I was in a bad car accident a few years ago, which destroyed my lumbar spine. I have been recently thinking about the accident. I know that I have a bit of post-traumatic stress from it; I am terrified when people drive past me at high speeds, for example. I have gone the psychological route with healing this event- and I have forgiven the man who hit me. But my brain seems "wired" to remember the event despite these things whenever I am triggered by another car that is doing something wrong.

A recent issue of Discover magazine had an article about breakthroughs in memory. It seems that memory is more malleable than was first thought, and that there have been some recent experiments that suggest that someday, we may be able to re-process a bad memory after being given certain medications that interfere with the storage of the memory.

For now, though, do any of you have any experiences to share about healing PTSD spiritually or even metaphysically?

Merry Christmas Eve, 2009, Jaianniah Please see below for my update to this situation.

asked 23 Dec '09, 02:41

Jaianniah's gravatar image


edited 22 Mar '11, 11:32

You might want to try being hypotise to not being afraid of cars going too fast or doing wrong. This person is a hypotise let me know if you want his name.

You were tramatize and this event is embedded deep within the cells of your body and I know another lady that does touch and it might help as well.

You have been effected deeply on a emotional and a physical level and it is being triggled everytime you are in a car so that is only re-enforcing it in your mind everytime.

Here is her her site and you tube as well:




answered 25 Dec '09, 11:21

flowingwater's gravatar image


The standard psychological approach for treating PTSD is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

However, you might want to consider EMDR. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is a form of psychotherapy that was developed to resolve symptoms resulting from disturbing and unresolved life experiences. It uses a structured approach to address past, present, and future aspects of disturbing memories. The approach was developed by Francine Shapiro to resolve the development of trauma-related disorders as resulting from exposure to a traumatic or distressing event, such as rape or military combat. Clinical trials have been conducted to assess EMDR's efficacy in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder In some studies it has been shown to be equivalent to cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapies, and more effective than some alternative treatments.

EMDR has been demonstrated to have significant advantages over usual treatment for PTSD in an HMO setting, and improvement was maintained at a six month follow-up. I interpret this as meaning the EMDR treatment can be faster and less expensive for the HMO, which is a good thing for the patient.



answered 26 Dec '09, 05:05

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 26 Dec '09, 05:11

Hi! I thought I would bring this question back from the dead, so-to-speak, and tell a bit about my healing and how I would go about healing someone else.

First of all, let me say that the most effective weapon I have in my arsenal is my own brain. Our brains are malleable and ever-ready to be programmed. So, knowing this now, I have quite deliberately gone slowly over the accident in my mind, over and over, until I became familiar with the scene, as if I watched a horror movie so many times that it no longer scared me. I went over every bit, and asked myself, "What could I have done differently?" Each time, I could honestly say that there was not a thing I could have done to stop that man from rear-ending me. Nothing. If the answer was that I could have done something, then I would have to admit that my inner self had done the best that it could at the time. I know that my daughter suffers from PTSD from a car accident. She rolled her Jeep three times, and walked away. I would tell her, "What could you have done while it was rolling? Nothing." Many times, we do our top-notch best during these situations, and are very hard on ourselves about the should-haves and could-haves.

Secondly, with Wade's help, I have tried very hard to look at everything very positively. By this, I do mean everything! I, too, was not killed or maimed (well, not externally, anyhow) by my accident. I also have applied positive thinking to every area of my life as best as I can. For some reason, the Power of Positive Thinking seems to have wiped my brain clean. I no longer have recurring nightmares from the past. I do have nightmares now and then, but the last one was so Biblical that I decided to learn from it and move on.

Finally, I have deliberately driven over that bridge many times, and nothing else has happened to me again. I do tend to say, "That is where my accident happened," but recently, I noticed that this was only a reinforcement of the accident.

I hope that this answer will help anyone with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD.

I would like to give a lot of credit to Wade. He has shown me how to live much more positively, and I appreciate it beyond measure! Kudos to Wade!

Blessings, and All My Love, Jai


answered 22 Mar '11, 11:31

Jaianniah's gravatar image


It was nice of you to update this story and to describe a change you have made successfully. I hope your healing will continue. Best wishes....

(22 Mar '11, 19:31) LeeAnn 1

Thanks so much! Love,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(22 Mar '11, 20:10) Jaianniah
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