also said:I stashed both of these occurrences into the "whatever" file because I had some real money issues going on that I was dealing with. This happened about 3 weeks ago. It wasn't until this morning that I awoke, out of the blue, with the idea that maybe it was me that they saw. I'm not even sure why this thought revisited me as I came out of slumber, but it did. so the simple answer is : so yes they saw you. you where to busy and preoccupied by your money issue. and now you attach to many importance to this. you don't remember exactly what happen and you are trying to fill the hole with your imagination. the fact is you are not aware of what is around you when you are preoccupied by other though, you have memory deficit that result from it and you try to fill the hole or gap with your imagination. you said it your self when you have write this question. you can read what you have write. this is something that is right in front of your face that you can see. I think it is better then a doppelganger that you never saw and created to fill in the gap. knowing your deficiency you can work on it to be more aware. why trouble your self with money and problem. it does not help your awareness and your memory. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body than clothing? But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy. |

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Here are just three films about doppelgangers, The Face Of Love, Enemy, and The Double. Here is a link that talks about them:
This link also has links to find your doppelgangers!
It would be horrifying to find someone that looks just like yourself. What if the fake you wants to kill off the real you?
Hi @icecreampleez for me a doppleganger is a spontaneous natural event and evidence that there's more to this world than meets the eye :)