Why do I keep manifesting ornery bosses??? Recently I found that my boss became difficult to deal with - she has been near impossible and stopped giving me responsibilities. Anyways I continued doing as much as I could and with the law of attraction I was able to manifest a fantastic new job at a very high position and the exact salary that I had asked for. Now in my new job, the person that I immediately report to is the most impossible human behing in the entire company. My staff is happy that I am here and I have been able to gain their trust and overall develop a great relationship with them. However, my line manager continues to be this ornery woman who just seems to have issues upon issues. Through my law of attraction work I have been able to ignore her but she isn't going away and it's really getting to me because I have so much work to do and so much value to offer. Any suggestions????
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For further information, see How can I stop manifesting frustration? Thank you Stingray - the more I think about it the more I realize that I've manifested these kind of people my whole life. I'm now trying to figure out where it's all coming from. Maybe not feeling appreciated by my siblings as a child, always feeling like i wasn't good enough. Even in my adult life I've been outcast by my brothers. Dunno - I really need to do some inward searching for this answer...
(11 Feb '12, 16:49)
@moonwillow-the fact that you know your attracting these type of people is enough.you dont have to dig to find the source.
(17 Feb '12, 16:54)
@ Satori - thank you for showing me that now that I know what I don't want I can just let go and allow the Universe to take care of it. Thank you, I am ready to do that now!!!
(17 Feb '12, 19:19)
@MoonWillow - I completely agree with @Satori. Your question was about why you keep creating your reality with these people in it so I answered that, but you really don't need to know why anything is in your reality in order to move on from it
(18 Feb '12, 07:19)
Thank you Stingray - and thanks everyone for this site!!!
(18 Feb '12, 09:09)
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Your resistance to your boss and her personality is what keeps creating that in your reality. You keep giving your attention to what you already manifested, although it causes resistance. Since letting go of this issue is hard (you see her every day), I suggest you start a book of positive aspects (an Abraham process, you can find the description on Youtube), and start writing about what is positive and good about her, and the same about your job. Also, every time she pisses you off, you must find a way to not let that mess up your vibration. The key is to stop blaming her - she is not responsible for your vibration, she is not the problem here - your response to her is. Good processes for this are again from Abraham - pivoting or "wouldn't it be nice if". Again, details are in Youtube. Good luck. Thank you Benjamin
(11 Feb '12, 16:46)
I am able to go for long periods of time with no resistance and going with the flow then it keeps going, something obvious to everyone for miles and I get angry. I resolve my anger soon enough ,however I feel I'm on a hamster wheel with the devil close behind.
(26 Jan '13, 08:58)
The phrase, "I hope I don't get an ornery boss", will attract an ornery boss. Ornery boss will be accepted by the subconscious regardless. It is still the focus, and will be delivered. Accept that there are good bosses out there, and you will meet them. It is all in the approach. Yes sir -- a solution is definately also in the law that you speak of... But manifesting change in a bad situation is good practice too... It's just a little more complex in its application.
(18 Feb '12, 10:55)
The Prophet
I hear you but I never ever expect ornery bosses - conciousely at least, I guess it happening somewhere in my subconcious without my knowing
(20 Feb '12, 10:16)
well you need to find the root of the problem. why is she acting that way? is it out of ego(power,independent thinking that only what she think matter)? if so try to cope with it it is her choice not your choice and there his nothing to do. but i would not ignore her because she will work according to her ego and you will have to suffer the consequence of her action. but at the end she will bear the consequence of her action and that his far worse because she will only have her self to blame. 1
Thanks White Tiger, you are so right - but I need to fix this, so I'm working on doing that
(11 Feb '12, 16:51)
MoonWillow, you probably won't be happy until you're running your own business... You can manifest it the same way you manifest anything else. Ensure your future success by finding out what's best about YOU and translating that information into an action plan. Create a leadership program based on your highest values -- what you'd like to do and be most... Organize your time so that you have the on-going, one-to-one personal support that you need to facilitate continuous improvement in your whole growth process. Then, when you've done your research and found the best business model for you, develop a complete business-building program that represents your highest values, promotes your core principles and enables you to lead a richer life doing what you do best... Finally, when you've grown richer in such higher values as: order, loyalty and truth, you'll be ready to invite success into everything you do. 1
Hi, I would love to start my own business - it's really encouraging that you've mentioned this... thank you!!!
