There are people who seem, to us, downtrodden, broken in mind and spirit. Living in poverty. Using the teachings we are better understanding, the LOA. Abundance consciousness, how can we actually help them?
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I love this story. We have been talking so much here lately about our being 100% responsible for everything we see, so I thought this would be a good time to bring this back to my own attention, and also share it again with everybody. Our @Stingray had already posted it once before here, but it was a few years ago, and I felt like it deserved another posting. Love, Grace :) I couldn't seem to make the block quote thingie to work right. Operator error, no doubt. :) If anyone a bit more talented in that direction would like to do that for me, I'd be much obliged. ;)
(16 Dec '12, 00:05)
@Grace I love this story too. And Ho oponopono is a great tool that i use myself in difficult situations.
(16 Dec '12, 00:19)
I am recently surrounded by people who are not in harmony the peaceful world I was/want to be always in. And I thought something like: ‘healing the part of me that created them' this story is so right
(16 Dec '12, 09:07)
"'I was simply healing the part of me that created them,' " Yay! I can see this working. Up points for @Grace !
(16 Dec '12, 09:37)
Dollar Bill
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I learned to give from my parents. One thing that can help is to teach children to help or give without losing themself in the process. To give with joy and love and not worry about the outcome or feeling like they are "owed" back. Teaching them that by nature they will reap abundance and wellbeing when they believe and stay in that vibration. My parents taught me a lot. The things they could not teach me are the things they didn't know for themself-of course. I feel they did get it for themselves afte I was long gone from living at home. I bless them. @clearheart - when you give, give! Some people give with the idea that the person they gave to will respond in kind. I knew people who felt it was a good idea to put out "seed money", and that the Universe would then bless them with bounty. When this did not happen, they were bitter. They were giving solely from the belief that they would get a great reward given back to them at some future time. Sad.
(16 Dec '12, 09:34)
Dollar Bill
You can do volunteer work in other countries, or donate money or your old stuff to charities. There are many ways in which you can help other people who are struggling and less fortunate than you. But unfortunately, I do not think anyone will have the ability to help the whole world, because it is also a mutual thing. If the other person is not willing to accept your help, no matter how powerful or skilful you are at being able to help others, it will still be futile. @kakaboo nothing is futile or meaningless. as long as their is light in this world the world will live. when this world will be in total darkness this world will die. by your free will you can choose. make your choice wisely.
(15 Dec '12, 21:24)
white tiger
i agree with white tiger....nothing is too small or wrong. even when i have shared with someone who later became a problem to me it helped them....and it helped me to figure out that i wasn't supposed to stay and babysit, simply pass on the msg.
(16 Dec '12, 04:23)
I also agree with you kakaboo, and I too give to charities ,donate tons of stuff and give to the food bank. or any org. that strikes me at the moment, pets,kids,homeless, churches...I totally trust that is helping someone feel good and maybe from there they will raise their vibrations and pass it on....the helpers and the helped.
(16 Dec '12, 04:25)
@kakaboo - I have donated money and found that some of the organizations kept the majority of the money to fund their dysfunctional, bureacratic organizations. I like the Rotary Club. Every worker is non-paid and self-supporting. If a member wants to go to India and help people there, they pay their own way and support themselves while there. 100% of the donations go to the cause, and the Rotary Members are there, working with the people to help them!
(16 Dec '12, 09:45)
Dollar Bill
Rotary Club has jst about stamped out polio, worldwide. Members had to work very hard in some areas where the local population thought that the vaccine would sterilize their children. This was a widespread belief that was defused by the care and concern of Rotary Members personal attention. We raised over $650 million dollars in our campaign against polio. We older people remember polio, it was terrifying, but it is no longer a common word or a common disease.
(16 Dec '12, 09:51)
Dollar Bill
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by getting them to know them self. in understanding,truth and harmony. that is the first place to solve that division that is causing that duality in the world. since every thing comes from in us by our choice. and affect the outside world. you see the result in the world of that division. inequity,poverty,sickness,murder,theef,injustice,fight,hate,judging,blame.all coming from heart of stone,judging out of self rightenous,lack of understanding,truth and harmony. if you do not know your self how can you know other? and how can you live in understanding,harmony and truth? if you are rich help the poor,if not it just show how really poor you that case you all ready have your reward and you are the your neigboor as your self. if you want to make the world a better place take a look at your self and make that change. so let there be light,Be the light that you can be experience and enjoy. |

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I would think in most cases by meeting their basic physical needs, psychological issues and then by those with higher understanding becoming big brothers and big sisters. to be the light.
In my experience, when we try to help people who are not ready to take help, they think we're crazy... So I think it is always better to help people who ask for it..
The main point is living your life as an example..Try this, give something to a beggar in front of your friends..notice after few days your friends will do the same..
i won't impose my self righteous attitude on anyone. I won't "help" anyone unless they ask for it. I dont see how anybody can go around and say what's right for this world.
I agree very much with @mastermind2 and @CalonLan.
Give a little love