Just another word if people could send me their best prayers and intentions....Im going through a rough period again and I need all the help I can get. To all the website administrators, I understand perhaps these requests of mine may be annoying, but I assure it's the last I will release and I'm not trying to abuse or misuse Inward Quest at all. |
You do not need any prayers from us. You need to find, yourself, your place of freedom and power. All the prayers in the world cannot help one who's blocking well being. The love you seek is inside you, not in the hands of other people. Enough looking for magic pills, action journeys and changing outer circumstances, it is not helping you at all, it's only keeping you stuck. Take the time to relax, meditate a bit and always remember - you can't get it wrong, and you can't get it done. Then, with that clarity, you will come back stronger, and will be able to access more guidance. Best wishes. 3
@Benjamin- I'll mark your answer as selected, so it can possibly help out others in the future should they get similar desires to raise the little 'donation box' I have. Obviously, my asking came from out of the vortex, but being in the vortex now I totally agree with what you say. Meditating, when all it at the worst, is helpful. Likewise, after a whole night of crying and worrying, in the morning I feel better.
(08 Mar '12, 10:39)
It's beautiful to see that you came to that conclusion. I'm happy to hear you're feeling better. Feeling down sometimes is natural, because it's a process that takes time, and it happens to everyone. Every time you get out of a "down state", you will become stronger. Just remember that we are all stupid when out of the vortex, and that all the answers are there. You are making great progress, just keep on allowing well being into your life.
(08 Mar '12, 13:13)
Hi Nikulas. Your response to Benjamin's answer shows quite a lot of maturity and self reliance on your part. I'm proud of you.
(09 Mar '12, 09:09)
The Traveller
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do you know how to accept with imput from subjective to be a growing seed may you have only 3
Love your answer Fred there is gold in them words it's a pity the very person it is suposed to help does not see this.
(09 Mar '12, 12:35)
Paulina 1
You are a wise man with a way with words, @fred 1 & you may quote proverbial poetry to mean anytime... Love your answer......
(09 Mar '12, 15:05)
nikulas, how is it that rest of us take care of ourselves and then have extra energy to give to you. what have you done with your heart?
(09 Mar '12, 18:47)
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it is always there nikulas no need to ask on the site ask God. So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. http://bible.cc/luke/11-9.htm For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. http://bible.cc/luke/11-10.htm "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? http://bible.cc/luke/11-11.htm If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! http://bible.cc/luke/11-13.htm If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. http://bible.cc/john/15-7.htm "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. http://bible.cc/john/15-5.htm If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. http://bible.cc/john/15-6.htm You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. http://bible.cc/john/15-16.htm At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you. " http://bible.cc/1_kings/3-5.htm he said, "Listen to my words: "When a prophet of the LORD is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams. http://bible.cc/numbers/12-6.htm stop doughting and have faith. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith! http://bible.cc/luke/12-28.htm He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. http://bible.cc/matthew/8-26.htm experience and enjoy. If one really does give their faith, completely, then one dosnt feel 'worried' or 'concerned' with anything at all. Unfortuanntly, personally, I cannot really resonate with 'just have faith', like im sure lots of people cannot. But likewise you've raised a good point of debate here, and thankyou.
(08 Mar '12, 10:42)
o men of little faith.then know the truth and the truth will set you free. experience and enjoy.
(11 Mar '12, 14:10)
white tiger
Yes I'll pray for you again. Please consider going to http://www.xpmedia.com/ It will boost your faith so that you needn't rely on others for strength so much. We all have moments we need help though I know this myself. We need to move toward relying on God more and his peace will be in our hearts. 1
very good suggestion, Wade . . . however; it's not really a gift, if strings are attached...
(07 Mar '12, 15:11)
I know I just want him to not have to depend on others. We all need help every now and then so I am glad to help. It is more a double gift actually the help he needs plus a place to grow in faith with. :-)
(07 Mar '12, 17:19)
Wade Casaldi
@Wade Casaldi . . . I KNOW . . . your intention is ALWAYS in the right place. . . My intention was to bring your attention to your wording . . . many people do not respond well to 'conditions' . . . "unconditional love".
(07 Mar '12, 22:21)
@ele good point. :-) Noted and changing the wording. ;-) Thank you.
(07 Mar '12, 23:06)
Wade Casaldi
Thank you & you're welcome @Wade Casaldi . . . would you be a dear & post the link to Jai's view from the back porch . . . I don't know why; but I can't seem to locate it. Thanks....
