Neville Goddard claimed that consciousness/imagination creates reality, and that it is biblical.

He said if you desire something, all you have to do is imagine and become conscious of its reality for it to become a reality.


"What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye recieve them, and ye shall have them." [Mark 11:24]

"Thou shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee." [Job 22:28]

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." [Proverbs 23:7]


From this he would claim that the God and Jesus mentioned in the bible referred to man's consciousness/imagination.


"Do you not realise that Jesus Christ is within you". [II Corinthians 13:5]

"The mystery hid from the ages; Christ in you the hope of glory." [Colossians 1:26,27]

"Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." [I John 4:4]

"All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made." [John 1:3]

"I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand." [Deuteronomy 32:39]

"He calleth things that are not seen as though they were." [Romans 4:17]


And that Heaven referred to one's state of consciousness and earth is the manifestation of that state.


"As in Heaven, so on earth." [Luke 11:2]

"The kingdom of heaven is within you." [luke 17:21] - it actually says kingdom of God.

"A man can recieve nothing, except it be given him from heaven." [John 3:27]

asked 25 Sep '11, 01:18

Genesis's gravatar image


edited 08 Nov '11, 08:37

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦


Doesn't look like this is a question you want anyone but Concerned Citizen to answer:

(25 Sep '11, 11:07) Stingray

Neville lectured for 30 years or something. I don't see how anyone can sum him or his insights up in one question, hence the lack luster response. Study his lectures and you'll understand his messages - - I love his work :)

(26 Sep '11, 06:41) Eddie

GENESIS: There are a couple of corrections to make in your listing of Biblical verses: [Luke 11:22] should be [Luke 11:2] and [Job 22:23] should be [Job 22:28]. Everything else seems to be in order. If you can be patient, I will post my analysis as soon as possible.

(26 Sep '11, 12:28) Concerned Citizen

STINGRAY: Just because Genesis and I agreed to examine Goddard's teachings on Inward Quest does NOT exclude the participation of any other member. This is a BIBLICAL question. If anybody believes to possess enough BIBLICAL knowledge to answer this question, then the floor is open to ALL participants. Would you like to make an attempt, Stingray?

(26 Sep '11, 12:46) Concerned Citizen

@Concerned Citizen - No thanks. Trying to retrofit my life to conform to books written 2,000 years ago for people who lived 2,000 years ago isn't really my thing :)

(26 Sep '11, 20:08) Stingray

Concerned Citizen: I have no problem waiting. Take your time. Thankyou.

(27 Sep '11, 09:27) Genesis

STINGRAY: No problem. Keep cleaving to your ‘thing’, and I’ll keep cleaving to GOD’S WORDS!

(05 Oct '11, 15:29) Concerned Citizen

Well said Stingray.

(05 Oct '11, 15:50) AboveBelow

Consciousness/imagination create reality ... yes i agree :)

(22 Jan '13, 04:16) blubird two

Consciousness - ability to perceive something without or within. Imagination - ability to create or form images, ideas, thoughts etc. on the abstract level.

Why are these two grouped together and split by a slash as if they were synonyms is beyond the limitations of both my imagination and consciousness.

Apropos, it's abstract reality you create with imagination. Not physical.

(22 Jan '13, 04:37) CalonLan

"imagination is the mode of communication between the mind and the inner being" - Sen

(03 May '15, 01:26) jaz
showing 1 of 11 show 10 more comments

Do you mean, is it true when you say is it biblical? If so then the simple answer is yes.

If you have read Neville's books and lectures as I have, you will know that he had a very good understanding of scripture. Concerned Citizens interpretation of scripture on the other hand is the same old nonsense I have heard for years from many churches.


answered 05 Oct '11, 16:22

AboveBelow's gravatar image


well who is i am? is it not awareness that is with in you the real you. when you dream your body is turned off and yet you see hear and feel make choice change things understand things. when you exit your body who is that i am is it not you?

as for is it biblical yes it is because the bible was write by men on things they did not understand. how can someone carnal can understand those things?

The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.

Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly--mere infants in Christ.

it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.

These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.

Whoever realizes the Supreme Brahman attains to supreme felicity. That Supreme Brahman is Eternal Truth (satyam), Omniscient (jnanam), Infinite (anantam). (Taittiriya Upanishad 2.1.1)

Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Brahman, the ultimate abode, the purest, the Absolute Truth. You are the eternal, transcendental, original Person, the unborn, the greatest. (Bhagavad Gita 10.12) [14]

In the Hindu Advaita Vedanta, the South Indian sage Ramana Maharshi mentions that of all the definitions of God, "none is indeed so well put as the biblical statement “I am that I am”". He maintained that although Hindu scripture contains similar statements, the Mahavakyas, these are not as direct as given in Exodus.[11] Further the "I am" is explained by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj as an abstraction in the mind of the Stateless State, of the Absolute, or the Supreme Reality, called Parabrahman: it is pure awareness, prior to thoughts, free from perceptions, associations, memories. Parabrahman is often considered to be a cognate term for the Supreme Being in Hinduism.

experience and enjoy.


answered 25 Sep '11, 02:29

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger


Wow White Tiger your knowledge is vast.

(26 Sep '11, 04:24) Paulina 1

thank you Paulina but for my self i find that i do not know enuff yet. even if i know alot of things i do not yet know everything and i know everything is to much to retain.

(26 Sep '11, 06:03) white tiger

Replace 'I Am' with 'I Feel' and you'll be closer to the truth :)

(26 Sep '11, 06:54) Eddie

no eddy i am is awareness it is more then just feeling when you are aware in the golden light with the absolute truth you will know it Eddie then you will be closer to the truth. experience and enjoy.

(26 Sep '11, 22:45) white tiger

I Am produces I Feel.

(05 Oct '11, 15:52) AboveBelow

well if you want to know who is am be Tathāgata then you will know in truth.

(06 Oct '11, 03:29) white tiger
showing 2 of 7 show 5 more comments

our consciousness provokes our relative reality,
the bible verses quoted were written at a time far different than what we percieve today and contained much symbolism;
taking 3rd & 4th century human imagination and drawing it alongside 21st century will show numerous variations,
a relative reality most always has patterns of truth, though seldomly matching in all.
a scarce few may be developed enough to be in line with the divine natural plan.


answered 26 Sep '11, 21:29

fred's gravatar image


Yes it is.

