HI @Stingray, I am trying to reconcile two seemingly contradictory or unconnected interpretations on what our emotions really are.

I have struggled to reconcile them for a long time.

Interpretation 1: Our emotions indicate what our current thoughts are going to manifest. If my thoughts are making me angry, then that indicates I will get more things to feel angry about.

Source: Exactly what determines what happens in my life?.

Interpretation 2: Our emotions indicate how aligned or misaligned we are with our higher selves. Feeling good = aligned, feeling bad = misaligned.

Source: Does source feel the elements of the physical plane through me?

I sort of get the first interpretation, but it doesn't match with where the second interpretation is taking us. If the purpose of my higher self is only to experience through me, then it shouldn't mind what it experiences. All experience should be equally valuable to it. It shouldn't need to let me know - through my emotions - that I am misaligned with it.

A further twist: If my sole purpose in this physical life is to provide a vehicle to my higher self to experience through me, why do I care if I feel good or bad? How does it matter anyway? All experience is experience for my higher self. Me feeling bad is also an experience for it.

If the higher self feels the need to tell me - through my emotions - that it doesn't want me to think certain things, then it follows that my higher self is judging - which contradicts what I have read so far about higher selves. But the fact that good feeling feels good, which in turn encourages me to feel good more, indicates that some kind of judging is going on here.

Thanks in advance.

Edit (05-03-2015)

I forgot to mention the third interpretation of our emotions: They are just meaningless reactions based on our programming and upbringing in a neutral universe that doesn't care either way. I find this interpretation intellectually consistent with my life experiences. I may have considered an experience to be painful 5 years ago. If that same incident repeats today I may barely notice it. That's because my programming has changed over time - nothing to do with the higher self or what I might manifest soon.

asked 03 Mar '15, 12:13

cod2's gravatar image


edited 05 Mar '15, 07:28

I sort of get the first interpretation, but it doesn't match with where the second interpretation is taking us.

Your Higher Self automatically expands in the moment of the launching of a new desire to hold the vibrational frequency of what you are desiring. Your Physical Self only touches that frequency in the exact moment of the launching but your Higher Self then remains in that frequency (newly-expanded) to "light the way" for your Physical Self to return there.

Therefore when you give your attention to something that you want, the degree of alignment (or not) with Higher Self means the same thing as the degree of alignment (or not) with your desire.

See Is reality-creation mostly about making ourselves feel better?

If my sole purpose in this physical life is to provide a vehicle to my higher self to experience through me, why do I care if I feel good or bad? How does it matter anyway? All experience is experience for my higher self. Me feeling bad is also an experience for it.

From your physical perspective, you can live a joyous life or you can live a wretched miserable life and both lives are equally "valid" from the Higher/Broader Perspective because of the experiences you gained along the way.

All choices are valid. Nothing wrong with living a miserable life. Many people around the world do so because they believe that's just the way life is - but I doubt that many of them would consciously choose to live a miserable life if they knew how easy it was to live a happy life instead. Would you? :)

If the higher self feels the need to tell me - through my emotions - that it doesn't want me to think certain things, then it follows that my higher self is judging

All that your Higher Self is doing is holding to the vibrational frequency that was reached in the moment of the launching of a new desire....Your desire. It's as though it's lighting a candle in the darkness to show you which way to go to reach your destination.

alt text

As you get closer to your desire (indicated by the candle), you naturally see the candle getting brighter and hotter ("emotions feel more positive").

As you get further away from your desire (indicated by the candle), you naturally see the candle getting dimmer and cooler ("emotions feel more negative"). Negative emotion is just absence of Higher Self "flowing" through you because you are further away from the vibrational frequency of it. Negative emotions have no existence in themselves...in the same way that darkness is just the absence of light, not a thing in itself.

Higher Self has no judgement at all about how you want to live your physical life. It's merely sticking to its agreement that it will point out the (vibrational) direction for you ("light the candle") to get to what you have decided you want.

If you decide you want something else, it will point that direction out to you also. If you decide you want something else than that, it will do the same, and the same, and the same....forever...unquestioningly...no judgement involved anywhere.

