In the past year, my manifestation skills (if skill is the right word) has improved dramatically. If I deliberately want to create something, I have used the manifestation box by @Stingray and my own very simple techniques. Most of the things I've asked have manifested and every time I ask I always feel that they will come with certainty. Now, more than ever in my life, I believe that there is another side of reality doing its own workings to make things happen. With this in mind, I should have been more confident to ask more. I have asked very few, in fact I don't ask on a daily or weekly basis. There are things that I want but I don't ask them because I feel I want to go through the challenge to get them the hard way (which is the mind-centered way, usual way). My problem is that there are days when I don't know what I want. This may seem strange but there are days when I don't want anything at all but feel discontented or not motivated. I feel that there's a huge lack and I want to go a step further to a direction that I'm not sure of. I am "stuck" on days when I feel that I'm out of sync with my higher self and what I do is just sleep it over, expecting something great might happen on the next day but this goes on for several days until I suddenly and effortlessly come back to Vortex again. |
Perhaps you are experiencing Divine Discontent? Sitting meditation for half an hour or up to an hour, would likely bring you to a more centered and purposeful place. The answers you seek would rise up naturally in consciousness. Relax, breathe deeply, get into the flow of the present moment. When you are finished,just follow the guidance you received. Listen to your inner voice, pay attention to your impulses, your feelings, your sense of what is right or wrong for you. Divine Discontent can help you tune into your true self and direction in life. Thank you for asking this I responded, I realized this is for me, also. 1
"Divine Disconnect" Some users may think its just a clever catch phrase or 'idiom' you made up. Here's a link in case anyone is interested & a google search will come up with even more.
(21 Feb '17, 18:04)
Yeah, I had heard that term before. It's also been called "going through the void."
(21 Feb '17, 19:00)
'"going through the void." I know what that is, but I didn't realize that is what you meant. So 'Divine Disconnect' is an oxymoron meaning 'Dark Night of the Soul'
(21 Feb '17, 19:15)
I think it's a matter of degree. But yeah, something like that. Facing your fears is a big part of it, I think. We need to stay on our own for a time to work through and integrate the shadow side.
(21 Feb '17, 20:47)
"shadow side" Are you familiar with Debbie Ford and/or her books? If not, check them out.
(21 Feb '17, 22:09)
"going through the void" I just did a Google search. I see there are several interpretations of that phrase. Yeah, I agree - 'matter of degree".
(21 Feb '17, 22:21)
Oh, found quote about the void: THE VOID The void is a state of consciousness you can go into to expand beyond your current limits, let go of old things, and move to your next level of growth. In the void, you leave behind familiar structures, habits, thoughts, behaviors and attitudes and go deep within to create new ones that match your higher vibration. In this state you can receive insights and do much inner work. It can last for minutes, hours, days, or even months.
(22 Feb '17, 00:06)
(cont.) It is your ability to live near the void, go into it at will,and make it your friend that will assist you in growing even faster and with more joy. Imagine a bird flying happily on a jet stream.It looks upward, and sees a higher flow that it wants to join. It begins to leave its familiar path and fly to the higher one. However , conditions between the two paths aren't certain. It may hit turbulance and fall below the original path temporarily.
(22 Feb '17, 00:07)
(cont.) It discovers more about flying and the conditions that can affect its flight. Eventually it is able to stabilize and fly easily in the higher flow. It's experience is similar to what you encounter when you are in the void.The void occurs when you are letting go of an aspect of your personality self that no longer fits who you are becoming.
(22 Feb '17, 00:08)
(cont.) THE VOID IS A STATE OF TRANSITION AND CHANGE You will experience the void again and again as you grow. In this state you may feel that your life is changing, rapidly, something new is coming, or your foundations are falling away, leaving you nothing to hang on to. You may feel like something is happening inside but not see any changes in your life yet. It is not a comfortable place for your personality, which likes things to be certain and secure.
(22 Feb '17, 00:10)
(cont.) You will experience the void again and again as you grow. In this state you may feel that your life is changing, rapidly, something new is coming, or your foundations are falling away, leaving you nothing to hang on to. You may feel like something is happening inside but not see any changes in your life yet. It is not a comfortable place for your personality, which likes things to be certain and secure.
(22 Feb '17, 00:11)
(cont.) The void can come when you are between projects, have just had your last child leave home, or have quit a job and do not yet know what to do next. one of your close friends may have left or you need to move or find a new home. It sometimes feels like you are entering a new world where the game is played differently and you don't know the rules yet. Every void is marked by issues of the heart.