Im not going to pick out reams of phrases from the bible to back up my own belief or dogma as some do.

Ive seen countless doctrines backed up with page upon page of scripture that resonates to the individual. Largely ignoring other areas of the bible.

Neville had a revelation of Jesus Christ, not about Christ, not about scripture but "OF" Christ. The real 4th dmensional, indeed every dimensional Christ.

A Christ who ive physically seem with my own eyes. Not the false Christ the churches of this world teach.

The good news is that we will all have Nevilles revelation, yes even the False teachers and false prophets of this age. We all will, and it will be when Paul depicted it in scripture.

"When it pleases God".



answered 22 Jan '13, 03:38

Monty%20Riviera's gravatar image

Monty Riviera

@monty- u hav actually seen christ'wth ur eyes? i wanna hear ur experience.., thank you

(30 Oct '13, 03:58) supergirl

Hi Supergirl, you will see Him for yourself soon enough. When the Father within you awakens you will have "the" revelation "of Christ". A person not a dogma, belief system or doctrine will be revealed. You will be very surprised! And when you've had Christ revealed all the bible blah blah will be irrelevant. Its only there to help bring you to the real revelation anyway. I cant stress enough that a "person" is going to be revealed here.

(31 Oct '13, 12:07) Monty Riviera

ok..monty ,i hav got ur point.., thank you :)

(01 Nov '13, 08:31) supergirl
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

A concerned citizen. You went into an awful lot of trouble to break down the verses you quoted. However I didn’t really see anything about the true hebrew language and greek language. I know you are studied and you know that these were the languages that the old and new testament were written in. I know you know which was written which so we don’t even need to go there. Neville knew this as well as he studied both the Hebrew (and ancient Hebrew) and the Greek. I believe that Neville had studied the bible enough to realize what the bible meant when it said thy, thou, thee, ye. Really at this point you are attacking Neville’s studies And because you were born 50 or more years after he was he’s passed on and is not here to defend himself. So I’ll do my best to try to do so.

I don’t want your theology on thy thee ye. Let’s go straight out of the bible. I don’t need a break down of the verse on how you theorize about how it was written and why and by who. Please keep the theology to yourself. I could spend a day and type out what Neville said every verse meant and where it was derived from and what it meant in the Hebrew and Greek but I’m not going to do that. What bothers me is how everything is satanic to you. You really love to use the term satanic and berate Neville and say his teachings are satanic. So answer me this.

John 1:3

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

Colossians 1:16

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.

Deuteronomy 32:39

‘Now see that I, even I, am He, And there is no God besides Me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; Nor is there any who can deliver from My hand.

Isaiah 45:7

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

Proverbs 16:4

The LORD has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.

Job 42:11

Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him OVER ALL THE EVIL THAT THE LORD HAD BROUGHT UPON HIM: every man also gave him a piece of money, and every one an earring of gold.

Amos 3:16

Is a trumpet blown in a city, and the people are not afraid? Does disaster come to a city, unless the LORD has done it?

So if we’re told all things were made by God. and there’s nothing made that wasn’t made by God then he’s responsible for the unlovely things as well. So we must choose life. Choose the lovely things. But we can’t say there’s another creator. If someone says that someone else created or creates these things such as good or evil then there’s conflict. There can’t be 2 Gods. There’s only one God that created all things and without him there was nothing that was created. I’ve heard people say that free will creates evil. Which is not written nor found anywhere in the bible. Maybe we could agree that a good definition for free will would be the freedom to select any idea you desire. But going by the bible if someone says the devil can create anything there’s conflict. As again we’re told, all things were made by him and there’s nothing made that wasn’t made by him. Visible or invisible. And there is no God besides he.

So my question to you. Do you believe in 2 Gods? Do you believe Satan can create anything? Do you believe satan can create something visible or invisible. Do you believe satan can create teachings? Do you believe that satan can create anything at all?

As for me I don’t. I believe what scriptures say and that is that God is the only creator of anything and everything. Only God can wound only God can heal only God can kill only God can make alive and there is no other God than him and no one can deliver out of his hand. He created and creates everything. Visible and invisible. He creates light and darkness good and evil. Satan can’t create anything. Not even a bad time.


answered 31 Aug '23, 13:34

Neville%20Goddard's gravatar image

Neville Goddard

edited 31 Aug '23, 13:38


(1) Neville Goddard claimed that consciousness/imagination creates reality, and that it is biblical.

  • The following analysis will demonstrate that Neville Goddard knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about God’s Words. The Bible does NOT teach that ‘consciousness/imagination creates reality’. The belief that ‘consciousness/imagination creates reality’ is one of the many delusions of the New Age Thought Movement and has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with God or the Bible.

(2) He said if you desire something, all you have to do is imagine and become conscious of its reality for it to become a reality.

  • In order to perpetually stroke his gigantic EGO, the deluded Neville Goddard constantly quoted Biblical verses in futile attempts to distinguish himself as an ‘enlightened’ New Age teacher who ‘mystically’ possessed the ‘real meaning’ of the Scriptures. However, upon careful inspection, do the following Biblical verses really teach Neville Goddard’s claims?? Let us investigate with the PROPER Biblical hermeneutics:

A. “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” [Mark 11:24]

  • The pronoun ‘ye’ occurs [4] times in [Mark 11:24] and directly refers to Jesus Christ’s APOSTLES [Mark 11:11]!

  • The CONTEXT of [Mark 11:24] is a conversation between Jesus Christ and His APOSTLES regarding APOSTOLIC promises. While Jesus Christ walked the earth, His APOSTLES were given these types of exclusive APOSTOLIC promises in order for them to accomplish their APOSTOLIC ministry through the authority of APOSTOLIC signs and wonders. [Matthew 10:7,8][Mark 6:7,13]

  • After the Ascension of Jesus Christ, the APOSTOLIC ministry brought great stability and direction to those early members of the Body of Christ. [Acts 2:42,43][Acts 14:3][Acts 19:11,12][Romans 15:18,19][II Corinthians 12:11,12]

  • The APOSTLES were men who witnessed Jesus Christ’s ministry [Acts 10:37-43] and were appointed last unto death [I Corinthians 4:9]. Thus, since the death of the Apostle John (approximately 100 AD), there have been NO APOSTLES on the earth. Today, anybody who claims to be an APOSTLE is a LIAR! Today, anybody who claims to have the ‘signs and wonders’ of an APOSTLE is completely DELUSIONAL!

