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I finished the book, here are my notes, great stuff:


Chapter 1: Viewing Intention from a New Perspective

  1. Whenever feeling any type of “low energy”, visualize the trolley strap hanging down from the field of intention 3 feet above your head. Imagine floating up and allowing the trolley strap to carry you to your built-in intention.
  2. Say “intention” or “intent” when you are in a state of anxiety.
  3. Say to yourself “I’m here on purpose; I can accomplish anything I desire”.
  4. Act as if anything you desire is already here.

Chapter 2: The Seven Faces of Intention

  1. Visualize the power of intention
  2. Be like a mirror, don’t grab onto things or people, and don’t judge either.
  3. Expect beauty.
  4. Meditate on appreciation of the life force in you.
  5. Banish doubt. Don’t doubt your ability to create the life you intended.

Chapter 3: Connecting to Intention

  1. To realize your desires, match them with your inner speech. Your inner speech mirrors your imagination. Your imagination is linked to spirit.
  2. Think from the end. Feel everything as you already have it.
  3. Practice unbending intent.
  4. Memorize the seven faces of intention.
  5. Always keep the thought of Gods abundance in mind.

Chapter 4: Obstacles to Connecting to Intention

  1. Monitor your inner dialog. Stop the what is missing crap. Instead change your inner dialog and thinking to I intend to attract….
  2. Reject thoughts that don’t allow you to match up to intention. Lighten moments of doubt and depression.
  3. Be aware of low energy, and resolve to bring high energy. –(Thoughts)
  4. Talk to your ego; tell it has no control over you today.
  5. View obstacles as a way to stay connected to intention.

    Chapter 5: Your Impact on Others when Connected to Intention

  6. Become aware of the importance of making all of your relationships divine. Want for other people what you want for yourself, and let them know it.

  7. When a question of morality arises concerning how you should act towards others, simply ask yourself, what would the Messiah do?
  8. Keep track of the judgments you direct toward yourself and others. Only send out thoughts of compassion, helping you manifest your own individual intention. IT’S THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.
  9. Whenever others want, want it for them so strongly that you disperse this energy outward and act from this level of spiritual consciousness.
  10. By simply thinking and feeling in harmony with the power of intention, you cancel out the negativity of a minimum of 90,000 people if not millions.

Chapter 6: Intention and Infinity

  1. Say, “I’m no longer identified by this body/mind, and I reject this label from this moment on. I’m infinite. I’m one with all of humanity. I’m one with my source, and this is how I choose to view myself from this day forward.
  2. I will exist for all eternity. Just as love is eternal, so is this my true nature. I’ll never be afraid (a WUSSY) again, because I am forever. This aligns you to the active side of infinity.
  3. You are an infinite spiritual being having a temporary human experience = LOVE You are not a human having occasional spiritual experiences = FEAR
  4. Whenever feeling lower depressing/anxious/fearfull energies, stop for a moment and think if it makes sense from the perspective of the active side of infinity.
  5. Take a few moments to reflect on the people you were close to and loved who have crossed over, be aware of their presence.

Chapter 7: It is my Intention to: Respect Myself at All Times

  1. Look into the mirror and say “I love me” to maintain self-respect.
  2. Repeat over and over again, “I am whole and perfect as I was created.”
  3. Extend more respect for others and to all life.
  4. Affirm to yourself and all others that you meet that “you belong!”
  5. Remind yourself that you are never alone.
  6. Respect your body.
  7. Meditate to stay in conscious contact with your source, which always respects you.
  8. Always remember the self in self respect. You can’t recognize others opinions of you as facts.
  9. Be in a state of gratitude. It’s the same as being in a state of self respect.

Chapter 8: It is my Intention to: Live my Life on Purpose

  1. Affirm that in an intelligent system, no one shows up by accident, including you.
  2. Seize every opportunity, no matter how small, to give your life away in service.
  3. Align your purpose with the field of intention.
  4. Ignore what anyone else tells you about your purpose.
  5. Remember that the all creating field of intention will work on your behalf.
  6. Study and replicate the lives of people who’ve known their purpose.
  7. Act as if you’re living the life you were intended to live, even if you feel confused about this purpose.
  8. Meditate to stay on purpose.
  9. Keep your thoughts and feelings in harmony with your actions.
  10. Stay in a state of gratitude.

