Do our beliefs come from our mind? If I believe something that 90% ppl think unreasonable or even nonsense, is my belief less true?

Take ppl who believe in supernatural/misterious things, i.e. UFOs, fairies, ghosts, angels, devil, etc. Other people might exclaim 'Rubbish!!' Do they have a right to say so?

Atheists don't believe in God, and they can tell you a thousand reasons why they are right. A religious person can do the same and give you a 'reasonable' account that God exists.

But both things cannot be right at the same time, can they???

I think they can. I think our mind is our universe and we create it.

I'd love to hear your opinion on this!


asked 18 Mar '11, 13:17

BridgetJones09's gravatar image


Our current reality will always be a reflection of our current beliefs. So in that sense BJ09 our beliefs are always right... we will each look for evidence in our physical world to reinforce those beliefs.

This has made it very easy for me to give up the need to be right, because there comes a realization that each of us are right depending on our level of awareness and the beliefs we choose to adopt. As our awareness expands, our beliefs change and hence our world or universe changes accordingly.


answered 18 Mar '11, 13:40

Michaela's gravatar image


What is a belief?

A belief is simply a thought that you keep thinking and eventually convince yourself of its truth; even when that belief doesn't serve you. For example, your parents may have told you that hard work is necessary in order to get money. If you buy into this belief by agreeing with your parents, you'll need to work hard to get money; even though this belief is not empirically true. Because money is not tied to hard work, it's tied to your belief about it.

Yes, like everything else beliefs originate in our mind. All beliefs are true for us, as they are based upon our individual perspective, and as such, our experience on earth will be a reflection of our beliefs. That's why discernment is the order of the day. Once we understand the nature of belief, we'll examine and choose our beliefs more wisely.

Do they have a right to say so?

The thing that atheists, apparently, do not understand is that non-belief in something is still belief in something else. Their non-belief in God is still belief in non-belief in God :)

If someone is disrespecting another’s beliefs, verbally or otherwise, it shows you which part of their mind they’re operating from. Knowing this, just allow them to speak and be as they are and/or move away from them. Their spiel and their beliefs can only have a negative impact on us if we’re confrontational and indulge (take part) with them, because we’ve moved away from allowing.

Is a belief as good as any?

I assume you mean is one belief as good as another.

Even if you're the only person on the planet who believes in something, you're not wrong; simply because there's no one authority 'out there' to confirm or deny the soundness and validity of your belief or your idea. And if your belief is strong enough, you’ll surely get to experience the essence of your belief because the Universe is set up that way :)


answered 20 Mar '11, 01:50

Eddie's gravatar image


edited 02 Feb '12, 23:22

All beliefs come from experiences.

Since we all have similar experiences (mass conditioning) then at some point we have similar beliefs.

Since we all have very different experiences ( personal conditioning) then we have another set of more personal beliefs.

Cultural National Societal Religious Personal

These are all different belief systems based SOLEY on our perception of all of these different experiences.

If you met me only twice and each time for no reason I kicked you in the shin, then the third time you see me you will stand far enough away to not let me kick you. Why? Because I have created a belief for you just by the two EXPERIENCES prior.

We learn that experiences create beliefs so we then in turn decide to change (create) our experiences to produce new beliefs.


answered 18 Mar '11, 21:28

you's gravatar image


all beliefs are is ur own personal truths, you can change them when u wish, some are harder than others .


answered 19 Mar '11, 23:20

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

edited 14 Dec '12, 21:21

I love this example, how a negative person says, "I can't do this!, and he tries and tries and fails again and again until he gives up! Then he in a condescending way to himself says "you see I knew I couldn't do it!" The positive man says "I know this can be done, I just have to find how." he tries and tries until he succeeds then says to himself "Yes success, I knew I could do this!"

Both start with a belief, that is their faith, one has faith he can't the other has faith he can. Both confirm their beliefs with the proper reward of the pat on the back "I just knew it!" "I was right!" and both experience the results of their beliefs.

If I am a runner getting ready for a race, I don't say "wow I hope I can make it to the finish line, I'll try my best." Why would I even bother entering to run and compete if I am not even sure I'll even make it let alone win! I say "I have been practicing I feel great! Sure there are others here but I know I have a good chance of wining this! I am ready! They had better be ready for me!"

So the negative person experiences a negative world, the positive person experiences a positive world, both are right in that is the experiences they have to confirm their beliefs as the correct beliefs.

I like what Harry Palmer said: "We experience everything we believe, but if we don't believe then we wont and that means we will."

This simply means whether I believe something will be or wont be, that is the experience I will have which means I did experience exactly what I believed.

It is from this perspective that I believe everyone has a right to their own beliefs, and will sternly defend what they know to be true. This "truth" is the result of their beliefs so it brings their experiences of confirmation that they are correct. I believe myself if someone says that he/she believes in something I don't, I have respect for his/her belief and know that to him/her it is real.


answered 18 Mar '11, 17:38

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 18 Mar '11, 17:45

There is a famous quote from Henry Ford which simply says:

"Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you're right."


answered 18 Mar '11, 18:55

Radius%207.25's gravatar image

Radius 7.25

Here is a story of someone telling a friend that his friend does not know how to wash dishes. So, his friend said to him how do you mean, and he said his friend just wet the sponge, apply dish detergent, soap over the dishes, and then he rinses off the soap from the dishes with warm running Tap water, and then leave the dishes to drain! His friend said to him what is wrong with that: he did wash the dishes, did he not?

So, he said to his friend: my mother taught me how to do dishes properly, and this is how you should wash your dishes: you have to fill the Sink half up with warm, or hot water, add some dish detergent to the water, put your dirty dishes into the water, wash them off with a sponge, take them out of the water, and then leave the dishes to drain!

Now is this person right in saying that his friend does not know how to wash dishes, because his friend’s way of doing the dishes were somewhat different to his way of doing the dishes, even though the outcome was the same!

Who do you believe was doing the dishes the right way, and is the right way, the right way for everyone, or is there a right way?


answered 19 Mar '11, 04:29

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

A belief is something that you personally hold to be true.

The problem in this definition is the word truth. The definition of truth is:

That which is unchangeable, that which is forever. That which is right.

The opposite of the truth is a lie. A lie is an illusion / hologram, and feeds off of the truth for it's existence. An aspect of all lies is that they are temporary and are destined to pass away.

people can believe all kinds of things be them truths or be them a lies. So not all beliefs are created equal. :)

This is a good question in that today many people equate opinion with truth. In the olden days people understood that an opinion was worth only about 2 pennies.


answered 02 Feb '12, 23:38

meetri's gravatar image


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