In this answer, it is mentioned that if you try to change the way you feel about someone blaming you, that blame may dissolve and change because you have managed to change your vibrational setpoint. That makes sense until I commented and Stingray commented that one could reach a state of "unhurtable" and not let the blame affect you in any way at all. Herein lies the confusion I have: Take two scenarios for example: Scenario A: Person A is in a job where "blaming" comes along with it such as IT support or customer service. Based on what I understand from Stingray comments, Persons C & D might view this "blaming" as really "blaming", but Person A actually enjoys his job very much and treat this "blaming" as "no big deal". Instead, he sees it as an opportunity to make himself feel satisfied at work. This "blaming" to someone else is actually just something that's part of the job and doesn't affect Person A in any way or whatsoever, and hence nothing needs to change or changes (Yes I know desires continuously expand etc, but for simplicity sake just leave it at here). In a nutshell, the "blame" doesn't seem to exist in Person A's reality but it does in Persons C & D. Scenario B: Person B is in the same job as Person A, but he was "forced" into the job due to certain circumstances. His attitude and mindset is of Persons C & D, and he sees this "blaming" as really "blaming" and he is greatly affected by it. Then one day he came across the above answer and decided to change. He practices hard and eventually manage to become the same as Person A, the "blaming" now feels to me like "no big deal" anymore and he is not affected by the "blame" anymore. He now too sees the "blame" instead as an opportunity to make himself feel satisfied at work. Since nothing needed to change for Person A, wouldn't that mean that nothing needs to change for Person B now too after this? Are there any differences between these 2 scenarios ? Logically speaking, if Person B has eventually managed to be able to feel the same way as Person A, then wouldn't it mean that there is now there is not a need for the circumstances to change in Person's B scenario ? Yet in the above answer it is mentioned that something will change. Well, I'm not sure whether I managed to put my point across properly, but this is like sort of a paradox which has left me a little confused. |
Every single time you or anyone else changes their vibrational set point or (state of being) circumstances must change in either a very big way or even in a very small way. Just like flipping from channel 2 to 3 or channel 2 to 400, since the frequency changed, the channel (or circumstance) changed. To me it sounds like you are saying that after person B transformed the blame into "no big deal," he/she should not have circumstances change similar to person A. From my viewpoint, it seems that everything should change because the "New Person B" is not the old person B anymore. The old person B (before the change) experienced a unique version of the other people in the work environment including person A. Now that the new B has made a drastic shift in vibration, they have made a total change to a completely different parallel reality. It's just not a different parallel reality that looks exactly the same down to every minute detail, but a parallel reality where everything and everyone around them is on a completely different frequency set point. The old person B's reality of being hurt by blame still exists somewhere in the great abyss out there, but the new person B has shifted to a completely New Version of what is perceived as the same old work environment. Even if it seems that only one little itty bitty tiny thing has changed (the transformation of blame) Everything has actually made a total change, and it will continue to change in that direction if person B continues to hold that new primary state of being that they prefer. A good analogy would be to take a set of train tracks. The main track is going in a straight line (old person B) and continues to go that way the whole time. Then there comes an opportunity to shift the track off slightly to the left (new person B) but the tracks still run pretty close together in a parallel direction with person B's track slightly continuing to drift to the left. The more person B continues to stay in the preferred state, the more the tracks continue to separate into a parallel earth where completely new circumstances will manifest over and over in what seems like no time at all. Even though person A seems the exact same to person B, person A is actually a completely different version than before with potential to change along with persons C, and D. When you make any slight change up the vibrational scale, everything becomes a total change since you are the only one in your reality. The outer world is a reflection of your inner world. So when you make that change in vibration, everything else is reflected outward and can continue to grow into a bigger outward change the more you work on the inner world. I'm not sure if I went in the direction you were looking for with this answer. Leave a comment if you need to clarify more detail. |
The circumstance needs to change because you asked for it vibrationally by feeling negative emotion about it. And every time you feel negative emotion, you are basically saying to the universe "I don't prefer that, but instead I prefer that".
If you are sick, you are automatically asking for more health. If you are hungry, you are asking for more food etc. And it is all being answered immediately. The solution is done.
It's possible that nothing actually changes for Person A but if Person C & Person D line up with their desires for more harmony for Person A (which is in fact literally only a desire for harmony for themselves at the workplace when they are observing Person A), they will get physical reality changes even if they no longer could perceive any "blaming" in the same situation. Maybe they would just not rendezvous with seeing him being yelled at. But physical reality changes (different rendezvous) like that must still occur because the Universe was asked for it before. There is no way back. It was already created and now physical reality has to change.
The creation process is the same here. Person B asked in this situation for more harmony for himself. The Universe has answered it. Solution is done. Now Person B lines up with his solution emotionally. And even if yelling at him etc feels now completely neutral to him and as "no big deal", physical reality still has to change. Because he created this change by feeling negative emotion before he became neutral about it.