(22 Feb '17, 00:14)
(conr.) You will find yourself asking deep questions, such as, "how can I love and accept myself more? Am I lovable? Who am I? Can I have what I want? What would I love to do with my life?" You may find that you feel softer and more loving toward others or uncertainty. You are raising your vibration, expanding beyond your old habits and patterns. The void can make you feel much less social than normal.
(22 Feb '17, 00:16)
(cont.) You may feel more distant from your husband or wife, even while you feel increased compassion and love for him or her. In the void you may have less desire than usual for intimate physical contact, which intertwines your aura with another's. During the time of the void you are clearing your aura of other people's energy as part of the process of raising your *.* may feel empty or lonely inside even when surrounded by people.
(22 Feb '17, 00:17)
(cont.) The void can make you feel much less social than normal. If you have always been in relationships, you may find yourself living alone or without a primary relationship. You may feel more distant from your husband or wife, even while you feel increased compassion and love for him or her. In the void you may have less desire than usual for intimate physical contact, which intertwines your aura with another's.
(22 Feb '17, 00:20)
(cont.) During the time of the void you are clearing your aura of other people's energy as part of the process of raising your vibration. You may feel empty or lonely inside even when surrounded by people. The desire to be alone, even feelings of loneliness are reflections of your deepening desire to connect with your Higher Self. In your deeper wisdom, you know that your connection to others is not a substitute for a deeper connection to yourself.
(22 Feb '17, 00:21)
Well, it may not fit the original question, but I think it's pretty awesome and I can relate. It's from the book Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman, channeling Orin and DaBen.
(22 Feb '17, 00:23)
Hi Delphine, thanks for your answer. I have read your answer the day you posted it and I always take time to respond to answers here on IQ so that I can test all of what everyone says and see if they ring true to me. I made a research on Divine Discontent the first time I read this and the moment I knew what it meant I have related to it and I agree that somehow I really felt that way that day. The moment I knew the meaning of what I felt I suddenly knew what to do next. [cont]
(22 Feb '17, 09:33)
[...] It was not that I was lost. It was just that I knew that something was missing and that I am not in the 'place' I want myself to be in. I guess it's natural for us infinite spirits to feel that we're not where we want to be. I realized that what I felt was okay and that I was not "out of sync" of my higher self but rather my higher self is nudging me to do something bigger, more exciting. Knowing what I felt easily moved me from a place of stagnation to appreciation to excitement.
(22 Feb '17, 09:36)
Thanks for replying @sagchiq03. I too am aiming to get focused on more exciting things in my life. Expressing more of my true self, in various ways. I was reading about zeal (synonym for excitement, passion), in the writings of Catherine Ponder, a Unity minister. She gives a technique for stirring up zeal, which she says is "a quiet, steady, persistent inner power that can transform one's body, mind, and world."
(22 Feb '17, 13:55)
(cont.) Technique for stirring up zeal: Center your attention at the base of the neck and quietly decree that infinite energy and intelligence are pouring zeal into the five senses. Also, speak the word "zeal." This sets up a mighty vibration that imparts energy to the whole nervous system.
(22 Feb '17, 13:59)
(cont.) Words of praise release our pent up zeal. Example: "I praise my mind as the perfect creation of divine substance now. I praise my emotions, my body, my health, my world as the perfect creation of divine substance now. I now see more good in my life than I've ever seen before!" So...feel the zeal! :D
(22 Feb '17, 14:00)
@Delphine I'm sure many will appreciate your "void" quote and book suggestion. I was just looking at Orin and DaBen's website ~ I see they have a daily quote page which I always appreciate and also free meditations. Thanks ! The "void" quote may be a helpful data for the latest question on "mood swings" posted by @The Creative One
(23 Feb '17, 12:31)
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No need to be concerned at all about that :) You don't need to ask consciously, ever. When you look around at other people in your life, how many of them are building up precise lists of what they want? Most people have trouble deciding what they are going to eat tonight, never mind thinking about life goals :) And yet, so many of them still get things they want in life. The truth is that the asking is automatic whether you verbalize it to your favorite Deity/Universal Law, or not. See What should we imagine, visualize or believe? Your role is only in allowing what you want to enter your reality and, for that, you only focus on the thing you want if it feels good to do so. If it doesn't feel good to do so, focus on something else that makes you feel good when you focus on it and it achieves almost the same effect. The common theme here is that you find things to feel good about...and it doesn't matter whether you are focused on something you think you should be asking for, or something that seems totally unrelated.