I don't know where you've picked up the "it doesn't want me to think certain things" phrase from.

All experiences are valid, always...you have the freewill to make your physical life as painful as you like :)

I won't address your third interpretation since it becomes obsolete in light of the above explanations.

Just as a final (unrelated) point, I don't think it helps you to address questions directly to me. It cuts off others from answering who would probably provide valuable information to you. And it kind of implies that no-one else, apart from me, has the answers...I can assure you that many people around these parts definitely do have answers that would help you even if they haven't got as big an online mouth as I have :)

If you truly believe that only certain sources of information are worth considering, you're well on the way to starting a new religion...and that's a game you'll have to play without my participation :) It might seem at times like I am the master-manifester/evil-ruler (take your pick) of the Universe but I'm not. I learned much of what I know by keeping open-minded to information from all sources and I continue to learn from many varied sources.

A wise (non-physical) being told me many years ago that All Knowledge Is Of Worth and that's a principle that has served me well time and time again.


answered 05 Mar '15, 16:26

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 05 Mar '15, 16:38

@Stingray, thank you. Point taken with regards to your end note.

(06 Mar '15, 05:12) cod2

@Stingray, "I don't know where you've picked up the "it doesn't want me to think certain things" phrase from."

It came from the link below where you said:

"When you are focused on a thought that your Higher Self doesn't wish to focus on, there is a separation of that alignment to a greater degree and you feel an "emptiness", which we label as negative emotion."


(06 Mar '15, 05:15) cod2

Actually I am still not entirely clear how interpretation 1 fits in the picture. Negative emotions are misalignment with my higher self - but from that how does it follow that negative emotions are also indicators of what is to come?

(06 Mar '15, 05:46) cod2

@cod2 - ""When you are focused on a thought that your Higher Self doesn't wish to focus on" - Notice that the sentence doesn't say...""When you are focused on a thought that your Higher Self doesn't wish YOU to focus on" ...the fact that the word YOU is not there is rather a big difference to what you are saying :) Higher Self doesn't care what you focus on - that's your choice and the fact that you (the Physical You) focuses elsewhere is what generates eternal, new fresh desires

(06 Mar '15, 14:22) Stingray

@cod2 - "but from that how does it follow that negative emotions are also indicators of what is to come?" - Because of Law of Attraction. Emotions indicate how you are flowing energy - positiveness of emotion indicates the degree of alignment of the "Selves". Both Higher Self and Physical Self invoke Law of Attraction through focused attention Is it true that positive thoughts are 100 times stronger than negative ones?

(06 Mar '15, 14:28) Stingray

@cod2 - If you are having trouble "getting" the ideas, may I respectfully suggest you take some time to inwardly contemplate and softly think through the ideas rather than immediately reaching for the "Ask A Question" button :) The ideas are all consistent and make sense but you have to give it some time (and life experience) to see for yourself how it all fits together. Trying to force an understanding from a hard logical-analytical mind-state isn't going to get you there.

(06 Mar '15, 14:34) Stingray

Got it, and point taken once again.

(07 Mar '15, 09:50) cod2
showing 2 of 7 show 5 more comments

emotions are fueled by our
physical senses, while our
mind may, if under control,
discern a higher value


answered 03 Mar '15, 16:10

fred's gravatar image


Hi @cod2, here's my take on the function of emotions in practice;

Starting from a point of neutrality a place of total awareness a place of placid equilibrium without emotion, then through everyday living I have various experiences, from each experience a new desire is spontaneously born leaving me free to choose which direction to take, and by choosing my experience I'm choosing what I receive back from the universe.

For each experience I can feel a different emotion, and the emotion indicates what I'm emitting, the strength and quality of what I'm emitting. My emotions let me know what I'm focused on, what I'm attracting into my reality, what I actually wish or not wish to experience.

So my emotions are my way of knowing what I'm focused on. Emotions and beliefs are intimately linked, emotions indicate where my actual belief systems are taking me, the belief system that I have at any one time is the trigger for that particular emotion. By willingly changing my beliefs I can regulate the emotions that I'm experiencing.


answered 08 Jul '15, 10:43

jaz's gravatar image


edited 06 Nov '15, 04:04

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