(08 Mar '12, 03:27)
@ele Jai said go to http://webshots.com and look for Jaianniah and you will find many views from her back porch.
(08 Mar '12, 12:11)
Wade Casaldi
@Wade Casaldi - Thank Jai for sharing her tranquil & inspirational photos. I viewed them with a couple friends last night & we all loved them. I also checked out your link, thanks & read a few of the articles. I assimilate the written word better; less 'noise'. BTW - forgot to mention, great edit!
(09 Mar '12, 15:04)
distracted . . . forgot to mention this . . . has @Jai given any thought towards incorporating art therapy with her ministry? Yes, Paulina, I agree . . . @Wade Casaldi is a wise man. lol! perhaps reading glasses could help.........
(09 Mar '12, 19:21)
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Dear Nikulas -- I will send a prayer out in hopes you find clarity. Tonight, weather permitting . . . I'll be in my "Heaven" on Earth & will send you waves of good vibrations... Just a thought . . . slow down . . . it's been my experience, the universe, at times, has a funny way of getting your attention . . . with love, ele ETA All thoughts are prayers & all prayers are answered in one form or another & many times, it is 'just' a matter of time. "All good things come to s/he who waits" Love this answer.
(09 Mar '12, 12:31)
Paulina 1
Dearest Nikulas, Yes there is help for you and yes I will send healing energy. Nik you need to let go and let God. I could have mentioned this before but there is a way to overcome all chalenges in our life. Chalenges are there to make us grow and become more mature. Life without problems doesn't exist. It is in how we react to the problems and chalenges in life that makes all the differance in the world about how we feel, happy or sad. Give your whole problem over to God. Write it down all of it and read it out aloud to God and tell God I cannot deal with this anymore and am giving this problem to you God for you know of the perfect solution. If you want make or buy a little box and call it the God box. Place your letter in there and than forget about it. Watch what happens for you will not believe the miraculous solutions that can and do happen when this is done. Sometimes it takes a few days and sometimes just a few hours but once you realize this stuff is potent you know you will have solutions to what you previously thought were impossible problems. Nikulas you are like my favourite son and we do all love you and wish you nothing but happiness but try to remember there are no roses without thorns and life is the same. Sometimes we get the rough end of the stick but if we deal with it the sooner we can get on with the busyness of being happy. Wishing you blue skys, smiles, and a smooth road ahead but most of all piece of mind baut remember you need faith in God and God is within you. beautiful answer @Paulina 1 . . . "Nikulas you are like my favourite son and we do all love you and wish you nothing but happiness but try to remember there are no roses without thorns and life is the same". "Wishing you blue skys, smiles, and a smooth road ahead but most of all piece of mind." My sentiments as well, @Nikulas. Thank you, Paulina.... ETA You're right, @Paulina 1 , we all need help from time to time & that's what we are here for, @Nikulas...
(09 Mar '12, 15:08)
@Paulina 1- "You are like my favourite son" I so desperatly crave and cry every night for just someone to love me. When I say 'someone' I was always looking in the direction for the perfect woman. My parents are both quite psycologically cruel to me in their own, unintentional ways, but being the (REALLY) sensitive person I am, I now am just after true love, from as many people as possible, not just a lover....If you mean it when you say, "I love you" it means so much to me.
(10 Mar '12, 06:45)
To everyone, if I ever get married and have the beautiful, deep relationship with a girl as I've been asking for for 5 years, this will be the first website I post all the pictures xx
(10 Mar '12, 06:46)
We will wait patiently (and eagerly) for that day. Right now you must first love yourself, in order for that woman to come and love you. You are always a vibrational match to your relationships, there is simply no other way. Watch this video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOiyeTuNjmA
(10 Mar '12, 07:10)
@Nikulas - "I now am just after true love, from as many people as possible, not just a lover" - If you want others to love you, you have to love yourself first. The love that everyone craves is the "love of source". Requiring that others connect to it first and then shower it upon you will provide you with temporary relief. But now you are forever depending on them and their whims instead of reaching for that connection within yourself and making it yours permanently
(10 Mar '12, 07:10)
Thankyou for the support guys I guess the ultimate channel of all these self-help books, reality creation and religion really just draws down to this point of loving yourself. I posted a question about a year ago asking "how do I accept myself?" Wouldn't mind asking you two wise people, what do I do to actually do that? How do I love myself?
(10 Mar '12, 20:03)
I suggest you open a new question, I believe many people here have very interesting things to say about this important topic as well.
