What do you believe religion was created for?

asked 19 Jul '11, 18:49

ahauntedhistory's gravatar image


In my opinion, religions were created at different times in history as an expression of spirituality and "Life" through human beings. Religions always contain elements of the time, and social culture through which they were expressed. Often religions were later contaminated with politics, social rules, and other elements of human society.. which usually happened after the founder(s) passed on.

As for religions having a specific "purpose", this would be more of a need of society and people in power, rather than the expression of "LIFE" itself, which just exists without any purpose whatsoever.

Spirituality and countless expressions of "LIFE", along with more direct spiritual paths (e.g. meditation), are now taking over the role of traditional religions and rules, which is why people are less in need of religious leaders and rules to guide them in how to live these days.


answered 20 Jul '11, 02:39

dionysius's gravatar image


Well said dionysius :)

(20 Jul '11, 16:08) Michaela

I believe that religious teachings were sent to humanity in order to produce an ever advancing civilisation. While confirming the same spiritual teachings, each of the religions have also brought certain social teachings and laws which act as remedies to the ills of the particular age in which they appeared. If humanity had turned to each teacher or great Educator of humanity in each age it would have reaped the incalculable benefits of their collective teachings to the world. Unfortunately, most followers of each religion spend their time in asserting the validity of their own religion over and above others, instead of acknowledging that they are all part of one civilising process


answered 19 Jul '11, 22:17

Inner%20Beauty's gravatar image

Inner Beauty

Religion was created for the purpose of keeping Gods word alive for it is not religion that's important but Gods word. Through religion mans focus is kept on the word of God. The reason for this is so that all human beings have access to Gods word no matter what religion they belong to. Every religion has their own word of God. This word of God is important for if it's laws are followed and lived it will set man free through the power of the holy spirit. That is the only true communion with God.

Try to think what it must have been like in those long ago days when there were none of the things we take for granted today. No phones, no TV, no internet, no cinema and even no books. Not only that but also the majority of people couldn't read or write. The only way Gods word could be kept alive was by word of mouth. Religion truly is an ingenius way to keep the word of God alive through religious worship.

This of course is my own oppinion received through insight and is not ment to preach or try to convert anyone.


answered 19 Jul '11, 22:23

Paulina%201's gravatar image

Paulina 1

With the birth of consciousness in humans came the realization that death is mysterious and we do not control the natural world. Early humans concluded that there must be some super human force that created and controls our universe...this super human force created the universe therefore this super human force must exist or in other words the function (creator) created the organ (the god of nature).

From this religions evolved, all are based on belief systems, so there is no possibility of proof of their veracity.


answered 21 Jul '11, 10:27

blubird%20two's gravatar image

blubird two

edited 14 Aug '11, 06:45

to fulfill a void in mankinds lifestyle,
not unlike our political entities,
since we have strayed so far from our potential to make proper choices,
organizations have flourished by replacing the emptiness left from 'not thinking things through'


answered 22 Jul '11, 01:07

fred's gravatar image


They were created to manipulate and control people


answered 22 Jul '11, 18:03

you's gravatar image


easy, the origonal concepts were to explain teh truths either through truth or parables,, they all talk of love, self worth and connecting to a god (creator). it was an ancient minds way to make sens of teh reality and truth of universal laws.

love n light,



answered 21 Jul '11, 16:59

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

Religions teach us the laws of the universe in a simplified way.


answered 22 Jul '11, 17:34

Asklepios's gravatar image



A ‘religion’ is a MAN-MADE organizational framework of MAN-MADE commandments and MAN-MADE traditions which exist only to serve, elevate, and glorify MAN under the pretense of following THE TRUTH.

A ‘religion’ does NOT civilize mankind. A ‘religion’ always seeks MONEY, POWER, and FINAL AUTHORITY. Therefore, a ‘religion’ will always bring bondage, darkness, death, and destruction to the world. All historical WARFARE has been tainted by ‘religion’.

A ‘religion’ CANNOT change the heart of a man. Only the Spirit of GOD can change the heart of a man, and only GOD has the FINAL AUTHORITY as recorded and confirmed in His Book: THE BIBLE.