  • Jesus Christ NEVER taught the APOSTLES to ‘have faith in your own selves’. Jesus Christ NEVER taught the APOSTLES to ‘have faith in The Universe’. In contrast, the HONEST observer will discern that the APOSTLES were always taught to ‘have faith in GOD’ as confirmed by Jesus Christ Himself during this SAME CONVERSATION [Mark 11:22]! The scope of the APOSTOLIC ministry was NOT commissioned, sustained, and fulfilled by the power of Man, Man’s ‘consciousness’, Man’s ‘imagination’, or ‘The Universe’. The scope of the APOSTOLIC ministry was commissioned, sustained, and fulfilled by the POWER OF GOD! [Acts 5:38,39]

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Mark 11:24] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ‘consciousness/imagination creates reality’!

B. “Thou shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee.” [Job 22:28]

  • The pronouns ‘Thou’ and ‘thee’ in [Job 22:28] directly refer to JOB!

  • The verb ‘decree’ means: to determine judicially or to resolve by sentence. A ‘decree’ can only be pronounced by a person with judicial authority. Job daily issued ‘decrees’ because he was a great Advocate and Judge in the land of Uz [Job 29:7-25]. However, during his affliction, Job lost everything [Job 19:13-19]. The CONTEXT of [Job 22:28] is a conversation between Job and one of his so-called ‘comforters’ named Eliphaz the Temanite [Job 22:1] regarding Job’s restoration as an Advocate and Judge.

  • After having falsely accused Job [Job 22: 6-20], Eliphaz still attempted to ‘comfort’ him by declaring to Job that, if he would ‘return to the Almighty’ [Job 22:23], God would hear his prayer [Job 22:27] and restore Job as an Advocate and Judge of the people. In that restored position of authority, Job would again be able to ‘decree a thing’ and have it ‘established’ [Job 22:28]. In that restored position of authority, Job would again be able to comfort and uplift men who were ‘cast down’ [Job 22:29].

  • The HONEST observer will discern that Job could NOT cure himself of his affliction with the power of his ‘consciousness’ or ‘imagination’. It was THE LORD who ‘turned the captivity of Job’ [Job 42:10]. It was THE LORD who ‘blessed the latter end of Job’ [Job 42:12]. Being a man, Job was completely POWERLESS! Job’s ‘consciousness’ and ‘imagination’ were totally USELESS! To confirm this truth, observe the last recorded words which were spoken by Job to THE LORD:

‘Wherefore I ABHOR myself, and REPENT in dust and ashes.’ [Job 42:6]

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Job 22:28] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ‘consciousness/imagination creates reality’!

C. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” [Proverbs 23:7]

  • Observe the ENTIRE CONTEXT [Proverbs 23:6-8] from THE AUTHORIZED KING JAMES 1611 BIBLE:

Verse 6: Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an EVIL eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:

Verse 7: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

Verse 8: The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.

  • The pronoun ‘he’ occurs [3] times in [Proverbs 23:7] and directly refers to ‘him that hath an EVIL eye’ in the PREVIOUS VERSE [Proverbs 23:6]! The pronoun ‘thee’ occurs [2] times in [Proverbs 23:7] and directly refers to King Solomon’s son as defined in the SAME CHAPTER [Proverbs 23: 15,19,26]!

  • The CONTEXT of [Proverbs 23:7] is King Solomon sharing some practical wisdom and common sense with his son regarding the DANGERS of having a friendship with an EVIL man.

  • A man with EVIL thoughts in his heart (ie. “For as he thinketh in his heart”) is an EVIL man (ie. “so is he”)! As a father, King Solomon is advising his son NOT to eat and drink with men that continuously think EVIL in their hearts. These types of men always produce EVIL actions, cannot be trusted, and are full of betrayal. King Solomon is also warning his son that, if he chooses to partake in the EVIL deeds of EVIL men, then he will eventually corrupt himself as described in the NEXT VERSE [Proverbs 23:8].

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Proverbs 23:7] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ‘consciousness/imagination creates reality’!

(3) From this he would claim that the God and Jesus mentioned in the bible referred to man's consciousness/imagination.

  • With this claim, it is quite apparent that poor Neville Goddard was NOT of sound mind. It is simply incredible that ANYBODY would actually believe that this claim is RATIONAL! World history, archaeology, geography, politics, literature, and the history of MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE all confirm the literal authenticity of the Scriptures. Did Neville Goddard not understand the tremendous implications and magnitude of the FACT that the lost world actually dates all its events in relation to the appearance of Jesus Christ on the earth?? Is this FACT just a mere coincidence??

  • From the beginning of the Old Testament, the Scriptures confirm that God is a PERSON! From the beginning of the New Testament, the Scriptures remain consistent and confirm that Jesus Christ (God in the Flesh) is a PERSON! The Scriptures NEVER teach that God or Jesus Christ refer to ‘man's consciousness/imagination’. Evidently, with this claim, it is clear that Neville Goddard’s rationality and spiritual discernment were on par with those of a blind circus monkey.

  • Do the following Biblical verses really teach Neville Goddard’s claims?? Let us investigate with the PROPER Biblical hermeneutics:

A. “Do you not realise that Jesus Christ is within you”. [II Corinthians 13:5]


‘Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?’ [II Corinthians 13:5]

  • The pronouns ‘yourselves’, ‘ye’, and ‘you’ in [II Corinthians 13:5] directly refer to the people in Corinth that had heard the preaching of the Apostle Paul [Acts 18:1-18] and had ‘professed’ to have received, believed, and understood the Gospel of God.

  • In [Galatians 4:3-11], the Apostle Paul challenged the SINCERITY of the conversion of the Gentiles in Galatia. Similarly, the CONTEXT of [II Corinthians 13:5] is the Apostle Paul challenging the SINCERITY of the conversion of the Gentiles in Corinth because there was no evidence of repentance on their part AFTER their ‘profession of faith’. In other words, their conduct did NOT support their claims of conversion. [II Corinthians 12:20,21].