(11 Feb '12, 16:52)
MoonWillow, Fear-of-Success is a disease that's ingrained in our culture... You'll need to learn how to prevent that chronic anxiety from destroying your life... It will take a few months of effort to unhook it, but it's well worth the effort.
(12 Feb '12, 06:57)
The Prophet
@ The Prophen - do you think it's a fear of success that I suffer from?? I mean I have thought about this over and over and in every single job I've had there was a woman who stopped at nothing to try to bring me down - this is so wierd. I keep asking myself these questions - am I giving off the wrong vibrations? do I think that I'm not good enough? Thing is - in every job I have friends but there has been ONE woman who despises me for no reason...
(17 Feb '12, 15:10)
No, MoonWillow, "Fear of Success" is my way of saying that you currently have no way to become familiar with how easy it can be to have success in your own business, in your own right... Your bosses are feeling 'threatened' by you, because you are intelligent, sensitive and strong -- all qualities that they lack to the same degree that you have them... Mainly, they are afraid that their competence will be compared with yours, and that you will become their boss.
(17 Feb '12, 16:10)
The Prophet
Wow The Prophet - to think I've been asking myself all these crazy questions and denying what's in front me the whole time - I'm off to find a way to deal with this, feel free to comment again - thank you
(17 Feb '12, 16:43)
Sounds Good MoonWIllow... When you've done some more soul-searching and self-discovery and are ready to take the leap, I can point you to some downloads that will lead you through a step-by-step process.
(18 Feb '12, 06:49)
The Prophet
Hi The Prophet, can you point me to those downloads now - would really appreciate it thanks
(18 Feb '12, 08:26)
Thanks for asking MoonWillow, but I'll need to be more fully apprised of your progress... As I've said: it's a step-by-step process.... I could counsel you in the self-discovery and soul-searching aspects of the process, but to do that, you'd have to contact me by email outside of this venue... If you'd like to look into that aspect, simply click on my Gravatar: The Prophet.
(18 Feb '12, 10:44)
The Prophet
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How long have you been at this job for? Perhaps you came in at the time where your boss is dealing with some internal issues of her own that she doesn't see what she's doing to you. If you're willing to risk it, talk to her directly about it. Maybe she needs someone to talk to? Introduce her to LOA? If you get fired, I'm sure you can manifest another job. That's probably what I'd do. A dream job isn't a dream job if there's a mean boss. I would think LOA hasn't worked 100% just yet. What you resist will only persist so that's why I probably am direct with things... 1
Hi Ali00, thanks for your answer. This person is the known dragon in the company, she has frustrated all her staff over the years until they all left the company, she makes them cry etc. Everyone knows about it and is doing nothing about it. Now I've been hired and she's my direct manager. Thanks for making the point that LOA hasn't worked 100% yet - I guess i have a lot more work to do here.
(17 Feb '12, 15:13)
Just have to put this somewhere and this place works. Our dragon has a little pet that blows fire.hahaha....together they smile in our face and find ways to play king and queen above the others. I've introduced LOA to both and now they are using it to gain more control over the rest of us, and what I want is to feel safe,secure and sane in my workplace. I also want to do what ever I want to do at work.
(26 Jan '13, 08:49)
what is an ornery boss? dont you think its obvious its exactly what you want? you get what you order @eziospags 1, I've edited your posting. Please do not use offensive language on IQ
(11 Feb '12, 05:35)
Barry Allen ♦♦

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No, MoonWillow, "Fear of Success" is my way of saying that you currently have no way to become familiar with how easy it can be to have success in your own business, in your own right...
Your bosses are feeling 'threatened' by you, because you are intelligent, sensitive and strong -- all qualities that they lack to the same degree that you have them...
Mainly, they are afraid that their competence will be compared with yours, and that you will become their boss.
well the prophet that is still ego and its fear is it not.is it out of ego(power,independent thinking that only what she think matter)? then her own fear will be her down fall.
Yes, white tiger, but the term ego doesn't have a strong enough connotation... Simple Logic is powerful enough to do the job in this situation.
Sounds Good MoonWIllow... When you've done some more soul-searching and self-discovery and are ready to take the leap, I can point you to some downloads that will lead you through a logical step-by-step process.
Thanks for asking MoonWillow, but I'll need to be more fully apprised of your progress... As I've said: it's a step-by-step process.... I could counsel you in the self-discovery and soul-searching aspects of the process, but to do that, you'd have to contact me by email outside of this venue... If you'd like to look into that aspect, simply click on my Gravatar: The Prophet.