ALL ‘religions’ are UNGODLY because of the following characteristics:

  • A ‘religion’ will always promote ‘religious worship’.

  • A ‘religion’ will always corrupt and pervert the Words and Doctrines of the Bible.

  • A ‘religion’ will always pollute and blaspheme the Gospel of GOD.

  • A ‘religion’ will always produce self-righteous ‘religious disciples’.

[1] ‘Religion’ and ‘Religious Worship’

A ‘religion’ is always characterized by ‘religious worship’. All ‘religious worship’ is FALSE worship. The reason that ‘religious worship’ is FALSE worship is because ‘religious worship’ will always focus on the WORKS OF THE FLESH in order to subjugate and brain-wash its disciples into a FALSE sense of ‘spiritual’ security. For example, specific to each ‘religion’, the ‘religious worship’ will always demand perpetual obedience and dedication to practices such as (but not limited to):

Sacraments, ordinances, feasts, rituals, ceremonies, pilgrimages, initiations, rites of passage, pledges, meditation, yoga, mystical experiences, the occult, usage of drugs and hallucinogens, sexual acts, self-mutilation, wearing heavy chains, self-flagellation, sleeping on a spiked bed, growing of hair and fingernails, body piercing, infant sacrifices, devil worship, Mary worship, idol worship, nature worship, animal worship, reverence of the dead, abstaining from specific foods and drinks, secret codes and passwords, the rosary, repetitive prayers, repetitive affirmations, repetitive mantras, mandatory attendance, dictated financial obligations, and undying loyalty to the ‘religious’ leadership.

All such ‘religious’ WORKS OF THE FLESH are completely USELESS and spiritually VOID of any merit!

[2] ‘Religion’ and the Bible

GOD did NOT preserve His Words on the earth through ‘religions’. GOD preserved His Words on the earth through MEN:

  • The Prophets and Levites

  • The Apostles

  • The BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS in the Body of Christ

A ‘religion’ always attempts to establish some semblance of credibility by directly or indirectly associating itself to a specific foundational text. For example, let us consider the more popular ‘religious’ groups, sects, and cults which claim to read GOD’s Words:

  • Roman Catholicism claims to read from the Bible.

  • Greek Orthodoxy claims to read from the Bible.

  • Jehovah’s Witnesses claim to read from the Bible.

  • Mormonism claims to read from the Bible.

  • Seventh Day Adventism claims to read from the Bible.

  • Pentecostalism claims to read from the Bible.

  • Armstrongism claims to read from the Bible.

  • Christian Science claims to read from the Bible.

  • Freemasonry claims to read from the Bible.

  • The New Age Thought Movement claims to read from the Bible.

It is both astounding and utterly pathetic that, although all these different ‘religious’ groups, sects, and cults profess to have a Biblical foundation, the historically CORRECT Biblical hermeneutics and the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ is NOWHERE to be found in any of their professions of faith or doctrinal literature. The reason for this HERESY is that all the leadership and disciples of these different ‘religious’ groups, sects, and cults choose to elevate their personal opinions, man-made commandments, and man-made traditions to a higher level of spiritual authority than the Bible. A ‘religion’ will NEVER regard GOD’s Words (The Bible) as the ONLY absolute and final authority for all spiritual matters. Therefore, GOD is NOT found in any ‘religion’!

[3] ‘Religion’ and the Gospel of GOD

‘Religion’ is a deceitful tool which deludes mankind into thinking that they can continually ‘do something’ for GOD when, in fact, GOD has already completed the work for mankind by shedding His Blood on Calvary’s cross for the forgiveness of SINS. ‘Religion’ produces disciples who live their lives believing that they are justified by their WORKS! All ‘religions’ preach this FALSE gospel as demonstrated by their ‘religious worship’.

In contrast, the Gospel of GOD is the following:

Justification is only of GOD, and Salvation is only through HIS BLOOD!

