Grief is supposedly a natural response to a loss or any major changes in our lives. The Law of Attraction as I understand it does not make any considerations for this. I am beginning to wonder if feelings of grief are necessary or were we made to believe that it is?

asked 17 May '10, 15:54

Drham's gravatar image


edited 17 May '10, 16:37

John%20Sheridan's gravatar image

John Sheridan ♦


@Stingray Could you share your view on this?

(10 Jul '15, 05:23) Bluebell

@Drham what is "grief" but a word created by humans, whenever something is created it's counterpart is always created too, so in creating "grief" humans also created "gladness". A word is a symbol and a symbol always represents the thing that it was created for.

(10 Jul '15, 09:12) jaz

@Bluebell - The value of any negative emotion is only in that it indicates to you that you are thinking in a way that your Broader Self is not you feel the emptiness of lack of alignment with that Self. With a strong emotion like Grief, you are thinking very differently. Your Broader Self will never agree with any kind of loss-based thinking because, beyond the physical illusion, there is no loss. Even death is really just a consciousness transformation, not a loss

(11 Jul '15, 16:39) Stingray

@Stingray I understand the theory but do you think in reality it's possible to avoid that or are we just too physical-based to not feel the loss?

(11 Jul '15, 17:42) Bluebell

@Bluebell - I think "society" makes it so difficult to not follow that pattern of grief when someone dies. Imagine if you felt and expressed joy at someone's passing! People would think you're mad, insensitive etc. Baha'u'llah, a Persian Prophet whose teachings I follow said in one of His Writings: "We have made death a messenger of joy to thee, wherefore dost thou grieve?"

(11 Jul '15, 21:55) Inner Beauty

I think if as Stingray says we really understood 'death', not only would we not grieve we would rejoice for the person, but probably most of us are not quite there?!

(11 Jul '15, 21:57) Inner Beauty

@Bluebell - "do you think in reality it's possible to avoid that or are we just too physical-based to not feel the loss?" - Yes, 100% percent, absolutely is completely possible - and fairly effortless :) It's about habits of thought. If you are dominantly feeling good every day then even if you experience the "illusion" of loss, it might knock you back slightly as/if you buy into the illusion for a short time but you'll then spring right back as your dominant attitude naturally kicks in.

(14 Jul '15, 03:56) Stingray

@Bluebell @Inner Beauty - It's been a long, long, long time since I last attended any funeral-style doesn't seem to go down well generally when you don't make the effort to look miserable :)

(14 Jul '15, 03:58) Stingray

I've never really felt sad attending funerals or hearing the news of someone dying before. Sometimes I get "forced" to feel sad because everyone around me is sad but I just feel out of place. I would sometimes feel sad for the family left behind if say, there was a baby and the father dies at a young age, but never the person who was dying directly. All along I was worried that I was an emotionless bst* until I discovered metaphysical teachings.

(14 Jul '15, 12:23) kakaboo
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I don't think it is a conditioned response to feel loss and grief, although it "can" be, especially for children, who are just picking up on the actions and emotions of adults around them. It's natural and normal to feel the loss of someone or something when it is now missing in your life. I do think the LOA can help us get over that pretty quickly though and keep it in perspective. We can then replace the thoughts of grief with thoughts of hope, and also we can keep happy memories in mind rather than feelings of loss that bring our vibrations down. I guess I am saying it's normal to feel for awhile, but we don't have to let it go on for very long. Feeling better is always better for us and it's so great to be in control of that!


answered 17 May '10, 18:15

LeeAnn%201's gravatar image

LeeAnn 1

I agree with LeeAnn, one of my close friends passed away yesterday after a six year battle with cancer. I paid him a visit on Saturday and could see that he was not himself. After the news yesterday, I could not help feeling the negative energy of the whole situation, but after giving it some thought, I realized that I would rather remember him the way he was and the good times we shared. It's not always easy to lose someone but we have to get over it and start feeling positive again as the opposite will achieve nothing beneficial for us. We must carry on and attract the good in life which will help us achieve our purpose while we still have the opportunity.


answered 17 May '10, 19:13

Daniel%20Smith's gravatar image

Daniel Smith

Grief is a natural part of the healing process, but it can go on too long if it is considered socially unacceptable to do otherwise.

How long is an acceptable grieving time? If a widower began dating the next day after her husband's death, would you think less of her? How about a week?

In some places they play happy music or throw a party for the person who has passed on, in celebration of the fact that they have moved on to a happier place.


answered 17 May '10, 19:47

Vesuvius's gravatar image


I've lost my dad last Christmas Eve, from senile dementia. I am in treatmet for serious depression and post traumatic stress. I am feeling better only since I read The Secret and I found The Master Key System and doing the meditations. Even my Dr. said she found me way better. I can only try and feel "good", but I cannot stop grieving about my dad and I know my mum can't also... I know in some countries people celebrate instead, but that's not our culture, unfortunately. Going on with our lives and not getting into a serious depressive state is the best we can do in our culture, I think.

I have read somewhere that grieving too much is not really about our beloved one but about ourselves. We want to dwell into self-pity. All I can say is my doctor considers serious grieving and depression for more than 6 month to be pathological. I think an year is ok instead...

I have also noticed that neither book makes any considerations for grief and loss. They should have had a chapter on that I reckon...


answered 17 May '10, 20:07

BridgetJones09's gravatar image


I read both of the books you mentioned and what I gathered is that we are just supposed to feel good all the time and that is why I posted this question.

(18 May '10, 14:34) Drham

It's very difficult to "feel good" all the time when you have just lost a beloved one. That's why I think they should have a chapter on that...

(18 May '10, 15:32) BridgetJones09
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