
I'm interested to do a detox of my body. I have all sort of health issues and I think that a detox will help me. I have chronic headache, back pain, eyesight troubles, chronic tiredness.

During 8 weeks, I took MSM and Vitamin C as per Bashar instruction (2000mg - 3000mg Vitamin C 3x/Day and 2000mg - 3000mg MSM 3x/Day). My supply is about to end but before I make a new purchase. I have to say that I didn't notice any benefit from it. None of my condition improved. I'm not sure if I should continue to take these things. How long should I take MSM and vitamin C ?

What are supposed to be the benefits?

Perhaps, I should try another detox method?

In the past, I tried 22 days of water fasting but it had absolutely no effect on improving my health.

I consulted a couple of doctors for my health issues but alas they could not help me with anything. I'm a bit worry. I recently started to look at the work of Doctor Gherson and also Markus Rothkranz. I'm not sure if I will be able to save myself but I will give this a fair try.

Thanks for your help,

asked 10 Jan '18, 20:53

SurferJoy's gravatar image


edited 11 Jan '18, 14:49

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦

Just curious. You actually did a water fast for 22 consecutive days, as in no food at all?

(13 Jan '18, 04:30) Pink Diamond

Yes, I started slowly with 3 days of only eating soup and drinking teas and then I did 22 of only drinking water. No food at all. I lost 13 Kg (28 pounds) in the process.

(14 Jan '18, 21:04) SurferJoy

Very interesting indeed.

(01 Feb '18, 06:19) Pink Diamond
showing 1 of 3 show 2 more comments

When you say something doesn't work, you need to clarify first whether it was the right tool for the job- and whether what you are measuring is a good indicator of achieving your goal.

Bashar did not advertise his detox method as a cure for any particular health condition. Bashar doesn't do health conditoins, and for the most part, health conditions are indicative of negative definitions much more than general toxin buildup anyway. So to say it didn't work relative to whatever you randomly happened to expect from it is meaningless. Bashar's detox was advertised as method of generic detoxification, and I would recommend to use your intuition to quantify your general level of toxicity before and after using the detox to evaluate if it worked for you. Ask yourself:

On a level from 1-10, where 1 is a potentially life-threatening buildup, and 10 is as pristine as is currently reasonably possible on earth, what was the level of toxin buildup in my body before I started taking MSM and Vitamin C? What was the level afterwards? Note the difference. That tells you whether the program was effective or not- if the number decreased, decide if you are satisfied with the decrease, and continue if you are not yet. The clarity and comprehensiveness of your question to your intuition will make sure you will get a reliably answer.

Bashar has an engineer-like quality and gives very precise instructions. One of the things you can learn from that is you get what you measure- the way you approached things is like changing your cars tires and then wondering why the oil is still dripping. In any area of your life, when you set a specific goal and use a specific tool to achieve it, find a way to measure that goal, not your general wellbeing.

You could also be more broad and work on your general wellbeing, but then you need to use your intuition to come up with a set of tools to work on that. But your goal, your tools and your measurement of success need to match. Otherwise you're like a carpenter who wants to screw in a lightbulb, but insists on using a screwdriver and then checks if the toilet flushes to see if he was successful.

You can also be really vague and just visualize you want improvement in any way your higher self believes is right for you- but then you have to trust that the improvement is happening in way you most likely would't understand until perhaps much later.

So you get to chose: Either go down the specific route, and then you also have to be consistent and precise and have your desire, your methods and your evaulation line up and work together. Or you chose to be vague- but then you have to trust that everything worked out and you don't get to evaluate at all- then you just decide to trust that things worked, and this is what gives your higher self the room to let things happen.

Those are the two approachs that I have experience in and have used successfully. Most others seem to be confusing more than anything else. But they are still flexible enough to allow you to achieve most circumstances.



answered 11 Jan '18, 09:02

cmc's gravatar image


"but then you need to use your intuition to come up with a set of tools to work on that. But your goal, your tools and your measurement of success need to match. "

Can you give me an example of this?

(11 Jan '18, 19:36) SurferJoy

Sure! I just told myself to come up with three things I could do to increase my general wellbeing. I came up with: Bless everything you can think of several times a day, take an energy shower in the morning, and call your friends more often. I don't need a measurement because it's general.

(11 Jan '18, 23:03) cmc

I also decided, when I was 22, that I would like to have 10 million bucks. A couple days later I kept getting very excited whenever I read about Serge King's descriptions of the Haipule, a very focused manifestation technique. I only learned it properly and started using it regularly about 18 months ago. Looking into my bank account, because this is a specific goal, I can see I have made very significant progress. But I didn't expect I would also be popular- I have a seperate Haipule for that.

