Everything, at the smallest level possible, consists of energy. I think that someday, scientists will discover a particle so small, it will explain both how prayer works and gravity. Opinions? I am imagining a particle that has a positive charge at one end, and a negative charge at the other. Thus, these particles would attract each other, and if there were enough of them, they would start to create gravity. On the metaphysical side, perhaps these bits of energy emanate from us when we pray, and affect reality. I see the Universe as a web-work of these particles-which would also explain why the Universe weighs a lot more than we can presently explain. Ultimately, this web-work might just be God Himself. What does physics have to say about this idea? Wouldn't it explain a lot of unknown happenings, such as why prayer works? It would also explain how thought can manifest reality. Just pondering in the middle of the night....Jaianniah
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Think of it like water, a boat floating on water is affected by anything that causes a ripple or a wave will move the boat regardless of how small a ripple. I think its more of a condition than a particle. This water permeates in and around the smallest particle, even those particles we haven't discovered. Therefore, ALL things are connected through this condition, particle, water, ether, intelligence, universal consciousness, God, etc...Therefore, prayers and thoughts will cause ripples. |
This is essentially what the physicists are looking for with the Large Hadron Collider. The "God as a web-work" is a nice idea. But isn't God in everything we see? Do we need a special particle for that, or is He all particles? The difficulty with gravity is that, in all other forces such as the electrostatic force and the magnetic force, there is a corresponding particle that transfers that force. Physicists have been successful at finding the particles that mediate all of these forces, except for gravity. Why isn't gravity caused by the spinning of the earth, which is a thousand miles an hour. Right? Aren't we pushed to the sides on a carnival ride that spins real fast?
(09 Dec '21, 23:32)
well actually i have read that they have been to the smallest particule possible and discovered that it is made from the same stuff!One of the most exciting discoveries of quantum physics is the realization that our thoughts affect the world around us. In the quantum realm--far smaller than protons and neutrons--quantum scientists have conducted numerous experiments with the smallest particles known. In these quantum physics studies, it was discovered that the thoughts and expectations of the experimenter were actually causing the experiment's outcome! For instance, if the experimenter thought the particle would spin a certain way, it would! Scientists witnessed that a person's thoughts were actually causing the reaction of matter--at the quantum physics level. The implications of this and other quantum physics studies has lead quantum scientists to understand that we have a direct effect on the world around us--our thoughts are affecting the physical world in which we live. In fact, they are discovering that the power of thought literally enables us to create reality--our own reality. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eightfold_way_(physics) so the noble eightfold path of the buddhis was not so far from the truth was it? I read the same in Seth books 40 years ago earth time, considering that time is simultaneous. This means that when a biologist looks through a microscope, they are going to see what they want to see ! What are called germs and viruses don't exist in a perfectly created electrical world. Germs/viruses have been made up ! This is 2021 now and an issue called covid has been made up. "covid" hasn't even been seen, yet fauci has decided to make billions more by creating this huge ponzi scheme
(09 Dec '21, 23:37)
Dr. David Martin PhD is a professional that follows patents and their relationships to weapons. In his videos he says there is no covid. He has seen thousands of illegal patents filed on what is being called "COVID" which they are calling NOVEL which means FICTION. Through these patents he knows who, what, where, when and why these racketeers have taken over the world with this ponzi scheme to push vaccines, which are REALLY weapons. Martin speaks on rumble.com and to Robert Kennedy Jr. etc.
(09 Dec '21, 23:42)
Explain antiquarks please.
(17 Dec '21, 00:00)
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It is unified field theory, which says that all particles exist out of nothingness, 2 particles a positive and a negative spontaniously "erupt" from nowhere, the come into being out of no-thingness they will then become attracted to each other and collide and fade back into nothingness unless something else interacts with them. (these are referred to as virtual particles) So the answer is no prayer works via the UFT and gravity actually works via electrons pushing on each other. We all exist within an electrical energy field matrix. This matrix is within us AS us. Atoms are electrical energy fields. That is because they spin as negative/positive poles. We all consist of 7 billion billion billion atoms. Atoms are being created by quarks, which are bursting forth and spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons, which are atoms.
(09 Dec '21, 23:47)
Quarks are bursting forth from waves of energy and light at the core of this existence. Therefore, these waves ARE INTELLIGENCE itself. There is NOT a nothingness. Intelligence is existence itself. What is called prayer is actually imagery. We are holographic images proven by how fast quarks and other subatomic particles spin. Nothing can be physical or solid. When people pray, they are imagining that something will happen. Since we ARE imagery, then our thoughts are images. They WILL APPEAR.