It has to change. I agree that logically it doesn't have to change because Person B doesn't care anymore. But it has to because he already created the solution by feeling negative emotion. It was answered and it must be in physical reality now that is was already created through this negative experience before. I imagine the Universe like a printer without cancel buttons. Once the information to print is in its system (by feeling negative emotion) and you connect its power cord (by getting neutral/lining up with solution), this device has to do its job even if you no longer need to print that page. It just does its job without judgement even if YOU judge that it's unnecessary by now. But why are there still people like Person A who are still in those situations where someone is yelling at them? Because they are coming from a different background of asking. If you come into a situation where you are not feeling negative emotion and therefore not asking, you are not creating in vibrational reality. You have to feel bad about something at some point to create something new. But once you do feel bad in a situation, the Universe creates a personalized and perfect solution for you. So if Person A isn't and wasn't ever asking for this kind of change, then why should his situation change? Nothing was created in vibrational reality for him because he wasn't feeling bad about that like Person B did. So the universal printer has no information in its system to print something different than before :). |
No, the situation won't necessarily have to change. If I am person B in your question, then whether the situation changes or not will depend on what my higher self decides to be the ‘best’ course of action. My higher self has one single purpose: to gradually take me to a place of 100% non-judgement and then to unite me to it. My higher self operates from a place of complete non-judgement. If we are to unite, then I have to get rid of my judgements and go up to its level, because my higher self will never come down to my level. Noticing that something is not there is judgement. Not liking something is judgement. These situations are placed in front of me by my higher self for one single reason - so I can overcome them, pass the test and be non-judgemental in that specific aspect. My life, and each of my lives, is a series of tests. If I am person B, and I am in a situation where I resent being blamed, then it’s a test set up by my higher self for me to overcome. If I don’t pass the test (i.e. overcome the judgement), then the situation (or situations that trigger the same kind of judgement in me) will persist – or transfer to a new workplace, should I move. If I simply refuse to play along and do not pass the test in this life, the situation will resume in my next life from where we left off. If I do pass the test, then my higher self will decide whether to continue keeping me there, or move me. It depends on where it decides my next test should come from. Hope this helps. |
@kakaoo- Lovely question! Oh, the intricacies of manifesting and the LOA! Blame assigns a cause to somebody other than ourselves. I have been assured over and over that I am the cause of what I experience. So blamers actually subordinate themselves to other people in an effort to escape the responsibility of experience. Cool! I love this stuff. At least, I do now that I get it. Only took five and a half years.... :) Jai
♥♥♥ |
well the person blaming as a problem. person A either lie to himself or thing or believe that he as no choice in that and must accept it to keep is job. the proof is that he try to improve in is job. the only thing that this person is right about is that it is not is choice and yes he might want to keep is job. person C and d are right that blaming is not good. but if you start to blame also it is not good for you either. person B seams to be confuse about the situation and try to fool himself also. and we are talking about blaming. and are not talking about constructive talk about a problem that can be solve or attenuate. well if it is really blaming person A B C D could improve them self by learning what not to do and if they make the same error as the blamer they have the choice to better them self they also have the choice to try to help the blamer to stop blaming but that blamer if he is in position of power is probably corrupt with a false sense of superiority, when in fact he is really inferior and that could cost those employee their job and that boss is job also eventually, it will probably cause some friction to try to solve that problem on all side of the equation. this person as probably been blame before and is now doing the same and think that it is ok. so is in error and like to have the last word. in that case person A B C D should start looking for another job since their Job is at risk and they will probably not be able to change the problem since it is not their choice. if they all agree together to do something to help the blamer change and are ready to all say to the boss that if he does not change he will loose is employee and eventually is client and enterprise by blaming every one around him then it could change but some of the person A B C D can lie to them self and other and when the time arrive to do this they might cave in because of their own fear( loss of Job position etc... so only the one that are committed to do what is right will loose their Job for the time being and will have to work somewhere else. And the person that stay with the blamer will have it better for a little while with the boss saying to them that the problem was the people not there any more and it will return to blaming the people there even more and those people will eventually loose their job and the same thing will happen to other people that will come in. until that enterprise loose its client and the enterprise close. individually what does not change is to not do the same as the blamer and start to look for a better Job because it will be required eventually. sot that is the choice that should be your priority for your self start to find a better Job. when you will change Job well you can tell this Boss is fault and that you hope for him to better himself or you can make the choice to not tell him if you know that it will serve no perpace except for him trying to make more problem for you. the choice is yours. also if he fire you it is the same. except that you might have more problem getting a Job because that Boss like to blame and find fault in other cause problem to other and as no idee what is justice, mercy and good faith. and one day he will learn to cry. if one cannot be trust with the smallest thing one cannot be trust with the biggest thing. To him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion. For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also know this if you where perfect you would not be in this world. or would have no need to come here to perfect your self. and yes you are responsible for your self and other and it is the same for every one else. because you are not alone in this world. many are in darkness and division doing evil deeds in the dark and trying to appear superior and better then any one when they are with other that they see as lower then them self. they seek power and glory to the detriment of them self and other. they accuse other of what they do them self. they lie to them self and other causing division to promote them self. they strain for a gnat and swallow a camel. Let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy. |

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