While thinking about my question concerning a person I have, so far, only met in my dreams, as well as about other things I would love to see in my life, I was lead here. Thank you for a wonderful site and your good company - I have been reading here for a while and sending a few friends here as well.

As the title of my question indicates, I've kept meeting the same man in my dreams since I was a young girl. The picture is quite clear and many of the details are, too. I must say that when I was much younger, the dreams were actually dreamlike thoughts and perceptions. These apparitions have since transformed into dreams that come perhaps a few times a year, at most. They always seem are vivid, clear and beautiful and leave a clear memory trail that does not fade off, as if an actual discussion had taken place. The feeling is warm and very familiar and there is a sense of everything being perfectly obvious and wonderful. I have not really, really worked at manifesting this person in my life, I've been thinking about myself and maybe getting ready. I also have two wonderful children and a marriage that has been fading away for the past few years, during which I have consciously slowed down to clarify my purpose here and working on feeling good in general.

Surely there must be a source for these dreams, as there is for each meaningful phrase and image our subconscious wants to remind us of. Who knows, perhaps this person has somehow seen glimpses of me, too. We seem very close in the dreams and can communicate with and without words - an easily flowing source and very good feelings. This person seems familiar, with a distinct energy - I can see his face quite well and there are other details too that have been made known to me. Lately, the dreams have popped up again with more clarity and do not seem very far in time or place from the actual manifestation, or meeting. I am sure I would recognise him easily. Perhaps we have not met because I simply was not ready.

My subconscious clearly tells me that here would be the right place to ask for further guidance now. Especially that last night, I dreamed about finding a beautiful platinum diamond ring in the water nearby a public beach, almost hidden in plain sight. (One of my lovely older cousins came and validated my finding in the dream). While analysing last night's dream, it occurred to me that if water is communication, love and healing, a crowded beach with good people could also a be public spirituality forum - and that perhaps sharing these things would indicate to my subconsciousness that I'm taking its valuable messages seriously, in case it would like to provide me with more information. :)

I wonder what the next logical step would be? I am standing here at crossroads, where one chapter is about to end and I would very much like to start writing the next chapter, at least a few notes towards it, and looking forward to reading from you all. Many thanks for your insights in advance.

asked 07 Oct '15, 14:53

Amaries's gravatar image


edited 07 Oct '15, 15:46

Bonjour @Amaries, what is the next logical step? ... "why do you want to meet a man that so far you've only seen in dreams?"

(08 Oct '15, 02:47) jaz

Hi @jaz. Good that you ask. I feel like I know this person very well, like coming home. Now that I feel at home with myself, I certainly would like to meet my this wonderful man in this lifetime to spend some time together, to talk, perhaps to travel a little. Like when I meet close friends - such sharing is soul food. The main reason, of course - it would make me feel doubly at home, doubly happy.

(08 Oct '15, 03:03) Amaries

I forgot to say that I've dreamed most of my important life events well in advance - how my children-to-be would look and be like, how they wanted to be called, meeting my closest girlfriend (who may be reading here, hello dear M.). Such events have been extremely happy and deeply meaningful and all the people have stayed in my life, some near, others yet coming back often. It would be great to meet this person, too, and get to know him.

(08 Oct '15, 03:20) Amaries

so @Amaries what you really want is to experience complete happiness and you think that bringing into reality a man you've only seen in dreams will make this possible, is that right?

(08 Oct '15, 09:04) jaz

I count my treasures each day in my own artwork, spiritual life, all the wonderful people I meet, the beauty of the light, the books I read, life is all love and fulfilment. A dream manifestation seemed like a good question to ask here, since it felt vivid and made me feel good - I've met most of the important people in my life through dreams first. It would be lovely to read about how everyone has interpreted similar dreams and perhaps examples of reading into the details. Thank you so much.

(08 Oct '15, 10:10) Amaries

The next step depends upon your ability to release any automated opinions you have on the subject and having a loving heart is about the best attitude you could have to ease any such resistances. The very first signs that your desire is developing are synchronicities through thoughts, memories, ideas, dreams and then gradually spontaneous synchronous experiences will creep into your reality.

(09 Oct '15, 00:37) jaz

Hi @jaz, hi everyone. This made me look into myself deeper, see the picture move, have a conversation with it. I now understand that is better I work on releasing one more thing. I also know and feel now that it will happen and that I'll be prompted to take inspired action, just as I've done before. Yesterday evening, I was curating a photo collection and some of the images made me go "So many wonderful things to come, yay, I can feel it!". Thanks - the path is becoming a road, an avenue. :)

(09 Oct '15, 02:40) Amaries

The big question @Amaries is "how to completely liberate all automated thoughts even those that are hidden?" ... you say "just as I've done before", is that not itself an automatic thought mechanism? ... complete freedom is beyond such tools as words. Words are made of symbols arranged in a particular order that represent something, what a particular word represents to me is probably different to what it represents to you.

