Hi All,

I think a desire can be broken down into 2 parts: Content + Energy. I had read this somewhere and do not recollect the source.

The content is something which you can write. For Eg. I want a "new car"

The Energy part is the energy or focus that you flow towards it to make it strong or weak.

My question is, does having a stronger desire (Strong energy flow) lead you to your manifestations faster? Provided you have cleared your limiting beliefs and blocks?

If yes, what are ways in which we can intensify our desire to make it strong and to flow energy towards it.

I ask this because, I have been clearing a lot of my limiting beliefs over the last few weeks. However I do not seem to get any results. The reason I can identify is that I am pretty neutral and calm about everything in my life. Even though there is an emergency or a deadline, I do not get excited. I almost always end up not achieving my targets on my dead line. I have so many desires but I feel none of those are strong enough and I am quite lifeless in that sense. I don't experience strong positive emotions or "Passion" if I may call it, for anything in my life.

Is this the reason which is stopping me from getting what I want, and how do I deal with this?

Thanks so much.

asked 17 Jan '12, 00:20

Sourabh's gravatar image


edited 31 Jul '12, 14:52

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦


sourabh are you happy the way you are? is it not better to enjoy the journey the target will come in due time. has for the one setting dead-line does he enjoy life or is he dead inside? you just need to experience and enjoy your life. stop putting limit on your self. find the harmony in you. expeirence and enjoy.

(17 Jan '12, 02:22) white tiger

I agree with you White Tiger. However when you are answerable to your family for certain commitments you make to them. You cannot give this reason. Some things that you need in life are time bound, if you do not get those, it results in you losing faith in your self or others losing faith in you. P.S. This is an out of the vortex answer :)

(20 Jan '12, 01:21) Sourabh

sourabh, if you desire to live in this world, adjust to at least to being classed as an 'acceptable member'. it is in there inside of you if some time is taken to search it out. remember, that you did have representation on being here again at this time

(20 Jan '12, 20:23) fred
showing 1 of 3 show 2 more comments

Hello Sourabh,i would say yes a strong desire with no resistance to it would manifest quickly but also strong desire with strong resistance would cancel each other out.I think it's all down to how much resistance you have towards your desire.

I went through a similar thing like you a while back where i had cleared a lot of limiting beliefs quickly and found myself in like a vibrational no mans land.I felt almost bored with my life and like it wasnt going anywhere.I think its just you getting used to a very new improved reality for you.Im sure youll soon adjust to it.

One thing is for sure,if your noticing what you havent got you cant be in the vortex where you need to be so make getting in the vortex anyway you can a priority.Then look back at this question and youll probably be able to anwser it youself.

hope this helps you in some way;-)


answered 17 Jan '12, 16:17

Satori's gravatar image


edited 17 Jan '12, 16:56

Thanks Satori, feels nice to know that there are people who have felt like I am feeling now. You are right, getting into the vortex is the key, which is in fact the answer to all the problems in life. From what I understand, you have now overcome this situation, so if I may ask, what helped you? Did you do something to intensify your desires, if so, what? Or you just kept getting into the vortex often enough? Thanks :)

(20 Jan '12, 01:30) Sourabh

Well Sourabh, firstly I fully accepted how I was feeling at the time which brought me some relief. 

Then I realised that I was out of the vortex so i must be still desiring.It was because I strongly desired to strongly desire again which made me feel even better.lol 

Then realisations came to me that I'm always focused on the positive and positive outcomes in my life so every situation, state of mind, in between,no matter how bad must be for some positive reason.

(20 Jan '12, 08:08) Satori

Also life is a cycle and there are  times in our life when we are desiring strongly and other times when we don't seem to desire anything:)

(20 Jan '12, 08:09) Satori

If you can accept that your out of your vortex for a specific reason and you can find that specific reason(s) why,then that is your answer for getting you back in the vortex if you mold those reasons to a better feeling place.good luck Sourabh:)

(20 Jan '12, 08:37) Satori

Thanks Satori. Your comments are very helpful. I will try what you have suggested and see where that takes me :)

(23 Jan '12, 01:52) Sourabh
showing 2 of 5 show 3 more comments

Hello Souragh, by the way the question is phrased i guess that you already know the answer ... sure a greater flow of energy brings better and faster results ... if you want practical advice and proof of that just watch one of the many videos of Uri Geller in action ... you can feel his energy jumping out of the screen at you ... have a great day :)


answered 17 Jan '12, 00:37

blubird%20two's gravatar image

blubird two


Thanks Blubird. You are right. I actually know that this is one of the primary reasons that things are not moving in my life. And hence was seeking ways in which I could intensify or give strength to my desires. Thanks for suggesting Uri Geller. That guy is simple awesome!

(20 Jan '12, 01:23) Sourabh

@Sourabh - yes Uri Geller is brilliant :)

(20 Jan '12, 04:47) blubird two

I would absolutely say that more desire does NOT automatically translate into more results.