(11 Mar '12, 00:32)
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Hey Nikulas, You are from my favorite members here because you are vibrating always, even when they are down but your energies, mind, vibrations are always in work and that is so healthy. I am so much glad in your annoying because they make me vibrating too, so you are helpful not annoying. I was just in a trip and coming back so much refresh and energetic I had a specific time while doing all this in a real focus; even I am on a track and frequency all the day. So I am in with that and you must feel me, Since I am on that the site I am so much friend with my energies and mind work and love so much to share. Blessing! @r0la- Why thankyou kindly for the compliment. I would love to get to the stage where I can begin sort of 'teaching' others how to enhance their life, but atm I'm going through rough times, and once I correct them, I'll be confident enough to explain from self experience that LOA and metaphysics DO work. But thankyou again for keeping me in the back of your intentions :)
(08 Mar '12, 10:40)
Nikulas,following on from Stingray and Benjamins comments I found this article I came across a few years ago that really helped me in a similar situation to yourself, I hope you find some value in it:) **The Law Of Attraction In Love And Relationships - The Secret of Manifesting Conscious Loving in Your Life By Drs Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks One Key Question Whether we’re speaking to ten million people on Oprah or a hundred people in a lecture hall in Los Angeles, we get one big question over and over from people in the audience: How Can I Feel More Genuine Love In My Life? If they’re single, they’re often tired of making the same relationship mistakes again and again. They get out of one painful entanglement, only to finding themselves bogged down in the same problems with the next person they meet. If they’re in a couples relationship, they’re often tired of getting stuck in the same old patterns of conflict and strained communication. We feel a great deal of empathy for anyone in this situation, because we’ve been there ourselves. Before we found each other we had begun to sink into despair that we would never attract the kind of love we really wanted. Fortunately we found a way to make the inner shifts that changed our relationship destiny (and recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary!) In this article , we show you how to make those inner shifts yourself, so that your relationship destiny can change. You can also find a deeper exploration of these tools in our online courses in our audio/video program, The Relationship Solution. If you follow the steps we outline, you will discover what’s been holding you back from getting the kind of love you really want and need. You’ll know exactly how to bring genuine love into your life and keep it. The Best and Worst of Times On the surface, these would seem to be the best of times for meeting people and developing close relationships. In some ways, though, these are actually the worst of times. Although communication is easy and cheap, what matters is how we use those nickel-a-minute phone calls. It’s how we communicate with the depths of ourselves and others. That’s what really matters. In this realm, these really are the worst of times. People constantly write to us to wonder why their relationships are so shallow and short-lived. Many people intuitively feel that they are not getting the kind of love they most deeply want. Some blame it on the busy and fragmented lives they live. Others point the finger at television, sports and the image-obsessed institutions of society such as fashion and advertising. The wiser ones have grown weary of finger-pointing; they write to ask our help in doing whatever is necessary to create a genuine lasting love- relationship. They know that the real problem resides within, in the unconscious inner barriers that block genuine love. After all is said and done, it’s really genuine love that makes all the difference in the quality of your life. Without genuine love, human beings feel constant longing. Once we’ve attracted genuine love into our lives, we face other challenges, like how to keep it flowing all the time. First, though, we need to attract a new kind of loving relationship, and that’s where we will begin. The First Thing We All Really Need To Know About Creating Lasting Love Here’s the first thing we all really need to know: None of us has the slightest chance of creating and sustaining a healthy relationship until we make a conscious commitment to it. Until you make a conscious commitment to genuine love, your unconscious programming runs your love-life. You also need to know that it’s up to you and you can do it! That’s right: The power rests in your heart and in your hands. Each of us can make that commitment and bring into our lives a genuine, lasting love relationship. We made this our own goal many years ago, and since then we’ve gone from the intense pain of unconscious relationships to twenty-five years of the most blissful and creative relationship we could have imagined. If you will make a sincere commitment to creating more genuine love in your life, you’re more than halfway there. Once you’re committed, you are ready to learn the mega-lesson. The Mega-Lesson Of Life And Love Speaking personally, this is the lesson we’ve struggled to learn throughout
our own lives. Maybe it’s the lesson of life and love. It’s certainly been the
major issue people have talked to us about in our thirty years as therapists
