While answering the last question, it sprung to mind that what holds me back most on my spiritual journey are the conditioned beliefs from childhood. Besides affirmations ( which I think are effective but would be even more effective if we eliminated the old beliefs first ) have any of you found a particularly effective process for ousting those ingrained beliefs?

asked 28 Nov '09, 00:32

Michaela's gravatar image


edited 28 Nov '09, 02:25

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

Since I've noticed in some of your answers previously that you have some experience with Abraham, I'll give you an Abraham-based answer :)

All that a belief is, is a habitual re-thinking of a particular thought. That thought that you keep thinking again and again is re-creating your reality in harmony with it again and again.

Now when you say you have an ingrained, unwanted belief, we can now rewrite that sentence in a much more useful way...

You keeping thinking a thought again and again that is re-creating your reality again and again in a way you don't like

So our goal is to make the habitual thought that you are thinking a different habitual thought, and thereby re-create your reality in a wanted rather than unwanted way. With me, so far? :)

I have two main approaches to molding habitual thoughts (i.e. beliefs) in a fast, effective way. (If it wasn't fast for me then it wouldn't be effective since I am inherently lazy)

The first fast, effective way is that of shoring-up beliefs (that is Abraham's terminology). This is the way that Abraham have been proposing over the years in various forms. It is a list-based approach where you make a statement regarding your current belief and then make a statement that feels slightly better than the last one. After acclimatizing to that new thought for a few moments, make a slightly better feeling statement, and so on.

By moving in a slow, incremental fashion, you are actually shifting your habitual thought setpoint. I think this is because when you next think of the original belief, you have now chained it to a new better-feeling thought so your mind, instead of sticking at the original belief, now sticks at the better-feeling thought.

I use these shoring-up belief approaches daily in my manifesting spreadsheet.

The second fast, effective way I change unwanted beliefs is through the use of EFT. Rather than making this posting even longer, I'll refer you to a previous answer of mine where there is some relevant information.

I also sometimes use The Sedona Method (as has already been mentioned) and its various off-shoots such as the Release Technique and The Effort-Free Life System


answered 28 Nov '09, 15:42

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 28 Nov '09, 15:57

Thanks so much for the helpful advice. I'll definitely take a lookj at some of these and see which works best for me:)

(28 Nov '09, 21:37) Michaela

I like the Avatar methods, here is one, you think of the limiting belief you wish to get rid of, then think what would someone have to believe to believe that? This goes on and on what would someone have to believe to believe that. It is self analysis and leads to break through when you reach the core cause of that belief it fades away.

Another method I like is the Sedona Method, Can I let this go? Will I let this go? When will I let this go?

These systems lead you to eventually find that beliefs can be changed even easier than cloths if you are willing and want to. We come to realize a belief is a set of rules we created to rationalize where we are or how things are, but WE created these it may have been taught from an outside source or by an inward deductive reason but it was us that chose to accept or reject.

Example: Two brothers one very successful and wealthy, the other in prison and broke. A reporter questions both because they are so different to find why one flies and the other crashes and burns.

"What lead you to this life?" the reporter asks both. Both answered with these exact words the same for both. "It was my father that lead me to this life, he was a drunkard always in fights he stole every cent he ever had." The last part is different for both, the rich man last part, "So as I grew up I knew I did not want to be like him so everything he did I did the opposite I strived to be everything my father could only wish he had become." The man in prison last part, "So I had no choice about it, it was in my genes I was destine to end up like my father."

Same circumstance two entirely different choices of self belief, the belief had no power it was the brothers and what they created as their belief that had the power. Don't worry about the influence it is what you chose to do with that influence, the influence could be positive or negative but what do you want to make from that as your belief?

You could grow up harshly and believe the world is a lousy place and everyone deserves to die, or you could grow up harshly and believe the world needs help love compassion and understanding. The world is hurt and you can help make a difference in peoples lives because you understand their suffering. The interesting thing is the second person may help heal the first person that is wanting revenge on everyone on earth.