‘Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall NO flesh be justified in His sight: for by the law is the knowledge of SIN. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by FAITH of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that BELIEVE: for there is no difference: For all have SINNED, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through FAITH in HIS BLOOD, to declare His righteousness for the remission of SINS that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time His righteousness: that He might be JUST, and the JUSTIFIER of him which BELIEVETH in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.’ [Romans 3:20-28]

At this time, I recommend that you visit the question: ‘Who is Jesus in the context of LOA’. Firstly, in that particular forum, you will find the usual array of RIDICULOUS OPINIONS from the New Age Thought Movement. Secondly, you will find the typical insecure avalanche of incorrectly interpreted Bible passages (which doctrinally CORRUPTS and MISAPPROPRIATES the teachings of Jesus Christ’s ‘Sermon on the Mount’ and Jesus Christ’s ‘Apostolic Promises’) from ungodly ‘Religious Christianity’. Lastly, you will find these [4] FALSE ‘religious gospels’:

  • “Jesus didn't say the faith should be directed at Him, he just said faith.”

  • “belief is a veil that must be remove.”

  • “stop judging, you will be judge with the same mesure.”

  • “I think that following the decalogue is more important than having theoretical quarrels.”

Firstly, if you refer to the Biblical passage above [Romans 3:20-28], you will find the clauses ‘by FAITH of Jesus Christ’ and ‘through FAITH in HIS BLOOD’ associated with the Gospel of GOD. Contrary to the ignorant OPINIONS of the Eastern religions, philosophies, and mythologies and the disciples of the New Age Thought Movement, the Bible makes it absolutely clear that a person’s FAITH must be ‘directed’ at someone exclusive (JESUS CHRIST) and something specific (HIS BLOOD) for the forgiveness of SINS. If you think that some generic, non-specific, abstract, natural, inner ‘religious faith’ can save you from the pits of HELL, then you are SADLY MISTAKEN and the Scriptures prove you WRONG!

Secondly, if you refer to the Biblical passage above [Romans 3:20-28], you will find the clauses ‘all them that BELIEVE’ and ‘him which BELIEVETH in Jesus’ associated with the Gospel of GOD. Contrary to the ignorant OPINIONS of the Eastern religions, philosophies, and mythologies and the disciples of the New Age Thought Movement, the Bible makes it absolutely clear that BELIEF is a ‘veil’ that must NOT be removed. There is NO salvation and justification unless there is first the BELIEF in the finished work of Jesus Christ and His Blood [Romans 10:8-13]. The numerous gospels of the Eastern religions, philosophies, and mythologies (such as ‘We are all One! Experience and Enjoy!’) CANNOT save and justify ANYBODY. The numerous gospels of the New Age Thought Movement (such as ‘The basis of your life is Freedom; the purpose of your life is Joy!’) CANNOT save and justify ANYBODY. If you think that some generic, non-specific, abstract, natural, inner ‘religious belief’ can save you from the pits of HELL, then you are SADLY MISTAKEN and the Scriptures prove you WRONG!

Thirdly, if you refer to the Biblical passage above [Romans 3:20-28], you will find the clauses ‘the righteousness of God’ and ‘His righteousness’ mentioned a total of FOUR times relating to the Gospel of GOD. Contrary to the ignorant OPINIONS of the Eastern religions, philosophies, and mythologies and the disciples of the New Age Thought Movement, the Bible makes it absolutely clear that a person’s salvation and justification is exclusively based on acquiring GOD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS through the BLOOD-ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ and NOT based on vainly attempting to establish SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS. [Philippians 3:9]

Sadly, all ‘religious’ people have a common characteristic: SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS! The reason that all ‘religious’ people are SELF-RIGHTEOUS is directly linked to the practices of their ‘religious worship’. Since their ‘religious worship’ focuses on the WORKS OF THE FLESH, then their spirituality focuses on the SELF. Then, when a ‘religious’ person’s SELF is under scrutiny, the ‘religious’ person will always respond with the most powerful mantra in the intellectual arsenal of the SELF:

“Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! You will be judged with the same measure! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! You will be judged with the same measure! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge!”

