Something I needed to share with everyone here. This video allows us to go deeper in those ideas. This video is amazing enough for me to want to post it here and share the depth. The channeling from Aridif is outstanding lately and is more intense than ever. I hope u guys see this video and it covers all these topics to a level that most of you haven't heard yet. I never get wowed by my own channeling Aridif but this blew me away the second I hear it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Here is an excerpt.
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"If you are looking into disclosure, disclose yourself to yourself first, then move forward and disclose yourself to those around you who share excitements, then co~create the largest scale of disclosure available. " Q ~ ( Neil Gaur ) ... thanks Rob
A ~ "Yes. Being the truest you that you are able to be in each moment, THAT is how you disclose yourself..... definition of disclose ref "free diction Ari"; to make known, reveal, lay bare. love it
thanks and light...
your welcome guys. This was to powerful not to share.