(11 Jan '18, 23:07) cmc
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

hi surferjoy

I also tried the Bashar way to detoxify and it did'nt work for me too.

what did work for me was to remove any dairy product, drink only water, tea and cofee (i cant give up cofee). eat plenty of vegetables. i eat meat but really little, my food is based on vegetables and many greens. i eat all fishes, and chicken breast.i cut sugar and sweets (maybe some times chocolate..) . i dont eat white bread, only rye bread and whole grains. but in the fiers 2 weeks i ate only vegetables and fruits. drink many vegie and fruits shakes. also i do at least 2-3 times a week yoga, which balances all chakras.

also you can start every morning morning with a glass of water and some lemon in it. it really cleanse.

i changed my whole life style in order to cleanse my body but it did worked for me. if it is too extreme for you, maybe seary in the net for other ideas, but i would go for only naturall things. and maybe add some vitamins if necessary. and also take advice from people who already was able to do it. hope thats help.


answered 11 Jan '18, 02:31

myself's gravatar image


edited 11 Jan '18, 02:37

Thanks for your reply. I will implement some of that gradually. I will see how it goes.

(11 Jan '18, 19:34) SurferJoy

First of all, I would recommend a lifestyle change as opposed to a detox because the mindset with a detox for most people is, they want to detox their body and get rid of all their health problems but then they are going to carry on with the same lifestyle that they currently have, both physical and emotional.

Well, guess what? The body will gradually get back to its unhealthy state again, eventually.

My current physical schedule which keeps me in perfect health and gives me more energy than I can handle is the following:

  • Warm water with lemon first thing in the morning
  • Detox/power blended shake for breakfast (Vega all-in-one + Vega sports protein + Amazing Grass raw reserve + selection of fruits (blueberries, clemetines, grapes)
  • A combined salad for lunch (at least 5 out of 7 days) - I recommend the 'Fit for life' book by Harvey Diamond on food combining if you don't know what it is
  • A combined evening meal (at least 5 out of 7 days)
  • No caffeine
  • Sweets limited to 2 days a week
  • Strength/cardio workout at least 3 times a week + frequent walks

However, as much as I try to stick to my physical schedule as strictly as I can, my vibrational work schedule takes precedence which brings me to my second point.

At the end of the day, taking care of your thoughts and emotions is far more important than taking care of your physical body. If you are not putting in some time every day to feel good and deal with any emotional issues you have, then you haven't got a chance with long term physical well-being.

My basic routine for vibrational work is the following, even though I will do more than this on some days:

  • 15 minutes of meditation (no music) first thing in the morning, sometimes followed by a 15 minutes Abraham vortex meditation
  • Grid work in the morning sometime after meditation
  • EFT on any issues bothering me at any time during the day that they pop up

There are many answers on the site which explain how you can deal with emotional issues so I am not going to go into that now, even though I have briefly mentioned a couple above.


answered 01 Feb '18, 07:13

Pink%20Diamond's gravatar image

Pink Diamond

edited 01 Feb '18, 07:17

Although we mostly believe that there is 'good' and 'bad' nutrition, most physical problems do not come forth out of food. The fact that we have accepted that there is a difference in the two, makes it so that we experience this as such. There must be a reason that you have come to the conclusion that a detox would fix your physical problem, which you have accepted as truth. In this society it is really hard to believe otherwise though, so it's completely understandable, maybe not really helpful. Of course writing and talking about how you would love to feel, will have it's effect on you, maybe you could try another way. Recently I came across a book called 'The Emotion Code' written by dr. Nelson. I saw him in a documentary on Gaia.com. It talks about trapped emotions and their effect on the body if not released. Also it explains how to release this emotions. It could be well worth the read. Remember that there is always a way to release the inconvenient issues in your body. It must be coherent with a way of thinking, a believe you have or an energy you keep repeating in one way or another. I have found that many of my bodily issues where consistent with emotional stuff I was dealing with at different stages in my life. Try to go within and dare to ask what your body is telling you. Keep an open mind to anything that comes to you as an answer. Be well my friend! There is no need to keep this going any longer.


answered 08 Feb '18, 12:30

TimH's gravatar image


Thank Tim, a couple years ago I was contacted by someone. He was a psychic guy and he knew me from my work. He told me that what hold me back in my life are emotions trapped in my heart. He said it was something I got when I was a child from my parent. He gave me a series of healing meditations to do. However, it didnt work. One consisted to breath-out the trapped energies. Another one was about going into a high-state of awareness and ask for Divine healing.

(08 Feb '18, 12:42) SurferJoy

Ok, I started to read The Emotions Code by Dr Nelson but alas it started to talk about the Nikken Magnets(tm). Most of the reviews online for the Nikken products are not so good. Tim, how did you use the techniques from book for healing?

(11 Feb '18, 10:26) SurferJoy
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