You see, all ‘religious’ people fervently believe that they are not SINNERS! Therefore, ‘religious’ people will always preach ‘Don’t judge! Don’t judge! Don’t judge!’ every single time their SIN NATURE is being exposed. Then, the ignorant and foolish ‘religious’ person will vainly attempt to Biblically validate their heretical OPINION by referring to [Matthew 7:1] as so-called ‘proof’ that Jesus Christ taught that all men should NEVER judge anything at any time. This is absolute NONSENSE and INSANITY! Since ‘religious’ people have NO Biblical knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, they will always have a tremendously difficult time discerning the OBVIOUS differences between HYPOCRITICAL judgment [which the Bible does NOT condone: Matthew 7:1-5] and RIGHTEOUS judgment [which the Bible commands: (John 7:24)(Deuteronomy 1:16,17; 16:18)(I Corinthians 2:15; 6:2,3)]. When Jesus Christ declares: ‘Ye shall KNOW them by their fruits’, how can anybody KNOW ‘the fruits’ unless they JUDGE ‘the fruits’?? The issue is NOT whether or not you should JUDGE. The issue is HOW TO JUDGE! If you judge all things according to YOUR moral standard, then your judgment is HYPOCRITICAL because YOU are a SINNER. In contrast, if you judge all things according to GOD’s Moral Standard, then your judgment is RIGHTEOUS because GOD is RIGHTEOUS. Thus, if you think that Jesus Christ ‘religiously’ taught His disciples NOT to judge anything at any time, then you are SADLY MISTAKEN and the Scriptures prove you WRONG! Also, if you think that your ‘religious’ SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS can save you from the pits of HELL, then you are SADLY MISTAKEN and the Scriptures prove you WRONG!

Lastly, the final destination of all souls who choose to follow ‘The Decalogue’ for their salvation and justification is the pits of HELL! The term ‘Decalogue’ means ‘The 10 Commandments’. The Scriptures declare that there is ONLY ONE RIGHTEOUS MAN who ever fulfilled ALL the requirements and demands of ‘The 10 Commandments’ and the Mosaic Law. His name is Jesus Christ (GOD in the Flesh)! For this reason, if you refer to the Biblical passage above [Romans 3:20-28], you will observe that the Gospel of GOD to mankind is NOT ‘follow the 10 Commandments’. If following ‘The 10 Commandments’ could have saved and justified mankind, then Jesus Christ did NOT have to shed His Blood for the forgiveness of SINS [Galatians 2:21]! ‘Follow the 10 Commandments’ is a ‘religious’ gospel which makes a mockery of the BLOOD-ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ. If you think that your ‘religious’ GOOD WORKS founded on ‘The 10 Commandments’ can save you from the pits of HELL, then you are SADLY MISTAKEN and the Scriptures prove you WRONG!

This was just a tiny sample of the millions of ‘religious gospels’ which exist in the world. Any HONEST observer can clearly see that ‘religious gospels’ and the Gospel of GOD are NOT the same.

[4] The conclusion of the matter is the following:

The ways of ‘religion’ is the world’s solution for acquiring spiritual ‘enlightenment’.

However, the Scriptures teach that there are only TWO ways: the BROAD way and the NARROW way.

(a) What is the BROAD way??

ALL the ‘religious’ ways of the world is the BROAD way.

For example:

  • The way of ‘Religious Christianity’ is the BROAD way.

  • The way of Islam is the BROAD way.

  • The way of Judaism is the BROAD way.

  • The ‘middle way’ of Buddhism is the BROAD way.

  • The natural ‘way which cannot be named’ of Taoism is the BROAD way.

  • The indiscriminate ‘ways of many are One’ of Hinduism is the BROAD way.

  • The delusional way of the New Age Thought Movement is the BROAD way.

Belief in any ‘religion’ is the BROAD way which leads to HELL! All the disciples of all the ‘religions’ have chosen this BROAD way to destruction. [Proverbs 14:12]

(b) What is the NARROW way??

Belief in the BLOOD-ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ (GOD in the Flesh) for the forgiveness of SINS is the NARROW way which leads to HEAVEN! All the disciples of Jesus Christ have chosen this NARROW way to eternal life. [John 14:6][Acts 4:12]

Which way have YOU chosen??

Thanks for reading.

Concerned Citizen


answered 12 Aug '11, 15:53

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Concerned Citizen

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