  • The clause ‘Jesus Christ is in you’ is defined by the Apostle Paul throughout his epistles [For example: Romans 8:9,10 - In these verses, the Apostle Paul declares that having ‘The Spirit of God’ = having ‘The Spirit of Christ’ = having ‘Christ in you’]. Jesus Christ is ‘in you’ ONLY when God places His Spirit ‘in you’ at the moment of your conversion. You will only be able to live ‘in the faith’ AFTER the Spirit of God is placed ‘in you’ by God Himself. For this reason, the Apostle Paul was warning the Gentiles in Corinth not to receive the Gospel of God in vain [II Corinthians 6:1,2] but to ‘examine’ and ‘prove’ their ‘own selves’ in order to evaluate if they were truly ‘in the faith’.

  • The HONEST observer will discern that the clause ‘Jesus Christ is in you’ is CONDITIONAL! Anybody who preaches that ‘Jesus Christ is UNCONDITIONALLY in you’ is preaching a SATANIC LIE! If you confess to God that you are a SINNER and BELIEVE in your heart that the BLOOD-ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ (God in the Flesh) washes your SINS away, then God Himself converts you by placing His Spirit ‘in you’. Having the Spirit of God ‘in you’ signifies that ‘Jesus Christ is in you’ (as demonstrated by verses such as [Romans 8:9,10]) and allows you to live ‘in the faith’.

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [II Corinthians 13:5] does NOT teach the fairy tale that God and Jesus Christ are ‘man's consciousness/imagination’!

B. “The mystery hid from the ages; Christ in you the hope of glory.” [Colossians 1:26,27]


‘Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to HIS SAINTS: To WHOM God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in YOU, the hope of glory:’ [Colossians 1:26,27]

  • The pronouns ‘WHOM’ and ‘YOU’ in [Colossians 1:26,27] directly refer to ‘HIS SAINTS’!

  • The clause ‘Christ in YOU’ directly applies to ‘HIS SAINTS’! As defined in the SAME CHAPTER, the term ‘saints’ refers to all BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS who (1) are ‘in Christ’ [verse 2], (2) have been redeemed and forgiven of their sins through Jesus Christ’s BLOOD [verse 14], and (3) belong to the Body of Christ [verses 18,24].

  • The reconciliation of the Gentiles in the Body of Christ is one of [7] mysteries given to the members of the Body of Christ to minister to the lost world. The revelation of the reconciliation of the Gentiles in the Body of Christ was NOT given to any Old Testament prophet. This ‘mystery’ was only revealed to the Apostle Paul [verse 25][Ephesians 3:1-8]. The CONTEXT of [Colossians 1:26,27] is the Apostle Paul reminding those Gentile BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS in Colosse of the blessings, privileges, and ‘hope of glory’ they now have in being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and ‘the BLOOD of His cross’ [verse 20].

  • The HONEST observer will discern that, similar to [II Corinthians 13:5], having ‘Christ in YOU’ is CONDITIONAL! You will be converted by the power of the Spirit of God only AFTER you receive, believe, and obey the message of the Gospel of God. Anybody who preaches that having ‘Christ in YOU’ is UNCONDITIONAL for ALL MEN is in GROSS DOCTRINAL ERROR!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Colossians 1:26,27] does NOT teach the fairy tale that God and Jesus Christ are ‘man's consciousness/imagination’!

C. “Greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world.” [I John 4:4]

  • I have purposely distinguished [3] pronouns which must be identified in order to properly understand [I John 4:4]. The [3] pronouns are: ‘HE’, ‘he’, and ‘you’

‘HE’ = ‘the Spirit of God’ as described in [verse 2]!

‘he’ = ‘the spirit of antichrist’ as described in [verse 3]!

‘you’ = the people who are ‘of God’ as described in [verse 4]!

The ‘Spirit of God’ is the ‘spirit of truth’ and is ‘of God’. In contrast, the ‘spirit of antichrist’ is the ‘spirit of error’ and is ‘of the world’. [verses 5,6]

  • The CONTEXT of [I John 4:4] is the Apostle John declaring that the people who are ‘of God’ overcome ‘the world’ because the ‘Spirit of God’ (which is IN the people of God) is GREATER than the ‘spirit of antichrist’ (which is IN the world).

  • The HONEST observer will discern that having the Spirit of God ‘in you’ is CONDITIONAL upon personally accepting the BLOOD-ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ (God in the Flesh) for the forgiveness of SINS as declared in the SAME EPISTLE [I John 1:6,7; 5:10-13]. You must personally CONFESS to God that you are a SINNER and ASK Him to forgive you of your SINS through the BLOOD-ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ (God in the Flesh) in order for God to place His Spirit ‘in you’.

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [I John 4:4] does NOT teach the fairy tale that God and Jesus Christ are ‘man's consciousness/imagination’!

D. “All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.” [John 1:3]

  • The pronoun ‘him’ occurs [2] times in [John 1:3] and directly refers to ‘the Word’ as described in [John 1:1]!

  • At this point, I strongly recommend that the reader consults my answer to the Inward Quest Question: “How do we know that ‘The Word’ is a word?” In that particular forum, I have already conclusively demonstrated that (1) ‘The Word’ is the Absolute Distinct CREATOR of all visible and invisible things, (2) ‘The Word’ was made FLESH and shed His Blood on Calvary’s cross for the forgiveness of SINS, and (3) ‘The Word’ is the NAME of JESUS CHRIST!

  • ‘The Word’ CANNOT be ‘man’s consciousness/imagination’ because (1) ‘The Word’ was made FLESH, dwelt among men, and His glory was ‘beheld’ [Romans 1:3][John 1:14], (2) ‘The Word’ was heard with the ears, seen with the eyes, and was handled with the hands [I John 1:1-3], and (3) ‘The Word’ did eat and drink with His disciples after His resurrection FROM THE DEAD! [Luke 24:41-43][John 21:12,15][Acts 10:41]

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [John 1:3] does NOT teach the fairy tale that God and Jesus Christ are ‘man's consciousness/imagination’!

