Personally i am a very chaotic person and i feel comfortable being so :). But Abraham have a process that you might find interesting.
Process #14 The Process of Clearing Clutter for Clarity
When to Use This Process:
• When you are feeling stress due to
your disorganization. • When you feel
you are spending too much time looking
for items. • When you find yourself
avoiding your home because you feel
better elsewhere. • When you feel that
there is not enough time to do all you
need to do. Current Emotional
Set-Point Range
This Clearing Clutter for Clarity
Process will be of the most value to
you when your Emotional Set-Point is
ranging somewhere between: (4)
Positive Expectation/Belief and (17)
Anger. A cluttered environment can
cause a cluttered point of attraction.
If you are surrounded by unfinished
work, unanswered letters, incomplete
projects, unpaid bills, unattended-to
tasks; unsorted piles of paperwork;
and stray magazines, catalogs, and all
manner of miscellaneous items—they can
negatively affect your life
Because everything carries its own
vibration, and because you develop a
vibrational relationship with
everything in your life, your personal
belongings do have an impact on the
way you feel and on your point of
attraction. There are two major
hindrances to clearing away clutter:
First, you may remember throwing
something away, only to discover, soon
after, that you really did need it
after all. So now you are reluctant to
throw anything away. And second, you
realize that to really do a good job
of getting organized would take far
more time than you have to give to the
project, for every time you have ever
attempted to get organized, you have
become bogged down in the sorting
process and have ended up leaving an
even bigger mess than when you began.
The Clearing Clutter for Clarity
Process eliminates those hindrances
because it is a sorting procedure that
can be done extremely quickly without
the possibility of discarding valuable
things that you may need later on.
To begin the process: Obtain several
sturdy cardboard boxes with lids.
(Banker’s boxes work well for this.)
It is best if they are the same size
and color. That way they will stack
neatly and look attractive. We would
suggest that you begin with a minimum
of 20 boxes, but you may want to
obtain more as you discover the
productive power of this process.
(Also, procure a package of
alphabetized index cards and a
handheld voice recorder.)
First, assemble the boxes and put five
or six of them in the middle of the
room that you wish to organize. Next,
number each box with its own unique
number, from 1 to 20, and so on. Now,
look around the room, focus upon an
item, and ask yourself, “Is this item
important to my immediate experience?”
If the answer is yes, leave it where
it is. If the answer is no, put it in
one of the boxes. Then pick up another
item and continue the process as you
focus upon each item in the room. A
great advantage of this process is
that you will not be doing a great
deal of sorting right now. This really
is a process whereby you simply remove
the clutter from your environment.
As you put the item into the box,
speak into the recorder—for example,
“Unopened package of guitar strings,
box number one,” or “Old cell phone,
box number one.” With five or six
boxes open at the same time, you could
do a general sorting. In other words,
all magazines could go in the same
box, clothing items in their same box,
small miscellaneous items in the same
box—but do not get carried away with
the sorting process. Just pick up the
item, determine if it is necessary to
your immediate experience, and, if
not, put it in a box, and speak into
the recorder what the item was and
which box you put it in.
And, at a later time, you can take an
hour or so and transfer the
information from the recorder onto
alphabetized index cards. In other
words, under “A” you will write
abalone shell; under “B,” write
bathing suit; under “C” write cell
phone... Because you are not
thoroughly sorting, this process will
go very fast. You will find yourself
feeling better as your space becomes
less cluttered, and you will not
experience your usual worry that you
will not be able to find something,
because you will have made a record of
exactly where everything is.
Now, find a wall somewhere in your
house or garage where these neat boxes
can be placed, and be confident that
you can retrieve anything that is
important. If you do need the unopened
guitar strings, your alphabetical card
file will tell you which box you put
them in. After a few weeks, when you
realize that you have not needed
anything from box number 3, for
example, you could then move that box
out of the house, maybe to some
outside storage facility, or you may
even be willing to discard its
contents, leaving box number 3
available for new clutter that may
And as you continue the process, you
will begin to relax in the knowledge
that you now have control of your
environment. Sometimes people will
tell us that they are not bothered by
clutter, so we tell them that this
process is, then, unnecessary for
them. However, since every piece of
everything does carry a vibration,
almost everyone really does feel
better in an uncluttered environment.
You just need to throw some garbage away. From, both, your room and your mind.
You will notice, that the less stuff you deal in your mind, the lesser mess you will create around yourself.