I'm a big fan of empowerment. I like to feel and pass on feelings and beliefs of empowerment. How bout this, What is the relative "Truth" which could provide the most empowerment to people?
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I think it is knowing about the Law of Attraction and that we create our own reality. Therefore, we have total control over everything that happens to us. So, everything that happens to us, whether it is good or bad is as a result of our own creation through our thoughts and beliefs. To me, that is the most empowering belief. Hi, Rani Oberoi, So, the Law of Attraction is a Law right? What I mean to ask is; Within the frame work of the Law of Attraction, what are the most empowering beliefs that we could adopt about ourselves and the world around us?
(10 Mar '10, 19:15)
I agree with Rani - believing that we hold the reins and decide which direction our life takes, by the thoughts we choose and the choices we make, in using the Law of Attraction to work favourably in our lives, is one of the most empowering beliefs we can adopt. We begin to move from a victim of circumstances to a lead character and director in our life. |
Yep............we create our own reality is the most eye-opening revelation a person can have, I believe. It was for me. When I realized that my circumstances weren't thrust upon me but that I created them, it broke the cycle of thinking, "what's the use!" |

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To clairify, the Law of Attraction is a Law right? What I mean to ask is; Within the frame work of the Law of Attraction, what are the most empowering beliefs that we could adopt about ourselves and the world around us?