E. “I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.” [Deuteronomy 32:39]

  • The pronoun ‘I’ occurs [4] times in [Deuteronomy 32:39] and directly refers to THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL!

  • The passage in [Deuteronomy Chapter 32] is called ‘The Song of Moses’. Moses is declaring God’s Words to all the people of Israel [verses 44,45]. This great oration occurs on the same day in which THE LORD commands Moses to go up to Mount Nebo, behold the land, and die [verses 49,50]. Moses clearly attributes the words of [verses 36-42] to THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL. Moses is NOT referring to himself or to ‘man's consciousness/imagination’. Only God can ‘kill’ and ‘make alive’. Only God can ‘wound’ and ‘heal’. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God, and there is absolutely NOTHING which has the power to ‘deliver out of His hand’.

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Deuteronomy 32:39] does NOT teach the fairy tale that God and Jesus Christ are ‘man's consciousness/imagination’!

F. “He calleth things that are not seen as though they were.” [Romans 4:17]

  • The pronoun ‘He’ in [Romans 4:17] directly refers to GOD!

  • The CONTEXT of [Romans 4:17] is the Apostle Paul speaking of the prophetic promises which God made to Abraham in the Old Testament regarding Abraham’s seed [Genesis 15:5]. While ‘the seed’ was yet ‘unseen’, God ‘calleth things as though they were’ and declared to Abraham that (1) his wife Sarah would bear him a SON, (2) the son’s name would be ISAAC, and (3) God would establish an everlasting COVENANT with Isaac and his generations [Genesis 17:19,21]. The Scriptures confirm that all these things were fulfilled BY GOD as prophesied BY GOD. Being almost 100 years old at the time of this prophecy, all Abraham could do was believe God, have faith in God, and give glory to God [Romans 4:20]. In other words, only God had the power to fulfill His promises to Abraham. Being an old man, Abraham was completely POWERLESS! Abraham’s ‘consciousness’ and ‘imagination’ were totally USELESS!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Romans 4:17] does NOT teach the fairy tale that God and Jesus Christ are ‘man's consciousness/imagination’!

[Stay tuned! PART TWO of this analysis is forthcoming and will be posted as soon as possible!]


answered 05 Oct '11, 15:22

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Concerned Citizen

this question is for someone like you.Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?

(06 Oct '11, 03:57) white tiger

Concerned Citizen: Thanks so much for explaining those biblical passages and thank you for your time and effort. I am looking forward to part two.

(06 Oct '11, 09:21) Genesis

I deleted my previous comment because it was rude. My apologies.

(05 Sep '23, 16:01) ele
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

Hello, again…

I have posted PART TWO of my Neville Goddard analysis below.

[NOTE: I have posted PART TWO of my analysis as a separate ‘Answer’ in order to avoid the risk of the ‘Edit Function’ limiting the amount of space required for my COMPLETE response.]

Following from PART ONE, Neville Goddard also claimed the following:

(4) And that Heaven referred to one's state of consciousness and earth is the manifestation of that state.

With this claim, Neville Goddard clearly proves that the CLOWNS are not all in the circus! It was not enough to privately interpret that ‘God’ and ‘Jesus Christ’ refer to ‘man’s consciousness/imagination’. In addition, in order to impress the lost world with his ‘mystical insights’, the so-called ‘enlightened’ Neville Goddard privately interprets that the term ‘heaven’ is a ‘state of consciousness’, and the term ‘earth’ is the ‘manifestation of that state’. Unfortunately for Neville Goddard and his New Age disciples, these EGO-concocted definitions of ‘heaven’ and ‘earth’ are NOT validated by the Scriptures.

Contrary to Neville Goddard’s RIDICULOUS personal opinions, God created ‘the heaven’ and ‘the earth’ as LITERAL PHYSICAL LOCATIONS! Therefore, anybody who chooses to mystically ‘spiritualize’ the Biblical definitions of ‘heaven’ and ‘earth’ is in GROSS DOCTRINAL ERROR! In fact, the Scriptures declare that there are THREE ‘heavens’ and that each ‘heaven’ is a LITERAL PHYSICAL LOCATION in relation to the LITERAL PHYSICAL ‘earth’:

  1. The first ‘heaven’ is the SPACE between the ground-level of ‘the earth’ and the level of the clouds. Birds, kites, and airplanes fly within the first ‘heaven’. The processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation occur within the first ‘heaven’. Tornadoes and hurricanes rage within the first ‘heaven’.

  2. The second ‘heaven’ is the SPACE between the level of the clouds and the ‘face of the deep’. The second ‘heaven’ is called ‘the firmament’ [Genesis 1:6]. The ‘face of the deep’ is the ‘waters ABOVE the firmament’ [Genesis 1:7]. The ‘face of the deep’ is FROZEN [Job 38:30] and described as a ‘sea of glass’ [Revelation 4:6; 15:2]. In practical terms, ‘the deep’ may be described as the ‘container’ of the universe. All the physical elements of the universe (sun, moon, stars, planets, galaxies, etc) are contained within the second ‘heaven’.

  3. The third ‘heaven’ is the SPACE beyond the level of the frozen ‘face of the deep’. Above and separate from His physical creations, God has chosen to contain His Absolute Glory, His Throne, and His City in the third ‘heaven’ [Job 26:9][Matthew 5:34][Revelation 4:2][Hebrews 12:22-24]. The first estate and habitation of all the spiritual PRE-Adamic creations is also in the third ‘heaven’. For this reason, any spiritual PRE-Adamic creation which keeps not its first estate and leaves its own habitation is reserved unto judgment [Jude 6][II Peter 2:4]. The LITERAL PHYSICAL LOCATION of the third ‘heaven’ is NORTHWARD [Psalms 48:1,2][Isaiah 14:13,14]!

In light of these Biblical FACTS, do the following Biblical verses really teach Neville Goddard’s claims?? Let us investigate with the PROPER Biblical hermeneutics:

A. “As in Heaven, so on earth.” [Luke 11:2]


‘And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art IN HEAVEN, Hallowed be THY NAME. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL be done, as IN HEAVEN, so IN EARTH.’ [Luke 11:2]

  • The CONTEXT of [Luke 11:2] is another occasion during which Jesus Christ is teaching HIS JEWISH DISCIPLES how to pray as described in [Luke 11:1].