Again, not a problem :) When you don't know what you want and you want to know what you want then you automatically (see above) launch a desire for knowing what you want. Again, the process is the same. Find things to feel good about in your life and you'll start to manifest vibrational matches to that desire (of wanting to know what you want).
Just start making decisions and that will take care of itself. As @cmc says, Bashar's excitement driven approach (which is ultimately just a decision-making game) will gradually "tune you" back into alignment. Alternatively, if you are up to speed with your vibrational molding skills (Abraham-style), you can just do whatever you need to do to force your way towards the Vortex allow yourself to be then drawn into it...and then you are fully-synced with your Higher Self :) This act of forcing an alignment is, in my opinion, the only legitimate time to bully yourself towards doing something that you really don't feel like doing in the moment Thank you so much for your answer, Stingray. It seems "to start making decisions" when you don't know what to decide on can be daunting when you're in the situation. But you are right. I forgot the part where I should only find the one that excites me the most 'without thinking of a specific outcome'. Sometimes it is the fear of being still and stagnant that leads me to feel like I'm drowning and I have to find a way out very fast.
(22 Feb '17, 09:29)
So it looks like you mastered manifesting. Congratulations! It's natural like breathing now. Of course, the tricky part of mastery is that you can no longer use learning that particular skill as an overall aim for your life. I recommend Bashar's method to find a new overall aim. To recap, his formula is: You act on your highest excitement, to the best of your ability, with no particular expectation of the outcome. So you examine your options, which now happily include the great power of manifesting all sorts of things, and see which one "tickles your fancy" the most, so to speak. Then act or meditate on it and see what that brings up. Keep going. To suggest something specific, maybe the work of Serge Kahili King and his Huna shamanism practices might be appealing to you. It contains such advanced spiritual subjects as influencing weather, healing with symbols, entering the mind of cats, acting as a spirit guide, acting as your own former self's spirit guide, lucid group dreams, telepathically calling your family to dinner, and walking on hot lava rocks. 1
Thank you for your answer and for answering my other question on highest excitement. I have learned that next time, when I feel 'stuck' all I should do is do what I feel like doing-- something that lifts my spirits. And not having to think of what outcome to achieve makes starting less overwhelming.
(22 Feb '17, 09:38)
You're very welcome! It propelled me on as well.
(23 Feb '17, 16:50)
I just listened to a recording of Abraham in which they are suggesting a nice little trick when you don't know what you want. And here it is: You simply change your desire to wanting to know what you want. :) And if you don't know how you can want to know what you want, then you change your desire to wanting to know how you can want to know what you want. So, as the ancient group of mystical women named "Spice Girls" used to say...
"earworm" I went to bed hearing that song or specifically those lyrics repeatedly playing over and over in my head and when I woke, the music was still playing. Last night I was a little annoyed but this morning I realized that was a question which I needed to hear and even more answer. Thanks @releaser !
(21 Feb '17, 18:04)
@ele - "earworm" - I see. These angelic and divine tunes are clearly working and penetrating deep levels of your subconscious mind. You shall be enlightened soon. @Inner Beauty - Here is another philosophical quote "You have got to swing it, shake it, move it, make it. Who do you think you are?"... As you can see, they are clearly referring to the ancient greek aphorism "gnothi seauton" and asking us to question who we truly are.
(22 Feb '17, 07:03)
Thank you so much for your witty answer. :) If ever I could go through the same thing again I'll try to -- as how Stingray puts it 'launch a desire' by wanting to know what I want. When I was in the situation I didn't bother knowing what I want, I simply was unhappy of not wanting something. I will try next time to really make knowing what I want (what I really, really want) an enjoyable and exciting experience.
(22 Feb '17, 09:43)
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The answer is simple. Your soul is crying. No matter how much satisfaction you achieve in the material world, it does not salve the soul. As I don't know what you believe, I can't say if you will like my answer, because the answer does lie in God. Sadly very few folks actually know how to connect to God, because it is in that connection that the soul gets its balm. The balm is Divine Love, a real spiritual essence. And when you succeed, you will know you have succeeded because you can FEEL the presence of the Divine Love in your soul. All this is too much to write up here on a short answer, and I have a whole web site devoted to these issues. But you may find the page by Googling "how to physically experience God's Love" but do leave the quotes in your Google search. |

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