Can aliens communicate with humans, and get into their heads to get their questions answered? If so, how is this done, and do you know of anyone who have had this experience with an alien?

asked 05 Feb '10, 07:08

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

I find questions regarding aliens quite difficult to answer actually.

Let me see if I can make my point in an unusual way... :)

Earth-based answer from the present

It wasn't so long ago (and it still happens alot, I think) that people from one country would treat people from another country as outsiders and perhaps wouldn't associate with them as much as a result.

I've never really understood that form of discrimination. Both sets of people are only different by being born in different geographical locations. Sure, they look different and have a different cultural upbringing as a result of where they were born but that's really only a superficial difference. Underneath, they are all just the same kinds of people - the same hopes, dreams, desires, wishes and wants.

Why would you treat a person any differently based upon which country they come from?

Galactic-based answer from the future

It wasn't so long ago (and it still happens alot, I think) that a species from one planet would treat members of a species from another planet as outsiders and perhaps wouldn't associate with them as much as a result.

I've never really understood that form of discrimination. Both sets of planetary dwellers are only different by being born in different universal locations. Sure, they look different and have a different cultural upbringing as a result of where they were born but that's really only a superficial difference. Underneath, they are all just the same kinds of consciousness - the same hopes, dreams, desires, wishes and wants.

Why would you treat a species any differently based upon which planet they come from?


answered 05 Feb '10, 07:29

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 05 Feb '10, 07:34

Nice! I think I like the galactic answer better. I feel less discriminated by it.

(05 Feb '10, 08:20) The Traveller

Given the difficulty with which we deal with people who are only slightly different from us, I can imagine that people confronted with an alien would most likely be capable of responding only in abject terror.

(05 Feb '10, 18:35) Vesuvius

Exactly Stingray. Great insight, thanks 8-)

(06 Feb '10, 07:37) Eddie
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Without elaborating on or justifying my own beliefs or knowledge... It is understood that at a base level everything is consciousness, so everything and everyone is part of consciousness.

Bearing in mind the former mindset and, still current, nature of most humans on this planet at this time. It seems to me that one perfect way for 'Aliens' to communicate and maybe initiate contact with us, without causing fear may be direct contact through material by Seth, Abraham or Bashir, etc. Using the medium of books, videos or music. Many other likely channels seem apparent as well, such as historical figures like Krishna or Buddha, and dare I suggest, 'Jesus', etc.

All anyone needs to do is get into the required state of mind, such as a strong desire to understand the truth, no matter what that is, and/or begin to question authority, etc. Then through Universal Laws, answers must appear in your awareness, so contact begins :-)

If that is true, then many people who have studied those materials are already communicating with Aliens. For all we know Aliens have always been amongst us, but hey, take it slowly if contemplating that. There's no need for fear and I doubt that an enlightened Alien would desire causing unnecessary stress or panic in anyone... Have a nice day 8-)


answered 06 Feb '10, 08:14

Eddie's gravatar image


ask them,him,her,it, to come in and have a cup of coffee and talk about the weather...


answered 05 Feb '10, 19:04

ursixx's gravatar image


What a very liberated way of handeling the situation. I can tell you have no fear of the unknown, and you are someone that welcomes life challenges. I think talking about the weather would make a nice conversation peace.

(06 Feb '10, 04:21) Inactive User ♦♦

Beloved, we're all part of the one and only. We may look different but we're all One and we're all connected.The word Alien, is meant to conjure up a negative being, and thus experience. Realize, that just as with beings around you, there is the negative one and the positive one, so this is true of those not from this Planet. If you truly wish to have an experience with an extra-terrestrial, you'll have it. It could happen in a dream or a dream-like state or through guided meditation. It had been done and is happening. How you can do it? Want it badly enough and you'll bring it about.....Good Luck, Namaste

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 04 Sep '10, 23:26

daniele's gravatar image


Thank you for your thoughtful answer. I have heard stories such as your next door neighbor living next to you could be an Alien!

(05 Sep '10, 02:40) Inactive User ♦♦

I don't know a thing about aleins but I assume there are some that are a danger to us and would want to put us in their zoo and probe and study us scientifically as animals or beings as we do our animals here on earth, their will be some who would probably want to herd us as food as we herd cattle to slather, than there are those who would want to help us or help us fight against the others or help us improve our health, science and other forms of educational learning, than there would be those as to not even interested in us they just want to be left alone to mind there own business and try to live and survive here on this physcial plantary earth.

So, I know we are not neive enough to believe that we would not be endanger from some aleins or help by others or just want to be left alone by others. For as we humans here on this earth we humans are endangered by other humans as we have mini wars and large wars break out in communites and countries, we have some humans who like us and some who do not and we have some who just want to be left alone to mind there own business so why do we not not think at least the aleins would not be the same way just because we feel they are more intellent. Plus who said that they were more intellent than we are anyway. Did they place that information in some or our heads so we would be afraid of their intellectual abilities as well and therefore they would be a more dominate species.

We are the most dominat species out there. God made us in the image of God and we are his children and heirs to the kingdom of God. We have free will to do what ever we want to according to our circumstances, our counscious thinking and cause and effect thing going on here.

So what would we say if we were talking to a alein who knows in this day and time who you really are talking to anyway for everything that looks human is differently not human. Some humans who are human don't act human at least not the way God inttented for us to act and how we treat one another and our selves let alone how we treat God whether we even believe in him are not. Which is scary for we are such a part of God and he loves us so very much!


answered 05 Feb '10, 10:12

flowingwater's gravatar image


edited 05 Feb '10, 10:18

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