It is all our choice.


answered 28 Nov '09, 03:37

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 06 Dec '09, 12:19

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

I Love your response. Very Helpful.

(28 Nov '09, 04:14) The Traveller

I am very happy to help, I just write what answers come through me, many times I am awakened by what I write myself. The answers just flow through. :-)

(28 Nov '09, 07:04) Wade Casaldi

Nice reply. I had never heard of that 'avatar method'...although actually believe I use it. It sounds similar to 'rational emotive therapy'. Obviously, since I use it, I like it too. :)

(28 Nov '09, 08:33) Liam

Look up Avatar EPC also you may like to look up Sedona Method :-)

(28 Nov '09, 08:59) Wade Casaldi

Thanks for the great suggestions:)

(28 Nov '09, 13:47) Michaela

Yeah Wade, that's what I call inspiration. Sometimes I blurt something out while talking to friends and only as it comes out do I understand the meaning. It's really cool, but some consider it freakish, lol :-)

(07 Dec '09, 03:02) Eddie

No not freakish, awake yes. Watch the movie The Peaceful Warrior, most people are asleep. :-)

(07 Dec '09, 10:09) Wade Casaldi

Thank you Barry I like how you added the links somehow under the words, nice.

(07 Dec '09, 10:12) Wade Casaldi
showing 2 of 8 show 6 more comments

Personally, I find the best method to remove unwanted belief systems...is deep meditation. I'm not quite sure of the mechanics behind it - I assume the bringing up to consciousness of old memories, feelings etc plays some part. That said - that is a rather broad method...it's not direct at specific beliefs you may want to be removed.

Like Wade, I enjoy 'criticising' my beliefs as it were. Analyzing the 'reasoning' I have behind them, asking if I can find examples where it does not hold. After that is done, I tend to barrage myself with affirmations (preferably from a 'hypnotic' state with little conscious resistance). In that way, the analysis helps prevent the mind using its "logical" reasons as backup of the emotional feeling behind the belief (which is really the important part, IMO)...and thus it is weakened and more easily diffused and replaced by another feeling/belief through affirmations.

I semi-regularly (every couple of months or so) go through and write out all the beliefs I have and then criticise them, trying to find holes in them. I think this is particularly important when we have an interest in subjects that are often less substantiated. :)

All that said, I do not actually focus too much on specific beliefs so much. Normally, you want to alter a belief because it is preventing you getting what you want, in some way. Instead of trying to figure out all our underlying little beliefs (and there are loads of little elusive ones with plenty of sway, as I'm sure you know) we can simply suggest/ask/affirm that any beliefs that are in conflict with our desire be removed and new beliefs in harmony with our desire replace it. (I normally direct these at - not my mind - but to my soul or so-called "Essential Silent Partner") [This idea I learned from Dr. Robert Anthony, and have found it very effective]


answered 28 Nov '09, 09:24

Liam's gravatar image


Thnaks for the helpful advice:)

(28 Nov '09, 13:48) Michaela

I have heard of a technique where you first identify your limiting beliefs in a journal or diary & then do this following exercise.

Imagine yourself going up or down (I think up is better) a set of stairs into a bright room filled with light or love or what ever form of guidance that resonates with your beliefs, it could be also a moment with your higher self or God. But basically you pick one of the limiting beliefs as the subject of the meeting.

Here you envision that you are allowed to see what caused you to take on this belief & how it has served you in manifesting your experience up to this moment. Then with intent you choose to let this belief go.

For my own needs I actually use a different approach. But remember, you can develop your own technique.

Here's my approach. I just wait, going about life as usual until I spontaneously start worrying about something or fearing something. Then I try & still my thought process & in that silence I ask my inner self or higher self to reveal to me "What do I believe in right now that is causing me to experience this fear?".

Something comes up. I wish I could tell you that the heavens open up and angels whisper into my ear the reason for my worry. But that is not what happens. Instead some random reason that often appears to be un-connected merrily leaps into my attention almost saying "Here I am". And my usual reaction is "No... You are not it. Come on... you have no connection to my worry. Well at least that is what it feels like most of the time.

