I used to be miserable every day. Complained, gossiped, you name it. My life was going nowhere until I discovered The Secret and read every other book about LOA I could get my hands on. I did a complete turnaround. It was crazy. Almost immediately I started to manifest things, situations, and people. So much so that it was scary to me. As I got more in the feel good flow on a regular basis, things seemed to slow down. I don't manifest as much, and I don't see as many signs as I used to. Things do happen, just not as often. I have no clue why this is. I have my days where I feel not so good. I start to think alot about things from the past. It gets to the point where I'll cry for a couple of hours. Sometimes the feeling will last for a couple of days. However, I do notice that when I snap out of the bad feeling, things start to pour back...by things I mean manifesting, and just signs everywhere. Does having a minor meltdown then coming out of it give a boost to the process somehow?? I have wondered this for quite some time..
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That's a good sign, not a bad sign :) When you are up to speed with how your life is flowing, you just don't notice you are up to speed...everything just flows steadily. See Abraham's 'Getting Into The Vortex' - is it working?
If you've understood the first point above, you'll now understand why you start to feel things "pour back" again. Things are actually always "pouring" into your life when you are aligned but you just don't get the thrill of the "pouring", it just feels normal. And because you are not getting a flood of things at once (you get them steadily as you are ready for them), it can seem like everything has stopped - but it hasn't. If you get out of sync with yourself again (so you stop getting your "stuff" for a while), let it all build up, and then get back in sync again, you'll feel that "pouring" effect again...Abraham calls it the "thrill of realignment"...it's a great cure for boredom with your manifesting :)
Yes, it does. Because it reminds you just how much stuff is always going well for you that you don't normally notice. It's the same principle as food tasting better when you are hungry, appreciating a relationship more after you've had a period of loneliness, being grateful for your health after you've been ill. I'm sure you get the idea. I think we often deliberately give ourselves a period of rain in order to more keenly appreciate the subsequent sunshine :) So relax. You are doing nothing wrong :) In essence, there are primarily two ways to live your life:
Neither approach is right or wrong. But doing either for too long can get boring so you'll probably find yourself switching on a regular basis. For a satisfying life, Abraham recommend a ratio of about 90% alignment to 10% getting out of alignment (and stirring up desires). Addressing the broader point of your question as to why things come easier after a breakdown, it's just that after the breakdown people give up. But when they give up, they are not giving up their desires (because that's not possible once they've been launched), they are just giving up their resistance to their desires...so those desires then come rushing in...fast...like an elastic band being suddenly released Of course, they could quite easily give up at any point before the breakdown but many people are stubbornly determined to justify (to themselves and others) why they are where they are. It's like they have a point to prove. They want the "I've-had-it-harder-than-you" trophy :) And that vibration of justification holds them locked-in to where they currently are until they finally have the breakdown which releases everything. If you want to observe how powerfully resistant the behavior of justifying is, take a look at the writings of any of the justifiers on IQ - it's not hard to spot them :) - and look at how "locked into" their current resistance their stubborn justifications are keeping them. I've never really understood this strange game of continually proving to others how bad your life is, and has been, but I guess these people must get something out of it...unfortunately, it won't be the physical "stuff" they are after until they let go :) @Stingray- I feel as if there is a subject in life I cannot seem to ever be able to "give up" on....It's actually a concern of mine, because I think it will lead me to (Abrahams view on the cause of) death at a very young age. I may ask a proper question on the site, but observationally I feel my resistance will kill me at some point. Any guidance?
(10 Feb '13, 06:59)
@Nikulas - Unless someone figures out a way to change how the Universe works, I can only give you the same answer as I've always given you....take your attention off the subject and find other things in your life to feel good about. If you can't forget the subject, find a way to feel better about it and then keep yourself in a good feeling place on this subject, or others. You only want what you want to feel better anyway so choosing to feel better now gets you your ultimate goal straightaway :)
(10 Feb '13, 09:00)
My greatest enlightenments came when I was at my worst moments. When I was so sick or depressed that I got angry and said, "I have had it! That is it, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!" Then at that point it is like, "Boom!", a big light flips on! I get a thought of how to instantly get rid of what I am going through and use it then it is gone. Many times we need to hit bottom so hard the only choice we have is up. |
I notice that occassionally I feel sad because I start to doubt this path, no matter how often everything turns out well. I can see how my darker down times do lead to some wonderful manifestations. |
I will say this when you face your darkest moment 3 things can happen. First thing:you drop lower. Second thing: you stay at the same level. Third thing you:Make the choice to get back up,and you seek the way. Usely when you are at the third thing the darknight of the soul you will use that negativity and turn it in positivity it will be the resolve you need to follow the way out of there.Usely you have some positive and some negative energy fighting against each other keeping you around the same place. But when you use positive and negative together in balence you have alot more energy to go somewhere.I could say that often negativity is what you will do with it.Since you have free will. it can become opportunity to solve a problem to learn and find a solution. this video talk also about that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDDqCgV9jWo Well i got to run. So let there be light,Be the light that you can be,experience and enjoy. |

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Without fear, there can be no courage.Love and Light.