Compared to someone else like Bashar or normal self-development books, Abraham-Hicks does not seem to talk much about limiting beliefs and how to remove those beliefs. Even on Inward Quest, a lot of us admit that our belief systems can play a huge part in changing our lives.

But for Abraham-Hicks, they usually go more along the lines of "How do you feel about this particular situation", rather than "What do you think you believe about this particular situation".

What do you think is the main reason for this and why?

asked 01 Feb '12, 20:46

kakaboo's gravatar image


edited 01 Feb '12, 21:27

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

I think they actually touch on beliefs quite a bit. Its just not as direct as Bashar or others.

They talk about bridging beliefs/forking a lot. One video I watched was Abraham helping someone who had trouble manifesting money. He believed money can only come from hard work. So they took him through a string of thoughts which challenged his belief... "Why do I feel I have to work hard for my abundance? Lots of people make money without hard work. Lots of people do things they love and make plenty. People win the lottery. People get rich following their passion. Why can't I? I'm no different than them..." ect.

The way you feel about something is usually tells what your belief is. If you're worried... its because you believe something won't go well. So Abraham says, stop thinking about it... think about something that makes you happy. Just don't give the unwanted your attention.

I think they just try not to be too confusing. They want someone who's completely new to get it... if they went into a whole thing about limiting beliefs and such it might be overwhelming or confusing.

Plus, if you constantly feel good than good things will start to happen... maybe not a million dollars, but you'll know its working, which can help you overcome the bigger stuff. Which is why they say start small... its a gradual shift in your belief system.

Hope that made sense. :)


answered 02 Feb '12, 00:33

LapisLazuli's gravatar image



Nice LL, some good observations there :)

(02 Feb '12, 20:19) Eddie

Thank you! :)

(02 Feb '12, 23:47) LapisLazuli

It is because we made the word "beliefs" sound like something scary and uncontrolable that runs our lives. They prder to call it "dominant vibration", "point of attraction" or "a thought you keep thinking", when they are refering to beliefs.

I believe it's brilliant. If you think that there are hidden beliefs that you must find and destroy - then it causes resistance and provides excuses. It also seems like something that takes a lot of effort. This is why also, you will almost never hear Abraham talk about the subconscious. It again implies that tremendous effort is required.

Instead, if you call a belief a "thought you keep thinking" (by the way, that's exactly what Bashar said too - you choose your beliefs again and again in every moment), then suddenly it's in your control, and it's even easy - it's just a thought, and it's here now! And you have the power to change it. You can always find a thought that feels better. There are no crusades of finding sources of pain from the past, or digging up in past lives (another subject Abraham don't discuss because we use it to stop ourselves). Just find a thought that feels better, now, in this moment. And then another one that feels even better. And as you keep doing it, your beliefs change, because of the tremendous power of your vortex that pulls you, inspires you, opens new ways of thinking, sends you evidence.

So basically they and Bashar speak about the same thing - only the wording is different.


answered 02 Feb '12, 16:53

Benjamin's gravatar image


edited 02 Feb '12, 16:54

Nice Benjamin, different wording :)

(02 Feb '12, 20:20) Eddie

Hello Kakaboo, first, for the record, Abraham does talk about beliefs quite often. Here are three helpful quotes discussing belief(s):

Your action has nothing to do with your abundance! Your abundance is a response to your vibration. Of course, your belief is part of your vibration. So if you believe that action is part of what brings your abundance, then you've got to unravel that.

Someone asked us recently, "Is there any limitation to the body's ability to heal?" And we said, "None, other than the belief that you hold." And he said, "Then why aren't people growing new limbs?" And we said, "Because no one believes that they can."

You're really not wanting to limit beliefs because belief is just perspective, and the more beliefs or the more perspectives or the more attitudes, the bigger the vibrational kitchen from which you can make your pie. Just get so good at directing your Energy that the belief doesn't dominate.

Ultimately, we can’t have a feeling about any subject, unless we hold a belief about it. While you may say: no, I definitely had a ‘feeling’ first, please realize that ‘thought’ moves at infinite speed. And to ‘really’ understand ‘infinite speed’ you have to realize that ‘time’ is an illusion.

What do you think is the main reason for this and why?

I’m sure that Abraham knows exactly what they’re doing for their audience of students. There’s a lot of confusion and misunderstanding amongst human teachers. Just observe many of their fear-based marketing tactics and you will see it. There’s no need to look for any negative or self-limiting beliefs, unless and until you recognize that something is thwarting your happiness.

Let’s be honest, how many people involved in your upbringing, suggested and recommended that you follow your good feelings? No one told you because they didn’t know. That knowledge was forgotten in the midst of our journey into the limitation of self that we’ve been on for millennia. One of Abraham’s desires is to remind us of that forgotten knowledge.