  • For this particular verse in question, there are TWO clauses which must be examined. The TWO clauses are: (1) ‘Our Father which art IN HEAVEN, Hallowed be THY NAME’ and (2) ‘THY WILL be done, as IN HEAVEN, so IN EARTH’

‘Our Father which art IN HEAVEN, Hallowed be THY NAME’ is the first clause of this prayer and clearly confirms that (1) The disciples were being taught by Jesus Christ to address and direct their prayers to a distinct PERSON (ie. ‘Our Father’), (2) The disciples were being taught by Jesus Christ that the abode of the ‘Father’ is a LITERAL PHYSICAL LOCATION (ie. ‘which art IN HEAVEN’), and (3) The disciples were being taught by Jesus Christ that the NAME of the ‘Father’ was to be revered and honored as SACRED (ie. ‘Hallowed be THY NAME’).

‘THY WILL be done, as IN HEAVEN, so IN EARTH’ is the third clause of this prayer. Similar to the first clause, the term ‘THY’ directly refers to the ‘Father’! Therefore, this clause clearly confirms that (1) The disciples were being taught by Jesus Christ to acknowledge the majesty and pre-eminence of GOD’S WILL above all things (ie. ‘THY WILL be done’) and (2) The disciples were being taught by Jesus Christ to recognize the authority and scope of GOD’S WILL in relation to TWO LITERAL PHYSICAL LOCATIONS (ie. ‘as IN HEAVEN, so IN EARTH’).

  • The HONEST observer will discern that Jesus Christ NEVER teaches His disciples that ‘heaven’ is their ‘state of consciousness’. Jesus Christ NEVER teaches His disciples to pray that ‘their own will’ be done ‘in earth’ according to their own ‘state of consciousness’. In contrast, Jesus Christ always teaches His disciples that (1) ‘HEAVEN’ and ‘EARTH’ are LITERAL PHYSICAL LOCATIONS, (2) ‘HEAVEN’ is the abode of the ‘Father’, and (3) any man who belongs to God is to acknowledge, desire, and pray that GOD’S WILL be done ‘IN EARTH’ as it is ‘IN HEAVEN’.

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Luke 11:2] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ‘heaven’ is a ‘state of man's consciousness’ and ‘earth’ is the ‘manifestation of that state’!

B. “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” [Luke 17:21] - it actually says kingdom of God.

  • Bravo, Genesis! You have discerned a great Biblical truth! The reason that THE AUTHORIZED KING JAMES 1611 BIBLE ‘actually says kingdom of God’ in [Luke 17:21] is because the ‘kingdom of God’ and the ‘kingdom of heaven’ are TWO DIFFERENT KINGDOMS! The New Age Thought Movement actually believes that the ‘kingdom of God’ and the ‘kingdom of heaven’ are Biblical terms which describe the SAME ‘kingdom’. This New Age dogma is a SATANIC LIE! Poor Neville Goddard, Esther Hicks, Abraham Hicks, and the rest of the ‘channeled’ entities, teachers, and disciples of the New Age Thought Movement are in complete DARKNESS!

  • The Scriptures speak of TWO kingdoms: the ‘kingdom of God’ and the ‘kingdom of heaven’

The ‘kingdom of God’ is the literal SPIRITUAL kingdom. The ‘kingdom of God’ is characterized by righteousness, peace, and joy IN THE HOLY GHOST [Romans 14:17]. A man can ‘see’ and ‘enter’ the ‘kingdom of God’ ONLY if he chooses to become BORN-AGAIN through the Spirit of God as defined by Jesus Christ in [John 3:3,5]. Once he is in the ‘kingdom of God’, the BORN-AGAIN BELIEVER is (1) in spiritual fellowship with God the Father [Romans 5:1,2; 8:14-17][Hebrews 10:19] as a permanent member of the invisible Body of Christ [Romans 12:5][I Corinthians 10:17], (2) already seated in heavenly places [Ephesians 1:3; 2:4-7] and able to experience the fruit of the Spirit [Galatians 5:22,23][Ephesians 5:8-10][Colossians 1:10-14], (3) able to access the whole armor of God [Ephesians 6:10-18], and (4) guaranteed to receive an incorruptible, immortal, glorified BODY because of the ‘hope of glory’ in him [Colossians 1:27][I Corinthians 15:49-57][Romans 8:23].

The ‘kingdom of heaven’ is the literal PHYSICAL kingdom. At the Second Coming, Jesus Christ (The Messiah) will establish His Government for the ‘kingdom of heaven’ characterized by (1) The Messiah sitting on David’s throne [Acts 2:30][Psalms 132:11], (2) The Messiah reigning over the house of Jacob from Jerusalem [Luke 1:32,33][Matthew 25:31-32][Micah 4:1-3], (3) The Messiah reigning over a regenerated EARTH [Matthew 19:28][Isaiah 11:1-12], and (4) The Messiah reigning over all the nations of the EARTH [Psalms 22:28][Obadiah 17,21][Daniel 2:44; 7:13,14,18,22,28]. After His Resurrection, when the Apostles asked Jesus Christ if the ‘kingdom’ would be restored to ISRAEL at that time, their reference was clearly to the literal PHYSICAL ‘kingdom of heaven’ [Acts 1:6,7]. The reason that the Apostles asked this specific question at that time is because there are HUNDREDS of Old Testament prophecies involving the nation of ISRAEL which will only be fulfilled when Jesus Christ (The Messiah) establishes His Government for the literal PHYSICAL ‘kingdom of heaven’ at His Second Coming [Revelation 19:11-21].

  • The CONTEXT of [Luke 17:21] is a conversation between Jesus Christ and the Pharisees regarding the coming of the ‘kingdom of God’ as described in the PREVIOUS VERSE [Luke 17:20]. When the Pharisees confronted Jesus Christ concerning this issue, Jesus Christ confirmed that (1) The ‘kingdom of God’ comes not ‘with observation’ [verse 20], (2) The ‘kingdom of God’ cannot be physically localized or identified [verse 21], and (3) The ‘kingdom of God’ can ONLY be entered through HIM [verses 21-23][John 10:9; 14:6][Colossians 1:13][Ephesians 2:18]. With these descriptions of the ‘kingdom of God’, Jesus Christ clearly establishes that the ‘kingdom of God’ is SPIRITUAL and EXCLUSIVE!

