How does memory (or remembering things work) ? Do all of the stuff we remember actually resides in our brain cells and we have the ability to access the different parts of these cells whenever we want? Or is there something more to it? Why does remembering things seem to get harder as you grow older?

Also, in this video Bashar talks about how some extra-terrestials have the ability to make us "forget" any experiences we have had with them - but if we have control over our own lives, minds and "free will" how could they still do it?

asked 13 Jan '12, 06:06

kakaboo's gravatar image


My understanding is that the Brain itself is just a transmitting and receiving mechanism for the Mind, not a storage facility.

And the basic principle to bear in mind regarding memory (from a metaphysical perspective) is that everything that ever happens to you is stored within it. So the problems that people have with memory recall then are not due to issues with the storage mechanism but rather their operation of their own retrieval/receiving mechanism.

I suspect those issues might be resistance-related since most people "accumulate" more and more physical resistance as they spend more time in physical form. I've never had memory problems (yet!) so it's not really a subject I've personally investigated that much.

Regarding the video, I've previously heard that information from Bashar and have also found it fascinating.

With my usual disclaimer that I've yet to meet any aliens in person, or remember that I've done so :) , I'm guessing there's something similar going on to what happens with the way dreams vanish so quickly as you wake up. So perhaps those aliens are able to trigger that mechanism within us?

You can wake up having experienced the most breathtakingly vivid and meaningful dream and, within a few minutes of consciousness, you can only remember you had a dream but have no idea at all what it was about. That happened to me this morning, in fact :)

So does that impinge on free will?

Well, other dialogues with Bashar and dialogues with The Pleiadian Collective have suggested that alien-related memory losses (e.g. as a result of alien abductions) are all consented to at a "broader" level before they happen. It's just that you "forget" you made those agreements (ironic, isn't it?) so they seem like abductions rather than invitations.


answered 13 Jan '12, 18:12

Stingray's gravatar image


@Stingray Your explanation is logical when it comes to general memory, but what about say students who are trying to memorize history texts? Why would some people seem to be able to memorize these texts better than some others?

(13 Jan '12, 23:12) kakaboo

@kakaboo - I can't really answer your question because I don't really know that much about memory problems because I haven't really suffered from them. I'm one of those annoying people who seems to have almost a photographic-type memory. (My wife says she is the same). That's probably why I have so many links to old questions/answers in my answers. I just remember them as I'm writing a new answer. Perhaps those students who have poor recall were simply not sufficiently interested in the subject in the first place? It does seem that emotional involvement/interest is tied in with remembering

(14 Jan '12, 05:14) Stingray

@kakaboo: I've always been very good at memorizing writing because I am good at mental associations, so much so that it is an entirely subconscious process for me now.

The quality of your memory depends on your "organizational skills", so to speak. You can train them just like you can train anything else. Practice makes perfect, except 'perfect' in that saying should be "better".

There are entire websites dedicated to "brain games" that help you improve cognitive abilities, memory being one of the biggest topics.

(14 Jan '12, 05:57) Snow
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

Memory is such a complex subject to discuss! I am providing you with a link here that will walk you through how memory actually works.

We used to think that our brains were like filing cabinets- but instead, memory is stored in many different systems within the brain. Smells are stored in the oldest part of the brain, and this is why a smell can evoke such vivid memory.

My memory got messed up because of repeated abuse and trauma. I learned to "wall off" bad memories into a special section of my mind. It has taken me years to reconstruct what happened to me...and I still am not sure if I have it all correct! I am lucky in that I was not the only child ritually abused in my home town, and there is a reporter who is trying to piece together our stories. If it was not for her, I would think I was crazy!

Try the link. You will see what a complex subject memory is!




answered 13 Jan '12, 11:30

Jaianniah's gravatar image


Since it seems like you are still looking for more input on this matter..

How does memory (or remembering things work) ?

This question is akin to asking "How do I become a magician?" or "How can I be a computer hacker?" Basically, it is far too general and the answer would involve many college degrees worth of education to explain.

Do all of the stuff we remember actually resides in our brain cells and we have the ability to access the different parts of these cells whenever we want? Or is there something more to it?

This is a point of debate in the science world, so if you're expecting a definite answer, especially here, you're barking up the wrong tree. Some people believe that every memory you've ever had is stored in your brain, others believe that memories can fade just like anything else [assuming the portion of the brain holding them was damaged or unused], and others still believe that your memories are actually stored elsewhere and can be accessed in their entirety [including past lives] at will once you learn how.

To answer this as thoroughly as I can from my own personal experience: Your brain behaves as you instruct it to. It analyzes problems or puzzles using the instructions it is given (by YOU). It remembers details according to any combination of senses. As mentioned by Jai, one of the stronger senses as they pertain to memory is smell. This is why a smell related to a past lover can often invoke very strong results.

So if you change the way you approach problems, you change the calculations your brain makes, and therefore you change the conclusions you draw. Your brain is a computer, but it is unique from modern computers because it is capable of free-formed self improvement, i.e: learning.

When people here refer to books that help them adjust methods of thinking, break negatively empowered perceptions, [etc..] they are generally referring to ways of 'retraining' your brain. You can do this as frequently as you want, to meet whatever ends you want.

Why does remembering things seem to get harder as you grow older?

If you don't use it, you will lose it. Such is true with muscles, the same for your brain, or any part of your body. If you spend much of your childhood rapidly learning new information, facing new challenges, "working your brain" so to speak, your brain will "grow" [in strength] just like a muscle does.

When you look at a body builder who quit cold turkey instead of slowly allowing their muscles to shrink, you'll notice they are often extremely over weight with a very unattractive variety of fat. This is what happens when you get big muscles, and then stop using them.

Similarly: If you get a strong brain but stop giving it exercise, bad things happen.

Bashar talks about how some extra-terrestials have the ability to make us "forget" any experiences we have had with them - but if we have control over our own lives, minds and "free will" how could they still do it?

Operating under the assumption that this is possible, this would most likely involve a method of manipulation of the brain cells similar to lobotomies without the damage.

Ever seen the movie Shutter Island? Similar idea. If we are capable of changing people using our blunt, barbaric, and pointy methods, why couldn't a more advanced race do this without stabbing your squishy parts?

Regarding the comments about free will.. You are misunderstanding what free will means.

A similar comparison: Many Americans think that "free speech" means they can go anywhere they want and say anything they want. This isn't the case. You can go into a police station and start yelling fuck the police and making a disturbance, and that is your free will (and freedom of speech) at work. Then the police have the opportunity to exercise their free will and arrest you for creating a public disturbance, and possibly a dozen other things.

See the point? Sure, you have free will to do what you want. People have the free will to shoot you in the face. Or alter your memory. Etc, etc. "Free will" can be manipulated just like anything else, just requires the appropriate tools and understanding of the subject.


answered 14 Jan '12, 06:10

Snow's gravatar image


edited 14 Jan '12, 06:20

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