From my perspective, in a sense, I got to Bashar’s teachings after I’d studied Abraham’s work. Until I was happy and feeling good in my now moment, I had no desire to understand the true nature of reality because it didn’t resonate with me. Now that I’m extremely happy, I can’t get enough of that knowledge, no matter what the source. And now, I’m paying what I’ve remembered forward to others who want to know :)


answered 02 Feb '12, 20:30

Eddie's gravatar image



"And now, I’m paying what I’ve remembered forward to others who want to know :)" Your information is very valuable to me Eddie so thank you for (as Bashar would say) sharing!

(02 Feb '12, 23:47) Cory

I also think that Abraham talks about beliefs quite a bit. The particular word itself is just not always used when describing an issue.

It is because we made the word "beliefs" sound like something scary and uncontrolable that runs our lives. They prder to call it "dominant vibration", "point of attraction" or "a thought you keep thinking", when they are refering to beliefs.

I think Benjamin hit the nail on the head with that paragraph. It all comes down to how Abraham words and presents their teachings. Sometimes you really have to listen and conform the wording into what you are more comfortable with hearing.

Bashar seems to have a more direct and detailed way to describe the point he wants to get across. He is more in your face with step by step instructions and techniques while Abraham uses "how you feel" most of the time in various fashions to get their point across.

Simply put, when they say "a thought you keep thinking" which I've heard quite a bit, they are pretty much referring to a chronic belief that you have.

I enjoy the varying styles of these two teachers because they put things in different perspectives and vocabularies, but in the end, they are the same exact message.

Here are a few Youtube videos that specifically talk about beliefs for your listening enjoyment.

  1. Abraham Hicks - Expanded Belief
  2. Abraham Hicks - Past Beliefs Impacting Now
  3. Abraham-Hicks - Attachment to belief
  4. Abraham-Hicks - Power of A Belief I Keep Thinking

answered 02 Feb '12, 23:33

Cory's gravatar image



Yo Cory, thanks :)

(02 Feb '12, 23:40) Eddie

I am only dealing with the portion of your question regarding "feeling" and "thinking here" You asked Why does Abraham say "How do you feel" instead of "What do you think"?

I believe that it's because when we are thinking we are limited only to the knowledge that we learned and comprehended so far.

When we feel, we reach far beyond the limited point of reference that we identify with as an ego-referencing identity. That is where we identify with your accumulated knowledge as our personality.

With feeling, we are not burdened with the need to authenticate or examine the validity of our thinking process. There is no room for analysis in feeling.

We can't feel and at the same time ask ourselves "What if this feeling is not true?"

In thinking, however, we are trained (if we were good students); to constantly intertwine our thought with "Is this correct?"

We can easily differentiate the "thinker" from the "feeler".

The thinker is the one who will read this answer and follow it with the question, "But how do you know if your feelings are not leading you towards an incorrect conclusion?"

And the only answer that comes to mind is this question;

"Do you ever ask a musician how they know if the song that they composed is correct?"

Because there is no "correct" in inspiration.

There is only harmony or disharmony.

And now the thinker needs to know "Harmony with what?"

It's the harmony or disharmony with that which we are seeking or searching for.

Just like there is no wrong music, only music that just sound's bad, there is no wrong feeling, only feeling that is not in harmony with what you are excited about.

So feeling is the better way to go as a guidance system instead of thinking.

But once again, the feeling person can pickup the activity of thought the moment it is required.

The thinking person, however, is stuck with not knowing at what point they must stop feeling and start thinking.

To know that you have to trust the feeling.


answered 02 Feb '12, 16:04

The%20Traveller's gravatar image

The Traveller

edited 02 Feb '12, 17:20

YEA I WAS GONNA SAY THAT, ha ha, good job Traveller

(02 Feb '12, 16:15) Tom

Thank you Tom; I Appreciate your comment! I am glad that I was in sync with you. Maybe we both reached for the same cookie within the collective consciousness jar?

(02 Feb '12, 17:32) The Traveller

probably that they know that belief can be flaw but the heart never lie. that is why they said what do you feel about this. but yet you still need to use the mind and heart in balence and harmony. experience and enjoy.


answered 01 Feb '12, 22:32

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

I like the answer that came from the Michael Teachings when they said "Belief is not required, you will reincarnate anyway. A leaf does not have to believe in photosynthsis to turn green." Meaning that there are some basic fundemental truths, that of course, would be to your benefit to understand, in order to live in harmony, but that requires effort, and every effort is a choice. So, choice is actually more relevant than belief. Like if you have a physical addiction that you believe is self-destructive, that belief isnt always enough to convince you to avoid the temptation. Though it can be instrumental in gradually turning away.


answered 02 Feb '12, 14:05

helenread25%201's gravatar image

helenread25 1

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