(10 Oct '15, 00:57) jaz

In other words @Amaries the very fact of asking "how to go about meeting a man I have, so far, only seen in dreams?" denotes a desire to evolve. The very first thing is to willingly accept that another way of seeing things is available even though it cannot yet be perceived.

(13 Oct '15, 04:28) jaz
showing 0 of 9 show 9 more comments

I wonder what the next logical step would be?

The next logical step when you want more of something in your physical life is to focus more upon it without drifting into yearning.

The "yearning" bit is the trap because when you want something strongly, you can also notice strongly that you don't have it yet, which keeps the absence of it more active than the presence of it and thereby prevents you realizing it in your physical reality.

The way to get around any "yearning" is just to treat the positive emotion you feel when you think about the thing as the final manifestation itself i.e. don't be concerned at all whether you've actually got (or will get) the thing in your physical reality...that will sort itself out in time...just keep holding to that pure emotion that is conjured when you think about what you want.

And the truth is that you only want the physical thing anyway to feel that positive emotion which you're now already feeling :)

Referring more specifically to your dream-manifestations, what I would do first of all is try to reduce or eliminate the need for this person to come in a particular form or with a particular appearance.

When you've practiced the emotion that the person makes you feel as being the final manifestation, you'll start to notice more clearly when something that matches that emotion pops up in your physical reality.

And when it does pop up in your physical reality, it's a clear indicator to you that this is something to pay attention to because it matches your practiced feeling.

The Universe responds with blended manifestations so what does pop up can often be not what you were expecting from your limited physical perspective...so try not to disregard it just because of superficial appearances. There will still be something there for you, even if you can't see it initially, because it does match your pure feeling.

I don't know if any of that is helpful or useful to you. It's not really clear to me how much experience you've got with these "reality creation" subjects so I've just thrown out a few ideas for you to ponder.

One experience of my own that I might mention here is that, for years, I used to have a recurring dream of an incredibly gentle, caring and loving being (in female form). It was only until years later that it was explained to me, independently by a few channelers/psychics, that this was actually a non-physical being that I was (and am) interacting with, not an actual physical person.

But what is interesting is that I have (often unexpectedly) met a number of physical people over the years that have matched that feeling. And that's probably because I had no particular attachment (or belief) that the being I was dreaming about should end up in my physical reality i.e. I had no yearning for it to happen.

So I would be open to whatever physical form your practiced emotion elicits from physical reality. Sometimes your physical "manifestations" of your dream can be quite unexpected and surprising :)


answered 10 Oct '15, 04:56

Stingray's gravatar image



Hi @Stingray, thanks - you really answer my question, and many thanks to everyone else reading and sending me thoughts and energy :). It really is about the finely tuned vibe. I'll remain open and enthusiastic and keep reading here. It seems to me that experiencing happiness, love, freedom in each thing open us up to experiencing fully, while hearing that finely tuned music. (By the way, the first thing I ever manifested at the age of 11 was a horse :). It came about in a really surprising way).

(10 Oct '15, 05:23) Amaries

I forgot to mention that I'm working on a lot of things at the moment and they seem to be all about to come through at the same time. -- As well, I just noticed about the non-physical being you mentioned. I interact with those from time to time, but the pitch is usually higher and seems short-lasting. This person or entity emitting this particular "music" seems incarnated. At least, so I thought. Hmm. I'll give it some thought and won't pay too much attention to details, that seems important.

(10 Oct '15, 05:34) Amaries

I agree with the phrase "the truth is that you only want the physical thing anyway to feel that particular emotion" and also that it's important to "reduce or eliminate the need for this person to come in a particular form". I love the phrase "blended manifestations" in other words it points out the importance of precision when asking, that manifestations can be scattered. I'd also like to add that everyone has a non-physical being with which they communicate, it's all part of the reality game

(10 Oct '15, 06:19) jaz

You're probably going to hate me for saying this @Amaries but in other words your question is itself based on an automatic thought and hiding behind your question is the desire to recognize your inner being :)

(10 Oct '15, 06:31) jaz

Hello everyone and thank you again for the reply and the commentary. I think it is perfectly fine to want to manifest good relationships and absolutely anything we feel is good for us. We greatly benefit from meaningful relationships - and the best manifestations are meaningful inwardly and in the physical at once. Money, friends, lovers, mates, business, creative activity, all of it can be to our greatest advantage and advancement. It's all good.

