How do i practice exercise of part seventeen of the master key system correctly? I just want to be completely sure I am doing it rightly and thoroughly please I need legitimate guidance on how to eliminate disease and concentrate on health as an already existing fact. The exercise is to :
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I am concerned in the eliminating disease and concentrating on health ()and I want to be able to carry this execise as thorough and complete As possible . .Thank you in advance for your anticipated response. |
Health can be a tricky issue especially if you are experiencing health problems which are 'in your face'. Two methods work for me: 1. Logic 2. Focused meditation. Logic I try and reason out a few things (which are obvious). When I get a bruise or scratch my hand or break a bone, what is the body doing? It is consistently and persistently trying to heal the bruise, scratch or break. That is the very innate nature of our body. We see the bruise fading in a few days; We see the scratch healing in a few hours, closing, forming a protective crust on the wound. This is the very nature of our body and if it does that on a small level, it also does that with bigger conditions or diseases. So, the body is always on your side, or its side. I know therefore, that my body is healing itself on a constant basis. Focused meditation: I know that we are all vibration and my body is no different. I also know that my imagination makes reality. Therefore, I meditate in a focused way, first by talking to my body in a loving and appreciative manner. Then I imagine a healing light coming through my crown and filling up my body and giving my cells more nourishment to help it heal. I believe that this is occurring. I do it daily mostly before I sleep. I have improved my skin, my hair, my eyes with this. I hope it helps. |
The key phrase is "anxiety as to results". If you are completely identified with the objection of your concentration, you are not trying to force anything to happen with it. You are completely in the moment. You are not giving any thought to how things presently are. Your current reality is irrelevant, and just fades away into the background. When you are successfully in this state, you have no negative emotion associated with it. You either feel good or neutral about what you are concentrating on. |
Complete relaxation is the key to any of the exercises (any part). The systematic mandatory steps required to do any of the exercise are: How to think health? Even if one is in bed, unable to move, after settling the thought train, one can imagine playing a game of tennis or swim. It's very difficult to imagine that and even more difficult to feel that you are actually in the court or in the water. But it's important to try. With practice we can get there. Once you are successful doing it, within few days (Depending on step 1 - how happy you can feel) you will be out of bed fully recovered.
(10 Aug '22, 18:40)

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