  • To suggest that the ‘kingdom of heaven’ is a SPIRITUAL kingdom which is inside a man is absolute New Age NONSENSE! As defined by the Scriptures, the ‘kingdom of heaven’ is the literal PHYSICAL kingdom and can NEVER be inside ANYBODY! The correct reading of [Luke 17:21] is flawlessly preserved in THE AUTHORIZED KING JAMES 1611 BIBLE and clearly confirms that the ‘kingdom of God’ is the literal SPIRITUAL kingdom. Anybody who chooses to ‘spiritualize’ or ‘internalize’ the Biblical definition of the term ‘heaven’ is in GROSS DOCTRINAL ERROR!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Luke 17:21] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ‘heaven’ is a ‘state of man's consciousness’ and ‘earth’ is the ‘manifestation of that state’!

C. “A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.” [John 3:27]

  • These words in [John 3:27] were spoken by John the Baptist in direct reference to JESUS CHRIST and His Divine AUTHORITY!

  • The CONTEXT of [John 3:27] is a conversation between John the Baptist, some of his disciples, and the Jews concerning ‘purifying’ [verse 25].

At that time, Jesus Christ and His disciples were baptizing in the land of Judea [verse 22] while John the Baptist was baptizing near Salim [verse 23]. Many observers began to recognize that all men were going to Jesus Christ in order to receive the purifying. Because of this, John the Baptist was questioned as to why all men were going to Jesus Christ to be baptized [verse 26].

In response, John the Baptist took the opportunity to reiterate and confirm to his audience that (1) he was NOT ‘The Christ’ [verse 28], (2) he was only the forerunner to ‘The Christ’ [verse 28], (3) he was only the ‘friend of the bridegroom’ [verse 29], (4) the scope of his ministry must decrease, but the ministry of ‘The Christ’ must increase [verse 30], and (5) he was ‘earthly’, but ‘The Christ’ is ‘FROM heaven’ [verse 31].

With the words of [John 3:27], John the Baptist publicly acknowledged that, if all men were going to Jesus Christ to be baptized, it was because of the anointing which Jesus Christ had received ‘FROM heaven’ by God confirming that Jesus was indeed ‘The Christ’ [verses 34-36]. The anointing which Jesus Christ had received ‘FROM heaven’ by God is recorded in [Matthew 3:16,17] and irrefutably confirms His exclusive DEITY and AUTHORITY! Therefore, John the Baptist was stating that, in light of the anointing which Jesus Christ had received ‘FROM heaven’, it was totally logical and appropriate that the public’s attention was shifting away from him (as the forerunner) and focusing upon Jesus Christ (The Messiah).

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [John 3:27] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ‘heaven’ is a ‘state of man's consciousness’ and ‘earth’ is the ‘manifestation of that state’!

(5) Three SATANIC HERESIES taught by Neville Goddard

From Neville Goddard Lecture (02-22-1963): PAUL’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY

- SATANIC HERESY #1: Jesus Christ did NOT come IN THE FLESH

Neville Goddard claimed the following:

“The world thinks he was flesh and blood. No, he wasn’t flesh and blood. This is the fulfillment of all that was told in the Old Testament, but no one understood it, except the one to whom it was revealed (you call him Paul now) // Then after a while come the teachers, who did not participate, and they tell you he is flesh and blood. He was born of a certain woman, on a certain day, in a manner that you were born - only he didn’t have a physical father. And that isn’t true at all // Read the story of Jesus and don’t think of Jesus as flesh and blood.”

In contrast, God’s Words declare the following:

‘Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, A VIRGIN shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.’ [Isaiah 7:14]

‘Behold, A VIRGIN shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, GOD WITH US.’ [Matthew 1:23]

‘And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent FROM GOD unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, To A VIRGIN espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and THE VIRGIN’S name was Mary. And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called THE SON OF GOD.’ [Luke 1:26,27,35]

‘And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in THE FLESH, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.’ [I Timothy 3:16 – written by the Apostle Paul!]

‘Concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to THE FLESH;’ [Romans 1:3 – written by the Apostle Paul!]

‘In whom we have redemption through HIS BLOOD, the forgiveness of SINS, according to the riches of his grace;’ [Ephesians 1:7 – written by the Apostle Paul!]

‘In whom we have redemption through HIS BLOOD, even the forgiveness of SINS:’ [Colossians 1:14 – written by the Apostle Paul!]


- SATANIC HERESY #2: Jesus Christ did NOT resurrect FROM THE DEAD

Neville Goddard claimed the following:

“The resurrection has taken place, but it is also taking place. It took place, and that first one - whether you believe it or not - is Paul, and from that moment on it is taking place in every being in the world, as we march toward this invisible Mecca. And along the way we are pulled out of the crowd one by one, and he awakens in the individual. And that one, without losing his distinctive individuality, is God // So God himself is inwoven in man and unfolds himself in man in a series of events.”

In contrast, God’s Words declare the following:

(a) The resurrection FROM THE DEAD is physical! NOT spiritual!

‘Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he (God) would RAISE UP Christ to sit on his throne; He (David) seeing this before spake of the RESURRECTION OF CHRIST, that His soul was not left in hell, neither His flesh did see corruption. This Jesus hath God RAISED UP, whereof we all are WITNESSES.’ [Acts 2:29-32]

(b) JESUS CHRIST is the firstborn of the resurrection FROM THE DEAD! NOT Paul!

‘And He (Jesus Christ) is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, THE FIRSTBORN FROM THE DEAD; that in all things He (Jesus Christ) might have the preeminence.’ [Colossians 1:18 – written by the Apostle Paul!]

(c) The resurrection FROM THE DEAD is a FUTURE EVENT during which God will give every BORN-AGAIN BELIEVER an immortal, incorruptible, glorified BODY identical to Jesus Christ’s RESURRECTED BODY! The resurrection FROM THE DEAD is NOT ‘taking place in every being in the world’ from the time of Paul’s spiritual conversion!