Chapter 9: It is my Intention to: Be Authentic and Peaceful with All My Relatives

  1. Identify your intention verbally and in writing, and develop a deep yearning for it. Pray for the miracle of the inner awakening which will never leave you no matter where you are or who you are with. Don’t pray to God for a miracle right now in a certain situation.
  2. Intent for all your relatives, what you intend for yourself.
  3. Be the peace you’re seeking from others. Say hi to your fear, anxiety, depression, and other low energies, and they will slowly vanish.
  4. Match up with the 7 faces of intention. Your intention to be in peaceful relationships is now talking form- first in your mind, then in your heart, and ultimately it will materialize.
  5. Review all the obstacles that have been erected on your path to family peace. Remind yourself that when you think about what you resent, you act upon what you think about, while simultaneously attracting more of it.
  6. Act as if you see the light in others, and treat them as if that’s all you see.
  7. Detach from the outcome. Don’t try to change others. Letting go and letting God.
  8. Affirm: I attract only peace into my life.
  9. Hold no grudges, and practice forgiveness.
  10. Be in a state of gratitude.

Chapter 10: It is my Intention to: Feel Successful and Attract Abundance into My Life

  1. See the world as an abundant, providing, friendly place.
  2. Affirm: “I attract success and abundance into my life because that is who I am.”
  3. Stay in a sate of allowing. In an attitude of allowing, all resistance in the form of thoughts of negativity or doubt are replaced with simply knowing that you and your source are one and the same.
  4. Use your present moments to activate thoughts that are in harmony with the seven faces of intention. Say, “I want to feel good.” Remember, Good=God.
  5. Initiate actions that support your feelings of abundance and success.
  6. Remember that your prosperity and success will benefit others, and that no one lacks abundance because you’ve opted for it.
  7. Monitor your emotions as a guidance system for your connection to the universal mind of intention.
  8. Become as generous to the world with your abundance as the field of intention is to you.
  9. Devote the necessary time to meditate on the spirit within as the source of your success and abundance.
  10. Develop an attitude of gratitude for all that manifests into your life.

Chapter 11: It is my Intention to: Live a Stress-Free, Tranquil Life

  1. Remember that your natural state is joy. Say, “I come from peace and joy. I must stay in harmony with that from which I came in order to fulfill my dreams and desires.”
  2. Your thoughts, not the world, cause your stress. The negative thoughts keep you from manifesting your desires.
  3. You can change your thoughts of stress in any given moment, and eliminate the anxiety for the next few moments, or even hours or days.
  4. Monitor your stressful thoughts by checking on your emotional state right in the moment. “Do I feel good right now?” If no, then say, “I want to feel good.” Then, “I intend to feel good.”
  5. Make a conscious choice to select a thought that will activate good feelings.
  6. Spend time observing babies and vow to emulate their joy.
  7. Keep rule #6 in mind, “Don’t take yourself too seriously.”
  8. Accept the guidance of your source of Intention.
  9. Practice being in silence and meditation.
  10. Stay in a state of gratitude and awe.

Chapter 12: It is my Intention to: Attract Ideal People and Divine Relationships

  1. Move away from hoping, wishing, praying, and begging for the right person or people to show up in your life.
  2. Conceptualize your invisible connection to the people you’d like to attract to your life.
  3. Form a picture in your mind of meeting the person you’d like to have assist you or be in partnership with you.
  4. Act upon the inner picture.
  5. Take the path of least resistance.
  6. Practice being that kind of person you want to attract.
  7. Detach from the outcome, and practice infinite patience. Create a knowing within. Don’t let your ego evaluate the success of intention.
  8. Practice meditation, particularly the Japa meditation, to attract ideal people and divine relationships.
  9. Look upon everyone who has ever played any role in your life as having been sent to you for your benefit.
  10. As always, remain in a state of eternal gratitude.

Chapter 13: It is my Intention to: Optimize My Capacity to Heal and be Healed

  1. You can’t heal anyone until you allow yourself to be healed.
  2. The healing energy that your are connected to at all times is what you have to give away to others.
  3. By raising your energy to a vibrational match with the field of intention, you’re strengthening your immune system and increasing the production of well-being enzymes in the brain.
  4. Practice surrender! Let go and let God.
  5. Don’t ask to be healed; ask to be restored to that perfection from which you emanated.
  6. Know that you are adored.
  7. Seek out and cherish the silence.
  8. To be healthy, you must totally identify with the wholeness that you are.
  9. Allow health to stream into your life.
  10. Stay immersed in a state of gratitude.