But nevertheless as they say when given lemons you make lemonade. I accept what ever reason that leaps up as the one to let go (as long as it is a limiting belief).

What happens is that gradually the worry becomes less & less frequent & eventually dis-appears. But this doesn't happen overnight. Sometimes it is as short as a day or two. But most of the time it takes about a month to many months depending on how deep rooted the worry is.

But if you pay attention this wisdom within us works in a sneaky surprising way.
for example if you have a fear of a head-on collision & you are now practicing to find the cause of the worry. Every time you catch yourself worrying you constantly practice letting go your limiting beliefs.

To your frustration the worry still remains until suddenly you find yourself as a passenger in a friend’s car who has the same worry, but at a much higher level than you.

Now you take on the role of explaining to your friend why this worry is paralyzing them & is quite misplaced, un-necessary & counter productive to their existence. Then you come to the end of your ride and discover that something also happend to you.. within you.

Slowly it dawns on you that the words of encouragement you gave your friend were also therapy for you because your own worry has begun to disappear as well.


answered 28 Nov '09, 02:52

The%20Traveller's gravatar image

The Traveller

Thanks for your advice. As for giving others words of encouragement I totally agree and can see why so many on this spiritual path grow by leaps and bounds while helping others.

(28 Nov '09, 03:04) Michaela

I think it's hard work to try and work out what you're limiting beliefs are because many of them are so ingrained we operate on them unconciously.

What I have found that works for me is to choose what I want to believe and then use affirmations.

So for instance, if I want to become more organized a helpful belief to have would be "Being organized comes naturally for me." If I want more money a helpful belief for me to have would be "Money flows to me quickly and easily." They would then become my affirmations.

The reason affirmations have little effect for some people is because they feel stupid and uncomfortable using them because they are not true yet (afterall we don't have to affirm something that's already true) and as such think the affirmations aren't working.


answered 03 Dec '09, 03:18

shazsays's gravatar image


You are so right and it is hard for some people to believe soemthing that is not true yet but they are learning to realize how powerful the words we speak and the thoughts we think really are to our own reality and the larger world reality. For we are connect to our creator who is the super consciousness which we are connected to or as some call him the universal consciouness. But as for me I call him God. Have an nice day.

(03 Dec '09, 04:45) flowingwater

I like your affirmations. They work if we believe they do.

(03 Dec '09, 04:46) flowingwater

Since starting this, it still amazes me how many conditioned beliefs the subconscious can hold on to, when we're not always aware they're there. Thanks for your answer:)

(03 Dec '09, 21:49) Michaela
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

I just keep replacing the erroneous thought/belief with the one I want instead, gently correcting myself. This is harder than it sounds because it takes many, many tiresome repetitions, but in time it does work very well. I loved reading about other methods and may try some, but the replacing method has worked well for me over the years and will not fail you if you are willing to put in a little effort.


answered 03 Dec '09, 18:48

LeeAnn%201's gravatar image

LeeAnn 1

Thanks LeeAnn, I guess practice and repetition are the keys and I couldn't agree more - it is definitely harder than it sounds.

(03 Dec '09, 21:46) Michaela

I listened to 'The Clearing Audio' by Joe Vitalie every morning for more than one year. It worked very well for me :-)


answered 06 Dec '09, 06:30

Eddie's gravatar image


Is that Ho'Oponopono clearing? I like his stuff but haven't seen this.

(06 Dec '09, 06:47) Wade Casaldi

It has elements of that, but is a mixture of all Joe had learned. It has binaural music by Pat O'Bryan...

(07 Dec '09, 02:58) Eddie

Thanks Eddie. I'll have to check that out:-)

(11 Dec '09, 02:42) Michaela
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

Hmmm...reading all these, my own question is almost completely answered, though i wouldn't mind more suggestions to the one i asked. Thanks everyone for helping.


answered 27 May '10, 11:40

Sunshine's gravatar image


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