and relationship coaches. Even if the person brought in a problem of Here it is: The major barrier to a loving relationship with another person is an unloved part of yourself. That’s right: An aspect of ourselves that we have never loved and accepted keeps us from forming and keeping genuine love from others. Here’s why: If you don’t love yourself, you’ll always be looking for someone else to do it for you. It never works, because people who don’t love themselves attract people who don’t love themselves. Then they try to get the other person to love them unconditionally when they’re not even doing it for themselves. When you love yourself deeply and unconditionally for everything you are and aren’t, you attract people who love and accept themselves. If you feel fundamentally unlovable deep down inside, you’ll attract a lover who feels the same way. When we don’t love some part of ourselves, we run around in desperation trying to get someone else to love us. Our hope is that if they give us enough love our unlovable part will go away. It never does. Only a moment of loving ourselves unconditionally will do that particular job. Most of us spend our lives running from that unlovable part of us. When we finally confront it, we will usually discover it’s a fear. It’s usually a particular fear, and there are a very small number of them. One of them is fear of abandonment. You can probably see why that fear could play havoc in your relationships. It certainly did in our early relationships, before we became aware that this fear was driving a lot of our troublesome behavior. When you’re afraid of being left alone, you’ll either keep people distant so it won’t hurt so bad if they leave you, or you’ll cling to them dependently so they can’t leave without dragging you with them. Another big fear is the dread of being smothered by the other person. When you’re in the grip of this fear, you’re worried that your individuality and freedom will be lost if you surrender to full union with the other person. So, you stay at arm’s length, just as a person who’s afraid of drowning might stand a yard or so away from the water’s edge. The good thing to know about fear is that it’s simply a pulsating quiver of racy-queasy sensations in your stomach area. Fear, said the legendary psychiatrist Fritz Perls, is merely excitement without the breath. Breathe into the fear and watch what happens: The butterflies will flutter out of hiding and fly away. When you love that fear directly, you can actually feel the fear disappear. In the space where the fear used to be, you now feel a big open space into which a wonderful new relationship can enter. That’s what happened to us, and that’s what we’ve seen happen to a lot of people when they mustered the courage to love themselves and all their fears. Fear Holds Us In Check Until we give that scary place in ourselves a split-second of love, it’s impossible to enjoy good relationships. The reason: The fear causes us to push people away when they get too close. That’s because our fear gets stirred up when we let them in close. To keep the fear under control, we keep people at a distance. We submerge the very aspects of ourselves that most need love. Then, we strain to get other people to love us. Trying to get other people to love us when we don’t think ourselves loveable is like a dog chasing its own tail. The more they try to love us, the faster we run from it. Fortunately you can solve that problem right now, right here. Begin by shining the light of awareness on fear with a simple question: What are you feeling right now? Tune in to yourself and do a quick body-scan. Are you afraid that the ideas we’re describing may not work for you? Are you afraid that nothing will work? Are you worried that maybe you’re not good enough to do this? Do you fear, as we once did, that there’s something fundamentally wrong with you that is always going to keep you from love? Right now feel all these feelings and LOVE them. Love yourself for having them. Love yourself for your courage to feel. We’ve never met anyone who loved themselves deeply and unconditionally all the time. Don’t expect that you’ll be perfect at it, either. Begin with a second or two of loving yourself and work up from there. Begin with a commitment to loving yourself. That way, you’ll have the commitment to fall back on when you find yourself in the grip of your unlovable part. Remember, too, that loving yourself has nothing to do with egotism or self- flattery. Egotistical people are desperately trying to get other people to love them, even though they feel deeply unlovable inside. That’s why egotism and boasting look so tacky: Everybody knows it’s phony. We’re talking about genuine, sincere, heartfelt and humble love for yourself. It’s a feeling of accepting yourself for everything you are and everything you aren’t. Unless you’re super-human, you won’t ever feel absolute love and acceptance for yourself all the time. You can, however, make a commitment to feeling that way. Making a commitment to loving yourself gives you a firm ground to stand on throughout the ups and downs of your life. Right now say to yourself: I commit to loving myself deeply. Float the idea around in your mind and feel it in your body. Use it as an anchor-point in your work on yourself. It really works. In Summary Remember how The Law Of Attraction operates: Like attracts like. Your job is to give yourself the same quality of love you want to receive from another person. Do that often as you go through your day, and watch the miracles unfold in your life! Drs Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks ** Thanks Satori for the contribution. Just to my memory, did you have success with your girl? Dude message me, I like your answers and questions, and thanks for the big post, I know it would've taken time and effort :) Facebook- Nikulas Vaughan Peterson (just message me and let me know you're satori)
(12 Mar '12, 11:17)

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