Chapter 14: It is my Intention to: Appreciate and Express the Genius That I Am

  1. Declare yourself to be a genius! This should be between you and your creator.
  2. Make a decision to listen more carefully to your inner insight, no matter how small or insignificant you may have previously judged them to be.
  3. Take constructive action towards implementing your inner intuitive inclinations.
  4. Know that any and all thoughts that you have regarding your own skills, interests, and inclinations are valid.
  5. Remind yourself that aligning with spiritual energy is how you will find and convey the genius within you. Be an appreciator of life, and refuse to have thoughts of hatred, anxiety, anger, and judgment. Trust yourself as a piece of God and genius will flourish.
  6. Practice radical humility. Give credit everywhere but to your ego.
  7. Remove resistance to actualize your genius.
  8. Look for genius in others.
  9. Simplify your life.
  10. Remain humble while staying in a state of gratitude. Gratitude is a sacred space where you allow and know that a force greater than your ego is always at work and always available.

asked 28 Jul '10, 23:23

Back2Basics's gravatar image


edited 19 Sep '12, 12:27

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

The audio book is great too.Nice to hear Wanye's narative.

(29 Jul '10, 05:32) ursixx

Great info, thanks for sharing!

(29 Jul '10, 13:04) BridgetJones09

Thank you. I read 'you'll see it when you believe it,' by Wayne. He know's his stuff...

(29 Jul '10, 16:10) Eddie

Thank you for sharing!

(18 Sep '10, 14:35) daniele

Thanks for sharing:)

(19 Sep '10, 00:53) Michaela

I like this. I felt like it deserved a "bump" today. :)

(19 Dec '12, 00:17) Grace

@Back2Basics This is great - thank you for your work on this. I heard somewhere that INTENTION is about 85% of manifestation (9DPC I think) @Grace Thanks so much.

(19 Dec '12, 04:20) Catherine

@Grace "Do the Bump"

(19 Dec '12, 04:51) ursixx

@Back2Basics- Thankyou very much for sharing this. What a delight and surprise to discover of Dr Wayne: he really does seem like a humble God.

(22 Dec '12, 06:12) Nikulas

I love Wayne's "Feel Good , Feel God" great way to remember :-)

(22 Dec '12, 06:21) Starlight
showing 1 of 10 show 9 more comments

This is by far the greatest piece of advice that I have ever found in a fairly short artical.If anyone is serious about lifting themselves out of the mire of mediocraty they could not possably find a better plan,but it like any other plan is only as good and powerful as you allow it to be,and the only way to do that is to follow the advice and put it to the test by applying the wisdom found within to every daily experience,the good, the bad and the ugly,but especialy the bad and the ugly for that is the area that needs improvement.It is my intention to never let one day go by without reading this article until every word of it is firmly implanted in my subconcious mind where it can create miracles I CHOOSE to do this because I firmly believe that this wisdom when properly applied can produce miracles, if I dare say so. Well,I guess by now that you have come to the conclusion that I am impressed.If so, you are correct.To those of you who find every day to be a grind,a challange,a seres of obsticles to overcome,my advice to you is to read and reread this over and over with an open mind BELIEVING it will have a benificial effect you will discover it not only can,but it has and then you will find yourself in a state of joy and happiness that you never dreamed possable.That is my intention.Let it be yours.Hold in your mind that You are just as important as anyone else in the world,you are just as deserveing as anyone else in the world.I AM and so are YOU.I will never know you,we will never meet, but I promise to always love you as my sister or brother.God bless,protect,and guide you.You deserve no less. Your unknown friend. Don V

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answered 17 Sep '10, 05:13

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Don V

@Don V: It really is great wisdom. I think you have inspired me to re-read my own post more often! I am so glad this post will help you and any one who reads it. Thank you.

(18 Sep '10, 22:26) Back2Basics

Wayne Dyer is one of my favorite authors, he is very inspirational. I love his Books the Power of Intention, and You’ll See It When You Believe It. Thank you for sharing your read with us!

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answered 18 Sep '10, 06:17

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Inactive User ♦♦

@Vee: No problem!

(18 Sep '10, 22:23) Back2Basics
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