‘Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and THE DEAD SHALL BE RAISED incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us THE VICTORY through OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.’ [I Corinthians 15:50-57 – written by the Apostle Paul!]

‘But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus DIED AND ROSE AGAIN, even so them also which SLEEP IN JESUS will God bring with Him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and THE DEAD IN CHRIST shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.’ [I Thessalonians 4:13-18 – written by the Apostle Paul!]

(d) All BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS are ‘marching’ towards the City of God called ‘New Jerusalem’! The City of God is NOT ‘invisible Mecca’! The term ‘invisible Mecca’ does NOT exist in the Scriptures!

‘And I John saw the holy city, NEW JERUSALEM, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.’ [Revelation 21:2,3]

(e) “And that one, without losing his distinctive individuality, is God // So God himself is inwoven in man and unfolds himself in man in a series of events.” - These are PANTHEISTIC declarations. PANTHEISM belongs to the dogmas of the Eastern religions, philosophies, and mythologies. The Bible does NOT teach PANTHEISM! Man is NOT God! ONLY GOD IS GOD!

‘Look unto ME, and be ye SAVED, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. I have sworn by MYSELF, the word is gone out of MY mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto ME every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.’ [Isaiah 45:22,23]

‘As it is written, There is NONE righteous, no, not one: For ALL have SINNED, and come short of the glory of God;’ [Romans 3:10,23]

‘LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is: that I may know how FRAIL I am. Behold, thou hast made my days as an handbreadth; and mine age is as nothing before thee: verily EVERY MAN AT HIS BEST STATE IS ALTOGETHER VANITY. Selah. When thou with rebukes dost correct man for iniquity, thou makest his beauty to consume away like a moth: surely EVERY MAN IS VANITY. Selah.’ [Psalm 39:4,5,11]


- SATANIC HERESY #3: Jesus Christ is NOT the MEDIATOR between God and man

Neville Goddard claimed the following:

“There is nothing in the teaching of Paul but God and man - no intermediary // No intermediary between the individual and his God, none, called by any name.”

In contrast, God’s Words declare the following:

‘For there is one God, and ONE MEDIATOR between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;’ [I Timothy 2:5 - written by the Apostle Paul!]

‘But now hath He (Jesus Christ) obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also He (Jesus Christ) is THE MEDIATOR of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.’ [Hebrews 8:6]

‘And for this cause He (Jesus Christ) is THE MEDIATOR of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.’ [Hebrews 9:15]

‘And to Jesus THE MEDIATOR of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.’ [Hebrews 12:24]


These examples conclusively prove that the mystical New Age teacher named Neville Goddard knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about God or the Bible. He should have spent more quality time HUMBLY believing, obeying, and studying God’s Words instead of PROUDLY re-defining Biblical terminology to suit his RIDICULOUS personal opinions and seeking the deceptive comfort found in SATANIC ‘mystical experiences’.

(6) What happens to THE MIND of a man who ‘messes around’ with God’s Words??

The following is a sample of the utter NONSENSE which is repeatedly encountered when reading the RIDICULOUS personal opinions which proceeded from THE MIND of the mystical New Age teacher named Neville Goddard:

  • From Neville Goddard Lecture (02-22-1963): PAUL’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY

“If there is any man in the Bible that is a man as I am, it is Paul. If there is any man that walked this earth as you and I walked it, it is Paul // He is the one character I would swear actually walked the face of the earth // The others are states of consciousness.”

  • From Neville Goddard Lecture (03-31-1967): SEEING CHRIST THROUGH THE EYES OF PAUL

“Paul, like Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Jesus Christ is a state of consciousness.”

What an absolute JOKE! In 1963, Neville Goddard clearly swore that the Apostle Paul was a man who ‘actually walked the face of the earth’. However, in 1967, Neville Goddard proclaimed that the Apostle Paul was merely a mystical reference to a ‘state of consciousness’. This is a blatant CONTRADICTION which originated from THE MIND of the mystical New Age teacher named Neville Goddard. It appears that the so-called ‘enlightened’ Neville Goddard suffered from confusion of THE MIND. Sadly, although he ‘lectured’ for many years, THE MIND of Neville Goddard was never able to learn the following ABSOLUTE TRUTH:

If YOU ‘mess around’ with God’s Words, then God will ‘mess around’ with YOUR MIND!

Thanks for reading.

Concerned Citizen


answered 21 Oct '11, 19:42

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Concerned Citizen

I don't agree with everything you write, but I really appreciate your input and your being brave enough to present a well-researched and opposing view; one that you know may be ridiculed. I look forward to your posts. Best wishes...

(21 Oct '11, 20:26) LeeAnn 1

Concerned Citizen: Thank you for your full analysis of my question, you have cleared up alot of confusion. This is really good. This is priceless to me. In my opinion this your best post so far. - I will be posting a few smaller questions in the next few weeks so be sure to check them out.

(23 Oct '11, 02:16) Genesis

Concerned Citizen: You said "If YOU ‘mess around’ with God’s Words, then God will ‘mess around’ with YOUR MIND!". Are there passages in the bible showing this?

(23 Oct '11, 02:19) Genesis

GENESIS: To men who would ‘mess around’ with God’s Words, there are [3] warnings with fatal consequences in the Bible: at the beginning [Deuteronomy 4:1-4], in the middle [Proverbs 30:5,6], and at the end [Revelation 22:18,19]. Thus, to men who do not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gives them over to a REPROBATE MIND [Romans 1:28]! To men who believe not the truth but have pleasure in unrighteousness, God sends them strong DELUSIONS that they should believe a LIE [II Thessalonians 2:11,12]! To men who are FALSE prophets, God sends them DECEPTIONS [Ezekiel 14:6-11]!

(24 Oct '11, 13:09) Concerned Citizen

Concerned Citizen: Thanks for that, and thank you for all your answers and comments on Inward Quest. I have asked another question relating to Neville Goddard, please check it out. Thanks.

(08 Nov '11, 02:40) Genesis
showing 2 of 5 show 3 more comments

God does not change people's lot until they first change what is in their own hearts. Quran 13:11

Quoting from a book by a Jewish author.


answered 05 Sep '23, 10:47

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