In fact, I would say that more desire could potentially work against you, because often people will couple the desire for a certain idea with a severe rejection of the opposite of the idea that they desire. As a consequence, often their refusal to accept the alternative will be even more powerful than their desire for the positive, and because of the Law of Attraction, they attract the negativity they are putting out even more than the positivity behind their desires.

From my experience it seems that any desire (whether it be a desire for something or a desire for NOT getting something, i.e: not getting sick, etc) counts as a 'request' on behalf of the LOA. It also seems that the universe does not comprehend the meaning of 'not-being', 'no', 'not', or any forms thereof. So I will often observe people who do not believe in the LOA spend days or weeks telling me how much they are wishing for something to NOT happen to them, only to have that thing happen exactly as they wished that it wouldn't.

I believe this is the reason LOA teachers often encourage focusing on what you want with positive emotions, rather than what you do not want. I know this statement may sound silly, or to be meant humorously, but I assure you it is serious: I genuinely believe that the LOA does not respond to [or understand, however you want to word it] the idea of 'non existence'. So any desires that have any negatives in it, or double/triple negatives, could very potentially backfire or have unintended results.


answered 17 Jan '12, 02:32

Snow's gravatar image


edited 17 Jan '12, 02:49

Thanks for your inputs and suggestions Snow! :)

(20 Jan '12, 01:24) Sourabh

Dear Sourabh, A strong desire gets you motivated to act and go after what you want and it is that action which gets you your desire. Depending on how strong your desire is, the stronger the more chance of you being motivated enough to do what you have to do to get what you want.

Lets just say you want a car and have a strong desire to have this car. Your work towards getting that car is what will get it for you. For example doing positive visualisation and afirmations with positive feeling and emotions will go a long way towards you finaly acting and doing something towards getting that car and it is this action that will eventualy get you the car. Of course cars cost money so you might find a way to raise the money needed to buy it.

Ah yes most of what we want has a price and has to be paid for but what people truly want is to get all for nothing by just desiring it. That is nothing but a pipe dream although it does happen sometime. Action is required and a strong desire gets one to act and focus on ones desire till they get it.


answered 17 Jan '12, 05:28

Paulina%201's gravatar image

Paulina 1

Thanks Paulina. Very true, makes a lot of sense. Could you help me with some techniques of how I could intensify my desires? Thanks :)

(20 Jan '12, 01:26) Sourabh

Letting go of desire is more effective in bringing about the best results.

Drop your desire into stillness, then truly let go of any expectations, allow existence to create something wonderful out of that.

Strong Clear Focused Desire, then let go and forget it, then witness the miracles that follow.

Most people are stuck at step 1, so they do not get to step two, and three. Sometimes it is your very Wanting that is creating more of Wanting in your life, the energy of want attracts more of that kind of energy and you want more strongly, this is suffering. Let go and rejoice, you already have everything you need, witness the perfection that is.

To he who has, more shall be given, and to he who has not ... read the bible to find out what happens :-) lol.


answered 23 Jan '12, 03:08

DesirelessAbundance's gravatar image


desirelessabundance, your bibical quote, outside of the dead letters, may refer to how we see and that those who have developed spiritual eyes will see more of such than those with only material eyes

(23 Jan '12, 10:03) fred

yes fred, the biblical quote may be interpreted to HAVING spiritual eyes and it may also mean everything and anything else, the point is what you already have in mental world becomes manifest in physical world - this is the law of attraction.

(02 Feb '12, 00:41) DesirelessAbundance

It's not about desire, it's about deciding. I can sit in my chair in front of the computer and think about what I want to do on the computer. I can think about moving my arm to reach for the mouse, but until I decide to move my arm, it will remain by my side. I can sit in my chair and look at my cup of coffee and think about taking a sip and how much I would enjoy it and how hot or cool it might be. I can think about reaching out and picking up the cup and moving it to my mouth for a drink, but until I decide to do it, my arm remains by my side. I can have an itch on my nose and think about scratching it, but until I decide to move my arm to scratch the itch, my arm remains where it is. So we must decide to have our desires fulfilled. Faith comes first, then the decision, then any inspired action. So we must eliminate the limiting beliefs. Unless our belief in our decision is stronger than the limiting beliefs.

If I have to work extra and don't have food to take, I have decided that someone would have food for me, and every time, someone had food for me. Most times there isn't just food around. There have been times when I would mention to my son that I didn't feel like making lunch and he said to 'manifest' it at work, but I didn't want to, so I didn't and there was no food offered to me. It only happens when I decide it. It also works when I decide that I want someone to split my huge sandwich with, or if I want someone to share my sandwich and their soup. I don't go looking for them, they appear to me.

So while you hold a desire, you are attracting the want of it. When you decide what you will have, then you attract what you decide you will have whether you want it or not. If you have doubts, then your decision is not firm, so your actual decision is that you won't get what you wnat. So whatever you decide in faith is what you get whether you are aware of it or not and whether you want it or not. So decide that you will have the things you like and that things will go well for you. Even being happy is a decision.


answered 23 Apr '12, 10:05

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

edited 24 Apr '12, 08:50

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