`I read with interest this exchange in the comments between Wildlife and Stingray, where Wildlife explains why he has so many accounts on InwardQuest. It raises questions in my mind about the nature of unattachment.

In previous questions, we have discussed the ability to "let go" of a "rocket of desire" so that your ego will "get out of the way" of the universe and you can "point downstream" towards the manifestation of your desire. In other words, to be unattached to the outcome.

I understand where Wildlife is coming from when he says that the reputation points and badges of InwardQuest feel like attachments, but his explanation doesn't feel like unattachment to me. It feels like ambivalence or indifference.

If we pursue something within a system (like being a member of InwardQuest or working for a company or running for political office), we essentially have three choices. We can work within the system, change the system, or decline to participate. The odd fourth choice is to attempt to participate, but follow your own rules, or no rules at all.

I've been in places where there is work to be done, but no strong leadership. The leader basically says, "Well, do whatever you want, there are no rules." You know what happens? Nothing. Nothing ever gets done in those kinds of organizations, because there is too much disorganization and chaos.

As I see it, part of engagement is being able to align with other people's objectives and ways of doing things, so that accomplishment can take place. The way you do that is to agree on what that alignment is, and then work together to achieve your purpose. You can call that whatever you want: rules, laws or agreements, but whatever you call it, it means that you will ultimately have to follow something.

My question is, can you engage like this this while still remaining unattached to the outcome? And is this kind of manifestation somehow different than the type of manifestation that you would accomplish personally? In other words, do you need to cooperate, or do you just need to have a clear picture (a shared picture, perhaps) of what you want?

asked 26 Mar '10, 14:37

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 07 Jun '14, 05:04

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦

Good questions Vesuvius. I feel that to be detached from the outcome of whatever we are trying to manifest is the "Ideal". That is a true demonstration of faith and letting go so we can let God. Also the outcome that we are really trying to create is a spiritual one of being in harmony with the Universe. If we truly understand that then we know that material outcomes do not really matter. Additionally if we accept that we are perfect beings anyway and nothing can make us less then there is nothing to really worry about.

Life is a paradox and sometimes it gets confusing because its difficult to understand how two opposites could be true at the same time. For example, we know that we are made in the image of the creator and in that sense we are perfect but as a physical being we forget and we spend a lifetime searching for that truth. Sometimes I think I fully understand and at other times I am totally lost. But both of these conditions are my truth.


answered 26 Mar '10, 16:12

Drham's gravatar image


edited 26 Mar '10, 20:52

Vesuvius's gravatar image


I think when we are fully engaged in something in the truest sense of the word, there is no attachment. When we are fully engaged we are in the zone or in the moment and the actual task at hand becomes the priority and not the outcome. Funnily enough when we let go of the attachment or the outcome, the result that is yielded usually outweighs what it would have been because our energy is focussed fully on the task at hand and is not split between the actual task and the attachment.

However, when we work within a group dynamic, co-operation and compromise is a must otherwise chaos or individual egos will take over.


answered 26 Mar '10, 20:04

Michaela's gravatar image


This not only can be done it must be done in Karate, if I am sparing a few students I must stay centered and present or one of them will score on me meaning I lost and in a real situation would be dazed. That is a very bad situation to be dazed in while being attacked from multiple directions.

I must keep my mind on what do I need to do now, what do I need to do now, what do I need to do now? I can not think of the past split second or the future split second I must be fully in the present moment. If I slip and think of past or future I lose what is happening now in this very moment one of my students will score on me if I let my mind slip. Instead I keep calm, centered and relaxed while having them rush me like maniacs from every direction. Oh the fun I have in Karate! :-D


answered 27 Mar '10, 07:13

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 27 Mar '10, 07:47

Do you remember those moments where you just felt like you're "in the flow" of things? Probably experienced it a lot as kid where you were so focused on the experimenting with something that time flew by and you didn't care about the outcome but just liked what you were doing in the moment. Maybe like drawing, reading, or something physical.


answered 21 Feb '12, 00:28

Ali00's gravatar image


Yes, when you enjoy the process or the journey. You'll find numerous examples of this in all fields of endeavor, and although they might not reflect the most allowing approach, they surely enjoy what they do as in an activity in and of itself.


answered 06 Oct '14, 15:17

harsha's gravatar image


of course you can. do you live? the outcome is that you are going to die a physical death? should you attach your self with death? or should you engage your self in life? and not attach your self to the outcome? what will happen will happen and everything happens for a reason. experience and enjoy.


answered 21 Feb '12, 07:20

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

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