(16 Oct '15, 10:52) Amaries

I, too, have met several people corresponding to the feeling. Some seem to appear as movie extras and others yet are invited to stay for longer. Such contracts are often established almost immediately. When we study our inner movements, we can with some degree of certainty distinguish the roles we assign and accept. Some roles can be renegociated, others perish as we evolve ; we may also reserve more important roles to those who appear when related inner work is done. Happy weekend everyone.

(16 Oct '15, 10:54) Amaries

@Stingray 'what does pop up can often be not what you were expecting from your limited physical perspective.' Can you explain this a bit further? I've never really had too much trouble with manifesting specific things. I understand the idea of blended manifestations but I've never really experienced it as being this wishy-washy

(05 Apr '16, 19:28) Bluebell

@Bluebell - "Can you explain this a bit further?" - There's an example in Blended Manifestations. Not sure what else to add to that :) Most, if not all, of what manifests in my life is "blended" in some way. Could you be more specific about what you're having trouble understanding?

(06 Apr '16, 04:23) Stingray

@Stingray if it's 'blended' then where do specific manifestations fit in? Are you saying that if you set out to manifest a blue car you wouldn't actually expect to get the specific car you had in mind? You'd get a random blend of things?

(06 Apr '16, 08:50) Bluebell

@Bluebell - Remember that there is no such thing as a manifestation - it's just a mental game. It's all about illusory and arbitrary personal snapshots in time :) LOA doesn't allow "random blends". Your perception of whether something manifested (or not) is just about whether you had conscious awareness (or not) of a previous vibrational offering that you now perceive physically. Have a look at this answer and see if it helps

(07 Apr '16, 05:53) Stingray

@Stingray So what's the ultimate point of the game?

(07 Apr '16, 20:32) Bluebell

@Bluebell - What's the ultimate point of any game? :) Is Earth a "Master Class" of creators?

(08 Apr '16, 05:11) Stingray
showing 2 of 12 show 10 more comments

let me tell you something about those symbol; listen and see the water that comes out from my mouth. whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." you say:I dreamed about finding a beautiful platinum diamond ring in the water nearby a public beach, almost hidden in plain sight. I ask you is the platinum diamond ring what you are looking for? is it what you desire? a bond worth more then gold a jewel that sparkle a ring that can be put to the finger and you are looking for that in the water near a place that people come to rest and go in the water to refresh them self. you ask:

Surely there must be a source for these dreams, as there is for each meaningful phrase and image our subconscious wants to remind us of. Who knows, perhaps this person has somehow seen glimpses of me, too. We seem very close in the dreams and can communicate with and without words - an easily flowing source and very good feelings. This person seems familiar, with a distinct energy - I can see his face quite well and there are other details too that have been made known to me. Lately, the dreams have popped up again with more clarity and do not seem very far in time or place from the actual manifestation, or meeting. I am sure I would recognise him easily. Perhaps we have not met because I simply was not ready.

the source is the water that flow from you and from other. many seek and see different things in the water each according to their desire that they seek. that the water that they see is in the cup or outside of the cup. the desire and creation of the desire of them self often blind them to the truth seing a reflection of what they desire and create of them self. for that reason many deceive them self on the inner or outer reflection. once one is able to see past desire and creation he shall see what is past the reflection that sparkle from the light with in. perhaps you are not yet ready. once you see the truth and are in the now then you shall be ready. of course when the water mix you are closer then when the water does not mix. and of course communication is more easy. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. are you sure that you are ready for this? you see many prefer to deceive them self with desire and creation they blind them self to what they do not want to see. it is not new it is written in the bible. If you were blind, you should have no sin: but now you say, We see; therefore your sin remains.Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that enters not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.


the fact is that you are always at crossroads the choice is always yours and you are responsible of it. it is funny that you say a chapter is at end and another one is about to start. since you have 2 children and husband even if you end your mariage. you are still responsible for your children and relationship with your husband do not forget you made those children together it was your choice and they are part of your life now. even if you divorce from your husband doing that division the children will still be between you for ever. so there is still a relationship to have.

know thyself the living one in you the light that you are. walk in the light. seek you first the kingdom of God.

many cannot receive my word.

if I have been your helper so be it and let it be.

Let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy.


answered 05 Apr '16, 22:39

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white tiger

edited 05 Apr '16, 23:44

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