This is part of my list: Drinks Piña Colada (a blend of pineapple juice and cream of coconut) Caribbean coffee Vanilla shake Foods Caribbean food Mexican food Italian food Fruits Pineapple Green grapes Desserts Homemade apple pie Some types of cakes Others Avocados Sweet plantains Chickpeas hummus
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Warm tomato soup with noodles or rice inside. This, with a grilled cheese sandwich. To me, this is comforting food that helps to keep me in the vortex. Mmmmmm. LeeAnn, that would do it for me, too. Got to have that again soon....
(06 Aug '12, 00:34)
Fresh from the oven cookies!:) Homemade salsa Caramel corn Bacon- and almost anything with it Just about any fruit or veggie- I love them. The only thing I can think of I dont like is grapefruit. %100 juice- especially what I blend myself Sweet potato fries Oh- garden grown veggies! They taste so much better when you grow them yourself. And cooking... I love cooking. :) 1
Home grown veggies are the best. Geeze this page is making me hungry! :)
(07 Aug '12, 14:13)
Hi T A, Anything one loves the taste of is going to make one feel good irespective of weather it is good or bad for us. It is feeling good that gets one in the vortex so eating what makes you feel good is in a way good for you. Just remember if the food that makes you feel good is laden with fat or other chemicals it will do you some harm in the long run. Practising moderation is advisable. 1
By the way my favourite food in the whole world that can transport me to instant heaven is Pizza as well as all fruit and veggies.
(06 Aug '12, 00:32)
Paulina 1
Hi, Foods that keep me in the vortex are, fruit shakes, veggi juices, home made bread and butter, avocados, mangos, coconuts, bananas, cashews, natural grass feed meat, quinoa, maple syrup and honey. Basic whole organic foods and clean water. Bon appetite |
Drinks Water Pure orange juice Appletiser Guinness, on occasion :) Grapefruit juice Foods Champ Roast chicken Vegetable soup Most fish Indian curries, Korma, Tikka Toasted whole-meal bread Toasted bagel Mature cheddar cheese Garlic potatoes Fruits Kiwi Apples Grapes Deserts Honey-comb Ice-cream 1
Mmmmmmmm.... OK, now I'm hungry! (You had me at Guinness, cheddar, and garlic!)
(07 Aug '12, 13:09)
I will go with: Drinks: Red grape juice Mango juice Champagne and other white sparkling wine, red wine Foods: Hot indian curries with indian bread Hot thai curries Chinese noodles and rice Seafood Bread and butter, sometimes with cheese Pizza Fresh Mixed Salad Chicken or meat burger with mayo, cheese, onions, tomatoes, and gherkins Nectarines |

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Sorry, what's the vortex? (I'm new to this)
@Vtn-In the Vortex=feeling good,self-aligned,in the flow,joyful,happy.