Hey everyone I would love your input and insight , my brain seems to be stuck , conscious objective mind it’s not seeming to understand what does the following phrases mean in part 11 Master Key System? And what does “identified with” mean? I tried looking at translations but it did not seem to help.

  1. Having recorded correctly the answers furnished by nature and stretched our senses with the growing science over her surface; having joined hands with the levers that move the earth; we become conscious of such a close, varied and deep contact with the world without, that our wants and purposes become no less identified with the harmonious operations of this vast organization, than the life, liberty and happiness of the citizen are identified with the existence of his government.

  2. As the interests of the individual are protected by the arms of the country, added to his own; and his needs produce certain supply in the degree that they are felt more universally and steadily; in the same manner does conscious citizenship in the Kingdom of nature secure us from the annoyances of subordinate agents by our alliance with superior powers; and by our conformity with the fundamental laws of resistance or inducement offered to mechanical or chemical agents, we distribute the labour to be performed between them and man to the best advantage of inventor and user.

I found this online this might help you too understand my question: Hello Kriegerd, Part 11 of the Master Key System is trying to tell you that through inductive reasoning you can come up with answers in our world without. In otherwords through certain observations you can come up with a certain answer. 11-11 tells us that we have a very important deep contact with the natural world that our life and happiness is as identified with this important natural organisation as it is with our government. What you would like to know (I guess) is if it is talking about the government of nature, the government as in politics or is it some other Government. Weather it is your own government in your immediate circle or futher out as in the actual countries political government it makes no differance for the important part to remember is that nature and its natural laws are extremly important in our lives and the only right way to receive answers is through inductive thinking so that we can come up with rational answers that make sense and not be guided by superstition. This can only be acomplished through inductive thinking by comparing of a number of seperate instances with each other untill we see the common factor which gives rise to them all.

asked 5 days ago

Christopher_Galvez1's gravatar image


Let’s simplify this.

The key idea in those paragraphs is about alignment — how we, as individuals, can harmonize with the natural world and its laws to live more effectively and effortlessly.

When it says “identified with,” it means becoming so connected to something that your goals and actions align with it. In this case, it’s saying that our desires and purposes should align with the natural laws of the universe, just like a citizen’s well-being is tied to the functioning of their government. It’s not about politics — it’s about structure and support. Nature has its own “government,” its own set of rules, and when we work with those rules instead of against them, life flows more smoothly.

The second part compares this to how a government protects its citizens. Nature does the same for us when we align with its laws. For example, understanding principles like resistance or energy flow allows us to work smarter, not harder. It’s about using the forces of nature to our advantage, distributing effort between us and the natural world.

So, the big takeaway?

Align yourself with the flow of life. When you’re in harmony with natural laws, things happen more easily, and you’re supported by the larger system.

It’s the same principle behind manifesting: when you align vibrationally with what you want, you draw it to you effortlessly.


answered 4 days ago

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 4 days ago

Thank you so so much! god bless you man Extremely valuable!

And when MKS says “fundamental laws of resistance or inducement “

Or you when you say “understanding principles like resistance or energy flow allows us to work smarter, not harder.”

Is MKS or are you referring to this below?

MKS Part 3 Point 8 AND 9 (8.) If there is any interruption of this radiation the sensations are unpleasant, the flow of life and energy to some part of the body is stopped, and this is the cause of every

(3 days ago) Christopher_Galvez1

@Christopher_Galvez1 - The "fundamental laws of resistance or inducement" in the Master Key System refer to how energy flows naturally. Resistance blocks energy, while inducement encourages its movement. This ties to Part 3, where interruptions in energy flow cause discomfort or illness. Aligning with these laws lets energy flow freely, reducing resistance and allowing manifestations to occur effortlessly. It’s about working with nature’s flow.

(3 days ago) Stingray

Thank you so much Singray god bless you ❤️ s2 ❤️ s2

(3 days ago) Christopher_Galvez1
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