Hi All, I just read Cory's answer here and this quote stood out to me "As soon as you allow where you are to be all right, you will be able to get where you want to be much Faster." how do you do it when you feel guilty for taking decisions in the past which were responsible to bring you where you are - like you have no career a the moment, you dont know where you would end up, no relationships? I feel I would not be able to go forward until i fully understand and know how to make peace with my now. Really make peace I need help especially with this issue, most of my life i felt that my parents did not love me, but now when i look back i can remember all the times they were so loving and wonderful to me. I then feel guilty for having felt that they did not love me and also for the hurt this knowledge has brought them. I am unable to make peace with this? could you please help me with this like giving me an example how you yourselves would proceed with it if it were your issue? Thank you for the help |
I know this may be a little hard to comprehend in our human terminology of past, present, and future, but every decision you make comes from a brand new and fresh Right Now. There is no past and no future. You get a fresh start in each and every single moment. Our habitual and repetitive vibration of living in our heads instead of our feeling place produces the illusion of the past holding us back. Just think about a so called past event for a moment. When and where is that particular thought in existence? It is in existence right now. You are simply continuing to tune into that unique frequency (of the illusionary past event) and manifesting unwanted repercussions over and over and over again. When we take our now moment and loop it over and over again with frequencies from our "past events" we produce similar manifestations right now, that are essentially from stuff that is old news and doesn't need to ever be dug back up again. Accepting what is right now, is simply surrendering to any negative resistance that you hold within you. Once the grip on that resistance (or negative past event) is released, you will no longer attract a similar frequency that you don't prefer. Focusing on what you don't want just gives you more of what you don't want. Surrender the need and obligation of feeling like you have to focus on things that you really don't want in your life.
Energy flows where your focus goes. Focus on the good things in your life. Think about how much your parents loved you and let go of the rest. Release the heavy burden of guilt and the things that you do not prefer. You don't need them anymore. Start creating your life right now in this moment and focus on what makes you feel good. You are literally...Literally a new person in every single moment. Focus, think about, ponder, visualize, feel, contemplate all the things you want to exist in your reality now, now, now. Have fun with it. Make believe like when you were a child. Look at yourself in the mirror everyday and say "I accept myself for who I am and I live in the present moment at all times." Do anything you can to live for the now, because the now is all there really is. Everything is just either visible or non-visible on different vibrational frequencies. The past is happening now. You can never ever think of the past in the past. You can only think of it and anything else right now. Just decide you want something new in life and...Make peace with where you are. Abraham Hicks - Accepting What Is and Making The Best of It EDIT ADDED 1/6/2013 This in in response to @dreamersmiles question about how to surrender. Here are a few links could be helpful in answering your question that have already been discussed. 1
I have that "to do list" from the video as a wallpaper on my pc http://goo.gl/H4AlD great answer and so true @Cory
(06 Jan '13, 04:02)
strange would you not say since career and relationship is teach in our world as something you build in your life and that is suppose to stay with you for the rest of your life. that would mean that those things are false teaching in this world. since nothing in this world everlast and is sure to beguin with. this world is in ever flux mutating according to our individual and collective free will.
(06 Jan '13, 07:45)
white tiger
@Cory, thank you so much for the answer. I would come to it again and again to fully grasp the depth inherent in this answer. 'Accepting what is right now, is simply surrendering to any negative resistance that you hold within you' - how do you surrender?
(06 Jan '13, 12:42)
@Cory Can I think myself back into my teens? If not, then the past really does hold us back. If yes, how?
(06 Jan '13, 12:48)
@ursixx Nice wallpaper to have:) @white tiger "since nothing in this world ever lasts and is sure to begin with. this world is in ever flux mutating according to our individual and collective free will." Well said WT. @dreamersmiles You are most welcome. I'll edit my answer in response to your question about surrender.
(06 Jan '13, 15:56)
@flowsurfer If you choose to have the past hold your back in life then that is a worthy a choice as any. This life is about experience and growth, not about right or wrong. Our individual belief systems manifest what is and isn't holding us back. All choices in this human experience are valid. It just comes down to what life your prefer to lead. The you in your teens is old news. But, if the teen years were good memories for you, then you can remember the feeling that flowed through you...
(06 Jan '13, 16:01)
@flowsurfer ... and use that same good feeling in this timing right now. Everything is about now since now is all there is. When the tomorrow of today comes it is only and ever will be now. Tell yourself a new story of who and what you are. There are people in this world who look 20, 30, and 40 years younger than their human age actually is. They accomplish this with the power of their thoughts and feelings in the now moment. You can as well. Or you could choose the heavy burden of the past.
(06 Jan '13, 16:05)
@flowsurfer "You are just playing word games @Cory. Am I literally a new person every single moment or not?" You sure are a new person every single moment. You will also find evidence in the new you at every single moment depending on where your vibration resides and the things that you don't resonate with will
(06 Jan '13, 16:19)
@flowsurfer ... just sound like Blah Blah Blah. I wish you luck in achieving what it is you are desiring to have in life:) My last two comments were directed at a comment that must have been deleted.
(06 Jan '13, 16:20)
@cory yousaid:This life is about experience and growth, not about right or wrong. yet right or wrong play is part like anny pieces of a puzzle when it is wrong it is because it is not put or apply or relate in the right place,then it is not in truth with the rest of the picture.
(06 Jan '13, 18:56)
white tiger
@Cory, so if i find a way to take out bad feelings from the memories and my current circumstances - though going general or focus blocks or positive aspects would it equate to making peace with what is, is this the surrender?
(07 Jan '13, 13:59)
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be aware accept the truth for what it is.remove those division that bring disharmony in you,inside and outside. be righteous with wisdom knowledge and truth,you are growing and are seing what you did not see before,if you have sin and did stuff that you regret, repent and do what is right for your self and other.only when this will be done will you find back the inner peace that you are lacking right now. so let there be light,Be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy. white tiger, yes, we make our own 'sattva' by how our 'ragas'and 'tamas' is kept in balance
(06 Jan '13, 06:30)
so. who cares? in order for one to experience sympathy there needs to be apathy in the world. children starve everyday to enable others sympathy. you make decisions that you later regret to experience regret. it is only when you measure one as unequal to one that you form a paradox of feeling. |

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