(09 Dec '21, 23:51)
If they keep insisting on particles for sure they will. Fact is everything is consciousness which can be particulate, string, wave, totally-something-or-anything-else, or solid depending on our state. The tendency to break things down from seemingly big solid to little particles, as effective and advanced as it seems, is one of the last dregs of human habit. Yes, they may very well find particles if they think everything is particles. Particles are also the result of a type of perception. There is only consciousness. Everything is actually formless consciousness which takes on form depending on the focus that gives it such form. "Depending on the focus that gives it such form'. That is right. The intensity of the focus is what creates something from formless consciousness. Intensely imagining form creates quarks which create atoms which create us and everything else. AND, this focus has to be constant so that those quarks/atoms continue to spin/vibrate/pulsate. This means creation is constant. There can be NO evolution. Time is simultaneous, which I have read several times over the years.
(09 Dec '21, 23:56)
These so called physical bodies that we are, consist of quarks which spin billions of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons. This means we are 100% light, which the physicist Barbara Brennan calls holograms. She wrote in her book HANDS OF LIGHT that we are eternal, holographic, multidimensional and electromagnetic. There are many diagrams/pictures in this book of what we look like as eternal holograms and eternal electrical energy fields. We can't die.
(10 Dec '21, 00:02)
Death is dependent on us being physical/solid. We are constantly being created as light images ! AND, WE are the souls creating these images that we are. Intelligence itself decided to pop out/imagine movement within itself, and then WHA LA .......here we are, walking around thinking that we are separate from everything else, getting hurt in the process. In the book THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE by Talbot, I remember reading what one physicist said, that God/existence must be a holodeck.
(10 Dec '21, 00:06)
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I think that when we think about something or someone with concentration, like prayer, then our electrons pop in and out with theirs, sharing our vibration with them. I think that is how remote viewing works too. yes, and for vibration to exist, must move against something to form a frequency and travel – RPuls 0 secs ago
(10 Jul '11, 03:59)
All is one, so it is nothing for our electrons to be sent to the site of our directed thought. It is through the same 'channel' that we get answers from the One that is All. The same as people reading minds and doing other metaphysical things.
(10 Jul '11, 16:56)
Fairy Princess
Not metaphysical. INTELLIGENCE is physics itself. The first images creating us being with a triangle spinning as light. Physics calls this triangle quarks. Quarks spin billions of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons. These are atoms we all consist of, all 7 billion billion billion of them for each of us.
(10 Dec '21, 00:10)
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According to string theory, there are no particles. Reality is made up of infinitesimal 1-dimensional strings that curl up into a loop or stay open and vibrate. Those vibrations cause the illusion of stable objects like particles and people. So, if you don't like being an electron, change your vibration and be a positron ;D Certainly these strings must be like the waves of energy and light at the core of this existence. And the people on this earth that are holographic electrical energy fields are not really stable because quarks are constantly popping in and out of existence. So we are here as much as we are not here. We pulsate so freaking fast that we can't be physical or solid at all. Death is dependent on us being physical, so there is NO death. We just pop out of these dense energy bodies for the last time.
(10 Dec '21, 00:15)
Prayer is imagery. We are holographic beings, our thoughts being images. We think as images. These images appear before us the more we think/imagine them. We consist of the same consciousness constantly creating this holographic existence itself. Therefore, we are co-creators. Think/imagine with not much focus and you get these shallow frequencies -- v v v v This type of focus is shallow so any form attached to it may not show up at all. But think/imagine about wanting something a whole lot more and the frequencies embedded with these images will show up a whole lot faster VVVVVVVVVVV to form something. Gravity? Since we are electrical energy fields and so is the earth, then aren't we magnetically attracted to the earth? And the earth spins a thousand times an hour, so we could be forced down onto the planet with this spin. |

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You are writing about atoms that pulsate as positive/negative poles. This isn't metaphysical. All of creation is based on physics. The word METAPHYSICAL sounds like a red herring to me. It is a word to HIDE physics. This physics word tells us that we are all being created constantly as quarks burst forth spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons, which are atoms ! These words come from the book THE QUANTUM WORLD written by the physicist Kenneth Ford.